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Before 2021-12-2

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Leaders of Men

Leaders of Men
Nell'EP di debutto "An Ideal For Living", quando forse il gruppo si chiamava ancora Warsaw
Testo trovato su Genius
Born from some mother's womb
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2021/12/2 - 21:23

No Love Lost

No Love Lost
Nell'EP di debutto "An Ideal For Living", quando forse il gruppo si chiamava ancora Warsaw
Testo trovato su [[|Genius]]

Joy Division took their name from the novel "The House Of Dolls" by Jewish author Ka-Tzetnik 135633 (real name Yehiel Feiner, or Yehiel De-Nur), an Auschwitz survivor (his pen name means "Concentration Camper", and 135633 was his number). He wrote about the horrors committed by the nazis. "The House Of Dolls" is about Joy Division - Jewish women in concentration camps who were made into sex slaves for the pleasure of Nazi soldiers. He claimed it was inspired by the fate of his younger sister who did not survive the Holocaust.
The spoken part from 'No Love Lost' is taken directly from the book.
(nightandday, su Songmeanings)
So long sitting here, didn't hear the warning
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2021/12/2 - 21:16


Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Vittorio Nocenzi
Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: Francesco Di Giacomo - Vittorio Nocenzi
Album / Albumi: Come in un'ultima cena

Oltre che per il suo contenuto, che credo sia chiaro e indiscutibile, ammetto che inserisco questa canzone anche per il video (registrato il 28 luglio 2013 a S. Giovanni Marignano -Rimini/Cattolica-, proprio mentre il BMS stava eseguendo questo brano) che contiene la mitica reazione di Vittorio Nocenzi ad un episodio accaduto tra il pubblico, che è una vera e propria lezione di libertà e di civiltà. Segue anche Francesco Di Giacomo che, purtroppo, meno di un anno dopo sarebbe perito in un incidente stradale. Guardate il video, e buon ascolto. [RV]

Slogan, sssSlogan, sssSlogan
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2021/12/2 - 10:45


Kay Reynolds
(Take a look, take a look, up to the sky)
2021/12/2 - 02:57
Song Itineraries: War on Earth
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Contributed by Francesco Mazzocchi 2021/12/1 - 14:59
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
1δ1. Versione slovacca
1δ1. Slovak version

Czech and Slovak are very similar. This version appears to be a simple transcription of the Czech version (q.v.) into the Slovak language; or -who knows?- vice versa. Nobody knows which came first, up to this moment. [RV]
Contributed by The multi-named user usually known as Borec 2021/12/1 - 12:49


Stefano Tognini / Alessandro Pulga
Album / Albumi: Noi, loro, gli altri
La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
Contributed by daniela -k.d.- 2021/11/30 - 23:53

Chcemy być sobą

Chcemy być sobą
"The song was recorded in 1981, during the dark years of the communist rule, just before the introduction of martial law in Poland on the 13th December 1981 (see more here: Martial law in Poland - Wikipedia). This song was one of the most important protest songs all through the 1980s; it's worth noting that, at concerts, the title phrase "Chcemy być sobą" ("We want to be ourselves") was often changed into "Chcemy bić ZOMO" ("We want to beat up ZOMO" - see here for the explanation on ZOMO)
2021/11/30 - 09:59


Ruotsin kouluissa oli vuosina 1962 - 1994 käytössä viisiportainen arviointiasteikko, jossa numero 5 oli parhain ja numero 1 huonoin arvosana ja jonka Björn Afzelius samastaa tässä alun perin vuonna 1978 levytetyssä laulussaan yhteiskunnan toimintaa sääteleviin luokkalakeihin.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2021/11/29 - 15:51

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Tak długo jak moja gitara delikatnie łka
Contributed by Krzysiek 2021/11/28 - 21:57
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Ballata per i centri antiviolenza

Ballata per i centri antiviolenza
Asterischi, scarpe e panchine rosse sono insopportabile retorica
di Sandra Figliuolo, 26 novembre 2021

Al netto di scarpe, sciarpe, luci e panchine rosse in questo Paese le donne continuano a non ricoprire ruoli apicali, ad essere pagate meno, a non avere alcun supporto dallo Stato se decidono di diventare madri e - che audacia! - di continuare pure a lavorare, ad incontrare obiettori di coscienza se decidono di abortire, ad essere considerate prima di tutto per il loro aspetto fisico e, quando - quasi sempre - sono più intelligenti e preparate degli uomini, a diventare improvvisamente anche delle gran rompiscatole, o, se sono "troppo" libere ed emancipate, delle poco di buono.

