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Riccardo Venturi 2018/8/17 - 21:22
May 9, 1978 - May 9, 2018
Riccardo Venturi 2018/5/9 - 11:25
The website “Antiwar Songs” has celebrated on March 20 its 15th ANNIVERSARY.
Riccardo Venturi 2018/3/20 - 09:40
40 years? These days, the 40th anniversaries are only for “statesmen”, it seems. On March 18, 1978, forty years ago, Fausto and Iaio were killed “by unknown hands”. Nothing has been known ever since. Forty years, and forever among and with us, forever 18. Forty years among the drums of power and of its slaves.
Riccardo Venturi 2018/3/18 - 09:19
He's gone in the Pi-day, Stephen. Searching for infinite. A song for him, and a glass of Anything!
Riccardo Venturi 2018/3/14 - 10:04
Here's finally the NATURAL HYMN of AWS Extras! The page includes a Special Appendix.
Riccardo Venturi 2018/2/9 - 02:43
The story of Árpád Weisz, a Hungarian Jew, a successful football player and trainer in Italy in the '30s, then a refugee in the Netherlands after Mussolini's racial laws (the one who “did so many good things” according to a number of political intriguers in today's Italy) and finally deported to Auschwitz, where he died on January 31, 1944. In this International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Árpád Weisz's story is told by a 18 yo rapper from Novara, Andrea Licata ”Red Riot”, a boy having so a strong desire to remember what too many people have forgotten. His rap song is called L'allenatore in campo (“The midfield trainer”).
Riccardo Venturi 2018/1/27 - 11:04
He used to say he had always lived, and he would die, in balance. Only once did he loose his balance with a song, and said it was “the most beautiful of all”: his 'Αρνηση. Then silence came, the silence of a Μπαλάντα της σιωπής in the same language, and once again there was a refusal, an άρνηση inside. Thus we have decided to dedicate him both songs in this day, εἰς μνήμην, and both by the same voice of Maria Farandouri. Some years ago, on 28 November, Gian Piero Testa took his flight to αθανασία.
Riccardo Venturi 2017/11/27 - 13:49
Cornelis Vreeswijk died exactly 30 years ago, on 12 November 1987. This website includes since years about ten of this songs, maybe just a little neglected: so let's start knowing them a little better, on the 30th anniversary of his death and beginning from his Blues för Victor Jara.
Riccardo Venturi 2017/11/11 - 10:01
Today, after a two-months work, we completed the insertion of the songs included in a very beautiful and very rare LP by Beppe Chierici and Daisy Lumini "La cattiva erba" (The Weed) published in 1970.

The LP contains 15 songs, translated into Italian from poems and antiwar songs ranging from Archilochus and Laozi to Antoine over more than 2500 years.
Some tracks were already present in the original version. The Italian lyrics were transcribed thanks to Flavio Poltronieri who provided us with a copy of the record, that is now completely available on youtube. We found some of the missing tracks on the web, with the help of B.B. and of Renè Zosso, a Swiss hurdy-gurdy player.

Perchè quei cannoni? (Antoine) - Nenia (dalla guerra dei trent'anni) - Eravamo tre compagni - Compianto popolare - Il soldato morto in terra straniera - Alla guerra chi ci va - Il soldato dormiente (Rimbaud) - La guerra è truccata (Boris Vian) - Contro la guerra e le armi (Lao Tsu) - Lo scudo perduto (Archiloco) - Non avremo mai la pace, fratello? (Oliver De Magny) - Il condannato a morte - Testamento (Lermontov) - Il malcontento del soldato - Torna da in guerra un soldato
DonQuijote82 2017/9/8 - 19:44
Riccardo Venturi 2017/8/23 - 04:46
Should you go to Scarborough Fair together with Simon & Garfunkel, you should be accompanied by Elfin Knight, an antiwar Canticle, a coalminer, Martin Carthy, Ewan McColl and Peggy Seeger, Bob Dylan, the great American scholar Francis James Child, Oedipus and the Sphynx, Samson, the Veronese Riddle, a Graduate, the Muppets and even the Devil in person... This really millenary song deserves a totally new, composite page, with a totally new historical introduction (only in Italian for the moment): A very, very long story...
Riccardo Venturi 2017/7/2 - 00:55
Ἀποφασίζομεν καὶ διατάζομεν, “We decide and order”: At 2:30 am on April 21, 1967, 50 years ago, a fascist military coup was launched in Greece with the establishment of the so-called “Regime of the Colonels” which would last until July 1974. For seven long years Greece is turned into a lager and, also, into the training camp of European neo-fascism. This is an important topic in our site, including a special Song Itinerary we suggest you to look back to.
Riccardo Venturi 2017/4/21 - 19:31

Going to the Mine

Going to the Mine
Think Positive

(Johnny Handle)
Into the smoky morning
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/6 - 13:10

One Soldier's Thoughts

One Soldier's Thoughts
Reflections on War
I just called round to say farewell
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/6 - 12:59
Song Itineraries: World War I (1914-1918)

Soldiers of the Lord

Soldiers of the Lord
Reflections on War
Over ‘No Man’s Land’ march the Ghosts of Agincourt
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/6 - 12:58
Song Itineraries: World War I (1914-1918)
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A Hospital Ship at Tobruk

A Hospital Ship at Tobruk
Reflections on War

Inspired by 'A Hospital Ship at Tobruk', the memoirs of Effie Townend, a nurse from Selby, awarded the Royal Red Cross for her duty aboard HMHS Somersetshire; Nurse Effie, a painting by Beryl Trist; and comments by Chris Chambers.
Reading your memoirs transported me
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/6 - 12:56
Song Itineraries: World War I (1914-1918)

