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When I Come Home

When I Come Home

Double-sided anti-Vietnam War single, with the tracks "Why Is It?" and "When I Come Home"

The second track "When I Come Home" was narrated from the perspective of "a soldier serving my country". He wondered why he had to kill other people. He hoped that when he returned to the US there would be a "lasting peace" in honour of those that had died.

Vietnam War: Soul, Gospel, & Funk Records
A soldier serving my country
2020/6/1 - 15:46

Why Is It?

Why Is It?

Double-sided anti-Vietnam War single, with the tracks "Why Is It?" and "When I Come Home" (A & G Records # AG 2041) - this label was almost certainly based in New York, with A & G standing for Al Grannum, a radio DJ for WLIB. His program in the late 1960s and early 1970s focused on R&B groups. This record was released under the name "Al Grannum & the Granulated Souls". There is a picture of Grannum in a 1971 article from the The Daily Register, based in Red Bank, New Jersey, in which Grannum was helping out at a community party. Is there a connection to Hugh Grannum, the Detroit based photographer? The record was also released in Jamaica - Why Is It? / When I Come Home (Dynamic Sounds # AG 2041).

So in the first track, "Why Is It?", the narrator, in spoken-word, said that he was "sick and tired" of hearing about children starving and "soldiers dying". He wanted to... (Continues)
The way things are today is bad
2020/6/1 - 15:10


Album: Il bambino che baciava... e marameo alla morte
Yuri stava sulla neve come me
Contributed by Alberto Scotti 2020/6/1 - 15:10
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Wolny Tybet

Wolny Tybet
Album: Human Rights

"Bądź źródłem nadziei cokolwiek się stanie
Bądź źródłem współczucia, nie tylko dla swoich przyjaciół ale dla wszystkich
Cokolwiek się wokół Ciebie wydarzy
Nigdy nie trać nadziei !"
(Dalajlama XIV)
To nie jest sen to nie jest marzenie
Contributed by giorgio 2020/6/1 - 12:45

Euthanasiez-moi !

Euthanasiez-moi !
Je veux mourir, dit la centenaire.

Commentaire à la chanson Euthanasiez-moi !

Dialogue Maïeutique

Euthanasiez-moi, dit Lucien l’âne, est une chanson des plus utiles ; elle chante le choix de mourir, le droit à la liberté ; elle chante la liberté.

Car c’est une des libertés encore à conquérir que de pouvoir mourir à son heure, à l’heure que l’on choisit et de le faire dans de bonnes conditions.

Une ancienne institutrice, quelque part en France, a décidé de mourir. Elle a écrit un petit mot :

« Je ne veux pas être ranimée.
Je ne veux pas de soins.
H. Wuillemin
Le 27 mai.

Je cite ici une partie du texte de l’interview de Madame Wuillemin, relayée par France-info, intitulée :"Quand on souffre comme ça, ce n’est pas la peine de rester"

Quand on souffre comme ça, ce n'est pas la peine de rester Hélène, centenaire, en grève de la faim pour qu'on lui laisse le droit de mourir

« Hélène... (Continues)
Marco Valdo M.I. 2020/6/1 - 10:14

Guerra de uno

Guerra de uno
Álbum: Inerte (Demo)

Una canción de crítica social. Es difícil ver la verdad bajo el fuego, pero la verdad es la verdad.. Guerra de uno es una canción contundente, con una realidad negra y una atmósfera negra.
¡Guerra de uno!
Contributed by giorgio 2020/6/1 - 09:00

Gatillo Fácil

Gatillo Fácil
Le dicen gatillo fácil, para mí lo asesinó
2020/6/1 - 05:24

(I Got) So Much Trouble in My Mind

(I Got) So Much Trouble in My Mind
I got so much trouble in my mind
2020/5/31 - 23:25

Viet Nam

Viet Nam

In the blues / gospel track "Viet Nam" (Gospel Corner Records # GC-127) Madame Nellie Robinson pleaded for the conclusion of the Vietnam War - "settle this war in Vietnam" - in order to stop people from dying: "lord have mercy, a child is dying". It considered the pain felt by those fighting: "soldiers laying in mud". It also looked at the family and friends of soldiers in the US: "mothers and fathers at home crying". Robinson signed to the label Gospel Corner, based in Los Angeles, California, by Brother Hudson in 1968, a subsidiary of Proverb Records.

Composed by Madame Nellie Robinson. Produced by Bro. Henderson.

