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Гимн Международного Союза Студентов

Гимн Международного Союза Студентов
Compositore: Vano Muradeli (ვანო მურადელი)
Testo: Lev Oshanin (ლევ ოშანინი)
Traduttori: Murman Lebaniże (მურმან ლებანიძე), V.Pataraias (ვ.პატარაიას)
Fonte: Canzoni della Pace 1956 (გედნიერების სიმღერები 1956)
სტუდენტთა საერთაშორისო კავშირის ჰიმნი (Continues)
Contributed by Boreč 2023/9/2 - 02:24
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
1υ. ვარშაული [Varshauli] - La versione georgiana di Irodion Evdošvili [იროდიონ ევდოშვილი, 1901]
1υ. ვარშაული [Varshauli] - The Georgian version by Irodion Evdošvili [იროდიონ ევდოშვილი, 1901]

"The Georgian Varšavjanka [Varshauli] was translated from the Russian original by I. Edošvili in 1901, according to a Russian article. But this text was published in the revolutionary songbook "რევოლუცის სიმღერები 1923" [revolutsis singherebi 1923, "Revolutionary songs"], in which the lyrics of many revolutionary songs, such as The Internationale and La Marseillaise, were written in Georgian." [Boreč]

According to one Russian article, the Georgian version of "Варшавянка" was first written in 1901 by a Georgian communist, Irodion Evdošvili (იროდიონ ევდოშვილი, 1873-1916). He began his career as a poet in 1895, when his poems were published in a newspaper "Iveria" under the editorship of Ilia Č’avč’avadze.... (Continues)
ვარშაული [1]
Contributed by Boreč 2021/11/4 - 07:15

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