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On April 25, 1974, 50 years ago, the Day of Surprises finally came in Portugal (José Saramago, 1966). For this reason, we have totally reshaped the page of its symbol song, turning it into a "Special Page". May it also be useful, and very much, for another April 25th: ours, in Italy. This year more than ever!
Riccardo Venturi 2024/4/24 - 12:19
The podcast titled Giro di Sol on Radio Sankara features an interview dedicated to our website.

Listen: Spreaker - Spotify
Lorenzo Masetti 2024/3/21 - 18:58
AWS turns 21 today.
Riccardo Venturi 2024/3/20 - 00:34

Le vie dei canti

Antiwar Songs Blog
Le vie dei canti
  Breve riflessione personale di Dq82 su come le canzoni arrivano nelle CCG.

Negli ultimi giorni sono successi alcuni fatti, alla fine quasi insignificanti, ma che mi hanno portato a riflettere e ricordare un po’ di cose. Ma partiamo dall’inizio: Qualche giorno fa Lorenzo è andato al cinema a vedere “La zona di interesse”, ha […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2024-03-09 17:20:00

But don’t forget to say Grace – Il Podcast di Natale

Antiwar Songs Blog
But don’t forget to say Grace – Il Podcast di Natale
  Ci hanno intervistati per un podcast di Natale: Come augurare buon compleanno a Gesù? Il nostro Natale suona buonista, perché la neolingua dice che sperare nella pace contro la guerra non è semplice buon senso, ma è quasi volgare. Con estrema volgarità allora abbiamo affrontato il tema dei conflitti nella musica con Lorenzo Masetti, […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2023-12-25 09:30:00

A Joe, lo Strimpellatore

Antiwar Songs Blog
A Joe, lo Strimpellatore
articolo di Marino Severini, da Il Mucchio Selvaggio, gennaio 2003 Sono passati ventun anni dalla morte di Joe Strummer, lo ricordiamo con un articolo scritto “a caldo” da Marino Severini dei Gang. Joe lo Strimpellatore se n’è andato, per sempre. A darmi la notizia è stato Sandro, al telefono, con la voce di uno che […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2023-12-22 18:46:00
Fifty years ago, on September 11, 1973, the military coup in Chile, with president Salvador Allende’s death, Víctor Jara's torture and murder and general Pinochet’s dictatorship. Fifty years later, we don’t and can’t forget.
Riccardo Venturi 2023/9/11 - 00:23
“June, ripeness of the year,
I thank God for you,
In one of your days, under the hot sun
I came into the world...”

...and keep your “national mourning” for yourselves.
Riccardo Venturi 2023/6/14 - 08:21

Sylvius Berlusconi Arcuriensis
Sanctus Romanae Ecclesiae Catholicae et Apostolicae

Mi sono fatto da solo
Lauda Silvio Salvatorem

Riccardo Venturi 2023/6/12 - 12:22

Vent’anni dopo

Antiwar Songs Blog
Vent’anni dopo
Era appena incominciata una guerra, la solita guerra americana di “esportazione della democrazia”, fatta scoppiare a base delle solite menzogne ben veicolate dai solitissimi “media” mai al servizio dell’informazione bensì dei poteri forti di ogni genere: era il 20 marzo 2003. Periodo di grande mobilitazione planetaria, di slanci, di manifestazioni oceaniche contro la guerra in […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2023-03-20 14:28:00

March 20 2003 – March 20, 2023

“Antiwar Songs” is now 20 years old!
Forever Young!
...may your song always be sung,
May you stay forever young!

