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Help Save The Youth of America

Help Save The Youth of America
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2018/10/16 - 11:14

The People Will Be Free

The People Will Be Free
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2018/10/16 - 11:12
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Vem är det som är rädd?

Vem är det som är rädd?
Lyrics and music/Text och musik: Björn Afzelius
Album: Vem är det som är rädd?

In his book 96 Sånger (95 Songs), Björn Afzelius wrote the following:

"Min historielärare på gymnasiet, socialdemokraten Hans Sallius, sa alltid vid slutet av varje termin: "När folk börjar ropa på lag och ordning ska ni dra öronen åt er. Då lurar frascismen runt hörnet" På 70-talet började rikspolischefen Carl Persson i Sverige ropa på lag och ordning och fler poliser. Då skrev jag denna sång"

"My history teacher at school, the social democrat Hans Sellius, always said at the end of each term "When people begin to cry for law and order, you should think about what you are hearing. Then Fascism lurks around the corner." In the 1970s the national police chief Carl Persson began to call for law and order in Sweden and more police. Then I wrote this song."
Vem är det som är rädd?
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/16 - 03:17
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Leaving On A Jet Plane

Leaving On A Jet Plane
I heard that Leaving on a Jet Plane is about a flight attendant (AKA stewardess). Flight Attendants were not allowed to be married in the 50s and 60s. The flight attendants who did marry did so secretly and would remove their wedding ring when they went to work so they wouldn't be terminated.
2018/10/15 - 03:00
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La ballata dell'amore malato

La ballata dell'amore malato

Quinto classificato al concorso Mai in Silenzio - la musica contro la violenza di genere
Mi guardo qualche volta allo specchio
2018/10/14 - 22:41

Les Sorciers

Les Sorciers
Les Sorciers

Chanson française – Les Sorciers – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2018
Ulenspiegel le Gueux – 98
Opéra-récit en multiples épisodes, tiré du roman de Charles De Coster : La Légende et les aventures héroïques, joyeuses et glorieuses d’Ulenspiegel et de Lamme Goedzak au Pays de Flandres et ailleurs (1867).
(Ulenspiegel – IV, V)

Dialogue Maïeutique

Ce titre « Les Sorciers », Lucien l’âne mon ami, résume le thème de la chanson qui présente le début du procès fait à Katheline et à Joos Damman, son amant maléfique. Cependant, avant d’aller plus loin, il me faut faire un petit commentaire à propos du mot « sorcier » et de ses dérivés : « sorcière, sorcellerie, etc. ». Des sorciers, etc., grosso modo, il y en a deux grandes catégories : les sorciers, etc.(Katheline, la bonne sorcière) qui sont des guérisseurs du corps et de la psyché, des sages, des savants, des intercesseurs entre l’homme... (Continues)
La neige fond, les prés se noient ;
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2018/10/14 - 22:03
Song Itineraries: Witches
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Compagni a venire

Compagni a venire
Capolavoro di canzone, anche se estremamente intimista e personale.
Michelangelo 2018/10/14 - 19:01

Op. 29 In Do Maggiore

Op. 29 In Do Maggiore
Questo testo e' Op. 29 In Do Maggiore, non "Sulla Strada" e proviene dall'album "Blitz" del 1977. Il testo non era completo. Abbiamo corretto.
2018/10/14 - 13:18
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Liberare il Nano

Liberare il Nano
L'eremita ornamentale: la vera storia dei nani da giardino viventi

Per eremita ornamentale o eremita da giardino si intende una persona che accettava di vivere in un eremo appositamente costruito nella villa di un ricco proprietario terriero.

La moda degli eremiti ornamentali si diffuse a cavallo fra il diciottesimo e il diciannovesimo secolo fra l'aristocrazia inglese quando alcuni nobili iniziarono a "decorare" le proprie abitazioni con degli eremiti che vivevano in rudimentali abitazioni. Il compito dell'eremita ornamentale era quello di comparire in determinati periodi del giorno al fine di essere osservato dal suo padrone e dagli ospiti e, sebbene non potesse rivolgere la parola a nessuno, in alcune occasioni era tenuto a intrattenere l'interlocutore con discorsi filosofici. Gli eremiti ornamentali vengono citati in molte fonti per la loro stravaganza e sono considerati... (Continues)
FTELNAG - Fronte Tosco-Emiliano per la Liberazione dei Nani da Giardino 2018/10/14 - 12:18
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Medan bomberna faller

Medan bomberna faller
Vilken duktig och välriktad samhällskritik av Björn Afzelius, särskilt vad gäller journalisternas ansvar och tomma ord!

