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Before 2024-12-7

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La belle Guerre

La belle Guerre
La belle Guerre

Chanson française – La belle Guerre – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2024

est le voyage d’exploration en Zinovie, entrepris par Marco Valdo M. I. et Lucien l’âne, à l’imitation de Carl von Linné en Laponie et de Charles Darwin autour de notre Terre et en parallèle à l’exploration du Disque Monde longuement menée par Terry Pratchett.
La Zinovie, selon Lucien l’âne, est ce territoire mental où se réfléchit d’une certaine manière le monde. La Zinovie renvoie à l’écrivain, logicien, peintre, dessinateur, caricaturiste et philosophe Alexandre Zinoviev et à son abondante littérature.

Épisode 230

Dialogue Maïeutique

Mon ami Lucien l’âne, j’espère que tu te souviens de ce général de Pierre Desproges qui disait : « Ce qu’il leur faut, c’est une bonne guerre ! », car ici ce sont des demoiselles qui disent : « Ce qu’il leur faut, c’est une belle guerre ! », imaginant par là trouver... (Continues)
Ah, dit au Revenant, le militaire,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2024/12/7 - 20:24

La mezza stella

La mezza stella
Una delle prime canzone italiane scritte per denunciare il genocidio palestinese.
Veronica 2024/12/7 - 19:35
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All You Fascists

All You Fascists
Paolo Rizzi 2024/12/7 - 12:23

Tragic Circus

A tribute to those who fought in the Viet Nam War.
It's a sensitive subject even now so I intend no offense at all. This is just my way of expressing what I think.
Mark Everton
F N G on point, in a steaming hell hole
Contributed by Pluck 2024/12/7 - 10:57
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SIRIA SENZA PACE (7 dicembre 2024)
Gianni Sartori

Breve premessa di carattere generale su quanto sta avvenendo in Siria.

L'avanzata, apparentente inarrestabile, di Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) e dell'Esercito Nazionale Siriano su Aleppo, Hama (compresa una base aerea russa con missili S-75 Dvina), Daraa (con la base militare Liwa 52) e ora Homs (e Damasco non è così lontana), si sposa con i piani di espansione territoriale della Turchia. In qualche modo speculari a quelli di Israele. Entrambi gli Stati inoltre – e non da ora – procedono con metodologie feroci, al limite del genocidio.

Un fattore determinate è costituito dall'evidente crisi economica che sta lacerando la Turchia. In particolare il sud-est curdo (Bakur) con i suoi venti milioni di abitanti. Per Erdogan è fondamentale, indispensabile chiudere definitivamente (se occorre affogandola nel sangue) l'esperienza dell'AADNES in... (Continues)
Gianni Sartori 2024/12/7 - 09:19

L'amie de ma mère

L'amie de ma mère
Dans une montée accrue de l'expression de l'homophobie dans la société française, Jann Halexander se met à la place d'un jeune homme dont la mère est lesbienne et raconte ses aventures avec sa belle-mère, qu'il adore. Il a peur que celle-ci soit victime de l'homophobie.
Avez-vous vu l'amie de ma mère ?
Contributed by Frédérique 2024/12/6 - 23:42

Je reviens de Différence

Avec 'Je reviens Différence', l'artiste Jann Halexander, natif du Gabon est fidèle à ses thématiques : l'altérité, la tolérance, l'espérance en un monde meilleur où les différences sont respectées et ne sont plus un sujet.
Mon pays s'appelle Différence (Continues)
Contributed by Frédérique 2024/12/6 - 23:40


Hello world

Dedicata a Giulia Tramontano

"Piccola donna, che cammini tra le stelle,mostri le ferite che nascondi tra la pelle, erano 37”. Così inizia la lirica dedicata a Giulia Tramontano, la giovane donna uccisa brutalmente da Alessandro Impagnatiello quando era al settimo mese di gravidanza. Una poesia simbolica e struggente, che evoca un dialogo tra Giulia e il piccolo Thiago.

Nel loro nuovo album “Hello World”, pubblicato il 6 dicembre, i PTN hanno scelto di usare l’arma più potente e comunicativa al mondo: l’arte, in questo caso la musica, per affrontare una tematica ancora purtroppo attuale: il femminicidio.
Come dichiarato da Riccardo Zanotti, frontman del gruppo, durante un’intervista: «Gli uomini non urlano abbastanza contro questa emergenza. L’arte deve essere uno strumento per creare consapevolezza e dibattito».