Riccardo Venturi 2023/3/20 - 10:28

Il diritto di vivere in pace

Antiwar Songs Blog
Il diritto di vivere in pace
Scrive Pippo Pollina: Oggi a Zurigo parteciperò alla marcia contro la guerra in Ucraina e canterò due canzoni : LE DESERTEUR di Boris Vian e EL DERECHO DE VIVIR EN PAZ di Victor Jara. Nessun artista vi partecipa e me ne vergogno. Hanno tutti paura di essere additati come filoputiniani soltanto perché in questa piazza […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2023-02-25 16:30:00




(Clicca su i' linche, gnàmo!
Click on link, c'mon!
Cliquez sur le lien, allez!
Klikkaa linkkiä, tule!)
Riccardo Venturi 2023/1/13 - 16:47
THE SONG FOR 2023...

...was written 53 years ago!

Riccardo Venturi 2022/12/30 - 03:24
Our Christmas song this year is by Roberta Giallo.

See you in Malibu to meet the pacifist surfers.
Lorenzo Masetti 2022/12/24 - 11:26
Last saturday we travelled to Faenza to receive the “2022 National Award for Musical Journalism on the web”!

Here's the video of the "acceptance speech"!
Lorenzo Masetti 2022/10/3 - 23:44
Faenza - October 1st - Meeting degli indipendenti.

Our website is among the winners of the “2022 National Award for Musical Journalism on the web”!

More information on our blog.

Come and visit us!
Lorenzo Masetti 2022/9/30 - 15:18
Our website is among the winners of the “2022 National Award for Musical Journalism on the web”!

See you in Faenza on October 1st.

More information on our blog.
Lorenzo Masetti 2022/8/4 - 13:39

Canzoni contro la guerra tra i vincitori della 10ª edizione della Targa Mei Musicletter

Antiwar Songs Blog
Canzoni contro la guerra tra i vincitori della 10ª edizione della Targa Mei Musicletter
Il nostro sito è tra i vincitori del “Premio nazionale per il giornalismo musicale sul web 2022”,  ideato e curato da Luca D’Ambrosio con la collaborazione del patron di Giordano Sangiorgi del MEI. «Sono trascorsi dieci anni dalla prima edizione della Targa Mei Musicletter, ovvero il premio nazionale per il giornalismo musicale sul web, ma l’auspicio è […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2022-08-04 13:22:00
AWS # 35000: Hannah Arendt and the Banality of Evil
Lorenzo Masetti 2022/7/17 - 17:15
Riccardo Venturi 2022/3/10 - 11:05
Riccardo Venturi 2022/2/26 - 08:40
Canzone di Adriana
Adriana's Song
Chanson d'Adriana
Adrianan Laulu
Riccardo Venturi 2022/2/2 - 23:57
DERRY 30-1-1972
Riccardo Venturi 2022/1/30 - 08:28

Le barricate in vasca da bagno

Antiwar Songs Blog
Le barricate in vasca da bagno
La storia di ¡A las barricadas!, il canto più celebre della guerra civile Spagnola, inizia circa quattro anni prima del suo scoppio; ed inizia con la visita in Spagna, nel 1932, di un giovane anarcosindacalista tedesco, Alfred Schulte. Alfred Schulte ha ventiquattro anni ed è un operaio metalmeccanico disoccupato; è membro della SAJD, la Syndikalistisch-Anarchistische […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2021-11-18 23:21:00

22 October 1921
22 October 2021
Riccardo Venturi 2021/10/22 - 17:46
Riccardo Venturi 2021/9/2 - 09:46

"I am no pacifist. I am against war".

Gino Strada

November 18, 2006
Riccardo Venturi 2021/8/13 - 18:09
Lorenzo Masetti 2021/7/20 - 13:42

What’s Going On: cinquant’anni di un capolavoro

Antiwar Songs Blog
What’s Going On: cinquant’anni di un capolavoro
Le lettere che mio fratello mi mandava dal Vietnam mi colpirono profondamente, così come la situazione sociale che vedevo davanti ai miei occhi, nel mio paese. Ho capito che per scrivere canzoni capaci di raggiungere l’anima della gente era necessario che mi gettassi alle alle spalle ogni fantasia Troppe madri che piangono. Troppi fratelli che […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2021-05-21 19:03:00
Franco Battiato
Riposto, 23-3-1945
Milo, 18-5-2021

...though death is raging outside
the miracle of love does not die...
Riccardo Venturi 2021/5/18 - 10:19

CCG maggiorenni !

