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Before 2012-4-3

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War and Crime

War and Crime
Album: "Prisoner" (1989)
Everywhere in the world
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2012/3/31 - 15:58
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Lyrics & Music by Bill Robinson
Album: Research (new edition)

Chemical integrity is breaking down
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/31 - 15:30
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Killing Ground

Killing Ground
Album: Navigator

Distress.. The expected fate of all the soldiers in a war..
They do the things all soldiers do
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/31 - 15:20
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No Real Tomatoes

No Real Tomatoes
Lyrics & Music by David Rudd
Album: Research

Peace & Love's dead -watch out for nuclear blast
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/31 - 12:20

This Losing Game

This Losing Game
Lyrics & Music by Tracy Jane Comer
Album: Quietly There

An anti-war song, written on Memorial Day 2004… "I was pondering both Memorial Day and Father's Day, so close together...
…and thinking of all the families that have to be apart now because of the war". -Tracy J. Comer.

"Tracy Jane Comer's song "This Losing Game" is a thoughtful, well-produced and haunting anti-war song, worthy of the great Joan Baez or Joni Mitchell. Come to think of it, Tracy Jane’s voice is just as powerful and clear as those ladies as well. This is a wonderful work and worthy of a good listen. -International Acoustic Music Awards, January 2005-
A balanced flashlight just illuminates the page
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/31 - 08:35

Exit Strategy

Exit Strategy
Exit Strategy ou La retraite victorieuse

Chanson française – Exit Strategy ou La retraite victorieuse – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2012

D'habitude, je le sais bien, Lucien l'âne mon ami, j'ai toujours l'air de me traîner dans le temps et d'avoir un regard sur le passé. D'abord, c'est vrai... Je scrute le passé, mais pour comprendre et le passé et le présent. Ce dernier découlant du précédent... Il y a dans tout ça, ce qu'on appelle le paradoxe temporel. Je te l'explique ou je te le rappelle. Le passé n'est plus, le futur n'est pas encore et le présent est déjà passé au moment où j'en parle ; bref, il n'est nulle part et pourtant, c'est lui qui fait les deux autres et toutes nos existences. En fait, on est dans un présent continu qui s'appelle la vie... Elle a toujours un début et toujours une fin. Je vois à ton œil noir fluorescent que tu te demandes où donc je vais pouvoir encore t'emmener...

En... (Continues)
Que vaut la vie d'un Afghan
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/3/30 - 23:35


Io ricordo con rabbia

Per Giancarlo Siani, giornalista napoletano ucciso dalla camorra.
Giancarlo Siani
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/3/30 - 20:23
Song Itineraries: Mafia and Mafias
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Libertà e Foresta

Libertà e Foresta
Chanson italienne – Libertà e Foresta - Elisabeth – 2012

Voici l'histoire de deux jeunes filles, deux estafettes partisanes, appelées Liberté et Forêt. Pendant une certaine période, on n'avait plus de nouvelles de Forêt et sa sœur, Liberté alla à sa recherche.
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/3/30 - 17:26
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Just a Few Questions

Just a Few Questions
Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff
Album: Disillusioning [2010]

A song about the legitimate questions rarely heard in mainstream media about all 9/11s. There was one in 1973 in Chile, one in 1988 in Haiti and more, and the song reflects on the war crimes and terror that always seem to follow these 9/11 tragedies..

"I wrote this song originally in 2002 and then revised it in 2009. The song was inspired by journalists like Greg Palast, Amy Goodman, John Pilger and Robert Fisk, as well as the documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, all of whom asked tough questions and did exhaustive investigations into not only 9/11 but the state terrorism that followed.

It is all too often we hear only about our own 9/11, however there were many 9/11s. There was 9/11/88 in Haiti, 9/11/90 in Guatemala, and 9/11/73 in Chile. In all of these the US spy agencies' allies in those countries committed atrocities,... (Continues)
Who's really running the country?
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/30 - 16:07


Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff

MSNBC promotes imperialist wars for GE !

MSNBC, owned by GE, is promoting insanity for imperial greed, as usual.
I literally wrote this song and recorded, mixed, and uploaded it within the last 15 minutes..
Rah Rah Rah for the home team [x3]
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/30 - 14:27

To Afghan War Escalation We Say NO

To Afghan War Escalation We Say NO
"Pictures and footage, in this video, are all from my camera and they are from various anti-war demonstrations in recent months, held in Denver, Colorado in 2009. Some pictures are from an anti-war demonstration in 2005 (black & white).

