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Before 2018-10-15

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Till min kära

Till min kära
English translation by Ceil Herman

"Till min kära" is a catchy tune that people danced to when it was popular in Sweden. However this song has a great deal of meaning about the world, both when it was written and now. From the album Innan tystnaden (Before the silence) from 1982.

Björn wrote the following notes about his song in his "95 Sånger" ("95 Songs") book:

"En kampsång, som har en anekdot förknippad med sej. Då Vikingarnas tidigare sångare, Stefan Borsch, skulle göra comeback ville han spela in sången på platta. Men det ville inte hans konservative producent. Då ringde skivbolagsdirektören, Bert Karlsson, upp mej och ville ändra texten. Jag vägrade och fick veta att då blev det ingen inspelning. Senare ringde Borsch själv och sa att han personligen kunde stå för texten, men alltså inte producenten. Två dagar senare ringde Bert Karlsson igen och sa: "Jag körde över den jävla producenten.... (Continues)
Bli inte trött, bli inte trött, min kära
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/15 - 06:29

Islands of Soul

Islands of Soul
dall'album "The Soul Cages"
Parole e musica di Sting
Words and music by Sting

«Per tre anni non sono riuscito a scrivere canzoni. Niente, dalla mia testa non usciva nulla ed ero molto spaventato. Ho considerato la mia vita e mi sono detto: non ho più nulla da dire o ho paura di dire qualcosa? Ho ripensato alla mia vita dall'inizio chiedendomi qual'è stato il mio primo ricordo. La prima immagine che ricordi è una grande nave, e con quella immagine in mente le parole sono arrivate come un fiume in piena. In tre settimane ho scritto i testi di The Soul Cages, un disco molto personale.»
(Sting, 14 gennaio 1991)

La traccia di apertura dell'album, Island of Souls, racconta la storia di Billy, il primogenito di una famiglia di rivettatori. Mentre guarda salpare le navi che suo padre ha contribuito a costruire, Billy sogna di prenderlo con sé e fuggire assieme a lui via mare; i suoi... (Continues)
Billy was born within sight of the shipyard
2018/10/14 - 23:46
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La ballata dell'amore malato

La ballata dell'amore malato

Quinto classificato al concorso Mai in Silenzio - la musica contro la violenza di genere
Mi guardo qualche volta allo specchio
2018/10/14 - 22:41

Les Sorciers

Les Sorciers
Les Sorciers

Chanson française – Les Sorciers – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2018
Ulenspiegel le Gueux – 98
Opéra-récit en multiples épisodes, tiré du roman de Charles De Coster : La Légende et les aventures héroïques, joyeuses et glorieuses d’Ulenspiegel et de Lamme Goedzak au Pays de Flandres et ailleurs (1867).
(Ulenspiegel – IV, V)

Dialogue Maïeutique

Ce titre « Les Sorciers », Lucien l’âne mon ami, résume le thème de la chanson qui présente le début du procès fait à Katheline et à Joos Damman, son amant maléfique. Cependant, avant d’aller plus loin, il me faut faire un petit commentaire à propos du mot « sorcier » et de ses dérivés : « sorcière, sorcellerie, etc. ». Des sorciers, etc., grosso modo, il y en a deux grandes catégories : les sorciers, etc.(Katheline, la bonne sorcière) qui sont des guérisseurs du corps et de la psyché, des sages, des savants, des intercesseurs entre l’homme... (Continues)
La neige fond, les prés se noient ;
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2018/10/14 - 22:03
Song Itineraries: Witches
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Hög tid

Hög tid
English translation by Ceil Herman

Hög tid is a song from the albumn Nära dej (1994)

Björn Afzelius wrote the following notes:

"Den tyska staten och de tyska medborgarna blundade på trettiotalet. Den svenska staten gör det på nittiotalet - men hur är det med medborgarna? Ska den ohyggliga historien om nazismen verkligen upprepas i Europa? Kanske rentav i Sverige?"

"The German cities and the German people were closed their eyes in the 30'a. The Swedish cities did that in the 1990s - but how is it with the people? Will the gruesome story of Nazism really reoccur in Europe? Perhaps even in Sweden?"

