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Before 2016-2-11

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Lettera al papà lontano

Lettera al papà lontano
troppo bella ;(
2016/2/11 - 21:32

Quando Bandiera Rossa si cantava

Quando Bandiera Rossa si cantava
Invito a leggere “Quando bandiera rossa si cantava... Ragazzi di Villa Argine condannati per offese al Duce”, di Franco Piccinini, articolo pubblicato su sulla rivista La Piva dal Carner, ottobre 2015, negli atti di un seminario musicale tenutosi ad Orta San Giulio nel 2015.

Racconta di quando una sera del 1936 un gruppo di ragazze e ragazzi di Cadelbosco, località La Rocca, Reggio Emilia, furono sorpresi a cantare “Quando Bandiera Rossa si cantava” da un fascistello locale e da questi denunciati in blocco. Furono tutti condannati “per offese a S.E. il Capo del Governo e grida sediziose” e condannati chi a sei, chi a tre mesi con la condizionale e a svariate centinaia di Lire di multa e ammenda…
Bernart Bartleby 2016/2/11 - 15:41
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Fabrizio De André: Jamin-a

Fabrizio De André: Jamin-a
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

In De Andrè's words, "Jamína is not a dream, but rather the hope for respite. A respite in the face of possible gale force conditions at sea, or even a shipwreck. I mean that Jamina is the hypothesis of a positive adventure that, in a corner of the fantasy of a sailor, always finds space and respite. Jamina is the companion in an erotic voyage that every sailor hopes for, or better, expects to encounter in every place, after the dangerous broadsides subjected to by an enemy sea or an imprudent commander." - Dennis Criteser
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2016/2/11 - 07:57
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Canzone del padre

Canzone del padre
Dal blog Fabrizio De André in English

"Per the album notes, the worker "has understood that he is a finished man with no possibility of recovery, that his acts will always be individualistic, striving for his own personal needs, and that by attaining more power one doesn't escape one's condition of isolation and anxiety. The bomb that was tossed with force, with anger and with a sense of vendetta in the dream, now in reality becomes a moment of exhilaration and, obviously of lucidity." - Dennis Criteser
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2016/2/11 - 06:58
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La pell de brau XLVI

La pell de brau XLVI
2016/2/10 - 22:28

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