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Beasts Of No Nation

Beasts Of No Nation
26/10/2020 - 21:11
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Maria Moita

Maria Moita
from Astrud Gilberto's album Look to the Rainbow [1966]

Lyrics by Norman_Gimbel

Maria Quiet
envoyé par giorgio 26/10/2020 - 10:05


--> Lyrics translate

Björn Afzelius write the following about his very personal song:

"Om man som pojke inte får kärlek av sin mor, blir man som man ofta en konsument av kvinnor"
( "If, as a boy, one doesn't receive love from his mother, he often becomes a user of women")

Thanks to Maria Strand for her help in editing this translation.
21/10/2020 - 20:37

Landet bortom bergen

Landet bortom bergen
Ceil Ann Herman from Lyrics Translate

This hopeful song fully pictures a utopia which neither Björn Afzelius, nor we in our current world, have been able to see. The video has a wonderful slide show with photos of Björn. Many thanks to Maria Strand for her help in editing this translation.
17/10/2020 - 23:54

Italia una parola aperta

Italia una parola aperta
mi sono permessa di inserire la mia traduzione in lingua inglese di questo bellissimo testo e della meravigliosa interpretazione della grande Antonella Ruggero.
7/10/2020 - 11:06
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5/10/2020 - 20:10

Love Will Remain

Love Will Remain
Parole e musica di Bill Fay
Nell'album "Countless Branches"
Love will remain
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 4/10/2020 - 18:03
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All Our Roses

All Our Roses
Lyrics & music by Doris Folkens

“My mother was a young child living in Hamburg during WW2. The city of Hamburg was virtually destroyed during three consecutive nights of air raids in July 1943.

My mom has a vivid memory ingrained in her mind - the roses in her yard were blooming red when her family entered their basement bunker. When they exited after the raids, the roses were literally black from ash.

This song was written to remind us of the devastating and widespread consequences of war, even for generations down the line. In the end, everyone suffers loss. Nobody wins a war”.

• Vocals and guitar: Doris Folkens
• Mandolin and Mandocello: Andrew Collins
• Engineered, Produced, Mixed and Mastered by Andrew Collins, Sytesounds, Toronto.
Summer was green,
envoyé par giorgio 4/10/2020 - 10:15

Freedom Fries

Freedom Fries
Album: Mighty ReArranger

Il titolo si riferisce al nuovo nome dato alle French Fries negli Stati Uniti quando la Francia ebbe l'idea di opporsi formalmente all'invasione dell'Iraq.
The father, son and the three wise men
3/10/2020 - 15:20

Another Tribe

Another Tribe
Mighty ReArranger
Another tribe.another brother
3/10/2020 - 15:16

Cry No More

Due strofe aggiuntive nella versione 2020 (trascritte all'ascolto, spero correttamente)
Cry No More
Two additional verses from 2020 version (transcription to be confirmed)

When I wrote "Cry No More" back in 2015 after a white supremacist committed mass murder at a South Carolina church, I had no idea that in 5 short years America would look like it does right now. This song still felt almost unbelievably current and after I added a couple of verses I reached out to my Omar collaborator Michael Abels for a new version for 2020, and I am speechless at the number of incredible artists who leant their light to this project - from the Met Opera Chorus
to various members of the Sphinx Organization , to the Nashville Ballet and the folks behind the scenes who brought the sound and the vision together - now more than ever Art needs to lead the way to a better place - it's only over if we give up.

“...the world is all messed up.
The nation is sick. Trouble is in the land;
confusion all around... But I know, somehow,
that only when it is dark enough
can you see the stars.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr."
It's not enough to mourn
2/10/2020 - 17:49
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Ho visto anche degli zingari felici

Ho visto anche degli zingari felici
Riccardo Venturi, 30-9- / 1-10 2020
I Also Saw Happy Gypsies
1/10/2020 - 06:46

Do or Die

Do or Die

Pur non condividendo particolarmente l'"appello al voto utile" contenuto in questa canzone, ne apprezziamo il messaggio contro il criminale mitomane di nome Donald Trump e contro le violenze poliziesche nei confronti della comunità nera e non solo.

