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Before 2020-12-28

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Produced by
Flood & John Parish

Release Date
July 13, 2016

Guilty è stata registrata durante le session dell'album “The Hope Six Demolition Project” ma non è stata inclusa nell'album ed è stata pubblicata come singolo.

La canzone parla di droni, un soldato annoiato in una sala di controllo a migliaia di chilometri di distanza sta guidando un Reaper. Vede una piccola figura su uno schermo e deve decidere al momento una sentenza di vita e di morte: innocente o colpevole?
Rules and regulation
2020/12/20 - 22:50
Song Itineraries: Damned drones
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Dark Cosmos

Dark Cosmos
released December 23, 2011
Music by Mike Bee, Gaz Bennett - Lyrics by Mike Bee
2020/12/20 - 22:40
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System Resistance

System Resistance
Acts of Aggression EP
Apr 2016
With their guns and bombs and wars
2020/12/20 - 22:28
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Every Act of Aggression Is War

Every Act of Aggression Is War
Acts of Aggression EP
Apr 2016
From relationships of lovers to family arguments
2020/12/20 - 22:25
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Where Did All My Good Dreams Go?

Where Did All My Good Dreams Go?
Acts of Rebellion EP - 2019
What happened to all my hopes and dreams?
2020/12/20 - 22:20
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Symbols, Slogans, Lies

Symbols, Slogans, Lies
album So What's Left Now
And they cover hate with faith
2020/12/20 - 22:11

I'm Your Leader

I'm Your Leader
First Single from Debut Album 'Of Life And Lesser Evils'
Forget the gas camps
2020/12/20 - 21:42

Carl Sagan: Pale Blue Dot

Carl Sagan: Pale Blue Dot
Carl Sagan: Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space
Cornell University, October 13, 1994

One goal of this page is reaching at least the 55 languages of the Sounds of Earth golden disc; then, of course, we take this page and launch it into deep space!

Il 5 settembre 1977 veniva lanciata la sonda Voyager 1, che è tuttora in attività e continua ad inviare la propria telemetria, nonostante sia uscita già da un po' dai confini del sistema solare (la cosiddetta eliopausa). Si trova attualmente (dati del 9 novembre 2020) ad una distanza di oltre 151 UA (Unità Astronomiche) dal Sole, pari a 22 miliardi e 590 milioni di chilometri; questo ne fa l'oggetto artificiale prodotto dall'Uomo più lontano dal pianeta Terra. Il Voyager 1 ha una data di spegnimento prevista: il 2025, quando i suoi generatori termoelettrici a radioisotopi cesseranno di fornire sufficiente energia elettrica.... (Continues)
“ From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here, that's home, that's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust sus... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2020/12/20 - 09:14

Some of Us Scream, Some of Us Shout

Some of Us Scream, Some of Us Shout
dall'album Strive to Survive Causing Least Suffering Possible
We're all conditioned to think ten tellies are better than one
2020/12/19 - 18:36

Education for Unemployment

Education for Unemployment
I never used to raise my voice
2020/12/19 - 18:16


Uomo Virtuale
Vecchi magri come steli, donne belle come soli
Contributed by Dq82 2020/12/19 - 16:14
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my time had come to go
Contributed by Dq82 2020/12/19 - 16:09
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Mai he trencat un plat
Prefiero limpiar
Contributed by Dq82 2020/12/19 - 15:58


Single: Homicide / Soldier

It was released on single as the B-side of Homicide in 1978 and part of the US/Can. album High Energy Plan of 1979. It was a bonus track on the 2000 CD-reissue of Separates.
Protest Songs - Youtube
You walk around like a clockwork man
2020/12/19 - 13:07

Marching Men

Marching Men
Scritta da Midge Ure, uscita prima come singolo poi nell' unico album della band, Ghosts Of Princes In Towers
Marching from the backstreets
2020/12/19 - 12:50

Don't Ask Me Questions

Don't Ask Me Questions
dall'album Howlin Wind poi pubblicato come singolo in una versione diversa con il titolo Hey Lord, Don't Ask Me Questions
Crimson autograph is what we leave behind
2020/12/19 - 12:41

