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Before 2012-5-5

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A new, unquiet and most topical song itinerary has been instituted: Mort au travail/Death to Work. The disappearance of work (tripalium, δουλεία, labor, slavery) a necessary requirement for a new civilisation based no more on managerial and capitalist exploitation, the same forming the basis of war. As from today, we present you a number of relevant songs, for thought and rebellion. An example is Verranno a chiederti del nostro amore by Fabrizio De André.
Riccardo Venturi 2012/5/5 - 12:32

Atressi com per fargar

Atressi com per fargar
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/5/4 - 11:52
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Τα 18 λιανοτράγουδα της πικρής πατρίδας

Τα 18 λιανοτράγουδα της πικρής πατρίδας
Anche le Diciotto canzonette per la patria amara, una delle prime "paginone testiane", sono state sottoposte a ristrutturazione. Si prosegue imperterriti.
Riccardo Venturi / Ελληνικό Τμήμα των ΑΠΤ 2012/5/4 - 11:39

De sirventes faire no-m tuèill

De sirventes faire no-m tuèill
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/5/4 - 11:05

Ti vacanzi tu, mi vacanzo anch’io

Ti vacanzi tu, mi vacanzo anch’io
Chanson italienne - Ti vacanzi tu, mi vacanzo anch’io - Ugolino – 1978
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/5/3 - 22:46
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Τούτοι οι μπάτσοι που 'ρθαν τώρα

C'est peu connaître le véritable Dimitri Dilinos. Se profile comme richissime intellectuel du Ministère des Affaires Extérieures de la Grèce, ce qu'il n'est aucunement. Mais qui est-il vraiment, indépendamment du niveau suspect de sa littérature? C'est un homme qui a fait travailler sa femme toute sa vie et a fait des dettes en jouant le riche, et a ainsi déshériter la famille de sa femme. Vous qui parlez de flics. Il a même après avoir prit tout le fric qui revenait au frère de sa femme porter plainte chez les flics contre lui, soit disant pour harcèlements. Au fait 20 lettres sur vingt ans du frère vers sa sœur et que Dilinos a ouvert et lu à son insu. Mais 'on' (surtout les femmes (qu'il plume!) le trouve très gentil. Je dirais qu'il es trop faux-cul pour être poète!
Patrick Cohn Benis 2012/5/3 - 18:30
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E anche questa pagina è stata arromiossynata ammodino, δόξα τω μεγάλω Μανιτού.
Riccardo Venturi / Ελληνικό Τμήμα των ΑΠΤ 2012/5/3 - 13:20
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Άγιος Φεβρουάριος

Άγιος Φεβρουάριος
Versione italiana di Gian Piero Testa

Contributed by Gian Piero Testa 2012/5/3 - 12:00
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Razos es qu'ieu m'esbaudei

Razos es qu'ieu m'esbaudei
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/5/3 - 11:22

Be the Rain

Be the Rain
Non ho acquistato nè letto il fumetto in italiano e non so quindi se riporta la traduzione dei testi di Neil Young o è una riproposizione in una prosa più consona al mezzo. Sarei comunque curioso di vedere eventuali traduzioni "più ufficiali", per capire se i vari "Be the rain...Be the ocean...Be the magic...etc." sono tradotti come esortazioni a sentirsi parte della Natura, come ho fatto io, o come anatemi/invocazioni ("Sia la pioggia!", come a invocare un diluvio universale, una ribellione della Natura).
Contributed by Enrico 2012/5/2 - 12:01

Over and Over Again

Over and Over Again
Lyrics & Music by Alan Dickson
Album: Victims

"In all recent wars the innocent victims are always the children. Nearly a third of those who died in the recent war in Lebanon were children…" (Alan)
Out on the street they are wounded with hate
Contributed by giorgio 2012/5/1 - 19:25

Obeying Orders

Obeying Orders
Lyrics & Music by Steve Cooke

Lyrics inspired by Stanley Milgram 's experiments on obedience to authority.