Un bentornato alla bravissima Ani DiFranco che a 50 anni appena compiuti (come passa il tempo!) ha il coraggio di rasarsi i capelli a zero e continuare a lottare !!

unprecedented numbers of americans have poured into the streets for months now, in the midst of a pandemic, to demand a reckoning with white supremacy once and for all. Black Lives Matter and it is time for americans to stand up now. heed the lesson of the 2016 election: this is not a shoe-in. in november, we will need to vote in such massive numbers as to overwhelm massive corruption. not only must we vote out [#votethemout], we must vote in enough people to pass the breathe... (continuer)
Do you ever just want to give up?
30/9/2020 - 22:40

The Problem

The Problem
con il marito Jason Isbell

Una toccante canzone sul dialogo di una coppia sulla decisione di abortire. I proventi della canzone saranno devoluti all'associazione Yellowhammer Fund che sostiene il diritto alla scelta delle donne.

Abbiamo indicato in corsivo le parti cantate da Amanda, in grassetto quelle cantate insieme
Remember Katie White?
29/9/2020 - 22:32

Devils and Angels (Hatred)

Devils and Angels (Hatred)
Album: Unfollow the Rules

Una canzone secondo me bellissima sull'odio che può portare alle conseguenze più nefaste ma anche essere motore di rivolta e cambiamento.

I read you said that the lyrics on this album are your favorite lyrics you've written, which is pretty impressive after writing all of these albums and two operas. The next song that we're going to hear you perform is "Devils & Angels (Hatred)" — pretty provocative title. Is there anything lyrically you would like people to listen for in this song?

It's a song that I wrote years ago when I was faced with a very difficult human situation, something that we all go through. Whether it's going to court, whether it's being sick, whether it's dealing with death of a parent, as people we're faced with these fundamental moments where we have to really suit up for battle and win the fight. I wrote that song at that time,... (continuer)
Hatred on the horizon
envoyé par Lorenzo 28/9/2020 - 22:53

Fallin' Rain

Fallin' Rain

Recentemente ripresa in una bellissima versione da Karl Blau in Introducing Karl Blau del 2015
I hear the sound, it's goin' through my brain
27/9/2020 - 14:47

The M.S.T.

The M.S.T.
Lyrics & music by C. Michael Stout
Album: Americana Dreams

Noted activist, Noam Chomsky, calls the MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra) the world's most important social movement. Southern Brazil's rural workers are striving to improve the economic plight of the dispossessed and poor..
There's a movement in the south of Brazil called the MST;
envoyé par giorgio 22/9/2020 - 09:27

Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill
Nell'album "Dirty"

Nel 1981 a Chapel Hill, nei paraggi dell'Università del Michigan, venne fondata la libreria "Internationalist Books". Il progetto intendeva fornire un luogo d'incontro, di confronto e di controinformazione per tutti coloro che credevano "that we have no country: we do not support mindless patriotic pleas for 'national unity,' nor are we interested in keeping America number one. We support the unity and liberation of oppressed people worldwide and are working toward the day when all oppression and inequality will be removed from the earth." (it.wikipedia). Questo era, nelle sue parole, il pensiero del fondatore dell'"Internationalist Books", Bob Sheldon.

Per tenere in piedi il suo progetto, Bob Sheldon fece per anni i lavori più disparati, poi riuscì a dedicarvisi per intero. A metà degli anni 80 l'"Internationalist Books" fu il motore della campagna contro il... (continuer)
Back in the days when the battles raged
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 20/9/2020 - 19:03
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The Immigration Song (Tear Down the Walls)

The Immigration Song (Tear Down the Walls)
Lyrics by Mike Stout
Music: sung in part to the tune of "Universal Soldier by Buffy Sainte-Marie