Il Mattino
A un tratto il bambino guardò
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 22:13

Salutami Damasco

Salutami Damasco
Un singolo di un "misterioso" gruppo (milanese?), il cui sito ( non è nemmeno più reperibile in Rete.
Testo, musica e arrangiamento di Claudio Flaminio
NaGa ft. Shadi Ali & Maen Rajab
Trovato su YouTube
Scusa sai dirmi dove siamo? (Continues)
2024/12/6 - 18:51

Tribute to a Slave

Tribute to a Slave
Laugh To Keep From Crying

Nathaniel Turner, noto come Nat Turner (Contea di Southampton, 2 ottobre 1800 – Courtland, 11 novembre 1831), è stato un rivoluzionario statunitense che guidò la cosiddetta rivolta degli schiavi di Nat Turner, scoppiata nella Contea di Southampton in Virginia nell'agosto 1831.

Si vedano anche
The Ballad of Nat Turner - Nat Turner - The Ballad of Nat Turner - Nat Turner / The Gainin' Ground / Virginia 1831 - Tribute to a Slave
My friend Nat
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 18:21
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Nat Turner / The Gainin' Ground / Virginia 1831

Nat Turner / The Gainin' Ground / Virginia 1831
With the tightening of all restrictions on them (the slaves) after the rebellion, any singing about Nat Turner had to be well disguised .A song about him has survived, in which there was humorous satire on the masters,who allowed it as kings once allowed jokes on themselves by court fools and jesters, mixed with a pun on Nat Turner’s name and veiled references to revolution and change.

- First discovered as "The Gainin’ Ground" in Pete Seeger Where Have All the Flowers Gone pg. 236
- later discovered it in John Greenway American Folksongs of Protest pg. 92-93
-and Russell Ames, The Story of American Folk Song, 1955, p.151-152. Ames contributes an additional verse in Story of American Folksong, p. 151. It appears with the heading “Virginia 1831” below the three main verses in the lyrics.
all three attribute discovery of the song to Lawrence Gellert
This is confirmed by Gellert, published... (Continues)
You mought be rich as cream,
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 18:09
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Chapter of Night

Chapter of Night
Chapter Of Night

Chapter Of Night is a retrospective of the "Great Divide" known as The Civil War which took place in America between April 12, 1861 and April 14, 1865.
The War pitted the Northern Industrial society with its crowded immigrant poulations stretching the boundaries westward into new territories and the static Southern Aggrarian life of Plantations and slave labour. It became clear that the anathema of Slavery could not continue.
Two worlds colliding with a winner take all outcome.
The South had 18,000 factories to the North's 100,000. The population of The South was 10 million, 3 million which were slaves.
This CD does not villify the vanquished nor praise the victor. It merely tells stories of the struggles and courage of this most terrible tragedy.
It brings into sharp focus the need for critical thinking in order to avoid history's mistakes and prevent the repeat... (Continues)
oh my general what do you see (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 17:51
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The Dream

The Dream
Chapter Of Night

Chapter Of Night is a retrospective of the "Great Divide" known as The Civil War which took place in America between April 12, 1861 and April 14, 1865.
The War pitted the Northern Industrial society with its crowded immigrant poulations stretching the boundaries westward into new territories and the static Southern Aggrarian life of Plantations and slave labour. It became clear that the anathema of Slavery could not continue.
Two worlds colliding with a winner take all outcome.
The South had 18,000 factories to the North's 100,000. The population of The South was 10 million, 3 million which were slaves.
This CD does not villify the vanquished nor praise the victor. It merely tells stories of the struggles and courage of this most terrible tragedy.
It brings into sharp focus the need for critical thinking in order to avoid history's mistakes and prevent the repeat... (Continues)
I wont ever speak often
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 17:48