Personally, when I listen to "Hög tid," text and music by Björn Afzelius, I find that it is frightening how current this 24 year old song is for today's world. This point has been mentioned in several Swedish Facebook groups as well.
Nu blåser det kallt över nejden, det kommer en isande vind.
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/14 - 20:44

A Soldier's Diary

A Soldier's Diary
Suite XVI

The fastest song the band has ever recorded. I wanted to cram in as many chord changes as we could and still keep the whole thing rocketing alone. It was inspired by reading about some of the notes, letters and diaries that were found in the allied trenches during the First World War, left by soldiers about to go over the top, never to be seen, and in many cases never to be found, again. I thought it was stirring stuff, heart breaking, poignant, and in the case of many a British Tommy, blackly amusing…never say fucking die…sometimes all there is left is to laugh…

Counterpointing dark subject matter again with a jolly upbeat tune and melody seemed to be key here, and we rattled this off in no time once we’d worked it through. It’s not easy playing as fast as this and keeping it tight, and we’ve been playing it live recently too…a first… As an aside, this was the song I mentioned... (Continues)
I guess it's time to go
Contributed by Dq82 2018/10/14 - 09:51
Song Itineraries: World War I (1914-1918)

North Winds

North Winds
Aural Sculpture

That was mine, just a JJ 'where things are now' song. It was one of my melancholy songs about the very strong images that had occurred during my life, while I was growing up. The 'Orange road burning' was about the self immolation of Buddhist priests during the Vietnam war, setting themselves on fire. The 'Youth on fire' referred to Jan Palak, who I'd talked about before on Euroman. The 'Metal machines...' line was about the Prague spring in '68, when the Czechs tried to be much more liberal and the Russian tanks just rolled in. 'Two generations' referred to the two world wars, 'Birth pains' was about the birth of Israel and what I remembered about the Yom Kippur war. 'Freedom in the shape of disease' was about AIDS, suddenly this new word AIDS had arisen when we were writing Sculpture. It was an unknown disease then. 'Kids whose bellies' was about the west and the... (Continues)
I saw an orange robe burning
Contributed by Dq82 2018/10/14 - 09:45
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'O Viento Nuovo

'O Viento Nuovo

Dopo sei anni esce il nuovo singolo de Il Tesoro di San Gennaro che anticipa l'uscita di "Black Album". A cantarlo è Djarah Kan, splendida napoletana costretta a vivere in questo momento storico surreale.
I am the digger the world is washing me
2018/10/14 - 00:02

Kampen kräver många år

Kampen kräver många år
Parole e musica / Text och musik
Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique
Sanat ja sävel: Björn Afzelius
Album: Vem är det som är rädd?

English translation by Ceil Herman

Björn Afzelius' "Kampen kräver många år" on his very first album, "Vem är det som är rädd?" (1974), is consistent with the anti-war and protest Folk/Rock songs he wrote during his 25 year career. Often coupling strong lyrics with catchy tunes, this song is a good example.
[Ceil Herman]
Kampen kräver många år
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/13 - 20:17
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På mäster Olofs tid

På mäster Olofs tid
Lyrics and music / Text och musik
Testo e musica / Paroles et musique /
Sanat ja sävel: Björn Afzelius
Album : Tankar vid 50

Olof Palme, the Prime Minister of Sweden was assassinated in 1986. This song was written by Björn Afzelius in his honor.

It is on his "Tankar vid 50" album. [Ceil Herman]
På mäster Olofs tid
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/13 - 19:56
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Album: Björn Afzelius & Mikael Wiehe (1986)

English translation by Ceil Herman

Björn Afzelius wrote the following about his beautiful song in his 95 Sånger (95 Songs) book:

""Jäg är världens ljus," sade Jesus. En sång med religiösa övertoner som också används mycket i kyrkor. Ibland lyser det igenom att jag kommer från Jönköping län. Texter skrevs efter mordet på Olof Palme."

"I am the light of the world," said Jesus. A song with religious overtones which is also used a great deal in churches. Sometimes it shines through that I come from Jönköping county. The lyrics were written after the murder of Olof Palme."
Jag ser hur ljusen brinner ut,
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/13 - 19:53
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Prime Minister Olof Palme lead the Social Democratic party in Sweden from 1969 until his assassination (February 28, 1986). He was killed on Sveavägen, one of the main streets in Stockholm. The you tube video shows powerful images from that tragic event.

The lyrics of "Natten" were written by Mikael Wiehe and the music is by Björn Afzelius. The song is on the album Björn Afzelius & Mikael Wiehe (1986)

On Mikael Wiehe's website he commented in "Sångerna," 2002":

"Många skrev sånger om mordet på Olof Palme. Här är en."
(Many wrote songs about the murder of Olof Palme. Here is one.)