Mike Stout

Mike Stout performed his song "Immigration Song - Tear Down the Walls" on May 4, 2019 at the Pumphouse, Munhall, PA. Mike wrote the lyrics and text for this immigration song and performed it as part of the Battle of Homestead 2019 event series. The event titled: Family Separation at the Border: Its Impact on Pittsburgh, a 'Welcoming City' included Monica Ruiz and Guillermo Perez, Pittsburgh activists supporting immigrants in Pittsburg. They spoke about the programs available for immigrants in Pittsburgh.
Caravans of migrants, in nomadic chains,
envoyé par giorgio 20/9/2020 - 09:37

Racist Country

Racist Country
Lyrics & music by Lee Shapiro

“A Country-Rock tune about the 2016 presidential race, and general racism in America.
This song isn't based on any single individual, but rather a combination of news articles and various postings I've read on Facebook, from both friends and strangers”.
I had a friend, I used to know
envoyé par giorgio 17/9/2020 - 09:15


Scritta da George Peters II, Nate “Rocket” Wonder & Janelle Monáe
dalla colonna sonora di All In: The Fight for Democracy, il nuovo documentario di Liz Garbus e Lisa Cortés che racconta la storia della soppressione dei diritti degli elettori delle comunità di colore negli Stati Uniti.

“Turn the tables” è un'espressione inglese che significa prendersi la rivincita, ribaltare la situazione, cominciare una rivoluzione. Come cantava Tracy Chapman, "finally the tables are starting to turn". Ma turntable è anche il piatto del giradischi, su cui suona una base vintage che riporta all'epoca d'oro della musica nera negli anni '70.

«Che rivoluzione sarebbe senza una canzone? Ho iniziato a pensare a chi era in prima linea. Che regalo potrei fare loro? Eccolo il regalo, una canzone che ricordi che i tempi stanno cambiando. Che stiamo facendo progressi, anche mentre affrontiamo eventi... (continuer)
The table 'bout to turn
16/9/2020 - 22:41
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Peace Wins the Election

Peace Wins the Election
Songwriters: Maria Daines & Paul Killington
Album: Come On Over [2018]

“This song was inspired by the Greg Allen Interview discussing the Earth’s need for renewable energy.
I guess when you really start thinking about the world it’s like ripples on a pond and war and destruction of any kind goes hand in hand with ripping up rainforests to make more junk mail.

Pro peace, pro planet, pro humanity song, or wishful thinking...”
I’m holdin’ the post
envoyé par giorgio 16/9/2020 - 09:00

That's My Home

That's My Home

Dear Mr. President,

I am having a hard time.
Have I misunderstood something?
I thought it was your job to care for all of the people that call this country their home.
This is our home.
This is serious.
I take this seriously.

This is my home.
This is his home.
This is her home.
This is their home.
This is our home.
No matter where we were born.
No matter how long we’ve been here.
No matter what language we speak.
No matter what body we were born into.
No matter how we live or who we love.
No matter what it says at the bottom of the bank statement.
No matter what political party we affiliate with.
This is our home.

And I thought it was your job to take care of ALL of us.

I thought it was your job to continue to repair the hate and violence of our history and lift us up into a better future, a stronger country, an intelligent country.

You are not leading. I was... (continuer)
Looking for a reason
14/9/2020 - 21:54
Parcours: Donald Trump
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Who Do They Think They Are?

Who Do They Think They Are?
Lyrics by Cynthia Cockburn
Music by Ros Brown

Cynthia Kay Cockburn, sociologist and peace activist, born 24 July 1934; died last year, 12 September 2019.
In 1993, she was key to establishing WiB in London and was instrumental in sustaining it over decades as an organiser and participant in weekly vigils at the statue of Edith Cavell in Trafalgar Square. Cynthia joined the street choir Raised Voices in 1994. The political choir Raised Voices was another important part of Cynthia’s local political engagement. As well as singing in the choir, she wrote the lyrics to several of the songs that have made up its repertoire.

Remembering Cynthia Cockburn (24th July 1934 – 12th September 2019) by Ann Oakley.

Academic, feminist, peace activist and Pluto author Cynthia Cockburn died on 12th September 2019, Ann Oakley remembers this ‘extraordinary person’.

