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Author Muse

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You Make Me Feel Like It’s Halloween

You Make Me Feel Like It’s Halloween
Album: Will of the People

Solo in apparenza una canzone horror scanzonata sulla festa di Halloween, in realtà i Muse hanno spiegato che si riferisce alle vittime di violenza domestica durante il lockdown per il COVID.
2022/10/31 - 19:59

We Are Fucking Fucked

We Are Fucking Fucked
Album: Will of The People

Disastri naturali, terremoti, pandemia, una nuova guerra mondiale... siamo fottutamente fottuti. L'ultima canzone del nuovo album dei Muse chiude su una nota... di ottimismo...

If you’d asked me six months before, I would have been trying to get away from the old dystopian thing but then it unfolded in front of me. There’s a massive wildfire, there’s a pandemic, there’s riots on the streets, and my wife’s going into labour. Three of those things happened at exactly the same time. When you see all that going on, you think: “Hang on a minute, we’re all fucked.”

Matt Bellamy, The Guardian
(We play it together)
2022/8/30 - 23:35

MK Ultra

MK Ultra
Album: "The Resistance" (2009)
The wavelength gently grows
2022/8/27 - 19:16


Secondo singolo estratto dall'album di prossima pubblicazione "Will of the People"

Su un ritmo anni 80 i Muse ci parlano delle potenti organizzazioni che ci vorrebbero asserviti e aderenti alla loro visione del mondo, perdendo ogni spirito critico.

“Compliance” is about the promise of safety and reassurance sold to us by powerful entities during times of vulnerability. Gangs, governments, demagogues, social media algorithms and religions seduce us with misleading untruths and comforting fables. They want us to join their narrow worldview in exchange for obedience and turning a blind eye to our own internal voice of reason and compassion. They just need our Compliance.


“Compliance” parla della promessa di sicurezza e tranquillità vendutaci da entità potenti durante i momenti di vulnerabilità. Le gang criminali, i governi, i demagoghi, gli algoritmi dei social media e le religioni... (Continues)
2022/6/18 - 17:54

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