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The Fall of Charleston

The Fall of Charleston
[1865 circa]
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel :
Eugene T. Johnston

Performed by / Interpreti / Interprétée par / Laulavat :
Tennessee Ernie Ford

Album: Songs Of The Civil War

Il 20 dicembre 1860, la Carolina del Sud fu il primo stato a votare per la secessione dall'Unione. Il 12 aprile 1861, le batterie al comando del generale Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard aprirono il fuoco nel porto di Charleston su Fort Sumter , presidiato dalle truppe governative. Fu il primo atto della guerra civile.
Tutti i tentativi dell’Unione di prendere Charleston per terra e per mare nei quattro anni di guerra civile non ebbero successo.
Dopo che Columbia, la capitale della Carolina del Sud, capitolò il 17 Febbraio 1865, Charleston fu abbandonata dai Confederati che non risparmiarono edifici pubblici, depositi e mulini incendiandoli.
Come ogni canzone scritta... (Continues)
Oh have you heard the glorious news, is the cry from every mouth
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2022/8/21 - 17:47

Will You Fight, Will You Dare?

Will You Fight, Will You Dare?
Dark-eyed daughter
Pubblicato con il nome Phyl Vinnicombe (Lobl è il cognome da sposata)
Words & tune: Lobl

'The 1967 referendum in which 90% of the Australian Community voted in favour of deleting sections of the Constitution discriminating against Aborigines showed goodwill. To enable Aborigines to become independent, self-reliant people this goodwill must be translated into active and positive attitudes. Together we must build a nation where dark and white live in harmony with growing understanding and respect for one another, mutually contributing to the enrichment of our Commonwealth. This is the challenge of these songs and of the present day Aboriginal advancement movement.'
This is still the challenge but now many aboriginal people show us the value of their culture, they show us the meaning of resilience, they show us the way ahead, they show us how to forgive,... (Continues)
The dreamtime folk are stirring now
Contributed by dq82 2022/8/21 - 11:52



Chanson française — L’Immolation — Marco Valdo M.I. — 2022

est le voyage d’exploration en Zinovie, entrepris par Marco Valdo M. I. et Lucien l’âne, à l’imitation de Carl von Linné en Laponie et de Charles Darwin autour de notre Terre et en parallèle à l’exploration du Disque Monde longuement menée par Terry Pratchett.
La Zinovie, selon Lucien l’âne, est ce territoire mental où se réfléchit d’une certaine manière le monde. La Zinovie renvoie à l’écrivain, logicien, peintre, dessinateur, caricaturiste et philosophe Alexandre Zinoviev et à son abondante littérature.

Épisode 63

Dialogue Maïeutique

Je suppose, Lucien l’âne mon ami, que tu sais ce qu’est une immolation.

Certes, dit Lucien l’âne, c’est un suicide mis en scène pour protester spectaculairement contre une injustice, une oppression, une dictature, un régime totalitaire. C’est donc un acte éminemment... (Continues)
Venu de l’étranger, le bruit a circulé,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2022/8/21 - 11:47

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