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There Is No Peace Without Justice

There Is No Peace Without Justice
[2010, Dec. 29th]
Lyrics & Music by Adrian J. Pratt

"Every step that we take away from hate is a step in the direction of peace".

"Attended a course in November 2010 at Stoney Point Conference Center, NY, on 'Songwriting for Peace and Justice'. Was arrested by the phrase "No peace without justice" and have been playing it in my mind for a while. Recalled an old 'E jam' that I used to play with folk when warming up for gigs. The phrase just fell in there..."
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
There is no peace without justice,
Contributed by giorgio 2012/5/9 - 08:40

Watch Out for the Traffic

Lyrics & Music by Adrian J. Pratt
Album: Passions, Pains and Protestations

Nuclear arms, radioactive waste and the disposal of other toxic substances.... all the usual subject matter of a poppy ditty..

To elaborate....

From a high of 65,000 active weapons in 1985, there are now nearly 8,000 active nuclear warheads and more than 22,000 total nuclear warheads in the world of 2010. Many of the decommissioned weapons have simply been stored or partially dismantled, not destroyed. It scares me in an age where some influential people really believe Armageddon is the only final solution that they may consider hastening the day! I just don't swallow the theory that no lunatic would actually press the button. (Ever seen Dr. Strangelove?)

The disposal of nuclear waste is another scary consideration. In 1946 the United States sank containers of radioactive waste in the Pacific Ocean... (Continues)
Watch out for the traffic
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/16 - 13:49


Lyrics & Music by Adrian J. Pratt
Album: Passions, Pains and Protestations

"FIGHT AGAINST IT... It's a cancer in the world, breeding fear and exploitation, trampling justice into frustration... we don't need this blind, cold, calculated prejudice.
'We all can be so prejudice' We all have our 'us and them' moments. We hide names we seldom speak out loud to describe those we consider 'different'.

Maybe it's fear. Maybe it's ignorance. It's not helpful. Its like a cancer that prevents us from discovering the riches that those who are 'not the same' as us can enrich our lives with.

The song itself doesn't need much explanation. It was written not long after the Berlin Wall came down (1989)... when there was a spirit of optimism still in the air.

The sound sample is of South African Methodist Bishop Stanley Mogoba, who was imprisoned along Nelson Mandela at Robben Island,... (Continues)
Prejudice.. prejudice..
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/13 - 13:22

Rich People in an Age of Hunger

Lyrics & Music by Adrian J. Pratt
Album: Passions, Pains and Protestations

"Poverty breeds frustration. Frustration breeds violence. We reap what we sow.
This one recorded using Zelda and Frank... my Hofner Everything vintage guitar and Bass.... with a little help from the drum machine!"
When I was hungry, you never fed me
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/13 - 08:25

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