The music is a little homemade improvised piece I call "Jamming with myself". To record the rhythm and lead guitar I actually placed my camera, switched to the audio feature, about a foot in front of my little practice amp. For the lead guitar wah sound I ran the signal through a Cry Baby wah pedal. Then I smoothed out the sound using the processing software on my laptop, added a little compression and reverb, then I composed the drums and bass using MIDI software instruments".
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/30 - 13:30
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Undici settembre millenovecentosettantatre

Undici settembre millenovecentosettantatre
Io ricordo con rabbia
I piccoli Maya, comandati dal Subcomnadante Marcos
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/3/30 - 13:24
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Album “9”‎

"That's precisely how I see myself - fighting off, instead of the U.S. Cavalry, boredom and ‎oppression.” […] “I'm making my case quite clear that this is my land and I'm not gonna surrender ‎it easily. I'm sick of damn big businesses just burning up everything, destroying the food, ‎destroying the sea, polluting the air. You know, I've got an actual birthright to these things - I'm ‎damned if I'm gonna surrender it lightly." (John Lydon in due interviste rilasciate su BAM e MTV ‎nel 1989)‎
Fields they have eyes
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/30 - 13:07
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Album “Album” (!)‎

‎“The nuclear holocaust is imminent [...] These bastards are going to kill us all off, and of course I ‎bloody worry about it!” (John Lydon, da un’intervista pubblicata su Melody Maker del maggio ‎‎1986)‎
Round and around
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/30 - 12:56
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Album “Album” (!)‎

La più famosa canzone dei PiL aveva originariamente come sottotitolo “South African Song” ‎perché il testo traeva spunto dall’oppressione dellla maggioranza nera nel Sudafrica dell’apartheid ‎per trasferirsi poi alla realtà quotidiana nella “perfida Albione” dell’epoca.‎

‎“I read this manual on South African interrogation techniques, and 'Rise' is quotes from some of the ‎victims. I put them together because I thought it fitted in aptly with my own feelings about daily ‎existence.” (da un’intervista a John Lydon pubblicata su “Smash Hits” del febbraio 1986)‎

Il fatto che la famosa, delirante clip del brano con questo significato non c’entri pressochè nulla, ‎non vuol dire niente… E’ il punk (anche se post-), bellezza!‎
I could be wrong
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/30 - 12:01
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Johnny non c'entra

Johnny non c'entra

canzone contro la violenza sui minori
Johnny è un bambino, ha sette anni e la sua storia fa paura raccontare
Contributed by Miriam 2012/3/30 - 11:41
Song Itineraries: Child Abuse
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Go Back

Go Back
Album “The Flowers of Romance”‎

Dedicata all’estrema destra britannica del National Front, poi British National Party…‎
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/30 - 11:23
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Four Enclosed Walls

Four Enclosed Walls
Album “The Flowers of Romance”‎

L’avessero scritta oggi, si sarebbero subito beccati una fatwā…‎
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/30 - 11:12
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Another Bag of Bones

Another Bag of Bones
Singolo poi incluso nell’album “Brother's Blood” del 2009‎
Sul lato B la cover di Love Me, I’m A Liberal di Phil Ochs.‎
It's a brushfire spreading, feeding as it moves
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/30 - 10:50
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The Possibilities

The Possibilities
Album: [Silence] Is A Weapon
You can't take this away
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/30 - 08:37
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It Ain't Over

It Ain't Over
Album: One Nation Under
All of us victim,
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/30 - 08:11
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Make Love (Make No War)

Make Love (Make No War)

Segnalata in un forum dedicato alle canzoni contro la guerra preferite dagli utenti, una canzoncina da discoteca interpretata da una famosa ex pornostar ceca... ci mettiamo anche questa? ma sì...
Make love make no war
2012/3/29 - 23:27
Song Itineraries: Make Love, Not War


From 'Deceit' (1981)
History repeats itself
2012/3/29 - 23:14

Flight data recorder

Flight data recorder
Io ricordo con rabbia
Roma Ciampino, 27 giugno 1980
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/3/29 - 19:14
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Album: [Silence] Is A Weapon
So who can say:
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/29 - 18:50
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Farewell To Arms

Contributed by Eleonora 2012/3/29 - 15:27

Speaking Fantasy

Speaking Fantasy
Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff
Album: Disillusioning

A strong song about cultural accumulation, forced assimilation, and the psychological warfare of colonialism.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs, the militia, the Smithsonian, the boarding schools, the Philadelphia exposition and Chicago World's Fair, and the society imposed by European occupiers of Turtle Island have almost completed that which created space for the behavior and ambitions of the German Nationalists during World Wars I and II, namely a holocaust.