In questo Paese si continua a pensare di dover risolvere i problemi con il codice penale, invocando pene sempre più pesanti, ma la violenza di genere è un problema culturale. Ci vogliono la scuola, l'educazione... (Continues)
daniela -k.d.- e RV 2021/11/28 - 11:59
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Canzone che senz'altro non piacerebbe al ministro Cingolani !
Riccardo Venturi 2021/11/28 - 08:43
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Zdecydowałam się wykonać to tłumaczenie, mimo tego że, jak wspomniałam wcześniej w komentarzu, istnieje bardzo dobre tłumaczenie na stronie Antiwarsongs. Moje tłumaczenie nie jest tak znakomite, ale trochę bardziej dosłowne. Chciałam, żeby tłumaczenie tej piosenki zaistniało na LT wraz z komentarzami i odnośnikami do innych źródeł informacji.

Piosenka porusza temat morderstwa dokonanego na Grzegorzu Przemyku w 1983 roku, które odbiło się szerokim echem nie tylko w Polsce. Więcej na ten temat tutaj: Grzegorz Przemyk – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Piosenka zawiera również krytykę kościoła i jego oficjeli, którzy są postrzegani jako jeszcze jedna władza żądna pieniędzy i wpływów.
"Biały górnik" to papież Jan Paweł II, który w pewnym okresie w czasie II wojny światowej pracował w kamieniołomie. Więcej na temat polskiego papieża: Jan Paweł II – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

(Ho deciso di... (Continues)
2021/11/27 - 22:59
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Terzo intermezzo

Terzo intermezzo
2021/11/27 - 22:51

Camí avall

Camí avall
non sono molto convinto della traduzione del titolo, per il resto mi sembra che vada bene.
2021/11/27 - 22:43
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Johnny lo zingaro

Johnny lo zingaro
Contributed by Alberto Scotti 2021/11/27 - 16:01
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Contributed by Albatross795 2021/11/27 - 03:56
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
1a5. To Cand Vasyāvig ek nyăuto 1905 - Kelartic translation of Warszawianka 1905 roku
To Cand Vasyāvig ek nyăuto 1905
2021/11/26 - 20:31
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Ninna nanna

Ninna nanna
d’après la version italienne d’Alberto Scotti d’une
Chanson italienne (napolitain) – Ninna nanna – Teresa De Sio – 2007

« La berceuse [la barcarolle, la comptine, la lalalaire, la lallation, la litanie, la ritournelle, la cantilène, particulièrement, dans sa version italienne de ninna-nanna] est une forme très répandue dans la musique populaire. Ici, Teresa en construit une dans son style personnel. Une chanson de protection pour tous les enfants abandonnés dans le monde, mais aussi une véritable chanson d’amour. » (extrait des notes de présentation du disque)

Dialogue maïeutique

Je pense, Lucien l’âne mon ami, qu’on en dit jamais assez l’importance de l’enfance et de la prime enfance pour le devenir d’une espèce vivante – en l’occurrence, l’espèce humaine. D’abord, c’est le moment où la population humaine (c’est pareil pour les autres) est la plus importante en nombre – c’est là une... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2021/11/25 - 17:23

Per sempre giovani

Per sempre giovani
6 DICEMBRE 1990, ORE 10,36
2021/11/25 - 16:35
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Angel of Mons

Angel of Mons
The Great War

2014 was the centenary of the “war to end all wars” and I had the idea to compose some music around the subject. Rather than just release one song or EP in 2014, I decided it would be an interesting concept to release one song a year, from 2014 to 2018 that, combined, would form one (longer) piece of music.

In 2018 Bad Elephant approached me with the idea of releasing the project as a full album and this opportunity has allowed me to re-record and reinterpret the songs I had written since 2014 and also include some additional ones, the end result being The Great War album.
Contributed by Dq82 2021/11/25 - 13:24


The Great War

2014 was the centenary of the “war to end all wars” and I had the idea to compose some music around the subject. Rather than just release one song or EP in 2014, I decided it would be an interesting concept to release one song a year, from 2014 to 2018 that, combined, would form one (longer) piece of music.

In 2018 Bad Elephant approached me with the idea of releasing the project as a full album and this opportunity has allowed me to re-record and reinterpret the songs I had written since 2014 and also include some additional ones, the end result being The Great War album.
Contributed by Dq82 2021/11/25 - 13:15
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The Great War

2014 was the centenary of the “war to end all wars” and I had the idea to compose some music around the subject. Rather than just release one song or EP in 2014, I decided it would be an interesting concept to release one song a year, from 2014 to 2018 that, combined, would form one (longer) piece of music.

