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Before 2012-4-15

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War God

Lyrics & Music by Roger J. Contardi

"Good - Bad, Ying - Yang, Duality. War, God, Religion..
The late great American writer Kurt Vonnegut notes that you will find The Ten Commandments throughout Court Houses, etc. in the U.S.A., but not the Sermon on the mount.
Funny ain't it how that works!"
This old world can get you down
Contributed by giorgio 2012/4/15 - 20:27

Cliffs of Gallipoli

Cliffs of Gallipoli
Lyrics & Music by Joakim Brodén and Pär Sundström
Album: The Art of War

This track is about the Gallipoli campaign in World War I.
Hear them whisper,
Contributed by giorgio 2012/4/15 - 20:01

Puppets and Robots

Lyrics & Music by Roger J. Contardi

"This is a political song, which I think cleary states the problem.."
Puppets and robots
Contributed by giorgio 2012/4/15 - 15:20

Ghost Division

Ghost Division
Lyrics & Music by Joakim Brodén and Pär Sundström
Album: The Art of War

Second track, but this is the first real song on The Art of War album, about Rommel's tank division during the invasion of France.
Fast as the wind, the invasion has begun
Contributed by giorgio 2012/4/15 - 15:11

Birds of War

Birds of War
Album: Fist for Fights

As bonus track, not available previously.
The priesthood is trembling
Contributed by giorgio 2012/4/15 - 12:21

The Hero

The Hero
Lyrics & Music by Roger J. Contardi

"..A young man dies, but he is a hero. Kind of a dirge.
Paul Gordon on the accordion, nice touch.."
Shay mu laych maw ghilleh marr
Contributed by giorgio 2012/4/15 - 11:39


Chanson française – Montémé – Marco valdo M.I. – 2012

Montémé, Montémé, cela me rappelle bien des choses, dit Lucien l'âne en tournant la tête pour manger une branche de saule. Mais je n'arrive plus trop bien à savoir quoi. Sans doute, s'agit-il de ce Mont-Aimé de Champagne où je gambadais autrefois, quand d'Ay, je m'en allais retrouver une bergère à Vertus. Elle me disait quand je descendais la colline d'un pas sautillant de ce trop de printemps qui me tenait au ventre, elle me disait « Ô mon aimé ! », ma bergère pleine de vertus.

J'aime beaucoup tes sympathiques remembrances, mon ami Lucien l'âne et j'imagine fort bien ton émoi. Cependant, si ma chanson parle bien de ce Mont-Aîmé-là, de ce Moïmer comme on dit là-bas, elle n'est pas aussi primesautière que tes aventures anciennes. C'est une terrible histoire de guerres et aussi, le souvenir d'un holocauste, la fin du premier Empire français,... (Continues)
Le soleil rouge résonne
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/4/14 - 20:01

The Old Tambourine

The Old Tambourine
Lyrics & Music by Roger J. Contardi

Song and music uplifts man above the mundane, as Bob Dylan wrote on his guitar case This machine kills fascists.
This song is inspired also by a poem written by William Butler Yates (1865-1939). The Irish knowing all too well the yoke of Tyranny and oppression...
Robbers had taken his old tambourine now
Contributed by giorgio 2012/4/14 - 13:10
Downloadable! Video!

Mai cchiù

Mai cchiù
Album: Black tarantella

feat Co'Sang

È un incrocio ipnotico e originale. Il suono dei Bottari e le storiche paranze della tammurriata si sposano con le nuove paranze dell’hip pop metropolitano. Una posizione netta, l’indignazione verso un falso perbenismo e una pace fittizia che non è altro che una guerra mascherata. I segni di tutto questo si vedono tutti i giorni in ogni angolo della terra. Questo brano è tra le righe una sorta di festa popolare tradizionale come quella dei Gigli di Barra e di Nola in Campania, che all’improvviso si trasforma in una manifestazione in piazza.
Da :La voce dell'isola
Contributed by adriana 2012/4/14 - 12:18

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