The 54th

The 54th
Chapter Of Night

Chapter Of Night is a retrospective of the "Great Divide" known as The Civil War which took place in America between April 12, 1861 and April 14, 1865.
The War pitted the Northern Industrial society with its crowded immigrant poulations stretching the boundaries westward into new territories and the static Southern Aggrarian life of Plantations and slave labour. It became clear that the anathema of Slavery could not continue.
Two worlds colliding with a winner take all outcome.
The South had 18,000 factories to the North's 100,000. The population of The South was 10 million, 3 million which were slaves.
This CD does not villify the vanquished nor praise the victor. It merely tells stories of the struggles and courage of this most terrible tragedy.
It brings into sharp focus the need for critical thinking in order to avoid history's mistakes and prevent the repeat... (Continues)
freedmen came from miles around
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 17:46

Hogs in the Wheat Field

Hogs in the Wheat Field
Chapter Of Night

Chapter Of Night is a retrospective of the "Great Divide" known as The Civil War which took place in America between April 12, 1861 and April 14, 1865.
The War pitted the Northern Industrial society with its crowded immigrant poulations stretching the boundaries westward into new territories and the static Southern Aggrarian life of Plantations and slave labour. It became clear that the anathema of Slavery could not continue.
Two worlds colliding with a winner take all outcome.
The South had 18,000 factories to the North's 100,000. The population of The South was 10 million, 3 million which were slaves.
This CD does not villify the vanquished nor praise the victor. It merely tells stories of the struggles and courage of this most terrible tragedy.
It brings into sharp focus the need for critical thinking in order to avoid history's mistakes and prevent the repeat... (Continues)
gold field ripened (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 17:44

Angel of Marye's Heights

Angel of Marye's Heights
Chapter Of Night

Chapter Of Night is a retrospective of the "Great Divide" known as The Civil War which took place in America between April 12, 1861 and April 14, 1865.
The War pitted the Northern Industrial society with its crowded immigrant poulations stretching the boundaries westward into new territories and the static Southern Aggrarian life of Plantations and slave labour. It became clear that the anathema of Slavery could not continue.
Two worlds colliding with a winner take all outcome.
The South had 18,000 factories to the North's 100,000. The population of The South was 10 million, 3 million which were slaves.
This CD does not villify the vanquished nor praise the victor. It merely tells stories of the struggles and courage of this most terrible tragedy.
It brings into sharp focus the need for critical thinking in order to avoid history's mistakes and prevent the repeat... (Continues)
there's a stone wall in Fredericksburg (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 17:40


Chapter Of Night

Chapter Of Night is a retrospective of the "Great Divide" known as The Civil War which took place in America between April 12, 1861 and April 14, 1865.
The War pitted the Northern Industrial society with its crowded immigrant poulations stretching the boundaries westward into new territories and the static Southern Aggrarian life of Plantations and slave labour. It became clear that the anathema of Slavery could not continue.
Two worlds colliding with a winner take all outcome.
The South had 18,000 factories to the North's 100,000. The population of The South was 10 million, 3 million which were slaves.
This CD does not villify the vanquished nor praise the victor. It merely tells stories of the struggles and courage of this most terrible tragedy.
It brings into sharp focus the need for critical thinking in order to avoid history's mistakes and prevent the repeat... (Continues)
born in the Mississippi delta (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 17:36


Chapter Of Night

Chapter Of Night is a retrospective of the "Great Divide" known as The Civil War which took place in America between April 12, 1861 and April 14, 1865.
The War pitted the Northern Industrial society with its crowded immigrant poulations stretching the boundaries westward into new territories and the static Southern Aggrarian life of Plantations and slave labour. It became clear that the anathema of Slavery could not continue.
Two worlds colliding with a winner take all outcome.
The South had 18,000 factories to the North's 100,000. The population of The South was 10 million, 3 million which were slaves.
This CD does not villify the vanquished nor praise the victor. It merely tells stories of the struggles and courage of this most terrible tragedy.
It brings into sharp focus the need for critical thinking in order to avoid history's mistakes and prevent the repeat... (Continues)
it aint a question of right or wrong (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 17:34

Notes From Underground

Notes From Underground
Chapter Of Night

Chapter Of Night is a retrospective of the "Great Divide" known as The Civil War which took place in America between April 12, 1861 and April 14, 1865.
The War pitted the Northern Industrial society with its crowded immigrant poulations stretching the boundaries westward into new territories and the static Southern Aggrarian life of Plantations and slave labour. It became clear that the anathema of Slavery could not continue.
Two worlds colliding with a winner take all outcome.
The South had 18,000 factories to the North's 100,000. The population of The South was 10 million, 3 million which were slaves.
This CD does not villify the vanquished nor praise the victor. It merely tells stories of the struggles and courage of this most terrible tragedy.
It brings into sharp focus the need for critical thinking in order to avoid history's mistakes and prevent the repeat... (Continues)
for 20 long years been tied to a whippin' post (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 17:31