Lead vocal, synths and drum programming by Steve Cooke. Backing vocals by Lythan Nevard. Guitars by Alan Williamson.
Recorded in 1993 on 16-track analogue tape at Durham Street Studio, Hartlepool, UK. Session engineered by John Grayson with additional production by Graham Kay. Mixed by Steve Cooke and Graham Kay.
All of the synth sounds and drums came from a Yamaha QY10 sequencer/tone module.
Press that button
Contributed by giorgio 2012/5/1 - 19:05
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La revanche

La revanche
La Revanche
Chanson française de Boby Lapointe – 1975
La Rivincita
Canzone francese di Boby Lapointe - 1975

Ah, mon ami Lucien l'âne, ce premier jour du mois de mai a déjà fait couler beaucoup de sang et beaucoup d'encre. Beaucoup de sang, car c'est ce jour-là que les travailleurs ont choisi pour fêter les travailleurs morts au travail, morts du travail et morts sans travail ou plus exactement pour ces derniers, morts sans ressources, sans nourriture, sans médicaments... Car être sans travail n'est pas une mauvaise chose, c'est même le rêve ultime de bien des travailleurs. L'éradication du travail est le but fondamental de l'humanité. L'homme quand enfin, il atteint l'âge d'homme, quand il atteint l'âge d'or – souvent décrit dans les religions comme le paradis – l'homme n'est plus tenu à la servitude du travail et alors, il peut enfin faire ce qu'il veut, ce qu'il conçoit comme bien,... (Continues)
Le lundi, je mendie
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/5/1 - 13:17
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Nailing Descartes to the Wall / (Liquid) Meat Is Still Murder

Nailing Descartes to the Wall / (Liquid) Meat Is Still Murder
I speak outside what is recognized as the border between “reason” and “insanity”. But I consider it a measure of my humanity to be written off by the living graves of a billion murdered lives. And I’m not ashamed of my recurring dreams about me and a gun and a different species (hint: starts with “h” and rhymes with “Neuman’s”) of carnage strewn about the stockyards, the factories and farms. Still I know as well as anyone that it does less good than harm to be this honest with a conscience eased by lies. But you cannot deny that meat is still murder. Dairy is still rape. And I’m still as stupid as anyone, but I know my mistakes. I have recognized one form of oppression, now I recognize the rest. And life’s too short to make another’s shorter-(animal liberation now!).
Contributed by 'Mpari Pè 2012/5/1 - 12:37
Song Itineraries: War against Animals
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Lyrics & Music by Olgostin
Album: The Story of History

You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea. But killing a man, you kill a man. And this is something horrible, which words cannot describe. No, words cannot describe...

On January 15, 1919 Rosa Luxemburg
and Karl Liebknecht were captured by the Freikorps Garde-Kavallerie-Schützendivision.
Rosa Luxemburg was rifle-butted, then shot in the head, and her body was thrown into Berlin's Landwehr Canal. Karl Liebknecht was shot in the Tiergarten and his "anonymous" body was brought to a mortuary.
The German revolution was in this way terminated..
More than four months after the murders, on 1 June 1919, Rosa Luxemburg's corpse was found and identified after an autopsy at the Berlin Charité hospital..
You were rifle-butted
Contributed by giorgio 2012/5/1 - 11:41
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Lyrics & Music by José Travieso
Album: Human
Contributed by giorgio 2012/5/1 - 11:05
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Don't Talk to Me About Work

Don't Talk to Me About Work
Album «Legendary Hearts»

Morte al lavoro! Buon Primo Maggio!
A perfect day to get out of bed
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/5/1 - 10:56
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Siamo tutti licenziati

Siamo tutti licenziati

Album: Diffondi AntaNgonismo

Politicos Posse + Paolo Ciarchi
L'avevo proprio sentito al telegiornale che siamo una potenza una potenza industriale
Contributed by adriana 2012/5/1 - 10:36

God Damn Job

God Damn Job
Dall’EP «The Replacements Stink» del 1982
Scritta da Paul Westerberg