Part of this has been a kind of psychological warfare that works to the effect of erasing the memory of entire populations, to recreate them as inevitably defeated and seemingly self-evident inferiors, thereby justifying visibly, though not morally nor factually, the existence of a created creed, ethnicity, and nationality we now identify as "American". It is as though... (Continues)
You speak.. -as though you exist
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/29 - 15:15
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Al Pivarol C'al Vin Dal Ciel (The Brave Scottish Piper)

Al Pivarol C'al Vin Dal Ciel (The Brave Scottish Piper)
Operation Tombola: 67 anni dopo le cornamuse dei Kirkpatrick suonano ancora a Botteghe d’Albinea
DQ82 2012/3/29 - 15:11
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The Gulf

The Gulf
Nell’album “Feedback 86”, all’epoca abortito e pubblicato solo nel 2000
La canzone compare anche nella riedizione in cd del 1994 dell’album “Till We Have Faces” (1984)

Una canzone sulla terribile guerra fra Iran ed Iraq consumatasi tra il 1980, poco dopo la “rivoluzione” khomeinista, ed il 1988, poco prima della guerra del Golfo del 1990/91… Per l’Iraq, non un giorno di pace quasi da 32 anni ormai!
Nella seconda strofa anche una sardonica critica ai precetti del fondamentalismo islamico, la cui osservanza è vista come un paradosso sullo sfondo di una guerra tanto cruenta e protratta da causare quasi un milione di morti.
Tuttavia, Hackhett sembra ignorare o dimenticare che in quella guerra l’Iraq di Saddam Hussein (un figlio di puttana, ma all’epoca “il nostro figlio di puttana”, come ebbe a dire un alto dirigente dei servizi statunitensi) fu pesantemente sostenuto dagli USA… Qualche anno più tardi, il voltafaccia: il “figlio di puttana” non serviva più, anzi, serviva morto…
You know it's so hard
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/29 - 13:28
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There Will Be Trouble In Town (Ci saranno guai)

There Will Be Trouble In Town (Ci saranno guai)
Chanson italienne – There Will Be Trouble In Town (Ci saranno guai) – Andrea Sigona – 2010

Edoardo Massari, dit Éclair, a été retrouvé pendu dans sa cellule de la prison des Vallette à Turin, le 28 mars 1998. Maria Soledad Rosas, dite Soleil, a été retrouvée pendue dans la maison dans laquelle elle était aux arrêts domiciliaires, le 11 juillet du même an. Les deux étaient accusés - des juges turinois Laudi et Tatangelo - de faire partie d'une association subversive et d'une bande armée qui aurait réalisé différents sabotages dans le Val de Suse dans les années 90, en particulier contre les tarières et les chantiers du TGV (TAV). Finalement, ils seront tous acquittés; seul le troisième accusé, Silvano, subira une petite condamnation pour un délit mineur..
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/3/29 - 12:06
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This World Can't Stand Long

This World Can't Stand Long
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/29 - 10:54

L'esilio del canto

L'esilio del canto

Album: Ultimo Attuale Corpo Sonoro
Memorie e violenza di Sant'Isabella

Per Nazim Hikmet
Accusato di aver tentato di incitare l'esercito turco alla ribellione, Nazim è condannato alle punizioni più terribili: costretto a camminare sul ponte di una nave fino a sentirsi troppo debole per rimanere in piedi, essere poi legato in una latrina dove gli escrementi arrivano a mezzo metro dal pavimento.
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/3/29 - 10:39
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Lips and Eyes

Lips and Eyes
(1) This song is not only about the psychology of violence in relation to war and repression etc., but also it is relevant in the many cases of violent acts committed by supposedly lone, crazed social delinquents. The notion that such people were simply crazy is an ignorant and thus incorrect notion. Someone lacking the capacity to think is unlikely to plot a successful act of violence, and assuming they're crazy is a way to avoid taking responsibility as a society. The culture here in the U.S. is extraordinarily violent, so much that - more broadly and realistically defined - most U.S.-cultured Americans appear to almost be instinctively prone to violence. In fact we are infatuated with those who can determine when violence can be justified, even if they really can't, and anticipate, with a thrill and excitement that can only translate to an arrogant zeal, the actual occurrence of violence.... (Continues)
giorgio 2012/3/29 - 09:37
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Stone Walls and Steel Bars

Traduzione italiana di Michele Murino, da Maggie’s Farm (con qualche piccolo intervento di Bartleby)
Stone Walls and Steel Bars
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/29 - 09:13

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