Antiwar Songs Blog
CCG maggiorenni !
(la version française suit le texte italien) Dal 20 marzo scorso, vale a dire dal 20 marzo 2021, “Canzoni Contro la Guerra” / “Antiwar Songs” / “Chansons Contre la Guerre” può votare, prendere la patente di guida, andare nelle prigioni ordinarie, contrarre matrimonio, stipulare liberamente contratti e effettuare testamento: è diventato maggiorenne. Ha diciott’anni, insomma. Come […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2021-03-25 00:49:00

Pablo Hasél libero!

Antiwar Songs Blog
Pablo Hasél libero!
Non c’è, in fondo, molto da aggiungere a quel che è stato già detto. E non è una cosa che riguarda solo lo stato spagnolo, i re e le corone. Riguarda il fondamento stesso di ogni stato: se lo attacchi nei suoi cardini e nelle sue figure “istituzionali”, persino con delle canzoni, quantomeno rischi la […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2021-02-23 12:25:00
Freedom for Pablo Hasél !
Lorenzo Masetti 2021/2/18 - 23:42
"We should always dream great dreams
looking up to the sky
adventurous journeys
and think if people, instead of power
thought about friendship, as a way of enjoying"

Ciao Erriquez
Lorenzo Masetti 2021/2/14 - 14:17
Properly, we should wish you all a happy new year, and surely we do it, and with all our heart. But we think our best wish for this year would be the following:

Riccardo Venturi 2020/12/31 - 17:44
A new song itinerary is born: Nursery rhymes, Merry-go-rounds, Lullabies and other Anti-war Songs for Childhood. It is designed as a guide for the youngest, or a small "educational" collection for teachers. This itinerary won't automatically include all kinds of lullabies or nursery rhymes: only real anti-war songs find their place there, be they against “classic” war or the “100,000 years war”, war against the Earth or against animals etc. Likewise, the itinerary won't include all the lullabies or nursery rhymes labeled as such in the website, if they aren't directed to children.
DonQuijote82 2020/10/29 - 12:11
The bridge takes us directly, with a logical step, to another protagonist: the train. From anarchists locomotives to the armored train of the Spanish war, from the trains blown up in the Italian state massacres to the trains to Auschwitz, from trains approaching to trains moving away, from trains that go and go back to no return trains, from death trains to life trains, from workers and immigrant trains to troops trains, from the “Leggera” little train to the trains to the sun, from trains full of hatred and racism to trains of freedom, from steam trains to HSTs: a train is always a story, and even more. Trains: a new song itinerary originating from a train: 583 Milan-Naples Intercity.

From the song itinerary:
Mikis Theodorakis:
Το τρένο φεύγει στις οχτώ
The Train Leaves at Eight
(sung by Maria Dimitriadi)
Riccardo Venturi 2020/10/19 - 15:12
The bridge as a symbol, the bridge as union, the bridge as division, blown-up bridges, Remagen Bridge, Vrbanja bridge, the old bridge of Mostar, bridges and war, bridges and peace, Morandi Bridge, Devil's bridge, magic bridges, throwing oneself from a bridge, sleeping under a bridge, bridges between cultures...bridges have always played a leading role, so we have decided to create a special Song Itinerary on Bridges. The itinerary logo is an image of Ponte Gobbo of Bobbio, Piacenza, Italy.
Riccardo Venturi 2020/8/27 - 11:03
Make Love, Not War! (I know you've heard it before)
Lorenzo Masetti 2020/7/9 - 00:03
5 June 2020: The Coronavirus Songbook symbolically terminates with a renowned old song on Asia (read introduction).
Riccardo Venturi 2020/6/5 - 10:26
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Sette lucciole perse nel grano

Sette lucciole perse nel grano

"Sette lucciole perse nel grano", canzone dedicata ai martiri del XX giugno. Testo di Tullio Bugari e musica di Silvano Staffolani.