Son of the Father

Son of the Father

da "Suicide", secondo LP della band inglese.
Gone away to fight the war
2020/12/19 - 12:27

Talking Ben Tre

Talking Ben Tre
dal disco "Now", con Bernice Reagon & The Reverend Fred Kirkpatrick
Parole di Jan Davidson

Un talkin' blues che racconta con sarcasmo la storia di un plotone di soldati USA che attacca un villaggio vietnamita.
Gonna tell you all a story from across the sea
Contributed by Lorenzo 2020/12/18 - 23:59

Watch World War Three (on Pay Tv)

Watch World War Three (on Pay Tv)
dall'album "Twelve De-Lightful Ways To Roast A Sacred Cow" e nella compilation di vari artisti Atomic Platters: Cold War Music From The Golden Age Of Homeland Security

Watch World War III on pay TV
2020/12/18 - 22:06

Some Boys Grow Up to Be Soldiers

Some Boys Grow Up to Be Soldiers

What was the inspiration for “Some Boys Grow Up To Be Soldiers”?

The character in this song is nobody in particular. We all know him. He’s somebody’s uncle, friend, neighbor, father, son. He’s far from perfect, but when he served he was willing to lay down his life. It didn’t come to that, but he lost some essential part of himself along the way. I think of this as an anti-war song. Not a song about the men and women who die in wars, but about the survivors who return to find home is no longer their home. Of course “he’ll never admit what it cost” and so there is nothing to do but soldier on.

January/February Lyric Contest Winner Brian Estes Details "Some Boys Grow Up To Be Soldiers" « American Songwriter
He waves his flag like a martyr
2020/12/18 - 15:23

Black Soldier

Black Soldier
Album "Chastisment"
Well, it filled her old heart full of joy
2020/12/18 - 11:47

Canción sin miedo

Canción sin miedo
Traducción perfecta!
2020/12/18 - 10:06


J’emmerde le travail
2020/12/18 - 09:52
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Ned Ludd

Ned Ludd
Imperfecta naturaleza
Con nuestras manos nos impides trabajar,
Contributed by Dq82 2020/12/18 - 09:48
Song Itineraries: The Luddites
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Ned Ludd

Ned Ludd
Si ens diuen que el nostre final serà pròxim,
Contributed by Dq82 2020/12/18 - 09:43
Song Itineraries: The Luddites
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Emigration song

Emigration song
Versione dei Rossopiceno con i Gang
Da storie in un bicchiere

Dq82 2020/12/18 - 09:22
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Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori

Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori
Bellissimo sito! Nella poesia mancano le parole "obscene as a cancer"! (almeno così l'ho sempre letta nei libri).
"Before my helpless sight" secondo me è più vicino a "davanti al mio sguardo impotente". Cosa ne pensate?
Enea Grosso 2020/12/18 - 08:47
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De profundis Hitleribus

De profundis Hitleribus
De Profundis Hitleribus
Contributed by Daniel(e) Bellucci, Nizza 17 dicembre 2020. Ore 22:31 2020/12/17 - 22:32

All the Dead Were Strangers

All the Dead Were Strangers
by Clive James and Pete Atkin,

Album: A King At Nightfall (1973)
I met my buddy Kovacs stripping down his M-16
2020/12/17 - 21:50

The Veterans Big Parade

The Veterans Big Parade
On My Way To Where

La grande parata dei veterani, una sfilata di ipocrisia e di menzogne celebrata come una festa da tutti tranne che da una vedova con un bambino piccolo.
In the veterans big parade
2020/12/17 - 21:36

Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh
The Last Poets With Bernard Purdie ‎– Delights Of The Garden

Praticamente la storia della guerra del Vietnam nello spazio di una canzone.
He stood
2020/12/17 - 21:16

This Is My Song

This Is My Song
Testo finlandese di Wäinö Sola, 1937
Finnish lyrics by Wäinö Sola, 1937
Paroles finnoises de Wäinö Sola, 1937
Sanat: Wäinö Sola, 1937