Old Man Brown

Old Man Brown
Chapter Of Night

Chapter Of Night is a retrospective of the "Great Divide" known as The Civil War which took place in America between April 12, 1861 and April 14, 1865.
The War pitted the Northern Industrial society with its crowded immigrant poulations stretching the boundaries westward into new territories and the static Southern Aggrarian life of Plantations and slave labour. It became clear that the anathema of Slavery could not continue.
Two worlds colliding with a winner take all outcome.
The South had 18,000 factories to the North's 100,000. The population of The South was 10 million, 3 million which were slaves.
This CD does not villify the vanquished nor praise the victor. It merely tells stories of the struggles and courage of this most terrible tragedy.
It brings into sharp focus the need for critical thinking in order to avoid history's mistakes and prevent the repeat... (Continues)
His conscience was a searing (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 17:27

Just Men

Just Men
Chapter Of Night

Chapter Of Night is a retrospective of the "Great Divide" known as The Civil War which took place in America between April 12, 1861 and April 14, 1865.
The War pitted the Northern Industrial society with its crowded immigrant poulations stretching the boundaries westward into new territories and the static Southern Aggrarian life of Plantations and slave labour. It became clear that the anathema of Slavery could not continue.
Two worlds colliding with a winner take all outcome.
The South had 18,000 factories to the North's 100,000. The population of The South was 10 million, 3 million which were slaves.
This CD does not villify the vanquished nor praise the victor. It merely tells stories of the struggles and courage of this most terrible tragedy.
It brings into sharp focus the need for critical thinking in order to avoid history's mistakes and prevent the repeat... (Continues)
i was living in a free state
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 17:11

The Ballad of Nat Turner

The Ballad of Nat Turner
Nathaniel Turner, noto come Nat Turner (Contea di Southampton, 2 ottobre 1800 – Courtland, 11 novembre 1831), è stato un rivoluzionario statunitense che guidò la cosiddetta rivolta degli schiavi di Nat Turner, scoppiata nella Contea di Southampton in Virginia nell'agosto 1831.

Si vedano anche
The Ballad of Nat Turner - Nat Turner - The Ballad of Nat Turner - Nat Turner / The Gainin' Ground / Virginia 1831 - Tribute to a Slave
in a cold dark dirty bunkhouse stood the holy man
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 16:59

Natale in trincea

Natale in trincea
feat. Neri per Caso
(dicembre 2024)

«Lo Spirito Natalizio latita, proprio come la neve che non scende più? Gli esseri umani sono sempre più nervosetti? Ecco la soluzione: una trincea per tutti! Ma non le trincee di una volta, tristi e fangose: una trincea moderna, pratica, confortevole, tecnologica, adatta a mamme, nonne, grandi e piccini! Il dono perfetto per un Natale in santa pace!»
23 dicembre
2024/12/6 - 16:47
Song Itineraries: Wars in Ukraine
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Nat Turner

Nat Turner
Feast Or Famine 2​.​0

Nat Turner, lo schiavo-profeta che mise a ferro e fuoco la Virginia

Nell’agosto del 1831, la rivolta guidata da Nat Turner in Virginia segnò un momento decisivo nella lotta contro la schiavitù negli Stati Uniti. Questo evento non solo rappresenta un capitolo fondamentale nella resistenza contro l’oppressione ma solleva anche questioni complesse riguardanti l’interpretazione storica e la memoria collettiva. Attraverso l’esame di una varietà di fonti e prospettive, questo articolo mira a offrire un’analisi equilibrata della rivolta, esplorando le dinamiche, le motivazioni e le conseguenze di questo evento.