My husband and I were on sabbatical in Stockholm when this terrible event took place. Several nights before the murder, we had been to the same movie theatre to see "The Mozart Brothers" film by Suzanne Osten. The feeling in Stockholm that next day when we all read the huge headlines, was similar to when President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
Så hann då döden upp dej
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/13 - 19:10
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Es saß ein klein wild Vögelein

Es saß ein klein wild Vögelein
Una canzone popolare dei sassoni di Transilvania che risulta una versione abbreviata della canzone seicentesca precedente intitolata "Nachtigall als Warnerin"



Il testo da Lieder Archiv
Es saß ein klein wild Vögelein
Contributed by Krzysiek Wrona 2018/10/13 - 12:41
Song Itineraries: Free Birds
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Den här låten är ett bra exempel på en finsköversättares mardröm, d.v.s. att försöka klara sig med »han« och »hon« med bara ett pronomen till förfogande för båda genus.

This song is a good example of a Finnish translator's nightmare, i.e. trying to make sense of »he« and »she« with only one pronoun available for both genders. [JR]
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2018/10/13 - 09:16
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Va, pensiero

Va, pensiero
Kultasiivin nyt aatokset siirtyy
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2018/10/13 - 09:13
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Under Sions kalla stjärna

Under Sions kalla stjärna
Ceil Herman
Submitted by Ceil on Sun, 10/06/2018 - 08:36

Author's comments:
Björn Afzelius wrote the following notes about "Under Sions kalla stjärna" in his 95 Sånger (95 Songs) book:

"Sången berättar vad som hände. Året var 1988, och Intifadan, det palestinska upproret mot den israeliska ockupationsmakten, var bara några månader gammal. När jag åtta år senare mötte den nyvalde palestinske presidenten, Yasser Arafat i Stockholm, tackade han mej personligen för min insats i Aten den gången. Få statsmän har ett bättre minne för detlaljer än Arafat"

"The song tells what happened. The year was 1988, and Intifada, the Palestinian rebellion against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip beginning in 1987, was only a few months old. When I met the newly elected Palestinian president, Yasser Arafat, eight years later in Stockholm, he thanked me personally for my input in Athens at that time. Few statesmen have a better memory for details than Arafat."
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/13 - 00:40

La Main d’Hilbert

La Main d’Hilbert
La Main d’Hilbert

Chanson française – La Main d'Hilbert – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2018
Ulenspiegel le Gueux – 97
Opéra-récit en multiples épisodes, tiré du roman de Charles De Coster : La Légende et les aventures héroïques, joyeuses et glorieuses d’Ulenspiegel et de Lamme Goedzak au Pays de Flandres et ailleurs (1867).
(Ulenspiegel – IV, IV)

Dialogue Maïeutique

Cette fois aussi, Marco Valdo M.I. mon ami, il te faudra expliquer ce titre tant il est étrange et réfrigérant. Quoi ! Que veut dire cette « main d’Hilbert » ? Serait-elle séparée de son corps ? Ah, il me souvient que le dit Hilbert est porté disparu, tenu pour mort et même, on connaît son assassin.

Ah, Lucien l’âne mon ami, tu as bien résumé la situation. Hilbert est mort assassiné par Joos Damman, son ami, celui qui se fait passer pour Hans auprès de Katheline. Sans doute, ce meurtre avait pour objet une sordide question d’argent... (Continues)
Nelle dit à sa mère, « Ce matin,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2018/10/12 - 22:22

Set Da People Free

Set Da People Free
The Thomas Sankara cd

Voce di Eugenio Finardi
Sankara: “Ogni volta che un paese africano acquista un’arma è contro un africano, non è contro un europeo, non è contro un asiatico, è contro un africano”.
Contributed by Dq82 2018/10/12 - 11:32
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The following translation is reproduced from Lyricstranslate, made by “Seppo Ilmarinen”. Though his Kalevala nickname, the translator declares English to be his native language. Nevertheless, I think he has misunderstood a certain number of points in the Danish lyrics (especially tenses), and his “native English” seems to be a bit lame here and there. I confess I don't like that much criticizing other people's translations, but I couldn't help making some corrections in the English. I hope of course not to have added new errors! Anyway, a new English translation should be advisable. [RV]
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2018/10/12 - 11:26
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Björn Afzelius wrote the following notes in his 95 Sånger (95 Songs) book:

"Gorbatjev talade om "Den nya öppenheten". Men samtidigt brann Afghanistans kvinnor och barn"

"Gorbachev talked about "The new openness." But at the same time Afghanistan's women and children burned."

Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/11 - 23:08
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La pacifiste

La pacifiste
Interessante che questa canzone inedita sia stata musicata da Jacques Muñoz con una melodia e arrangiamento perfettamente in stile.
Lorenzo 2018/10/11 - 21:32
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En kungens man

En kungens man
This powerful tragic song, with lyrics and music by Björn Afzelius, is still a poignant social commentary. Titled "Kungens man" (King's man), it was also performed by Lisa Ekdahl, as well as Monica Tornell and Falconer (En kungens man).

Björn Afzelius wrote the following notes

Jag läste i den gamla Västgötalagen om hur man förr tid betraffades olika, beroende på vilken klass man tillhörde. Lagstiftningen har ändras sedan dess, men inte sättet på vilket dem tillämpas.

I read in the old West Goth law about how you were previously regarded differently, depending on the class you belonged to. The laws have changed since then, but not the way in which they are practiced.
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/11 - 17:22
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Versione inglese di Ceil Herman

Mikael Wiehe commented (från Sångerna 2002) on his website

"Ännu har vi inte förverkligat den franska revolutionens ideal om frihet, jämlikhet och broderskap."

(We still haven't implemented the French Revolution's ideal of freedom, equality, and fraternity.")
1789 + 0
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/11 - 01:37
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Elegi för Salvador Allende

Elegi för Salvador Allende
On the back of the album cover, there is a photo, and Björn Afzelius wrote the following notes:

"Salvador Allende 1909-1973
Vald till president i Chile 1970 efter allmänna demokratiska val. Vid en militärkupp den 11 september 1973 angreps presidentpalatset och Allende uppmanades att avgå. han vägrade och mötte i stället militären beväpnad för att in i det sista försvara demokratin. Kort efter bilden togs stormades presidentpalatset. Salvador Allende var död."

"Salvador Allende 1909-1973
Voted to President in Chile in 1970 after a completely democratic election. In a military coup on the 11th of September, the presidential palace was taken and Allende was forced to leave. He refused and met instead the armed military to save democracy. Shortly after the photo was taken, the presidential palace was stormed. Salvador Allende was dead."
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/11 - 00:14
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Hälsning från Nicaragua

Hälsning från Nicaragua
Björn Afzelius wrote the following notes in his 95 Sånger (95 Songs) book:

"Allting är relativt här i världen. Det kan vara bra at komma ihåg innan man gnäller nästa gång. Först sedan jag sett misären i Managua började jag bli tacksam över att jag vara född i Sverige."

"Everything is relative here in the world. It can be good to remember before one whines next time. Only after I have seen the misery in Managua I began to be grateful that I was born in Sweden." [Ceil Herman]
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/10 - 17:08

Som en duva

Som en duva
Mikael Wiehe wrote the music and lyrics of this beautiful song. His notes about it say in English:

"The text was written as a tribute to the political refugees who came here from Latin America and became our friends. It feels harder to sing today. The text could be interpreted that one wishes refugees out of our country. When it was written, it was no problem. All the Latin Americans we knew wanted to return as quickly as possible to continue their fight against the USA supported military dictators.

Björn often sang the song and made it famous in Norway" (Comments from Songs in the time, 2001)
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/10 - 02:36
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The comments of Björn Afzelius about his song are especially significant to me. I lived in Stockholm for a year's sabbatical, and know the huge area of Sergels Torg, a square located in the center of town. Though I was not there for the anniversary, to think of it filled with demonstrators while this beautiful and haunting song played is a powerful vision.
Two times the bird of death lifted in the night.
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/10 - 02:21
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Bassa velocità

Bassa velocità
Questo percorso è nato a suo tempo grazie (o "su istigazione", volendo) di un'antica canzone antimilitarista toscana: il celeberrimo Canto dei coscritti, o "Partirò partirò", dovuto al cantastorie codino e reazionario cutiglianese Anton Francesco Menchi. Personalmente, ho molto apprezzato l'intervento chiarificatorio di Andrea Marconi, e gli dico che il suo non è neppure il primo caso del genere qua dentro: il Mercenario di Lucera fu ad esempio contribuito a suo tempo da Piersante Sestini, una persona tutt'altro che di destra. Ripeto che si tratta comunque di un percorso "altamente sorvegliato", ma all'amico e sodale di lungo corso Luca Monducci vorrei dire una cosa per me fondamentale: per il sottoscritto, l'unica vera e puzzolentissima fogna si chiama "purezza", la quale è anche -peraltro- una delle manifestazioni più eclatanti del fascismo. Ho avuto in sorte, nella mia vita, di avere a... (Continues)
Riccardo Venturi (CCG/AWS Staff) 2018/10/9 - 19:41

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