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Before 2015-2-4

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La farina dal Diàul

La farina dal Diàul
Domenico Scandella, known as "Menocchio", a miller from Montereale Valcellina (PN) during the 16th century. He declared some decidedly original theses on the origin of the universe and on the presence and role of God, Jesus, and the Church. Because of his theories on the origin of the universe that were based more on myth than on science (dating back to the predecessors of India, i.e., the Veda Indians and of whom he had never heard, perhaps a sign that the archaic culture had been transmitted genetically), he was put on trial and convicted twice: the first time in prison and the second time at the stake for witchcraft, as he was convicted of heresy. This sentence was carried out diligently between the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century. The piece has been musically constructed using the archetype on an ancient modal melody originally from the area of Carnia (in Friuli).

This... (Continues)
Contributed by Flavio Poltronieri 2015/2/4 - 21:47

La ragazza di Kobanê

La ragazza di Kobanê
Uno mi ha detto – A Kobanê si gioca
fanno alle Brigate internazionali
sotto la protezione della NATO
e comunque si scrive con l’accento
circonflesso – un marxista, un letterato...

31 gennaio, 2-3 febbraio 2015
L.L. 2015/2/4 - 18:08
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Elegia per gli impiccati di Bassano

Elegia per gli impiccati di Bassano
je m apelle Marc Bertapelle je deouvre cette photo ou mon oncle a ete pendu ils ce nomais Guido BERTAPELLE les horeurs d
e desiquilibrés qu elle gachie ils etais si jeune Marc BERTAPELLE 2015/2/4 - 17:01

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