Lo schiavismo rappresentava la spina dorsale economica e sociale del Sud degli Stati Uniti fino alla guerra di secessione. Questo sistema, basato sulla privazione della libertà e sulla coercizione lavorativa degli afroamericani, era giustificato... (Continues)
Here I stand, a man not free
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/6 - 16:39

Il sogno di Licia

Il sogno di Licia
Parole e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Alessio Lega

Licia Rognini Pinelli è morta l’11 novembre 2024 all’età di novantasei anni; i suoi funerali si sono svolti a Milano. Davanti alla sua bara con la bandiera anarchica con la A cerchiata sono state intonate la Ballata del Pinelli e questa canzone, appena scritta da Alessio Lega e della quale ci ha voluto gentilmente inviare il testo; un “grazie” non sarà un gran ché, ma è quel poco che abbiamo da offrire. Licia Pinelli se n’è andata a riposare, dopo la sua lunghissima vita, accanto a suo marito a Carrara, al cimitero di Turigliano. La canzone di Alessio Lega parla del suo Sogno, un sogno esploso in una piazza, un sogno caduto giù da una finestra. [RV]

Nota. Alessio Lega mi ha suggerito di scrivere delle note sui numerosissimi riferimenti contenuti nel testo della canzone. E’ un suggerimento opportuno:... (Continues)
Licia era una donna fatta di realtà e d’amore
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2024/12/6 - 03:47

Dal Rojava una voce

Dal Rojava una voce
Gianni Sartori

Mentre al Nusra & C. procede, se pur con qualche intoppo, verso sud (Hama ormai è stata conquistata), l'ANS si va rinforzando (anche con l'uso di tanks) in direzione est, sul fronte di Manbij e Maskanah ancora sotto il controllo delle FDS. Preparandosi ad aggredire il Rojava di cui Manbij (100mila abitanti) rappresenta un nodo strategico all'ovest dell'Eufrate. Sia Manbij che Maskanah, recuperata qualche giorno fa dalle FDS, sono ora terreno di scontro tra il principale proxy di Ankara (ANS) e le FDS (curdi, arabi, armeni, siriaci, turcomanni...).

Intanto sono tornati in azione soggetti apertamente legati a Daesh. In questi giorni hanno ucciso un membro del Partito del Futuro (un partito democratico siriano, già perseguitato dal regime di Damasco, con... (Continues)
Gianni Sartori 2024/12/5 - 21:09

The Rocks of Palestine

The Rocks of Palestine
The Rocks Of Palestine (Continues)
Contributed by Smál 2024/12/5 - 19:28
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Blowin' in the Wind

Blowin' in the Wind
Dimmi quanti sguardi dobbiamo volger su
Contributed by Luke Atreides 2024/12/5 - 16:13
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Un bel dì vedremo

Un bel dì vedremo
reinterpretata insieme ai 99 Posse nell'album "Incredibile Opposizione Tour" del 1994

Tutto tutt'intorno sembra impossibile
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/5 - 11:29

I Melt With You

I Melt With You
Moving forward using all my breath
2024/12/5 - 01:52
Song Itineraries: No Nukes
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Gianni Sartori

Ci sono notizie che non si vorrebbe mai sentire, tantomeno divulgare. Un'altra “morte piccina” (ricordate? “'nte sta çittæ/ch'a brûxa ch'a brûxa/inta seia che chin-a/e in stu gran ciaeu de feugu/pe a teu morte piccin-a), quella di un bimbo di quattro anni morto per il freddo mentre la sua famiglia, originaria di Afrin, fuggiva dalla regione di Shehba sotto assedio jihadista verso Raqqa. Nûh Mihemed Reşo è morto così, allo stadio di Raqqa a causa delle rigide temperature sopportate durante la fuga da Shehba dove i suoi genitori, allora in fuga da Afrin, si erano rifugiati nel 2018.

Non si muore quindi soltanto sotto i colpi delle armi dei mercenari di Ankara, ma anche di freddo o di sfinimento, sulle strade, nei campi e nei rifugi improvvisati.

Malgrado tutti... (Continues)
Gianni Sartori 2024/12/4 - 20:10
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It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
Viaggio a Itaca - La fine del mondo

Canzoni per tempi apocalittici.

Non perdetevi l'ultimo telegiornale prima della fine del mondo!

