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Author Malvina Reynolds

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What Have They Done To The Rain?

What Have They Done To The Rain?
Lyrics and music by Malvina Reynolds
Testo e musica di Malvina Reynolds

Joan Baez, dal vivo, una volta introdusse questa canzone (su testo della grande e misconosciuta Malvina Reynolds) in questo modo: "This is the gentlest protest song I know". "Che cosa hanno fatto alla pioggia?", ci si chiede con questa canzone? Sicuramente il riferimento è al "fall-out", la terribile "pioggia nucleare" che si ha dopo l'esplosione di una bomba atomica...

(Riccardo Venturi)

People now think of this as a song about acid rain, but it was originally written as part of a campaign to stop aboveground nuclear testing, which was putting strontium-90 in the air, where it was washed down by the rain, got into the soil and thence to the grass, which was eaten by cows. When children drank the cows’ milk the strontium-90, chemically similar to calcium but radioactive, was deposited in their bones. Mothers... (Continues)
Just a little rain falling all around
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2004/12/3 - 00:26
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Words by Malvina Reynolds
Music and last two verses by Pete Seeger

secondo altri di Val Shannon & Pete Seeger (Broadside #5)

La canzone fu scritta sulla base di un breve ritaglio di giornale, che riportava la notizia che Andorra praticamente non ha esercito: solo alcune uniformi che vengono tenute in un armadio e tirate fuori solo una volta all'anno per la loro festa nazionale!

The tiny state of Andorra in the Pyrenees set aside ill defense budget of $4,90 for the current fiscal year--so that blank eart ridges could be purchased and fired on ceremonial occasions.
I want to go to Andorra Andorra Andorra
Contributed by Piersante Sestini

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