L'eccidio avvenne il 20 giugno 1944 nella contrada di campagna "Montecappone", alla periferia di Jesi (An) un mese prima della liberazione della città; le vittime furono sette giovani tra i 18 e i 25 anni, cinque di loro residenti nel vicino quartiere di "via Roma" (Armando e Luigi Angeloni, Francesco Cecchi, Alfredo Santinelli, Mario Saveri) e altri due militari lontanti dalle loro case, Enzo Carboni di Sant'Eufemia di Aspromente e Calogero Grasceffo di Agrigento.
Scrive lo storico locale Giuseppe Luconi nel libro “L’anno più lungo”:
“Sono all’incirca le sette di sera: in via Roma, all’altezza dell’edicola del Crocefisso, una trentina di giovani sono seduti avanti casa e discutono sui fatti del giorno. Improvvisamente arrivano tedeschi e fascisti,... (Continues)
Venti giugno notte di luna nera
Contributed by Dq82 + Tullio Bugari 2020/6/3 - 20:29

Piazza della Loggia

Piazza della Loggia
Baia del re
Era un giorno strano, era un giorno con la pioggia
Contributed by Dq82 2020/6/3 - 20:22

I Just Wanna Live

I Just Wanna Live

Instant song scritta in seguito alla morte di George Floyd, cui sono seguite numerose proteste, anche violente, e le vergognose reazioni di quella specie di pupazzo di nome Donald Trump

12-year-old singer's heartbreaking song in wake of George Floyd's death becomes rallying cry

"I'm a young black man, doing all that I can to stand...I just want to live," gospel singer Keedron Bryant sings.
I just wanna live
Contributed by Dq82 & adriana 2020/6/3 - 20:04
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AmeriKKKa, Try No Pork.

AmeriKKKa, Try No Pork.
We begin tonight with that chilling piece of video, live streamed on Facebook in the moments after a man is shot by police
Contributed by Dq82 2020/6/3 - 16:00


Do you hear me man?
Contributed by Dq82 2020/6/3 - 15:58
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My Name Is Dessie Warren

My Name Is Dessie Warren
Lyrics & music by Alun Parry
Album: When The Sunlight Shines

"I got involved with the Shrewsbury Pickets Justice Campaign during the Summer of 2009.
The campaign is the continued fight for an official pardon for the people targeted by the state during the National Building Strike in the 1970's.
Using the Conspiracy Act, never designed or used before to cover trade union activities, the bosses of the construction industry teamed up with the Tory Government to put our people in jail.
One was Ricky Tomlinson, now well known to all as a famous and talented actor.
Another was a working class hero by the name of Des Warren (1937-2004).

Des had a terrible time in prison. They wouldn't give him his own spectacles, or shoes that fit.
They also gave him the “liquid cosh”. This is where the prison service administers drugs to inmates it considers awkward.
Dessie and Ricky insisted,... (Continues)
Up and down the nation
Contributed by giorgio 2020/6/3 - 09:16

There in Vietnam

There in Vietnam

The song "There in Viet Nam" (Bubbie Records # 1003) - a country music track that took an anti-war position. It placed a strong emphasis on the contrast between the voting age (21) and the draft age (18).

The narrator also expressed moral and religious opposition to the war, quoting the bible: "thou shall not kill". Yet, she also defended the previous generation's conflict as a just war for freedom: "his daddy fought in World War Two so that we can live in peace".

Released in Midwest City, Oklahoma. Written by B. Willow. Produced by Frank Dell.