What a clever and accurate piece of social criticism by Björn Afzelius, especially as it comes to journalistic responsibility and jargon!
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2018/10/14 - 11:00
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Den Himmelska Fridens Torg

Den Himmelska Fridens Torg
Juha Rämö
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2018/10/14 - 10:58

A Soldier's Diary

A Soldier's Diary
Suite XVI

The fastest song the band has ever recorded. I wanted to cram in as many chord changes as we could and still keep the whole thing rocketing alone. It was inspired by reading about some of the notes, letters and diaries that were found in the allied trenches during the First World War, left by soldiers about to go over the top, never to be seen, and in many cases never to be found, again. I thought it was stirring stuff, heart breaking, poignant, and in the case of many a British Tommy, blackly amusing…never say fucking die…sometimes all there is left is to laugh…

Counterpointing dark subject matter again with a jolly upbeat tune and melody seemed to be key here, and we rattled this off in no time once we’d worked it through. It’s not easy playing as fast as this and keeping it tight, and we’ve been playing it live recently too…a first… As an aside, this was the song I mentioned... (Continues)
I guess it's time to go
Contributed by Dq82 2018/10/14 - 09:51
Song Itineraries: World War I (1914-1918)

North Winds

North Winds
Aural Sculpture

That was mine, just a JJ 'where things are now' song. It was one of my melancholy songs about the very strong images that had occurred during my life, while I was growing up. The 'Orange road burning' was about the self immolation of Buddhist priests during the Vietnam war, setting themselves on fire. The 'Youth on fire' referred to Jan Palak, who I'd talked about before on Euroman. The 'Metal machines...' line was about the Prague spring in '68, when the Czechs tried to be much more liberal and the Russian tanks just rolled in. 'Two generations' referred to the two world wars, 'Birth pains' was about the birth of Israel and what I remembered about the Yom Kippur war. 'Freedom in the shape of disease' was about AIDS, suddenly this new word AIDS had arisen when we were writing Sculpture. It was an unknown disease then. 'Kids whose bellies' was about the west and the... (Continues)
I saw an orange robe burning
Contributed by Dq82 2018/10/14 - 09:45
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'O Viento Nuovo

'O Viento Nuovo

Dopo sei anni esce il nuovo singolo de Il Tesoro di San Gennaro che anticipa l'uscita di "Black Album". A cantarlo è Djarah Kan, splendida napoletana costretta a vivere in questo momento storico surreale.
I am the digger the world is washing me
2018/10/14 - 00:02
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La scrittura del rapper Anastasio, 21 anni

da XFactor

Ok la vetrina di XFactor sarà quello che è, ma questa versione ci sembra comunque degna di nota.

2018/10/13 - 23:44
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Samma vindar, samma dofter

Samma vindar, samma dofter
d’après la version italienne – GLI STESSI VÈNTI, GLI STESSI ODORI de Riccardo Venturi – 2018
d’une chanson suédoise – Samma vindar, samma dofter – Contact – 1971

Dialogue Maïeutique

En Suède ? Mais que peut-il bien se passer en Suède ?, demande Lucien l’âne.

Oh, dit Marco Valdo M.I., c’est une chanson déjà ancienne ; elle a quarante ans.

Oui, dit Lucien l’âne, je le vois bien. Mais que se passe-t-il maintenant en Suède ?

Dans l’instant, Lucien l’âne mon ami, la Suède retient son souffle. Des vents nauséabonds suintent des égouts. Comme je le disais, il y a quelque temps, il faut se méfier de ces chemises qui marchent (Les Chemises de Couleur).

« Un matin, je sors de chez moi.
Elles m'attendaient, elles étaient là. 
Elles paradaient sur le trottoir 
Elles n'étaient pas drôles à voir 
Toutes ces chemises d’une même couleur,
Toutes ces chemises d’une même couleur. »
Oh, dit Lucien l’âne,... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2018/10/13 - 21:44
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Novembre 1918

Pauline Collet
Novembre 1918

Serait il possible d'avoir la partition pour apprendre ce chant aux enfants pour le 11 Novembre? Pour un devoir de mémoire et une commémoration festive.D'avance merci.
Lyre Naucelloise 2018/10/13 - 19:58
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Es saß ein klein wild Vögelein

Es saß ein klein wild Vögelein
Non ho capito però se questo è il testo originale della canzone, oppure, la sua ricostruzione moderna in dialetto dei Sassoni di Transilvania, che rivela molta somiglianza alla lingua lussemburghese. Infatti, schiaffato in Google Translator come la lingua da riconoscere dà come il risultato la lingua lussemburghese :-)
Contributed by Krzysiek 2018/10/13 - 18:00

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