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Before 2013-7-1

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Listen to the voices of the old women
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2013/7/1 - 22:12
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We Are All Made of Stars

We Are All Made of Stars
Contributed by Andrea 2013/7/1 - 15:45

Als Franco Spanien überfiel (Bataillon Edgar André)‎

Als Franco Spanien überfiel (Bataillon Edgar André)‎
Due correzioni di non poco conto: Edgar André fu ucciso nella prigione di Holstenglacis ad Amburgo e la sentenza venne eseguita non con la ghigliottina - che sarebbe stato più "umano" - ma con la medievale ascia...
Bernart 2013/7/1 - 13:19
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Lettera di Robert Bowman

Lettera di Robert Bowman

Why US is hated

by Robert Bowman, bishop of the United Catholic Church in Melbourne Beach, FL.

Robert Bowman flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. He is presently (1998) bishop of the United Catholic Church in Melbourne Beach, FL. Originally printed in The National Catholic Reporter, Oct. 2, 1998. The "Security" Charade - by Robert Bowman If deceptions about terrorism go unchallenged, then the threat will continue until it destroys us.

The truth is that none of our thousands of nuclear weapons can protect us from these threats. No Star Wars system no matter how technically advanced, no matter how many trillions of dollars are poured into it, can protect us from a nuclear weapon delivered in a sailboat or a Cessna or a suitcase or a Ryder rental truck. Not one weapon in our vast arsenal, not a penny of the $270 billion a year we spend on so-called defense can defend against a terrorist... (Continues)
2013/7/1 - 12:21
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If I Can Dream

If I Can Dream
Molto bella questa canzone, la ascolta in continuazione, ho diverse versioni.
crisitan 2013/7/1 - 01:22

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