Vietnam War Songs Project
Vietnam, Vietnam
2020/5/31 - 23:11

See What You Done, Done (Hymn No. 9)

See What You Done, Done (Hymn No. 9)

The 1971 track "See What You Done, Done (Hymn No. 9)" about a Vietnam veteran who became a drug addict, was composed by Atlanta, Georgian soul singer Delia Gartrell and her husband James T. Shaw, otherwise known as The Mighty Hannibal (he also released a Vietnam War song in 1966 with a similar name, but different theme - Hymn No. 5). This Delia Gartrell single, originally released on the obscure Atlanta label Demin-Kalo (# JS-2/JS-3), was soon after picked up by the larger New York label Right-On Records (RR0-109).

Hannibal explained in an interview the inspiration for writing "See What You Done, Done": "Me and my wife were watching the news and Walter Cronkite was talking about how all the soldiers were coming back from Vietnam addicted to opium". Thus, the song provides a representation of veteran drug addiction associated with the Vietnam War:

Vietnam War Song Project
Can't you see what you done done to my only son
2020/5/31 - 22:37
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I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag

I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag
Non tutti sanno che anche Pete Seeger la incise nel 1970.

2020/5/31 - 22:23

Der Himmel über Berlin [Der Himmel Über Berlin]

Der Himmel über Berlin [Der Himmel Über Berlin]
Der Himmel über Berlin

Film / Movie / Elokuva:
Wim Wenders
Der Himmel über Berlin / Il cielo sopra Berlino / Wings of Desire / Les Ailes du désir / Berliinin taivaan alla

Musik / Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel:
Jürgen Knieper

Album: Der Himmel Über Berlin

“Auf jeden Fall kann man sich nicht verlaufen, man kommt immer wieder an der Mauer an /In ogni caso non ci si può perdere, alla fine si arriva sempre al muro è la frase che pronuncia Marion, la donna di cui Damiel si innamora, entrambi protagonisti del film. Die Mauer / il Muro non è l’argomento principale del film ma se non fosse stato in servizio, a mio avviso, Wenders non avrebbe concepito il film come poi lo ha realizzato.
Il film è un tessuto tra passato e presente, tra una città che cinquant’anni prima era il centro dell’Europa, una cultura secolare da cui non era possibile prescindere ed una città ridotta... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2020/5/31 - 19:01
Song Itineraries: The Berlin Wall, 1961-1989

Bring My Buddies Back

Bring My Buddies Back
(David Sheffield)

Soul song called "Bring My Buddies Back" (Stone Lady # SL-006), which had a very similar sound and theme to Freda Payne's "Bring The Boys Home" - except in this case the plea came from the perspective of a war veteran, asking the government to end the war and send his friends home.

The very first line actually referenced Payne, saying: "Hey Freda, maybe you were right". The song went on to recall one of his friends dying in Vietnam because of the "lack of doctors". Not much is know of this group. They probably came from the East Coast - their label Stone Lady was based in New Jersey, founded by David L. Sheffield, who composed this and most of the songs on their album. The members of the group were Luis Farinas (tenor vocals), Doug Green (lead vocals), Greg Jackson (tenor vocals), and Tony Matthews (bass vocals).

This song also featured on the album "Bring My Buddies Back" (Stone Lady # 1001), the front cover of which has a painting of marching troops in Vietnam.

Vietnam War Songs Project
One two, three four...
2020/5/31 - 17:30

The Dean Rusk Song

The Dean Rusk Song

From the album "Hey, Hey...LBJ! Songs of the U.S. Antiwar Movement" (Crisis Records # LP-001 / US / LP / 33rpm)

Dean Rusk (1909-1994) segretario di stato dal 1961 al 1969 sotto le presidenze di Kennedy e Johnson e convinto sostenitore della guerra in Vietnam.
Oh, I'm weary and I'm harried and I don't know what to do
2020/5/31 - 17:00

Johnny Comes Marching Home

Johnny Comes Marching Home

Citazione della canzone popoloare When Johnny Comes Marching Home (vedi Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye)
When Johnny comes marching home again hurrah, hurrah,
2020/5/31 - 16:16

Il mio canto libero

Il mio canto libero
Testo di Giulio Rapetti, in arte Mogol
Musica di Lucio Battisti
Title track dell'album del 1972, da cui anche Gente per bene e gente per male, già su queste pagine.