Somewhere at the Front, Somewhere

Somewhere at the Front, Somewhere
Reflections on War
Somewhere at the front, somewhere
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/6 - 12:49
Song Itineraries: World War I (1914-1918)
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Bold as Brass

Bold as Brass
Reflections on War
Sat in your uniform looking real class
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/6 - 12:47
Song Itineraries: World War I (1914-1918)
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Please Monsieur

Please Monsieur
A Carousel for Fools

La preghiera di un militare di non essere amputato...
Please Monsieur a penny for mi’ keep sir
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/6 - 12:38
Song Itineraries: World War I (1914-1918)
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You Should Have Been There

You Should Have Been There
A Carousel for Fools
I well remember Martin Luther King
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/6 - 12:33
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Workers Song (American Boy American Girl)

Workers Song (American Boy American Girl)
Another dead end job
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/6 - 11:41
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They Don't Care About Us

They Don't Care About Us
Parole e musica di Michael Jackson
Nell'album “HIStory” (per esteso “HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I”

All'epoca di “HIStory”, Michael Jackson usciva dalla prima causa giudiziaria intentagli per presunti abusi sessuali su di un minorenne. L'accusa si rivelò essere soltanto un bieco tentativo di estorsione ma segnò l'artista per tutta la vita, una vera persecuzione che ebbe termine solo nel 2005 con la piena assoluzione. E nonostante questo ancora oggi è molto diffusa l'erronea opinione che Michael Jackson sia stato uno schifoso pedofilo... Il pregiudizio accompagnò anche questa canzone, che venne accusata addirittura di antisemitismo... Niente di più falso: l'uso delle espressioni “Jew me” e “Kike me” (Kike è un termine spregiativo per ebreo) era assolutamente chiaro nel contesto, cioè, “puoi picchiarmi, puoi odiarmi, puoi trattarmi da negro o da ebreo, ma non potrai mai... (Continues)
Skin head, dead head, everybody gone bad
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2017/4/5 - 22:28



SHE is a not for profit organisation that provides specialist counselling services for women who are currently or have experienced family and domestic violence.
The lyrics of SHE the song are based on the words and stories of Tasmanian women who have suffered from domestic violence.
Oh he calls me a bitch and he calls me a whore
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/5 - 15:59
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Young Bosnia

Young Bosnia
August 1914

Un concept album sulle guerre del XX secolo. La copertina è il dipinto "The Inexorable Flow of History" di Jakub Rozalski
They’ve burned the bridge outside our holdings
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/5 - 15:21
Song Itineraries: Balkan Wars of the 90's


August 1914

Un concept album sulle guerre del XX secolo. La copertina è il dipinto "The Inexorable Flow of History" di Jakub Rozalski
I don’t want to need you
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/5 - 15:19
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August 1914

Un concept album sulle guerre del XX secolo. La copertina è il dipinto "The Inexorable Flow of History" di Jakub Rozalski
Wildcat howling in the distant snow
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/5 - 15:16
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We Are All Going to Die

We Are All Going to Die
August 1914

Un concept album sulle guerre del XX secolo. La copertina è il dipinto "The Inexorable Flow of History" di Jakub Rozalski
Like before you never speak your pretty mind
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/5 - 15:13
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Pezzi di cielo

Pezzi di cielo

Una canzone antimilitarista, durante il servizio militare invece di suonare il silenzio, suona La Bamba
Sopra di noi spostano pezzi di cielo
Contributed by dq82 2017/4/5 - 14:59

Il partigiano Ezio

Roberto e Lara Villani
Il partigiano Ezio
Testo: Roberto Villani, nipote di Ezio Villani, con la figlia Lara
Musica Gianluca Spirito e Marino Severini

La canzone è stata scritta da Roberto Villani nipote di Ezio Villani, presentata dal vivo il 2/4/2017 allo SCUP di Roma.
Il testo era stato inizialmente trascritto dall'ascolto del pessimo video. Grazie all'intervento diretto dell'autore, abbiamo inserito il nome corretto degli autori: Roberto Villani e sua figlia Lara, e il testo corretto.

Ezio Villani, da Pietro e Anna Baccillieri; nato il 10 gennaio 1892 a Galliera (BO). Meccanico. 
Iscritto al PSI.

Prese parte alla prima guerra mondiale. 
Trasferitosi a Ferrara nel 1906, nel 1920 fu eletto vice segretario della CCdL e nominato vice direttore de "La Scintilla", il settimanale locale del PSI. 
Il 20 dicembre 1920 fu arrestato con l'accusa di avere preso parte allo scontro che, in quel giorno, si era svolto tra fascisti... (Continues)
È scesa la sera sopra a Galliera
Contributed by Dq82 2017/4/4 - 13:21
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(trascritta all'ascolto da Stanislava Šebková)
Contributed by Stanislava 2017/4/3 - 17:08
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Dopo questo ho visto moltitudini
Contributed by Flavio Poltronieri 2017/4/3 - 11:41
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Abbi pietà di noi

Abbi pietà di noi

Album :Lotto infinito

Featuring Marianna Fontana & Angela Fontana

Il momento più intenso dell’album è lasciato ad Abbi pietà di noi, cantata insieme con le gemelle Angela e Marianna Fontana, protagoniste del film di Edoardo De AngelisInvisibili. Un atto di dolore nei confronti dei paesi avvelenati dall’ecomafia, che diventa ad un certo punto una  litania di misericordia e di riparazione di chi implora, ai piedi dei territori inquinati, perdono per i propri peccati:“Qualiano terra appicciata, abbi pietà di noi. Caivano terra appicciata, abbi pieta di noi. Orta di Atella terra appicciciata, abbi pietà di noi…”.
Locuzione "terra appicciata"
Contributed by adriana 2017/4/3 - 10:47
Song Itineraries: Mafia and Mafias, War on Earth

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