In 2018 Bad Elephant approached me with the idea of releasing the project as a full album and this opportunity has allowed me to re-record and reinterpret the songs I had written since 2014 and also include some additional ones, the end result being The Great War album.
Contributed by Dq82 2021/11/25 - 13:12
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(Gianni Sartori)

Per protestare contro la sospensione delle borse di studio - una decisione del governo regionale -ormai da diversi giorni gli studenti sono in agitazione nel Kurdistan del Sud (Nord dell’Iraq). E’ infatti dal 2014 che non vengono più corrisposte a chi non è in grado (come invece si possono permettere i figli delle famiglie ricche o comunque appartenenti alla élite politica) di frequentare qualche università privata. A questo si aggiungono le contestazioni per le condizioni disagiate in cui versano i dormitori universitari.

Il 24 novembre in migliaia hanno manifestato a Sulaymaniyah davanti al governatorato mentre a Erbil veniva bloccata la strada per Kirkuk.

Manifestazioni che sono state represse e disperse brutalmente dalle forze di sicurezza, utilizzando sia lacrimogeni in gran quantità che i cannoni... (Continues)
Gianni Sartori 2021/11/25 - 06:29
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Al milite ignoto

Al milite ignoto
Chanson italienne – Al milite ignoto – Claudio Lolli – 1975
Texte et musique : Claudio Lolli
Da « Canzoni di rabbia »

Dialogue maïeutique

L’autre jour, Lucien l’âne mon ami, quand on dialoguait à propos de ces deux chansons de Bert Brecht : Erster Bericht über den Unbekannten Soldaten unter dem Triumphbogen(Version française – PREMIER RAPPORT SUR LE SOLDAT INCONNU SOUS L’ARC DE TRIOMPHE) et Zweiter Bericht über den Unbekannten Soldaten unter dem Triumphbogen (Version française – DEUXIÈME RAPPORT SUR LE SOLDAT INCONNU SOUS L’ARC DE TRIOMPHE), j’avais énoncé l’idée suivante : « cette figure nébuleuse du soldat inconnu qui, sous les flonflons et les tralalas des commémorations – qui servent à mettre en valeur ceux qui commémorent, réduit le massacre millionnaire à une exécution capitale. Encore une fois, cet inconnu solitaire cache la forêt des assassinés. »

Je me souviens très bien, dit... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2021/11/24 - 11:15
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Le déserteur

Le déserteur

Parodia nella parlata di Prato della canzone LE DÈSERTEUR di Boris Vian (1954), ricalcata sulla traduzione di Giorgio Calabrese (Il disertore - 1971). Grazie alla chitarra di Andrea
2021/11/24 - 00:10
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
3z. SAT-Marŝo - Marcia della Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (Associazione Apolide Internazionale)
3z. SAT-Marŝo - March of Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (World Non-national Association)

Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda (the World Non-national Association) is a globally based organisation for progressive people.

It’s aim is to help people from many different countries to understand each other, get informed and educated, improve their lives, and to communicate and cooperate with each other in the fight against oppression.

To enable such communication and cooperation, SAT uses the international language ESPERANTO.

SAT puts its members in direct contact with other progressive people from all around the world, it encourages the swapping of information, the comparison of ideas and enables the creation of a real functioning international solidarity.
SAT-Marŝo (Varŝavjanka)
Contributed by Boreč 2021/11/23 - 01:18

Erich Mühsam, poète, anarchiste et assassiné

Erich Mühsam, poète, anarchiste et assassiné

Questa è una storia che parte da molto lontano, nel 1878 a Berlino nasceva Erich, anarchico e libertario, scrittore e poeta.
più di 100 anni dopo, Leonard, caro amico, ricercando le poesie e gli scritti di Erich scrisse la sua intera biografia.
Io, ancora adolescente trovai il libro.
Con i "CAUSA" la mia band, abbiamo musicato quella che credo la più bella poesia di Erich, "Pellegrino".
Fu li che per un sacco di coincidenze conobbi Leonard, con lui noi Causa abbiamo fatto molti spettacoli
mescolando poesia e musica.
Ogni volta che tornavo a casa dopo i concerti, quel libro era li insieme agli altri sulla mia scrivania.
Ci sono dei momenti che si vogliono delle cose, altri in cui, ci si sente in dovere.
Queste sono le Poesie più belle del nostro Erich, messe in musica da me.
questo disco va alla memoria di Erich, a Leonard, ai Causa e a tutti i pellegrini senza meta del mondo.
Luca 2021/11/22 - 14:41
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Die Moorsoldaten [Börgermoorlied; Das Moorlied]

Die Moorsoldaten [Börgermoorlied; Das Moorlied]
16. পিট বগ সেনাদল [Piṭa baga sēnādala]: Versione bengalese
16. পিট বগ সেনাদল [Piṭa baga sēnādala]: Bengali version

