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Before 2016-11-5

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Ballad of Gary Rader

Ballad of Gary Rader
Parole e musica di Steve Suffet
da [[|Broadside 94]]

Gary Rader, then a member of the U.S. Army Special Forces Reserve, burned his draft card in uniform at the Central Park peace rally Apr. 15, 1967.
Three days later he was arrested for draft card burning and illegally wearing his uniform.
I also burned my draft card at the same time, but I haven't been prosecuted... yet!

- Steve Suffet

Gary Rader, riservista dell'esercito USA, bruciò la sua cartolina di leve in una manifestazione per la pace a Central Park, il 15 aprile 1967. Tre giorni dopo fu arrestato. Nel 1973 Rader si suicidò in un ospedale psichiatrico.
'Tis of a brave young soldier who journeyed to New York
Contributed by Lorenzo 2016/11/5 - 22:49
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The Dolphins

The Dolphins
Contributed by Juha Rämö 2016/11/5 - 14:43
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You Want It Darker

You Want It Darker
In You Want It Darker, Leonard Cohen sings “Hineni, hineni; I’m ready, my lord," which was Abraham's response when God called on him to sacrifice his son Isaac. It is also the name of a prayer of preparation and humility, addressed to God, sung by the cantor on behalf of the congregation on Rosh Hashanah. At the Oct 13, 2016 L.A., press event, Leonard talked about using "hineni" in the lyrics of his new album's title song to reference a "willingness to serve" that is - in the right circumstances - universal to humanity.

That–Hineni, that declaration of readiness no matter what the outcome, that’s a part of everyone’s soul. We all are motivated by deep impulses and deep appetites to serve, even though we may not be able to locate that which we are willing to serve. So, this is just a part of my nature, and I think everybody else’s nature, to offer oneself at the moment, at the critical... (Continues)
2016/11/5 - 11:10
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Svensk översättning av Riccardo Venturi
5. november 2016 01:35
2016/11/5 - 01:38

Potere al popolo

Potere al popolo
Contributed by ZugNachPankow 2016/11/5 - 00:09
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No, toio non è nessuno dei due, e non penso lo conoscerete mai!
2016/11/4 - 22:51
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Lettre à des amis perdus

Lettre à des amis perdus
2016/11/4 - 21:21
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Which Side Are You On?

Which Side Are You On?
Broadside #57, Aprile 1965

Note: This new set of words to the Kentucky miner's song of the 1930's, was brought to Broadside by Len Chandler in the fall of 1964 when he returned from a summer of activity in the Freedom Hovement in Mississippi. It was sung extensively there and recently by the Selma, Alabama, marchers

Tune: Which Side Are You On by Mrs. Florence
Come all you bourgeoise black men
Contributed by dq82 2016/11/4 - 11:14
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Please Settle in Viet Nam

Please Settle in Viet Nam
Hopkins recorded the song "Please Settle in Viet Nam" in Berkeley, California, under the direction of Chris Strachwitz (the founder of the Californian label Arhoolie Records), on 20 May 1969, for the session which produced the album Lightnin' (Poppy Records # PYS-60,002). But the song did not appear on the album. Strachwitz released "Please Settle in Viet Nam" on this single (Joliet # 205) and then later on the album Lightning Hopkins in Berkeley (Arhoolie # 1063). (1) Hopkins wanted to see "an ending to the war" and called on the government to settle the Vietnam issue. It also included a little twist. Hopkins said that his girlfriend actually had a man fighting in the war, and that he hoped "he'll stay forever" in the army, because he did not "want to leave that girl". This idea is similar to the "jody" theme - a mythical man in blues and jazz tunes who seduced the wives and girlfriends... (Continues)
My mama prayed, she said please let that kingdom come
Contributed by dq82 2016/11/4 - 10:57

Talking Vietnam Blues

Talking Vietnam Blues
Broadside #56, March 1965
I guess you all heard about the Vietcong
Contributed by dq82 2016/11/4 - 10:41
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Il giorno di San Patrizio

