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Before 2013-6-2

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Mary MacDermott

Mary MacDermott
Lyrics & Music by Iain Scally
Album: The Piper has Gone

Another song by Iain Scally.. In his own words it's not a protest song, but touches on the effect of the 1914-18 war on those left behind..

It's a story which involves an old lady who used to live in the cottage adjoining our house at the time. Jamie, the hero, was a ghostly figure who used to, "appear", quite regularly and took the form of a WW1 soldier and Mary was an idiosyncratic old character who refused to have any modern conveniences installed in her home by the landlord despite all his best efforts. She died, having reached the ripe old age of 80-odd still burning the paraffin lamp and carrying water from the well at the end of the village all her days. The idea of making them an item was my fertile imagination seeking an explanation for her reluctance to move forward.
Number One Burnside was home
Contributed by giorgio 2013/6/2 - 20:24
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Canto nomade per un prigioniero politico

Canto nomade per un prigioniero politico
Quoto Cristian
Simone C. 2013/6/2 - 17:30

Plegaria por la Paz

Music by: Enki Bello
Lyrics: Enki Bello and Rodrigo Espinosa
No mas muertes, no mas guerras, si al final ya nada queda
Contributed by Enki Bello 2013/6/2 - 16:19
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Il testamento di Tito

Il testamento di Tito
Contributed by giorgio 2013/6/2 - 13:56
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Album: Crisis

The "so-called" War Against Terrorism or War On Terror..
The whole world stopped to watch the towers fall
Contributed by giorgio 2013/6/2 - 13:16

Abril en Portugal

Abril en Portugal
2 giugno 2013
2013/6/2 - 11:43

La religione dei potenti (Lascia pur che dica Iddio)

La religione dei potenti  (Lascia pur che dica Iddio)
Chanson italienne - La religione dei potenti (Lascia pur che dica Iddio) – Dario Fo – 1965
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2013/6/1 - 22:59
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Na oknu glej obrazek bled

Na oknu glej obrazek bled
Canzone popolare slovena
Slovenska narodna pesem
A Slovenian folksong

Sulla melodia della canzone asturiana Dime donde vas morena
Na oknu glej obrazek bled,
Contributed by silva 2013/6/1 - 12:15

Mi smo još uvek zemljaci

Mi smo još uvek zemljaci
Kada se noć i subota sretnu
Contributed by Monia 2013/5/31 - 23:08
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Chanson italienne – Analfabetizzazione – Claudio Lolli – 1977
Texte et musique de Claudio Lolli
Instrumentistes : Piergiorgio Bonafé (saxo teneur, saxo soprano, flûte) ; Marcello Castellana (claviers), Roberto Costa (bassement électrique, trombone) ; Bruno Mariani (guitare acoustique, guitare électrique, guitare 12 cordes) ; Adriano Pedini (batterie, percussions).
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2013/5/31 - 20:55

Pour ne plus bronzer idiot

Pour ne plus bronzer idiot
Elle n'est pas vraiment comme toutes les îles
Contributed by adriana 2013/5/31 - 16:13
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Dint' 'o mercato

Dint' 'o mercato
Album: "Aggio girato lu munno" del 1978.

Brano d'ignoti del 1647 nel quale si raccontano le tristi vicende della sommossa popolare scoppiata a Napoli contro il vicereame spagnolo, che fu guidata dal popolano Tommaso Aniello dAmalfi, detto Masaniello, il quale fu assassinato in circostanze misteriose.
Dint' 'o Mercato se jettaie lu banno
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2013/5/31 - 15:40
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Ese general

Ese general
Versi del grande poeta spagnolo Rafael Alberti ‎‎(1902-1999), dalla raccolta “Poemas escénicos”, ma anche in “El matador” del 1965.‎
Accompagnamento musicale di Rosa León.‎
Nel disco “Paloma desesperada” del 1989, interamente dedicato alle poesie di Rafael Alberti.‎
Aquí está el general.
Contributed by Bernart 2013/5/31 - 15:38
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Cover in dialetto piemontese realizzata dal gruppo folk-rock demenziale Farinei d'la brigna dal titolo Tubthumping (At sii 'n gadan) inclusa nell' album Sempri Farinei del 2000.
Vati pèrdi....
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2013/5/31 - 13:39
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
La versione di Borghese, da L'educazione delle rockstar

Questa mattina mi sono svegliato
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2013/5/31 - 13:20