Morte al lavoro! Viva il Primo Maggio!
I need a God damn job
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/4/30 - 22:49
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Takin’ Care of Business

Takin’ Care of Business
Album «Bachman–Turner Overdrive II»

Morte al lavoro! Buon Primo Maggio!
You get up every morning
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/4/30 - 22:26
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Workin' In A Coal Mine

Workin' In A Coal Mine
Beh, anche questa potrebbe andare nel nuovo percorso "Morte al lavoro!"...
Bartleby 2012/4/30 - 22:10
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Dead End Street

Dead End Street
Scritta da Ray Davies

Per il percorso “Mort au travail”.
There's a crack up in the ceiling,
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/4/30 - 22:01

The Poverty Song

The Poverty Song
Lyrics & Music by Jimi Cullen
Album: The Junkyard poet
Well there's people dying all over the world
Contributed by giorgio 2012/4/30 - 17:09
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Take This Job and Shove It

Take This Job and Shove It
Scritta da David Allan Coe.

“Prendi ‘sto lavoro e ficcatelo in quel posto...”, così dice al padrone il lavoratore che finalmente ha aperto gli occhi... Una canzone che stette nella top ten country per ben 18 settimane, di cui due al primo posto (vorrà dire qualcosa, no?!?)... Coverizzata - c’era da aspettarselo - dai Dead Kennedys nel loro album «Bedtime for Democracy» del 1986...

Per il percorso “Mort au travail”...

Buon Primo Maggio!
Take this job and shove it
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/4/30 - 17:08
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Inka Lied [El Condor pasa]

Inka Lied [El Condor pasa]
ma io penso che sopratutto è il rispeto e questa canzone peruviane "el condor pasa " e molto bellisima a me piace moltisimo ♥ e una canzone delle ande del sudamerica è peruviana le MACHU PICCHU e montagne molto belle .una meraviglie del mondo
2012/4/30 - 14:34

Not in My Name

Not in My Name
Album: State of the Ark
You were hiding in the shadows
Contributed by giorgio 2012/4/30 - 12:45

Je peux pas travailler

Je peux pas travailler

Paroles: Boris Vian, musique: Henri Salvador
Interprétation : Henri Salvador

La résistance des travailleurs au travail est incommensurable... Elle reflète exactement le sens de l'humanisation de l'espèce de bipèdes que nous sommes. Et je crois bien, Lucien l'âne mon ami, que les quadrupèdes que vous êtes seront du même avis que nous... Le travail doit être réduit au minimum...

En effet. Par exemple, plutôt que de tourner sempiternellement en rond pour actionner une noria grinçante et épuisante, on préfère, nous les ânes, que ce soit le vent qui fasse le travail...

C'est très précisément, le sens des efforts d'humanisation de la vie que tentent les ingénieurs, quand ils sont ingénieux... Faire faire le travail par les machines ou par des éléments tels que l'eau (turbine, moulin...), le vent (moulin, éoliennes...) ou par le recours à l'énergie fossile... Tout plutôt que que... (Continues)
Tu m'engueules sans arrêter parce qu'on n'a pas d'argent
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/4/30 - 10:42


Lyrics & Music by Joakim Brodén and Pär Sundström
Album: The Art of War

This song is devoted to the Battle of Wizna, called the Polish Thermopylae (September 7-10, 1939, the Nazi invasion of Poland).
720 of our soldiers (equipped with six 76mm guns, 42 machine guns) defended the not finished bunker lines against 54,000 Germans (with 350 tanks and Stukas' support) commanded by general Heinz Guderian. Poles abandoned their positions not before Guderian threatened to shoot Polish POWs. The Polish commander, captain Władysław Raginis, who committed suicide after the fallen battle, is one of the symbols of the heroic Polish defense in September 1939.
Baptized in fire.
Contributed by giorgio 2012/4/30 - 08:56
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Album : Lontano
Vengo da straniero sono clandestino
Contributed by adriana 2012/4/30 - 08:20

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