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Before 2016-11-3

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Der Zoologe von Berlin

Der Zoologe von Berlin
Chanson allemande – Der Zoologe von Berlin – Frank Wedekind – 1899 – Ernst Busch – 1964

Paroles de Frank Wedekind (1864-1918), écrivain, dramaturge et chansonnier, un des principaux précurseurs du Kabarett allemand. Du recueil intitulé « Die vier Jahreszeiten », publié à Munich en 1905.
Interprétée par Ernst Busch, dans « Spottlieder », disque entièrement dédié aux chansons de Wedekind, publié en Allemagne Démocratique en 1964.

La ballade Im Heiligen Land que Wedekind publia en 1898 dans la revue satirique Simplicissimus lui valut la condamnation pour lèse-majesté, et la majesté n’était rien moins que le Kaiser Guillaume II. Si bien que Wedekind, en même temps que son ami Heine, illustrateur de la revue, firent sept mois de prison. « Le zoologue de Berlin » est une réflexion sur cette mesure de censure et d'intimidation à laquelle, évidemment, Wedekind ne se plia pas…

Dialogue maïeutique

Cette... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2016/11/3 - 22:45

La valigia dell’emigrante

La valigia dell’emigrante
E bellissima
2016/11/3 - 20:00

The House I Live in (a Parody)

The House I Live in (a Parody)
The House I Live In was a short film made in 1945 at the end of World War II to promote racial tolerance starring Frank Sinatra. It received an Honorary Academy Award and a special Golden Globe award in 1946.
What is America to me?
Contributed by dq82 2016/11/3 - 17:33
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Le déserteur

Le déserteur
INGLESE / ENGLISH / ANGLAIS [1] - John Brunner

Broadside #50 september 1964

Boris Vian, poet, novelist, amateur jazz trumpeter and left-wing activist, died - I believe in 1959 - at the comparatively early age of 45. His best-known works are a novel about race prejudice, "J' Irai Cracher sur vos Tombes" (I will Spit on your Graves)' from which an extremely bad movie was made just before his death, and this song, a protest against the Algerian war. It was recorded very successfully by the Algerian singer Mouloudji, but was banned by the French government and withdrawn in both printed and recorded versions; we first heard it in Sweden (translated very well, I'm told), and then on discovering its origin attempted without success to locate a copy in France, Belgium or Britain. The French text was eventually supplied to us by some pacifists in Lyons; I prepared the translation and my wife Marjorie... (Continues)
The Deserter
Contributed by dq82 2016/11/3 - 16:55
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Eric Bentley / Hanns Eisler ‎– Songs Of Hanns Eisler

Broadside #49, agosto 1964

The starting point of this song is a Spanish lyric by Neruda. This was rendered into German by Brecht. The English words are E. Bentley's, the music is Eisler's and is sung and played by Eric Bentley on a new Folkways release, Songs Of Hanns Eisler.
Peace to the house that is mine;
Contributed by dq82 2016/11/3 - 15:55
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Poco di buono

Poco di buono

“Poco di buono”, canzone di Foce Carmosina pubblicata da Claudio Lolli nel suo “La scoperta dell’America” del 2006 e poi dai GANG​ ne “La Rossa Primavera”, è una canzone di storia.
Perché come poche altre racconta nei dettagli e ricostruisce con accuratezza documentata un episodio della Resistenza piemontese, accaduto nella notte del 23 dicembre 1944 (“Ivrea ha tremato e stanotte è Natale”): la distruzione del ponte sulla Dora Baltea, strategico in quanto vi passavano i convogli pieni di materiale bellico prodotto nelle acciaierie di Cogne e diretto in Germania. Gli Alleati avevano a lungo progettato il sabotaggio, mai realizzato per la troppa vicinanza al centro abitato. Se ne fanno carico 13 partigiani della VII brigata Giustizia e Libertà, materialmente minano il ponte Mario Pellizzari (Alimiro), il Poco di Buono della canzone e Amos Missori,... (Continues)
Dq82 2016/11/2 - 17:28

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