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Before 2018-10-3

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FINLANDESE / FINNISH [3] - Chrisse Johansson

Versione finlandese 3 / Finnish version 3 / Version finnoise 3 / Suomenkielinen versio 3: Chrisse Johansson

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2018/10/3 - 10:12
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La poesia originale di Rasul Gamzatov (Ħamzatil Rasul) in lingua àvara
Rasul Gamzatov's original poem in the Avar language
Le poème original de Rasul Gamzatov en langue avare
Оригинальное стихотворение Расула Гамзатова на аварском языке
Rasul Gamzatovin alkuperäinen avaarinkielinen runo

La fonte è l'edizione in lingua àvara di Wikipedia. La traslitterazione in caratteri latini è stata condotta in base all'alfabeto latino àvaro in uso ufficiale dal 1928 al 1938, quando fu sostituito ex lege dal cirillico.

The source is Avar Wikipedia. The transcription has been made according to the Latin Avaric alphabet officially in use from 1928 to 1938, when the Cyrillic alphabet was imposed.
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2018/10/3 - 08:59
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Dla zasady nie ma sprawy

Dla zasady nie ma sprawy
Contributed by Krzysiek 2018/10/3 - 00:56
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Mahk Jchi

Mahk Jchi
What a load of crap. Shirley Daniels is my mother. Her work, Drums of my Father, is copyrighted (I have the original copyright certificate), and was stolen from her by Robbie Robertson. He never asked her for permission to use, publish, or alter her work. I know the history and the raison d'etre of this song, but it's not for sharing, so speculate all you want about its meaning.
Chantal Batt 2018/10/2 - 23:22
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Να με θυμάσαι

Να με θυμάσαι
La traduzione italiana è ora completa, con l'integrazione della prima parte. L'unica fonte disponibile del testo (questa) è purtroppo assai incerta in alcune sue parti.
Riccardo Venturi 2018/10/2 - 16:08
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Contributed by Juha Rämö 2018/10/2 - 14:04
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Rin del angelito

Rin del angelito
Song performed by Arja Saijonmaa and Inti-Illimani on their 1979 album Miten voin kyllin kiittää (How Can I Thank Enough):

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2018/10/2 - 10:13

Κλείσ’ το ραδιόφωνο

Κλείσ’ το ραδιόφωνο
d’après la version italienne SPEGNI LA RADIO de Riccardo Venturi – 2018
d’une chanson grecque Klís' to radiófono – Georgios Hatzinasios / Γεώργιος Χατζηνάσιος – 1976
Texte : Giorgos Kanellopoulos
Musique : Giorgios Hatzinasios
Interprète :Vicky Moscholiou

Dialogue Maïeutique

L’autre jour, souviens-toi Lucien l’âne mon ami, on traduisait ici même la chanson turque Haberleri açma baba de Zülfü Livaneli, qu’en français, j’avais intitulée N’ALLUME PAS LA TÉLÉ, PAPA ! plus récente cependant que celle que je présente aujourd’hui, puisqu’elle date de 2013 et qu’ÉTEINS LA RADIO ! date, quant à elle, de 1976.

Oh, dit Lucien l’âne, je m’en souviens fort bien de cette chanson turque et en effet, à tout le moins, les deux titres : ÉTEINS LA RADIO ! et N’ALLUME PAS LA TÉLÉ, PAPA ! se ressemblent ou ont une proximité indéniable.

Il n’y a là rien d’étonnant, reprend Marco Valdo M.I., à ce que ces chansons... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2018/10/1 - 22:18
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Bertolt Brecht: Erinnerung an die Marie A.

Bertolt Brecht: Erinnerung an die Marie A.
It's interesting how some texts inspire songmakers. I've been able to find at least three songs composed to Brita Polttila's Finnish translation of Brecht's poem written nearly a hundred years ago.

The first one was composed by Tapio Lipponen and performed by Muksut on their 1969 album Pienen pieni (Tiny Little):

The second version was composed by Pekka Tegelman and performed by Petri Pettersson on his 1979 single Marie A:n muistolle / Vieras (Remembering Marie A / The Stranger):

And last but not least, a version composed by Maija Ruuskanen and performed by Eeva Siljamäki and the Ruuskanen Railio Strings on their 2012 album Samassa unessa (In the Same Dream):
Juha Rämö 2018/10/1 - 19:20
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rileggendo la mia introduzione mi rendo conto che la Bertè mi manderebbe a quel paese in un microsecondo al grido di "non sono una signora", né della musica italiana né di nient'altro :)
Lorenzo 2018/9/30 - 23:37

Il tenente e il soldato

Mia madre, nata nel 1909 la cantava avendola imparata poco dopo la grande guerra. Introduceva alcune varianti, per esempio faceva dire al tenente: "si pianti altrimenti ti caccio in prigion" e poi non si riferiva a Livorno ma cantava:
"sono borghese, parenti non ne ho".
Chi come me ha portato le stellette può facilmente dedurre da questo che la canzone deve essere nata nei quartieri, e forse proprio in trincea. Altra deduzione, pare ovvia, il nascente regime deve essere intervenuto ad edulcorarla nel momento che è stata incisa su disco.
2018/9/30 - 22:41
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Sangurin til frælsi (El día feliz que está llegando)

Sangurin til frælsi (El día feliz que está llegando)
Versione inglese di Ceil Herman della versione svedese di Björn Afzelius
Version anglaise de Ceil Herman de la version suédoise de Björn Afzelius
Björn Afzeliusin ruotsinkielisen version englanninkielinen käännös: Ceil Herman

“Sång till friheten” is an adaptation by Björn Afzelius, of the Silvio Rodriguez song. The lyrics are on his tombstone at his grave in Göteborg, Sweden. It was my introduction to his music in a Swedish course at Uppsala Universitet in Uppsala, and remains one of his all time favorites, as well as mine. [Ceil Herman]
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/9/29 - 12:11

Sympathy For The Devil

Sympathy For The Devil
Sympathy for the devil - Marco Rovelli

Alla festa antifascista di Caniparola (Ms), 15/9/2018, una Sympathy for the devil improvvisata con Enrico Gastardelli, Andrea Giannoni, Mauro Avanzini

adriana 2018/9/29 - 08:14

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