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Song Itinerary

Author The Offspring

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When You're in Prison

When You're in Prison
Splinter (2003)

A song giving advice on escaping prison rape.

The censored version of Splinter contains an instrumental version of the song, with a clarinet taking place of the vocals.

The song is played an an old 20th century LP. The quality and background noise is the same of that as an LP from the 50’s.

Dexter also sounds very different than normal, as this isn’t even a rock song, but an old 50’s ballad, in which Dexter sings with a soft voice.
When you're in prison, don't turn the other way
2022/12/27 - 20:07
Song Itineraries: From World Jails

Hassan Chop

Hassan Chop
HASSAN CHOP (Continues)
2022/12/7 - 14:21

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