Il giorno di San Patrizio
Gianni Sartori
24 MAGGIO 2016 8:27

Un altro aspetto da considerare, ben più grave dei tentativi di appropriazione indebita da parte fascista di personaggi di sinistra (come Bobby. Sands o Barry Horne) è la possibile infiltrazione nei movimenti di liberazione o di emancipazione sociale. Se in Italia è relativamente nota la figura dell’infiltrato Mario Merlino nel movimento anarchico, non va dimenticato che elementi legati all’Aginter Presse si infiltrarono (con false credenziali “maoiste” e antimperialiste) nel movimenti di liberazione delle colonie portoghesi per eliminarne i dirigenti (v. Mondlane e Cabral, forse anche la dissidente sudafricana R. First). Da segnalare poi il ruolo dei neofascisti (NAR, ma non solo) a fianco dei falangisti maroniti contro i palestinesi. Non esattamente il massimo della coerenza da parte di soggetti che in Italia si inventavano sigle “terceriste” come OLP... (Continues)
Gianni Sartori 2016/11/4 - 09:10

Двадцатый век

Двадцатый век прошел, скромны его итоги:
Contributed by A.Grishin 2016/11/4 - 08:18
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Ночь летнего солнцестояния

Ночь летнего солнцестояния
Двадцать первого числа,
Contributed by A.Grishin 2016/11/4 - 08:05

Цветы на могиле

Цветы на могиле
Средняя Рогатка - исторический район на юге Санкт-Петербурга (между ст. метро "Московская" и "Звездная". В 1941-1944 гг. там проходила вторая линия обороны Ленинграда. За годы блокады район сильно пострадал, там не осталось ни одного здаия довоенной постройки. В 1960-70-гг. там был построен большой жилой район.
Srednaya Rogatka - Historical area in the south of St.-Petersburg (between metro stations "Moscovskaya" and "Zvezdnaya"). In 1941-1944 there lied the second defensive front of Leningrad.
Years of war strongly changed a district, there left no one of prewar constructions. In 1960-70th there was built a big residential community.
На фронт трамвай уходил...
Contributed by A.Grishin 2016/11/4 - 07:45

Над киностудией свирепствует зима

Над киностудией свирепствует зима
Над киностудией свирепствует зима.
Contributed by A.Grishin 2016/11/4 - 07:31

Der Zoologe von Berlin

Der Zoologe von Berlin
Chanson allemande – Der Zoologe von Berlin – Frank Wedekind – 1899 – Ernst Busch – 1964

Paroles de Frank Wedekind (1864-1918), écrivain, dramaturge et chansonnier, un des principaux précurseurs du Kabarett allemand. Du recueil intitulé « Die vier Jahreszeiten », publié à Munich en 1905.
Interprétée par Ernst Busch, dans « Spottlieder », disque entièrement dédié aux chansons de Wedekind, publié en Allemagne Démocratique en 1964.

La ballade Im Heiligen Land que Wedekind publia en 1898 dans la revue satirique Simplicissimus lui valut la condamnation pour lèse-majesté, et la majesté n’était rien moins que le Kaiser Guillaume II. Si bien que Wedekind, en même temps que son ami Heine, illustrateur de la revue, firent sept mois de prison. « Le zoologue de Berlin » est une réflexion sur cette mesure de censure et d'intimidation à laquelle, évidemment, Wedekind ne se plia pas…

Dialogue maïeutique

Cette... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2016/11/3 - 22:45

Letter From the Draft Board

Letter From the Draft Board

Parole: poesia di Aaron Kramer
Musica di Irwin Heilner

da Broadside #83
A letter has come to me, darling
2016/11/3 - 20:59

The Sound of War

Ricardo Gautreau
The Sound of War

da Broadside #80
Can't you hear the cannons roar?
2016/11/3 - 20:27

La valigia dell’emigrante

La valigia dell’emigrante
E bellissima
2016/11/3 - 20:00
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Le déserteur

Le déserteur
INGLESE / ENGLISH / ANGLAIS [1] - John Brunner

Broadside #50 september 1964

Boris Vian, poet, novelist, amateur jazz trumpeter and left-wing activist, died - I believe in 1959 - at the comparatively early age of 45. His best-known works are a novel about race prejudice, "J' Irai Cracher sur vos Tombes" (I will Spit on your Graves)' from which an extremely bad movie was made just before his death, and this song, a protest against the Algerian war. It was recorded very successfully by the Algerian singer Mouloudji, but was banned by the French government and withdrawn in both printed and recorded versions; we first heard it in Sweden (translated very well, I'm told), and then on discovering its origin attempted without success to locate a copy in France, Belgium or Britain. The French text was eventually supplied to us by some pacifists in Lyons; I prepared the translation and my wife Marjorie... (Continues)
The Deserter
Contributed by dq82 2016/11/3 - 16:55
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Eric Bentley / Hanns Eisler ‎– Songs Of Hanns Eisler