Vietnam War Songs Project
Back home they say he's not a man
2020/6/3 - 00:16

Viet Nam

Pat Bohlman and Edwin Maderia
Viet Nam
The country anti-war track "Viet Nam" (Green Mountain # GM-101), by the obscure artists Pat Bohlman and Edwin Maderia, expressed the view that the war was harming the US, but it also noted the ongoing peace negotiations in Paris, which the song described as "doing well". The negotiations started in Paris in 1968, and were mainly conducted by Henry Kissinger (National Security Adviser to President Richard Nixon, 1969-1974) and his North Vietnamese counterpart Lê Ðức Thọ.

Vietnam War Songs Project
The war in Vietnam is doing us a lot of harm
2020/6/3 - 00:04

White Feather

White Feather
Words and music by Amanda Shires
Album: To the Sunset

The idea struck when she experienced “cat calling that’s become okay again,” then expanded to include her thoughts on climate change and capitalism, “but it’s bigger than that,” Shires clarifies. “The song deals with fear and all the ways it discourages the expression of our individual identities. It’s about the walls we put up to protect ourselves and the way those walls become prisons.”

Amanda Shires Archives - The Kessler Theater
In a field in Ohio I change into a scarecrow's clothes
Contributed by Lorenzo Masetti 2020/6/2 - 22:42
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Since I've Laid My Burden Down

Since I've Laid My Burden Down
Glory glory, hallelujah, since I've laid my burden down.
Contributed by L. E. 2020/6/2 - 22:04

Le pays va mal

Le pays va mal
[ 2000 ]
Paroles et musique /Dɔ̀nkili / Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Sanat ja sävel :
Tiken Jah Fakoly

Album: Le Caméléon
Mon pays va mal
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2020/6/2 - 20:11

The War Is Over

The War Is Over
Single The War Is Over / You Ain't Goin' Nowhere

Anti Vietnam war song "The War Is Over" (RCA Victor # 74-0309) referenced Richard Nixon, criticizing him for ignoring the protesters and prolonging the war. It also noted a protester being killed, which in the case of Michael James Brody Jr. won't make any difference because he will be reborn.
I just want to thank everybody for letting me record now. All the money that I record off this record goes to peace.
2020/6/2 - 17:04
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Teach Peace

Teach Peace
Lyrics & music by Jamie Fota
Album: Just Earth: One Planet, One Peole, One Future [2017]

“When I was commissioned to write a song for the annual Westheimer Peace Symposium in Wilmington, Ohio, I wanted to address the root causes of violence, both global and interpersonal. This song is my cry for a world based on justice and peaceful conflict resolution”. — Jamie.
Teach peace, unlearn the violence,
Contributed by giorgio 2020/6/2 - 12:40

New World Order

New World Order
Title track dell'ultimo album di Curtis Mayfield
Scritta da Curtis Mayfield, Raimundo Thomas & Brian Fleming

Il 13 agosto 1990 Curtis Mayfield fu vittima di un gravissimo incidente. Durante un concerto a Brooklin l'impianto di illuminazione cadde sul palco colpendo il cantante e fratturandogli la colonna vertebrale. In seguito all'incidente Mayfield rimase paralizzato dal collo in giù. Nove anni dopo, a soli 57 anni, Mayfield se ne andava per le complicazioni dell'incidente e per il diabete di cui soffriva.

Ma nel 1996 era riuscito a incidere, pur con mille difficoltà, il suo ultimo album, che si apriva con questa canzone di speranza che rovesciava il significato del termine impiegato da Bush fin dal 1990 per indicare la Pax Americana, una pace che puzzava fin troppo di guerra. Nella canzone invece il nuovo ordine mondiale è un sinonimo di speranza dei milioni di persone... (Continues)
Darkness no longer, a child is born
Contributed by Lorenzo Masetti (grazie alle fantastiche farfalle di Benedetto Ferrara) 2020/6/2 - 01:19

Weep No More

Weep No More

Nathan McKinney recorded the doo-wop track "Weep No More", composed by the blues man Len Johnson. The song, released on the Los Angeles based label Rayco Records (R-526), founded by Floyd Ray, contained themes of the Vietnam War. It is narrated from the soldier's perspective, who tells us that "Uncle Sam is calling for me", and that he is resigned to leaving those he loves: "So I guess I'll have to go".