Cynthia Cockburn, who died a... (continuer)
Who do they think they are...
envoyé par giorgio 13/9/2020 - 10:38

What in the World Is Happening Here?

What in the World Is Happening Here?

Molti riferimenti, a partire dal video ma anche nella struttura del testo a Subterranean Homesick Blues, in questa canzone che parla di tutto quello che succede nel mondo in questo 2020.
You're looking like a car wreck
13/9/2020 - 00:49

I Remember (It’s Happening Again)

I Remember (It’s Happening Again)
Album: Flying Upside Down
Well my grandpa fought in World War II, my uncle fought in Nam
12/9/2020 - 19:15

It’s a Fire

It’s a Fire
Amanda Palmer & Rhiannon Giddens - 2020
Cover di una canzone dei Portishead - 1994 (dall'album Dummy)

I can't breathe through this mask

Le due cantanti trasformano il pezzo dei Portishead in «un dialogo tra amiche chiuse in uno sgabuzzino che si fanno forza l’una con l’altra e sussurrano: usciremo di qui». È una canzone perfetta per questi strani giorni

C’è una canzone nascosta in Dummy, l’album d’esordio dei Portishead. Non è celebrata quanto i singoli Glory Box o Numb. Anzi, nelle prime stampe europee dell’album, nel 1994, non era nemmeno inclusa nella tracklist. Scritta principalmente dalla cantante Beth Gibbons, parlava di errori e sogni, paura e salvezza. Era suonata con un organo Hammond e aveva un beat stranamente sensuale per il tema del pezzo. Conteneva uno strano passaggio nel ritornello: “Questa vita è una farsa / non riesco a respirare con questa maschera / come una stupida... (continuer)
It's a fire
12/9/2020 - 00:11


11/9/2020 - 23:46

An Emigrant's Daughter

An Emigrant's Daughter
Testo di Barry Taylor
Sull'aria dell'antica ballata inglese "The Grenadier and the Lady"
Il testo racconta degli avi dell'autore, che nel 1842 emigrarono in Canada dalla Contea irlandese di Tyrone. La loro figlioletta, la più piccola di quattro bimbi, non sopravvisse alla traversata...
Trovo una bella versione in "Land of my Soul", un album di un gruppo italiano, i "Túatha Dé Danann" (dal nome di un popolo preistorico leggendario che si racconta abbia colonizzato l'Irlanda prima dei Gaeli...)
Oh please ne'er forget me though waves now lie o'er me
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 11/9/2020 - 16:23

Irme kero Madre

Irme kero Madre
(Version #2)
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 11/9/2020 - 13:47

That’s the Way

That’s the Way
Nell'album "III"

Una splendida ballata scritta da Robert Plant e Jimmy Page durante un loro ritiro nel cottage di Bron-Yr-Aur, Galles, di proprietà della famiglia Plant.

Storia di un'amicizia tra ragazzi avversata e impedita dai pregiudizi degli adulti.
Il brano doveva inizialmente intitolarsi "The Boy Next Door", il ragazzo della porta accanto, quello coi capelli lunghi, quello strano, quello che vive nella parte più povera del paese, quello da cui bisogna stare alla larga... così dice mamma e così deve essere.
I don't know how I'm going to tell you
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 11/9/2020 - 11:31

Rest in Peace

Rest in Peace

Written by Peter Skellern to honor those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks, as well as those who passed away in WWI and WWII.
For all who need comfort, for all those who mourn
11/9/2020 - 09:56

Irme kero Madre

Irme kero Madre
envoyé par Riccardo Gullotta 11/9/2020 - 08:55

Feel It Still

Feel It Still

Singer and songwriter John Baldwin Gourley of Portugal. The Man said, "With all the talk right now, of building a wall at our borders, and the Berlin Wall, it was so much just like the image that you had in your head growing up that these people are separated by a wall, and why do we need that?" It becomes real unfortunate that we have these children being raised watching the separation between our country and other.
Can’t keep my hands to myself
10/9/2020 - 16:56

