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Pans of Biscuits

Pans of Biscuits
Per quanto riguarda il titolo della traccia ho trovato su Wikipedia una valida e interessante spiegazione.

Biscuits and gravy is a popular breakfast dish in the United States, especially in the South. The dish consists of soft dough biscuits covered in either white gravy (sawmill gravy) or brown gravy (meat gravy), made from the drippings of cooked pork sausage, flour, milk, and often (but not always) bits of sausage, bacon, ground beef, or other meat. The gravy is often flavored with black pepper.

The meal emerged as a distinct regional dish after the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), when stocks of foodstuffs were in short supply. Breakfast was necessarily the most substantial meal of the day for a person facing a day of work on the plantations in the American South. In addition, the lack of supplies and money meant it had to be cheap.
Pluck 2022/10/1 - 22:53
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Uno de abajo

Uno de abajo
Brother, I'm going to war
2022/10/1 - 19:48
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Le déserteur

Le déserteur
Lo staff delle CCG riceve la targa musicletter al MEI di Faenza
2022/10/1 - 18:25
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Evenu Shalom Alehem

alechem è scritto עליכם, non עליחם.

corretto, grazie

CCG/AWS staff
Efrem 2022/10/1 - 00:33

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