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Sinàn Capudàn Pascià

Sinàn Capudàn Pascià
Beh, siamo assistendo alla publicazione "dell'opera omnia" di De André in inglese. Era ora.
Vorrei tanto fare la stessa cosa per i polacchi, vorrei tanto sta' tutti i beati giorni a tradurre, ma non ce riesco. Semplicemente.
Mi consola solamente er pensiero che la guerra durerà, como minimo, cento milla anni :)
Grazie Ri
Krzysiek 2016/2/25 - 23:39
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Il migliore dei mondi possibili

Il migliore dei mondi possibili
Chanson italienne – Il migliore dei mondi possibili - Massimo Priviero – 2015

Chacun défend son pré carré.
Et peu sentent vraiment le besoin du bien commun. Celui qui a le cul protégé regarde de haut celui qui n’en sort pas. Est-ce ce que vous voulez ?
Dans ce cas, ignorez LE MEILLEUR des MONDES POSSIBLES. Dans le cas contraire, écoutez et vivez comme cette chanson. Chacun de nous a le devoir, pour ce qui le concerne, de faire de son mieux pour que peut-être, un jour, le nôtre soit le meilleur des mondes possibles. »

Massimo Priviero

Le concept du « meilleur des mondes possibles » est un concept philosophique de Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz.

Dialogue maïeutique entre l’âne et l’humain

Voici, Lucien l’âne mon ami, dit Marco Valdo M.I., une chanson on ne peut plus contemporaine, musicalement inspirée d’une chanson étazunienne. Mais, oh miracle, elle se réfère aussi à un grand philosophe... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2016/2/25 - 21:53
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(non si sa di chi visto che non ha firmato)
Mi sembra un incubo che diventa realtà
2016/2/25 - 15:21
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I Hate the Whiteman

I Hate the Whiteman

Pathetic…?…!, by Roy Harper

March 20, 2010

I received this on March 17th 2010 from deepest

Comment: I just wanted to say that I wouldn’t purchase anything from someone that hates his own race. Pathetic.

I felt that I should reply to the uninformed taunt that this represents, so I wrote the following:-

‘I Hate The White Man’ was written in response to the many injustices that the peoples/tribes of Europe had inflicted on greater Humanity in the modern age. Roughly over the period since the more precise mapping of the planet at the beginning of the age of discovery; which brought us into contact with peoples we considered, wrongly, to be inferior. Perhaps the crucible for this was the bloodbath of 14th Century Europe, second only to the 20th Century in terms of carnage, but that strays into opinion and theory.

Other races were successively subjected to racism, slavery,... (Continues)
Bernart Bartleby 2016/2/25 - 10:35

Bon ön e bon spranza

Bon ön e bon spranza
Contributed by dq82 2016/2/24 - 22:14

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