Good Vibes

Good Vibes
Peace of Mind
Good vibes
10/9/2020 - 16:42

Fire in the Sky

Fire in the Sky
Album: Grand National (2007)
Fire in the sky outta the blue and into the red depths
10/9/2020 - 16:32

Peace & Love

Peace & Love
Get busy there's a timeline
10/9/2020 - 15:52
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When This Lousy War Is Over

envoyé par giorgio 9/9/2020 - 09:25

The Kill

The Kill

Fugazi’s “The Kill” is about the use of military and militarized police in the United States, at home and abroad, and a commentary on its racialized nature, written for their 2001 album The Argument, the political content of which MacKaye described as an “anti-war manifesto”.

Un soldato non ha bisogno di essere un cittadino, deve solo sentirsi bene nell'uniforme, non pensare ed ottenere una laurea in annientamento.
Born into race and nation
8/9/2020 - 22:58


Album: The Argument

When asked about the meaning of the album's title by Guitar World in a 2001 interview, singer/guitarist Ian MacKaye described it (and the song title from which the album name comes), as "an anti-war manifesto."

MacKaye expanded upon this by stating, "A main point of the song is that I will not agree with war across the board. It also talks about a greater argument: that these giant airplanes are dropping tons of homicidal weaponry, blowing the shit out of everybody, and guys are running around with guns. And that is an argument of colossal scale."
The Argument - Wikipedia
When they start falling
8/9/2020 - 22:53
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The Two Towers

The Two Towers
Lyrics & music by Pat Lamanna
Album: Full Circle: Songs of Peace and Love by Pat Lamanna
I built a tower in my heart
envoyé par giorgio 8/9/2020 - 13:46
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Mean Things Happening in This Land

Mean Things Happening in This Land
envoyé par giorgio 8/9/2020 - 09:51
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Die Gedanken sind frei

Die Gedanken sind frei
Leon Rosselson's New version
A musical challenge to the antizionism = antisemitism lobby. Based on “Die Gedanken Sind Frei” as sung by Pete Seeger.

“Let’s not mince words. The Labour Party is now the witch-hunting party led by a Zionist puppet. What the Israel lobby tells him to do, he will do. What the Israel lobby tells him to say, he will say. Shouldn’t we worry that the leader of a major parliamentary party in this country is the creature of a foreign power? And not just any foreign power but a criminal state, a racist state, an apartheid state, a state with one of the worst human rights records in the world. The Labour Party has had some dodgy leaders in its time but surely never one so vapid as Sir Keir Starmer.

Rebecca Long-Bailey, Shadow Education Secretary, has been sacked from the Shadow Cabinet. Her sin was refusing to retract a tweet recommending an interview with the actor... (continuer)
envoyé par giorgio 8/9/2020 - 09:35
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The Exile

The Exile
Lyrics & music by Jack Warshaw
Album: Misfits Migrants and Murders

• Jack Warshaw, vocal and banjo;
• Ben Paley, fiddle;

“A somewhat personal reflection, and story of many thousands of my generation who were exiled for their opposition to the Vietnam War..”
Farewell to my friends, farewell to my family
envoyé par giorgio 8/9/2020 - 09:15

Hey, Hey, LBJ

Hey, Hey, LBJ

La title track dell'album del 1967 di Bill Frederick riprendeva il famoso slogan delle manifestazioni contro la guerra del Vietnam "Hey, hey LBJ! / How many kids did you kill today?" trasformandole in una vera e propria canzone. LBJ è ovviamente il presidente Lyndon Johnson.

Incredibile che ancora non l'avessimo inserita. La trascrizione è di lilyjamey da YouTube.
Johnson had a button nose,
7/9/2020 - 23:07

The Victors

The Victors

Una lunga serie di nomi di morti in guerra, non solo nel Vietnam e non solo soldati americani.
Private Alex Woodruff, U.S. Army
7/9/2020 - 22:28

Punaorvon vala tai Sotaorvon vala

Punaorvon vala <i>tai</i> Sotaorvon vala
katten (Akseli) (L. Trans.)

The Oath of a Red Orphan
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 6/9/2020 - 10:08

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