Capolavoro assoluto, sia dal punto di vista poetico che da quello musicale.
Un testo probabilmente riferito alle vicende personali di Mogol in quel periodo, e tuttavia capace di un afflato universale contro la violenza e la ferocia dilaganti nel mondo, per l'amore universale, non solo dell'uomo e della donna ma dell'essere umano per la Terra e la Natura, di ogni essere umano verso i propri simili e per l'ambiente in cui viviamo.
Capolavoro umiliato da destra, che arrivò a violentare il testo interprentandolo addirittura come nostalgico del Ventennio, e da sinistra, bollato come manifesto di un autore fascistoide dedito ad un borghese riflusso nel privato.
Era semplicemente il Suo Canto Libero, e per questa la propongo, umilmente negli Extra, convinto però che si tratti proprio di una Canzone Contro la Guerra DOCG...
In un mondo che
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2020/5/31 - 14:49
Song Itineraries: Anti War Love Songs

I've Been Told

I've Been Told
Pubblicato in Broadside #83 (Agosto 1967)
They tell me how to be a great success
2020/5/31 - 14:32
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Acà toro

Acà toro

feat. Ska-P
Video disegnato da Davide Toffolo

Dq82 2020/5/31 - 12:40

Tutti colpevoli

Tutti colpevoli
Uno dei due inediti nella raccolta E adesso voglio la luna (I grandi successi)
Non siamo neanche tristi
Contributed by Alberto Scotti 2020/5/31 - 00:56
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Todos somos hijos de la Tierra

Todos somos hijos de la Tierra
Álbum: Hijos de la Tierra

Mi querida madrecita Tierra,

Quiero pedirte perdón por las heridas que generó la irreverencia de mis hermanos; perdón por el decidido sufrimiento y la propagación de la estupidez, usando el seudónimo de progreso.
Perdón por continuar durmiendo tranquilos mientras desaparecen tus pulmones de bosques, hogar profanado de miles de especies; perdón por el atareado suicidio cotidiano.
Perdón también por cerrar las manos en vez de abrir los corazones; por desafiar los amaneceres, ignorándolos; por no tener tiempo para saborear horas vespertinas, recordando las enseñanzas del abuelo.

Quizás ya pasó mucho tiempo, tal vez es demasiado tarde; probablemente son muchos los monstruos ecocidas, sin embargo hoy quiero decirte mi Pachamama, que aún quedamos algunos de la tribu de los guardianes de la vida; aún permanece de pie nuestro optimismo, mientras nuestros... (Continues)
Todos somos hijos de la tierra,
Contributed by giorgio 2020/5/30 - 20:30

The Ballad of Frank Clearwater

The Ballad of Frank Clearwater
Words and music by Ron Turner
Broadside #123

Frank James Clearwater (1925-1973) – Find a Grave...

Frank Clearwater era un Cherokee (e non Apache come dice la canzone) ucciso da un maresciallo dell'esercito statunitense durante una protesta per i diritti dei nativi americani nel luogo simbolico di Wounded Knee.
Frank Clearwater was shoot in the head
2020/5/30 - 16:36

It's Outrageous

It's Outrageous
I don't understand my fellow white man
2020/5/30 - 16:13

Dark Road

Dark Road
Non saprei... non mi pare nemmeno che il testo sia completo... Suggerirei quanto meno di sostituirlo con quello dalla pagina ufficiale dell'autrice...
A me sembra che si tratti di canzone ad un amore lontano...
Anche nelle recensioni mi pare che nulla conduca ad una CCG/AWS.

Però è una gran bella canzone. Brava la Sarah Jarosz.
B.B. 2020/5/30 - 14:22

Vietnam Prayer

Vietnam Prayer

The song "Vietnam Prayer" by Ian Temple, an unknown artist from Britain, had written on the record label: "sold for medical supplies to all Vietnam". It took a satirical approach, mocking the use of religion and war: "And remember Yankee boy, when you're off to bomb Hanoi, it's for LBJ and Jesus". The narrator said that during peace time people did not pray: "religion is just a bore". But that during war, they turned to god, thus suggesting a hypocrisy: "God's a chap we want upon our side".

Note the reference to napalm: "drop some napalm for god". At the end of the song there are some specific references to Britain, such as the Prime Minister and the Polaris Missile System - the UK's nuclear deterrent.

Vietnam War Song Project
This song is dedicated to the Vietnam hawks who go to church every Sunday.
Contributed by Lorenzo 2020/5/30 - 14:05

Eugene McCarthy for President (if You Love Your Country)

Eugene McCarthy for President (if You Love Your Country)

Scritta per la campagna del democratico Eugene McCarthy che alle primarie democratiche per scegliere il nuovo candidato in vista della fine del mandato di Johnson, presentò una piattaforma pacifista criticando aspramente il suo compagno di partito LBJ e denunciando la sua volontà di escalation in Vietnam.

McCarthy non vinse le primarie, gli fu preferito Hubert Humphrey, vice di Johnson che fu comunque sconfitto dal candidato repubblicano Richard Nixon.
If you love your country and the things for which it stands
2020/5/30 - 13:48

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