Compared to those by V. A. Koskenniemi from 1940, these original Finnish lyrics of Finlandia, written for and still used by the Freemasons, are practically unknown to the general public in our country.
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2020/12/17 - 17:03

Dal ciel venne messo novello

Dal ciel venne messo novello
[XIII Secolo / 13th Century]
Da / From: Laudario di Cortona, Cort.7
Riccardo Marasco - I Musici di Acanto:
Pace e non più guerra, 1997

Il Santo Natale dell'anno di grazia e disgrazia 2020 mi porta in regalo, finalmente, la rassegnazione. Non si può nulla contro il Natale. Gli “Antinatale”, quelli veri, non esistono; oppure, sono talmente pochi da essere assolutamente trascurabili. Per una volta che, per cause di forza maggiore, il Natale praticamente salta, è una tragedia di proporzioni incalcolabili, e non solo economiche.

Chi scrive è stato, lo riconosco, un Antinatale ferreo e talebano. Uno che, il giorno di Natale, è arrivato a partire di casa alle undici di mattina, e andare alla stazione centrale a mangiare due panini facendosi poi una lunga passeggiata, da solo, per la città semideserta mentre le famiglie sedevano giojose al desco scambiandosi i regali e abbuffandosi come porcelli.... (Continues)
Dal ciel venne messo novello,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2020/12/17 - 13:35

Protect And Survive

Protect And Survive
2020/12/16 - 23:16

Bang bang

Bang bang
Não Há Abismo Em Que o Brasil Caiba
A bala perdida
Contributed by Dq82 2020/12/16 - 19:14

Deux fois 20

Deux fois 20
Contributed by Daniel(e) Bellucci. Nizza. Mercoledì 16 dicembre 2020. 2020/12/16 - 18:56
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História pra ninar gente grande

História pra ninar gente grande
Grazie, grazie mille per questo lavoro. Sono emozionata !
Monica Dos Santos 2020/12/16 - 18:44
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Ni Dieu ni Maître

Ni Dieu ni Maître
Riscrittura in livornese dell'Anonimo Toscano del XXI Secolo
Rewritten in Livornese by the 21th Century Tuscan Anonymous
Réécriture en livournais par l'Anonyme Toscan du 21ème Siècle
Canzone der ghigliottinato
2020/12/16 - 14:32
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Les Anarchistes

Les Anarchistes
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2020/12/16 - 12:48

Il topo che mangiava i gatti

Il topo che mangiava i gatti
Chanson italienne - Il topo che mangiava i gatti - Gianluca Lalli - 2020

IL TOPO CHE MANGIAVA I GATTI est une chanson librement tirée d’une fable de Gianni Rodari contenue dans l’œuvre « Favole al telefono » de 1962. La chanson fait partie de l’album de Gianluca Lalli « LE FAVOLE AL TELEFONO » de 2020.
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2020/12/16 - 12:06
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Les Anarchistes

Les Anarchistes
Riccardo Venturi, 16-12-2020 11:38

Note. An English translation, made by Patty Malesh from The Struggle Site (Ireland), was already included in this site. Overtly labeled as a “tentative”, it has proved unreliable and been removed. This is a new English version (not a real “translation”) I have prepared for this site, even assuming it can (or could) be sung; anyway, a video is included in which a rather literal (and correct) English translation is provided. [RV]

The Anarchists
2020/12/16 - 11:39

Piccoli eroi stanchi

Piccoli eroi stanchi
Da casa sembra tutto più facile
Vivono in condizioni che tu non riesci manco ad immaginare,
Contributed by Dq82 2020/12/16 - 10:32
Song Itineraries: Child Abuse, Heroes

Nessuno farà nulla

Nessuno farà nulla
La serietà è morta nel 14

Un chiaro omaggio ai C.S.I. Nessuno fece nulla
Tocchi di vecchie campane
Contributed by Dq82 2020/12/16 - 09:23

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