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Before 2017-8-18

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Le Cri

Le Cri
Le Cri

Chanson française – Le Cri – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2017

Quand j’ai écrit cette chanson, c’était en 2005 ; c’était une chanson léviane, tirée de L’Orologio (La Montre, un roman de Carlo Levi) ; depuis, elle avait dormi dans mes cartons. Quoi qu’il en soit, ce que je veux en dire aujourd’hui, Lucien l’âne mon ami, c’est que je ne pensais pas, à ce moment-là, qu’elle anticipait certains événements que l’on voit de nos jours. On n’avait pas encore pris l’habitude de voir des cinglés du prophète foncer avec des camions et des automobiles dans les gens qui se promènent. Je ne l’imaginais pas, cette chanson, comme un écho aux cris des femmes dans les rues piétonnes où foncent des véhicules guidés par des débiles inspirés par le Tout-Puissant, sorte de crétins majuscules, atteints d’un grotesque délirium. C’est en découvrant les images des derniers ahurissants exploits de ces malades mentaux... (Continues)
Des freins crissent
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2017/8/18 - 15:43
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America Has Never Been So Great

America Has Never Been So Great

Album: Punk Baroque

Ask anyone who wants to "make America great again" -- exactly when was it great?David Rovics

Razzismo, povertà, violenza.

Due domande sorgono spontanee:

1) Quando è stata grande l'America?

2) Come farà Trump a renderla grande?

(articolo non tradotto)

By Kim Petersen

July 27, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  “Make America Great Again” was Donald Trump’s campaign slogan. It appeals to the people whose hearts beat with patriotic fervor. But what does such a slogan explicitly point out?

Syntactically, Trump is telling Americans that the United States of America is not great. A country can only become something again when it is currently not that something it seeks to recapture – in this case, that something is greatness. So currently the US is not great according to the mantra of Trump.

Two questions are raised by this?

1. When was America great?

2.... (Continues)
America has never been so great, but it could be 
Contributed by Dq82 2017/8/17 - 12:25
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The Ghost of Ethel Rosenberg

The Ghost of Ethel Rosenberg

Album: Punk Baroque

Decades after the electrocutions of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, we learned that although the state had reason to believe Julius Rosenberg was a Soviet spy, they had nothing on Ethel. They gave her the death penalty in order to make her husband talk. Neither of them did.David Rovics

Il caso Rosenberg è una vicenda che, negli anni della guerra fredda, e in pieno clima dimaccartismo, coinvolse i coniugi Julius ed Ethel Rosenberg e colpì profondamente l'opinione pubblica mondiale, quando i due furono processati, giudicati colpevoli e condannati a morte come spie dell'Unione Sovietica.

Nello specifico, i coniugi Rosenberg furono accusati di cospirazione attraverso lo spionaggio e incriminati con l'accusa di aver passato ad agenti sovietici dei segreti sulle armi nucleari.

Con la desecretazione degli atti, si è scoperto che effettivamente Julius Rosenberg fu una spia sovietica, ma che la moglie Ethel fu condannata solo per fare pressione sul marito, e accusata dal fratello per proteggere sua moglie.
Throughout the Second World War the Allies managed to unite 
Contributed by Dq82 2017/8/17 - 11:32

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