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Before 2013-1-20

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Song of Choice

Song of Choice
Album: Union City Breath

Most commonly referred to as a roots-punk band, the word "country" is also bandied around too when describing their music. Although it is there to hear, the country element is far from being an overriding force within the music-it's more of a recurring theme. The same goes for the use of the word "folk," but here this is clearly reflected in the choice of "Song of Choice", an updated version of a Peggy Seeger protest song that in a live setting has proven to be a huge favourite and which deserves its place on the album both from a musical perspective, but also as part of a wider warning against the continued existence of right-wing organisations such as the BNP and EDL.
Contributed by giorgio 2013/1/20 - 19:37
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Iu partu e su custrittu di partiri

Iu partu e su custrittu di partiri
Io parto, sono costretto a partire
Contributed by donQuijote82 2013/1/20 - 19:21
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Avvidecci la me fata

Avvidecci la me fata
Arrivederci mia fata
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2013/1/20 - 19:15

Chi ha la peste

Chi ha la peste
Version française – QUI A LA PESTE – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2013
Chanson italienne – Chi ha la peste – Rino Gaetano – 1970

Texte inédit de Rino Gaetano

La version « revue et augmentée » de Celui qui a la peste (cette fois sans point d'interrogation) ouvre le second cahier de chansons, écrites en 430 jours, du 1° janvier 1970. Le texte est beaucoup plus loin, l'histoire mieux articulée, la malaise accompagnée de la fulguration ironique et parodique. Un temps, le protagoniste lisait des nouvelles de coups d'État, de guérillas et, avec discrétion, même les annonces des putes. Maintenant, son effort pour s'informer des sujets importants se heurte à l'intérêt croissant des gens pour le potin (« à l'accouchement réussi/de cet acteur avec son mari ») et pour les nouvelles insignifiantes (« du nouveau yacht de ce souverain/régnant dans un pays lointain »). Bien intentionné à disserter d'économie, il... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2013/1/20 - 18:39
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Chi ha portato quei fiori per Mara Cagol?

Chi ha portato quei fiori per Mara Cagol?
allora l'amore verso cosa ??? non è questione di tenera età è più probabile che da queste righe si volesse far uscire fuori meno dal commento è uscito altro, li ha sopraffatti ancora.saluti
gigi la trottola 2013/1/20 - 16:06
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Paolo Pietrangeli: Mio caro padrone domani ti sparo

Paolo Pietrangeli: Mio caro padrone domani ti sparo
Oppure il trattamento che avrebbe riservato ai ricchi il parroco Meslier...
Alex 2013/1/20 - 15:10
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Fabbricando case

Fabbricando case
Version française – EN CONSTRUISANT DES MAISONS – Marco Valdo M.I. a – 2013
Chanson italienne – Fabbricando case – Rino Gaetano – 1978

La promotion immobilière a comme but principal de construire des fortunes.
Lucien l'âne
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2013/1/20 - 10:00

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