Broadside #49, agosto 1964

The starting point of this song is a Spanish lyric by Neruda. This was rendered into German by Brecht. The English words are E. Bentley's, the music is Eisler's and is sung and played by Eric Bentley on a new Folkways release, Songs Of Hanns Eisler.
Peace to the house that is mine;
Contributed by dq82 2016/11/3 - 15:55

A World of Peace

A World of Peace
La canzone e scritta da Hilde Frateur. Dapertutto che andava per fare concerti, qualcuno del publico la dava un aiuto per fare una nuova strofa! Cosi, Hilde canta in 11 lingue sua canzone di Pace! Lei ha anche altri canzoni sul rispetto per umo e terra.

A WORLD OF PEACE muziek/tekst: Hilde Frateur & people all over the world cd Stad nr. 4

italiano / francese / olandese / siciliano/ beduino /tedesco / spagnolo / tagalog
Sto sognando di un mondo
Contributed by Hilde Frateur 2016/11/3 - 11:48
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Scritta da Nacho Cano
Nell'album intitolato “Descanso dominical”

Niente più che una canzoncina pop interpretata dall'infantile, e sinceramente imbarazzante, voce di Ana Torroja. Ma la propongo perchè è un tributo a Kudrjavka, meglio conosciuta come Laika, una cagnolina di tre anni che fu il primo essere vivente sacrificato nella corsa allo Spazio che nella seconda metà del 900 fu uno dei capitoli della Guerra (nemmeno troppo) Fredda tra Stati Uniti d'America e URSS.

Il 3 novembre del 1957 la navicella orbitante Sputnik 2, con a bordo la povera cagnetta immobilizzata e monitorata, fu lanciata dal cosmodromo di Bajkonur. L'obiettivo era ovviamente quello di testare le reazioni di un organismo animale evoluto, ma sacrificabile, in quelle condizioni estreme. La propaganda esaltò il successo dell'esperimento: venne detto che Laika era sopravvissuta il tempo sufficiente a raccogliere... (Continues)
Era rusa y se llamaba Laika
Contributed by Bernart Bartleby 2016/11/2 - 21:06
Song Itineraries: War against Animals
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Poco di buono

Poco di buono

“Poco di buono”, canzone di Foce Carmosina pubblicata da Claudio Lolli nel suo “La scoperta dell’America” del 2006 e poi dai GANG​ ne “La Rossa Primavera”, è una canzone di storia.
Perché come poche altre racconta nei dettagli e ricostruisce con accuratezza documentata un episodio della Resistenza piemontese, accaduto nella notte del 23 dicembre 1944 (“Ivrea ha tremato e stanotte è Natale”): la distruzione del ponte sulla Dora Baltea, strategico in quanto vi passavano i convogli pieni di materiale bellico prodotto nelle acciaierie di Cogne e diretto in Germania. Gli Alleati avevano a lungo progettato il sabotaggio, mai realizzato per la troppa vicinanza al centro abitato. Se ne fanno carico 13 partigiani della VII brigata Giustizia e Libertà, materialmente minano il ponte Mario Pellizzari (Alimiro), il Poco di Buono della canzone e Amos Missori,... (Continues)
Dq82 2016/11/2 - 17:28
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Eco del mare

Eco del mare

Feat. Enzo Avitabile
Eco d’o mare a tutt ‘e guagliun
Contributed by Dq82 2016/11/2 - 13:06
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The Vine And The Fig Tree

Contributed by Juha Rämö 2016/11/2 - 12:10

We are Gentle Angry Women (Singing For Our Lives)

We are Gentle Angry Women (Singing For Our Lives)
Testo di Pete Seeger
Pubblicata originariamente su Broadside #146, novembre 1983
We are a gentle, angry people
Contributed by dq82 2016/11/1 - 16:56
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The Bumblebee

The Bumblebee
Today Is the Highway

I bambini passano l'età dei perché, a volta nella loro semplicità i loro perché mettono in ridicolo il mondo dei grandi: "perché alcuni uomini odiano?" "perché la gente viene a chiedere i dollari, se sono fatti solo di carta?"
Broadside #47, giugno 1964
Oh why does the bumblebee fly?
Contributed by dq82 2016/11/1 - 16:42

Nothing but a Soldier

Nothing but a  Soldier
Broadside #46, maggio 1964
When Iwas a baby, Black as I could be
Contributed by dq82 2016/11/1 - 16:33

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