Vietnam War Songs
Weep no more, my baby for me
2020/6/1 - 22:54
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Lyrics & Music by Gary Brooker and Keith Reid
Album: Salty Dog [1999 reissue bonus track]

Produced by Denny Cordell and recorded 10/07/68, this is an unreleased performance mixed down from the original four-track tape, that was originally intended to be included on the Shine On Brightly album. Brooker's vocal on this track is merely there to guide the group as they work out the song in the studio, and is obviously not representative of how any finished version of this track would have sounded. It is, however, the only surviving take of McGreggor to feature any kind of vocal performance, and as such the historical importance of the whole outweighs the technical imperfections of any of its parts!
McGreggor was a soldier brave
Contributed by giorgio 2020/6/1 - 22:30

Bring 'Em on Home

Bring 'Em on Home
Musica un po' copiata da You Ain't Go Nowhere (da The Basement Tapes di Bob Dylan & The Band interpretata anche da The Byrds)

Double-sided Vietnam War single by Chicano soul group Six Pak, released on the Californian label Gordo (# 704), founded by Eddie Davis (a sub-label of his Rampart Records). Both tracks had a Latin Soul feel to it - of course, the label focused on Mexican Americans.

This formed part of the West Coast 'Eastside Sound' music scene. According to the president of Rampart Steven Chavez: "almost 50% of the artists from the East Side Sound era served in combat roles in Viet Nam, losing their innocence to a war in the prime of their youth, and returned to a changed American music scene that pretty much turned their back on them with the advent of new genres like hard rock, heavy metal, punk, disco and the like".

Firstly, the group covered the song "Weep... (Continues)
One by one, numbers are called
2020/6/1 - 22:25

La Terreur blanche

La Terreur blanche
La Terreur blanche

Chanson française – La Terreur blanche – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2020

Quelques histoires albanaises, tirées de nouvelles d’Ismaïl Kadaré, traduites par Christian GUT et publiées en langue française en 1985 sous le titre La Ville du Sud.(6)

Dialogue Maïeutique

« La Terreur blanche », Lucien l’âne mon ami, voilà qui me rappelle quelque chose. La terreur est un mal qui se répand par toute la Terre : on en a vu des noires, des brunes, des rouges, des bleues, des vertes, des safrans et bien sûr, des blanches. De façon générale, il s’agit de massacrer ceux avec qui on n’est pas d’accord et de préférence, des civils désarmés et sans défense. Au fait, les Vaudois ont connu ça.

Oui, Lucien l’âne mon ami, dit Marco Valdo M.I. ; mais avant d’aller plus avant, je voudrais faire une petite précision : quand il s’agit de se massacrer entre militaires, on appelle ça la guerre. Pour en... (Continues)
Terreur blanche ! Terreur ! Terreur !,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2020/6/1 - 21:51
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Lyrics by Gary Brooker
Music by Gary Brooker and Josh Phillips
Album: Novum

“Soldier” starts pensive and it’s a solid Procol Harum old fashion melody. Everything is as it was during “Shine on Brightly”, – powerful, melodic, haunting, and Whitehorn once again slips into a perfect lead guitar role with that signature Hammond-organ riding the finale with beautiful horns. Pete Brown takes a respectable lyrical page from Keith Reid with political-sturdy verses. No pomposity. This one has an emotional melody that is relevant and time and care to this music: applied. No one in rock music since 1967 has ever approached the literate rock of this band and how it marries their intense music and arrangement to the presentation. Some come close, Van der Graaf Generator, King Crimson, PFM (but what they lack is a solid foundation in the blues - that which Procol Harum possesses and understands). Potency…that’s the word that best describes Procol Harum yesterday…and today as well !
The sky has no end tonight
Contributed by giorgio 2020/6/1 - 16:36


