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Before 2013-11-10

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Dead Man's Boots

Dead Man's Boots
Album: "The Last Ship"

Il nuovo album di Sting raccoglie le canzoni per un prossimo musical che debutterà a Broadway in autunno. L'ispirazione per la storia viene dai ricordi di infanzia del cantante a Wallsend, Newcastle, dove guardava stupito le enormi imbarcazioni costruite dagli operai nel cantiere navale della Swan Hunter che venivano varate nel fiume Tyne.

Come Billy Elliot, adattato in un musical con musiche di Elton John dopo il successo al cinema, la storia del musical di Sting è ambientata durante il declino industriale del nord est dell'Inghilterra durante i governi della Thatcher.

The Last Ship racconta la storia di un gruppo di operai il cui cantiere è minacciato di chiusura che decidono di costruire la loro nave come ultimo atto di ribellione. Si rivolgono a Gideon, un giovane la cui difficile relazione con il padre ha spinto ad andarsene per mare ma che è ora... (Continues)
You see these work boots in my hands, they'll probably fit ye now my son,
2013/11/10 - 18:15
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Signor padrone

Signor padrone
Album : Precario
Signor padrone io lavoro tutti i giorni da lei
Contributed by adriana 2013/11/10 - 17:13
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Back Home

Back Home
Album: Bayani (2007)

Rap Genius
And it begins like...
2013/11/9 - 23:49


Album: "Blue Collar" (2006)

feat Citizen Cope
2013/11/9 - 23:44
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Letter From the Government

Letter From the Government
Album: "The Undisputed Truth" (2007)

Nel ritornello cita Black Steel In The Hour of Chaos dei Public Enemy. Si tratta di una vera e propria risposta di un disertore, proprio come la CCG numero 1.

Su Rapgenius commenti e annotazioni verso per verso.
I got a letter from the government the other day
2013/11/9 - 23:24
Song Itineraries: Deserters
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Square Dance

Square Dance
Album: "“The Eminem Show" (2002)
2013/11/9 - 23:14


Album: "Open for Businness" (2006)

Iraqi-American rapper TIMZ has released a politically charged music video that is getting international attention since its debut on

“Iraq” is destined to be a true rallying cry during these difficult political times. TIMZ’s background allows him to give a unique perspective of the war. “My parents are from Iraq but I was born in the United States. I feel like I’m able to connect to both sides of this war a little more than the average person. That’s why I wrote the song the way I did; the first verse is written from the perspective of an Iraqi while the second verse is written from the perspective of an American. The third verse is a history lesson!”
The Banner
Somehow someway someday
2013/11/9 - 23:04
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Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall
Album: "Third World Child" (1987)

On an even more broadly inclusive scale,the song “Berlin Wall” ties the struggle in South Africa to a contemporary struggle in the West. It asks Berlin and its people to take up the call for a global community. The divisions it highlights feel artificial and inappropriate for a nation anywhere,whether it be in Europe or in Africa. The global reach of this song thus helps to connect Johnny Clegg and Savuka with its Western audience. There can be a common goal and a common community,but only if injustices like those in South Africa are mediated.

Erin Swen
Welcome to my island
2013/11/9 - 21:35

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