১৯৩৩সালে জার্মানির ক্ষমতায় এসে হিটলার দেশ জুড়ে বহু কনসেনট্রেশন ক্যাম্প তৈরি করেন । পাপেনবার্গে এরকম একটি ক্যাম্পে প্রায় ৫০০০্জন বন্দী ছিলেন । রোজ সকালে তাদের কোদাল হাতে ৭ মাইল হাঁটিয়ে নিয়ে গিয়ে নিজেদের কবর খোঁড়ার কাজে লাগানো হত । অনেক অত্যাচারের মধ্যেও বন্দীরা য়াতায়াতের পথে মুখে মুখে একটি গান তৈরি করেছিলেন । সেই গানে বিদ্রোহের কথা না থকলেও এক অদ্ভুত মুক্তির আবেদল ছিল । দ্রুত গানটি বিভিন্ন ক্যাম্পে আগুনের মত ছড়িয়ে পড়ে এবং অবশেষে নিষিদ্ধ হয় । জার্মানির প্রখ্যাত গণসংগীতকার হানস আইসলার গানটি সংগ্রহ করেন । এর ইংরাজি অনুবাদে হাত লাগান বিশ্ব বরেণ্য চার্লি চ্যাপলিন এবং আমেরিকা থেকে প্রকাশিত রেকর্ডে কণ্ঠদান করেন বিশ্ব শিল্পী পল রোবসন । ২০০০সালে একটি প্রতিনিধি দলের সদস্য হিসাবে আমাদের জার্মানি সফরের সুযোগ হয়েছিল ।সেই সময় অন্য একটি কনসেনট্রেশন ক্যাম্পের অবশেষ পরিদর্শনেরও... (Continues)
[Il testo bengalese non è disponibile
Contributed by Albatross795 2021/11/22 - 13:30
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Ninna nanna

Ninna nanna
Vieni qua, dammi la mano
Contributed by Alberto Scotti 2021/11/22 - 05:18
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Almost Cut My Hair

Almost Cut My Hair
Col cuore, grazie Francesco, è così
Danny 2021/11/22 - 01:41

Cappuccio rosso

Cappuccio rosso


(Gianni Sartori)

Da sempre, quando un popolo sottoposto a quella particolare forma di colonialismo che possiamo definire “interno” tenta di scrollarsi di dosso il dominio, il controllo, l’oppressione di un qualche stato, in genere è lo stato implicato che riesuma la vecchia scusa della “questione interna”. Come talvolta fanno anche, per lavarsene le mani, molti organismi internazionali (a meno che non si applichi un’altra formula, quella della“autodeterminazione a geometria variabile”).

Valeva per i baschi (anche in epoca franchista) così come per i tibetani e per i mapuche.

Stupisce invece che a dirlo sia una componente del popolo stesso. Ma proprio recentemente il Primo ministro del Governo regionale del Kurdistan del Sud (il Bashur) Masrour Barzani non si è fatto scrupolo alcuno nell’attaccare la resistenza... (Continues)
Gianni Sartori 2021/11/21 - 23:51

Gdy tak siedzimy nad bimbrem

Gdy tak siedzimy nad bimbrem
Se per forza vogliamo farci male, fammolo almeno nella versione originale, no nelle versioni "klezmer"

krzyś Ѡ 2021/11/21 - 02:43

Zweiter Bericht über den Unbekannten Soldaten unter dem Triumphbogen

Zweiter Bericht über den Unbekannten Soldaten unter dem Triumphbogen
Chanson allemande – Zweiter Bericht über den Unbekannten Soldaten unter dem Triumphbogen – Bertolt Brecht – ça. 1920.

Texte de Bertolt Brecht, dans le recueil « Lieder Gedichte Chöre, 1918-1933 », publié en 1934.
Musique de Kurt Weill, quatrième mouvement de la cantate pour ténor, baryton, chœur de trois voix d’hommes et orchestre intitulée « Das Berliner Requiem », qu’il a composée en 1928.

Ici, Brecht abandonne le grotesque et admet qu’il ne pourra jamais y avoir de résurrection pour ce soldat qui a été assassiné, massacré, déchiré et rendu ainsi inconnu. Il n’y aura jamais de jugement dernier. Alors vous, maudits qui l’avez tué, vous pouvez dormir tranquilles, mais au moins enlevez cette pierre tombale, cet arc de triomphe, et arrêtez vos hymnes de victoire inutiles et scandaleux qui me blessent, moi qui chaque jour continue à me demander : pourquoi n’êtes-vous pas ceux qui sont morts,... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2021/11/20 - 18:56

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