Super Bad

The song "Peace" (Astroscope # AS-110) from 1972 took a general anti-war perspective, rather than specifically targeting Vietnam. The narrator commented that "I hear the people asking when will it end?" - probably a reference to the early 70s protest movement. It then made several religious / biblical references: "there was no evil in the garden" - the narrator suggested that the world needed to turn to love and peace. It featured on their 1971 album Super Bad (Trip Records # TLP-9510). Note that the group also released the Vietnam-related single There's Someone Waiting (Back Home) in 1969.

Vietnam War Songs

Come al solito ho cercato di integrare all'ascolto il testo parziale pubblicato su Vietnam War Songs, in questo caso con scarso successo...
I hear the people asking when will it end?
Contributed by Lorenzo 2020/6/1 - 16:19

When the World’s at Peace

When the World’s at Peace
dall'album Back Stabbers
(when the world is at peace)
2020/6/1 - 16:08

When I Come Home

When I Come Home

Double-sided anti-Vietnam War single, with the tracks "Why Is It?" and "When I Come Home"

The second track "When I Come Home" was narrated from the perspective of "a soldier serving my country". He wondered why he had to kill other people. He hoped that when he returned to the US there would be a "lasting peace" in honour of those that had died.

Vietnam War: Soul, Gospel, & Funk Records
A soldier serving my country
2020/6/1 - 15:46

Why Is It?

Why Is It?

Double-sided anti-Vietnam War single, with the tracks "Why Is It?" and "When I Come Home" (A & G Records # AG 2041) - this label was almost certainly based in New York, with A & G standing for Al Grannum, a radio DJ for WLIB. His program in the late 1960s and early 1970s focused on R&B groups. This record was released under the name "Al Grannum & the Granulated Souls". There is a picture of Grannum in a 1971 article from the The Daily Register, based in Red Bank, New Jersey, in which Grannum was helping out at a community party. Is there a connection to Hugh Grannum, the Detroit based photographer? The record was also released in Jamaica - Why Is It? / When I Come Home (Dynamic Sounds # AG 2041).

So in the first track, "Why Is It?", the narrator, in spoken-word, said that he was "sick and tired" of hearing about children starving and "soldiers dying". He wanted to... (Continues)
The way things are today is bad
2020/6/1 - 15:10


Album: Il bambino che baciava... e marameo alla morte
Yuri stava sulla neve come me
Contributed by Alberto Scotti 2020/6/1 - 15:10
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Wolny Tybet

Wolny Tybet
Album: Human Rights

"Bądź źródłem nadziei cokolwiek się stanie
Bądź źródłem współczucia, nie tylko dla swoich przyjaciół ale dla wszystkich
Cokolwiek się wokół Ciebie wydarzy
Nigdy nie trać nadziei !"
(Dalajlama XIV)
To nie jest sen to nie jest marzenie
Contributed by giorgio 2020/6/1 - 12:45

Guerra de uno

Guerra de uno
Álbum: Inerte (Demo)

Una canción de crítica social. Es difícil ver la verdad bajo el fuego, pero la verdad es la verdad.. Guerra de uno es una canción contundente, con una realidad negra y una atmósfera negra.
¡Guerra de uno!
Contributed by giorgio 2020/6/1 - 09:00

Gatillo Fácil

Gatillo Fácil
Le dicen gatillo fácil, para mí lo asesinó
2020/6/1 - 05:24

Y’en a marre

Y’en a marre
Y’en a marre
[ 2000 ]

Paroles et musique / Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Sanat ja sävel :
Tiken Jah Fakoly

CD: Y'en A Marre
On en a marre
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2020/5/31 - 23:35

(I Got) So Much Trouble in My Mind

(I Got) So Much Trouble in My Mind
I got so much trouble in my mind
2020/5/31 - 23:25

hosted by