Ballad of Lobo, the King of Currumpaw

Ballad of Lobo, the King of Currumpaw
Contributed by Bernart 2013/5/30 - 20:56
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Quella Che Stiamo Raccontando

Quella Che Stiamo Raccontando
Chanson italienne - Pum Pum! Chi è? La Polizia!‎ – Dario Fo – 1972
Paroles de Dario Fo – Musique de Paolo Ciarchi

Chanson d'introduction de la pièce du même titre, satire grotesque en deux actes sur les massacres d’État, mis en scène par le collectif théâtral « La Comune ».
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2013/5/30 - 19:18
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Fronne d'autunno

Fronne d'autunno
Concordo è una bellissima canzone, mi fa piangere
Sara 2013/5/30 - 17:47
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Quella Che Stiamo Raccontando

Quella Che Stiamo Raccontando
Contributed by Bernart 2013/5/30 - 13:30
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Passenger List for Doomed Flight # 1721

Passenger List for Doomed Flight # 1721
The song lyrics consist of a list of the names of many politicians, musicians and other public figures that have drawn Chumbawamba's ire:
Bill Gates, Microsoft founder
Richard Branson, Virgin Group founder
Jack Straw, British Member of Parliament
Billy Graham, US televangelist
Gerhard Schröder, German Chancellor
Tony Blair, British Prime Minister
Boris Yeltsin, Russian President
Mick Hucknall, Simply Red singer
Tipper Gore, US Parents Music Resource Center co-founder
Ian Paisley, Northern Ireland unionist leader
Pauline Hanson, Right-wing Australian politician
Courtney Love, American musician
Garry Bushell, English Music critic
Paul Condon, London Metropolitan Police commissioner
Ally McBeal, US TV show character
Jean-Marie Le Pen, French right-wing National Front founder
Janet Reno, US Attorney General
Bill Clinton, US President
Albert F. Sabo, judge for Mumia Abu-Jamal's... (Continues)
DonQuijote82 2013/5/30 - 13:29
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Contributed by DonQuijote82 2013/5/30 - 13:21
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Universal Soldier

Universal Soldier
PASSION KILLERS "Whoopee! We're All Going To Die!" 7 inch EP '91

Passion Killers being then three members of Chumbawamba rush-releasing an anti-Gulf War single. There are four anti-war cover versions: Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die, Universal Soldier, Shipbuilding and Reuters

Here are the lyrics to two Passion Killers songs. The first one, Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die, is a very upbeat, party-type song, with lots of kazoo, whistles, whooping, yee-hawing, laughing, etc., in the background. The second one, Universal Soldier, has a more serious tone.
He's 5' 2" and he's 6' 4"
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2013/5/30 - 13:18
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Another Brick In The Wall Part I

Another Brick In The Wall Part I
Parodia in Piemontese del gruppo folk-rock demeziale Farinei dla Brigna dall'album del 2000 sempri Farinei
Ehi Cicu
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2013/5/30 - 11:22


Oggi sembra anche un testo profetico: pensiamo al giaguaro!
carlo r. 2013/5/29 - 21:30
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A Margalida

A Margalida


por Fernando Lucini

«De entre el amplio repertorio de canciones que ha compuesto e interpretado Joan Isaac, sin duda, una de las que más me impactó desde siempre –y que aún sigo escuchando y disfrutando con frecuencia– es la titulada “A Margalida”; canción dedicada a Margalida Bover Vadell –amante de Salvador Puig Antich–, que Joan grabó, por primera vez, en su disco “Viure”, publicado en 1977.

Recuerdo a la perfección el primer día que escuché “A Margalida”. Resultó una experiencia muy emocionante. Joan, con aquella hermosa canción, consiguió provocarme una contradictoria sensación de indignación y de ternura. 

Indignación por el hecho al que hacía referencia: No habían pasado muchos años –fue en 1974– que Franco, y la “gentuza” que le rodeaba, habían condenado a Salvador Puig Antich a la pena muerte, y le habían asesinado. Cruel... (Continues)
2013/5/29 - 10:49
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El adiós del soldado

El adiós del soldado
los felicito a todos por intervenir en este importante debate, los amantes de la buena música y de las buenas letras nos ilustran personas que tienen una idea que por ahí han leído o que les han contado, así se van aclarando dudas y acrecentando nuestro acervo cultural. gracias a quienes intervinieron; muchas gracias!!!
Esperanza Solis Adame 2013/5/28 - 21:15

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