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Su nombre puede ponerse en verso

Su nombre puede ponerse en verso
(testo di Leoncarlo Settimelli)


Album: Questa Grande Umanità Ha Detto Basta! - Canzoni Di Lotta Di Tutto Il Mondo
Contributed by Alberto Scotti 2024/1/13 - 12:34

Mauern stürzen ein

Israel's wall of stone (Continues)
Contributed by Dq82 2024/1/13 - 12:25
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Victor Jara

Victor Jara
Contributed by Dq82 2024/1/13 - 12:21
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La zolfara

La zolfara
Dq82 2024/1/13 - 11:04
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Llanto por Víctor Jara

Llanto por Víctor Jara
@Alberto Scotti: la canzone era già presente con il titolo in spagnolo, che sembra essere quello originale.
CCG Staff 2024/1/12 - 21:20
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A Song For David

A Song For David
Tradotta da Andrea Buriani, questa versione è arrangiata e cantata in italiano da Doc Pippus (alias Giuseppe Mereu).

2024/1/12 - 14:45

All Things Are Quite Silent

All Things Are Quite Silent
2024/1/12 - 08:35

Il cielo di Gaza 2023

Il cielo di Gaza 2023
ciao a tutti e tutte. Oggi è incominciato il processo per genocidio richiesto dal Sud Africa contro Israele. Vi segnalo questo link inglese di musica elettronica a sostegno di medici senza frontiere impegnata a Gaza nei soccorsi.
si tratta di 64 brani di artisti promossi da Dania Shihad di Barcellona

acquistabili e ascoltabili al link qui sotto

For Palestine

Dania Shihab, co-founder of Paralaxe Editions and an Emergency Medicine doctor, initiated the compilation effort to make a positive contribution in response to the dire situation in Gaza. A dedicated Emergency Medicine doctor who is now based in Spain, Shihab has been deeply affected by the longstanding conflict in her homeland and felt compelled to take action, rallying support from diverse circles of friends, colleagues, and artists across geographical, social, and ethnic boundaries.

Barcelona's Paralaxe Editions Release Palestine Fundraiser Compilation
Raolo Rizzi 2024/1/11 - 19:39
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La versione degli Andhira

2024/1/11 - 19:28
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La guerra di Piero

La guerra di Piero
La particolarissima versione degli Andhira

2024/1/11 - 19:22
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
1μ2. Varşovianca - La versione romena di Lucian Minel Rădan
1μ2. Varşovianca - Lucian Minel Rădan’s Romanian Version

Although references to the Romanian version of Warszawianka existed in literature from various countries, including Azerbaijan, Russia and Hungary, for a long time we were unable to find its lyrics. Today, however, we have finally succeeded in revealing the full lyrics of the Romanian version.
The Romanian version of Warszawianka is spelt Varșovianca and the lyrics were written by the poet Lucian Minel Rădan (1925-1956) from Giurgiu County, Muntenea, Romania. (The date the text was written is unknown). For a long time the song was not sung publicly in Romania, but in 1967, on the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, the Romanian folk orchestra Ciocîrlia and the choir Perinița finally performed this hymn, loved by Lenin, in Romania. As with the other language versions,... (Continues)
Varșovianca [1]
Contributed by Boreč 2024/1/11 - 03:52
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Filastrocca corta e matta

Filastrocca corta e matta
Chanson italienne - Filastrocca corta e matta – Gianni Rodari – 1981

Une autre contine : Pigeon vole – Charles Trenet

Petit dialogue maïeutique

Mon ami l’âne Lucien, je te convie à un petit exercice pratique, à une sorte de démonstration de la différence entre une traduction et une version, telle que j’ai l’usage d’en proposer à la sagacité publique.

Ohlala, dit Lucien l’âne, en voilà une idée. Qu’est-ce qui t’a mis sur cette nouvelle manière de démontrer ta marotte ?

D’abord, reprend Marco Valdo M.I., celle de Gianni Rodari lequel est féru de ce qu’il nomme en italien – c’est bien normal, puisqu’il s’exprime en italien - « filastrocca ». On traduit généralement par comptine et le terme est assez exact ; je n’ai rien à y redire. D’ailleurs, une bonne définition en italien forcément de « flilastrocca » - quand il s’agit de chanson, de chansonnette – dit : « Canzonetta o composizione... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2024/1/10 - 14:27
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Aremu rindineddha

Aremu rindineddha
Una bella interpretazione della cantante greca Alkyone

2024/1/10 - 04:31

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