2024/12/4 - 18:07
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Porcherie/La jeunesse emmerde le front national

Porcherie/La jeunesse emmerde le front national
Porcile (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/4 - 13:20

Il ripasso di storia

Il ripasso di storia
Dead Poets 3: Maledetti

feat. Kento, Principe, Aban
Uaioi, se anche voi odiate i nazisti dell'Illinois*
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/4 - 12:37


Dead Poets 2: I Due Ordini

feat. Kento, Principe Easy One, Daddie Notch & Militant A

Il titolo si riferisce all'acronimo A.C.A.B. indicato spesso con i corrispetivi numeri “1312”.
Prima che il tempo scada vada come vada
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/4 - 12:30

Odia gli indifferenti

Odia gli indifferenti
Dead Poets

feat. Kento e Principe
Yeah dead poets, Torino-Roma in connessione, cheeky Prince, ciccio Kento al microfono, DJ Fastcut, questa va ai veri artisti, quelli là fuori (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/4 - 12:21
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The Last Border

The Last Border
Hey cosa sta accadendo? (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/4 - 11:38

Nel carcere di Turi

Nel carcere di Turi
Parole e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Alessio Lega
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/4 - 11:20
Song Itineraries: From World Jails

Support the Troops

Support the Troops
Contributed by Pluck 2024/12/3 - 22:19

Epitaph for Three

Epitaph for Three
Contributed by Pluck 2024/12/3 - 16:19

Les Oligarques de la Station-Service

Les Oligarques de la Station-Service
Les Oligarques de la Station-Service

Chanson française – Les Oligarques de la Station-Service – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2024

est le voyage d’exploration en Zinovie, entrepris par Marco Valdo M. I. et Lucien l’âne, à l’imitation de Carl von Linné en Laponie et de Charles Darwin autour de notre Terre et en parallèle à l’exploration du Disque Monde longuement menée par Terry Pratchett.
La Zinovie, selon Lucien l’âne, est ce territoire mental où se réfléchit d’une certaine manière le monde. La Zinovie renvoie à l’écrivain, logicien, peintre, dessinateur, caricaturiste et philosophe Alexandre Zinoviev et à son abondante littérature.

Épisode 229

Dialogue Maïeutique

Mon ami Lucien l’âne, j’imagine déjà le commentaire que tu vas me faire à propos du titre de cette canzone et je m’empresse tout de suite de le décrypter à ton intention. Donc, il est question de deux choses : d’oligarques... (Continues)
La Zinovie, dit le Trouvère, vend
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2024/12/3 - 12:45

Fast Car

Fast Car
Riccardo Venturi, 1/3-12-2024
Hai una macchina veloce, (Continues)
2024/12/3 - 12:06

Bombers in the Sky

Bombers in the Sky

"Bombers in the Sky" is a song by Thompson Twins, which was released in 1989 as the second single from their seventh studio album Big Trash. The song was released as a cassette single in the US and also received promotional-only releases on 12-inch vinyl and CD. The song was featured in the movie Gremlins 2: The New Batch and clips of the film were used in the music video.

In a review of Big Trash, Rick Nathanson of the Albuquerque Journal considered the song to have a "lullaby feel" with a "sinister nuclear warning".
Rock a bye baby
2024/12/3 - 02:20
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Come a Kobane

Come a Kobane

Per ora l'ultima notizia (tarda serata del 2 dicembre) è quella di una famiglia curda in fuga da Afrin contro cui i mercenari filo-turco hanno aperto il fuoco. Uccidendo due membri (Jamal marsal e il figlio Hassan di 24 anni) e ferendone gravemente altri due (la madre e un'altra donna che viaggiava con loro). L'attacco è avvenuto presso il rondò di “Al-Shihan” di Aleppo.

A questo punto, possiamo dire “ordinaria amministrazione”.

Del resto i metodi utilizzati dall'alleanza jihadista denominata Esercito Nazionale Siriano (SNA) all'assalto della regione del nord-est della Siria sono stati quelli prevedibili.

Di fatto gli abitanti dei quartieri curdi di Aleppo (in particolare Sheikh Maksud e Ashrafia) sono diventati ostaggi da deportare in territorio turco. Anche se... (Continues)
Gianni Sartori 2024/12/3 - 00:06
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Tan Ar Bobl

Loran, il chitarrista dei Ramoneurs de Menhirs, è stato anche fondatore dei Berurier Noir.
Ibrahim avec ses frères
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/2 - 19:34

Oy ! oy ! oy !

Oy ! oy ! oy !
Amzer an dispac'h

Ar muzik ' zo bet starakizet
Contributed by Dq82 2024/12/2 - 19:24

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