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La Mousse du Vestiaire

La Mousse du Vestiaire
La Mousse du Vestiaire

Canzone française – La Mousse du Vestiaire – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2012
Histoires d'Allemagne 62

Au travers du kaléidoscope de Günter Grass. : « Mon Siècle » (Mein Jahrhundert, publié à Göttingen en 1999 –
l'édition française au Seuil à Paris en 1999 également) et de ses traducteurs français : Claude Porcell et Bernard Lortholary.

Nous voici en 1963, quelque part en Allemagne... C'est du moins ce qui ressort du propos de la narratrice. Car cette fois, Lucien l'âne mon ami, c'est une narratrice qui nous conte cette histoire d'Allemagne. J'insiste un peu car sa présentation par elle-même au début de la canzone pourrait laisser croire qu'il s'agit d'un narrateur. Écoute :
« En ce temps-là, moi j'étais matelot,
Petit marin d'un grand paquebot... »,
ce qui semble contredire le titre : « La Mousse du Vestiaire ».

Au fait, Marco valdo M.I., mon ami, voilà un bien étrange... (Continues)
Il était un petit navire,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/3/8 - 17:15
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The Day That Margaret Thatcher Dies (a Party Song)‎

The Day That Margaret Thatcher Dies (a Party Song)‎

‎87 anni! Speriamo non manchi molto…‎
When Margaret Thatcher dies
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 16:24
Song Itineraries: Miss Maggie Thatcher

Soul Deep

Soul Deep
Nel dicembre del 1984 Paul Weller mise su un super-gruppo, The Council Collective, con lo scopo ‎di organizzare iniziative e concerti in favore dei minatori inglesi che dal marzo dello stesso anno si ‎trovavano in sciopero contro la chiusura delle miniere e la conseguente ondata di licenziamenti ‎annunciati dal governo Thatcher.‎
Lo sciopero durò 50 settimane ed ebbe un costo altissimo, per i sindacati e soprattutto per i ‎lavoratori che uscirono sconfitti dallo scontro con la “Lady di Ferro”…‎

Benchè questo brano scritto da Weller contenesse versi durissimi contro il governo, il suo ritmo ‎danzereccio piacque molto alle radio e alle reti tv, sicchè The Council Collective si trovarono ‎persino ad interpretarlo al “Top of the Pops” in un’atmosfera irreale, su di un set da disco-party ‎pieno di fari e luci stroboscopiche…‎
Getcha mining soul deep, with a lesson in history ‎
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 15:35
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Album “Infected”‎

‎“Questa è la terra dove non cambia nulla, la terra dei bus rossi e delle ragazze dalla pelle chiara, ‎questa è la terra dove i pensionati vengono massacrati e gli affetti fatti a pezzi dal cosiddetto Stato ‎Sociale… Lasciate pure che il povero beva il suo latte mentre il ricco s’ingozza di miele, lasciate ‎pure che i senzatetto contino le loro ferite mentre quegli altri contano i soldi…”‎
Beneath the old iron bridges, across the victorian parks
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 14:55
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We Are All Bourgeois Now

We Are All Bourgeois Now
Nella compilation “That's All Very Well But...” pubblicata nel 1996‎

‎“This is perhaps the song of ours I prefer, especially from the point of view of the recording. I think ‎the rest of the group all like it too. It's about a woman who wanders around Thatcher's Britain with ‎no money and two or three children, trying to understand what the hell is going on. She meets a ‎Thatcherite spokesman who tells her that there's no such thing as class anymore, only free ‎consumers.” (Malcolm Eden dei McCarthy)‎

Il brano è stato ripreso dai Manic Street Preachers nel loro album "Know Your Enemy" del 2001.

There's something wrong somewhere here
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 14:23
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Kick Out the Tories

Kick Out the Tories
Let’s kick out the Tories
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 13:42
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Civilisation Street

Civilisation Street
Album “Onwards and Upwards”‎

Canzone che può essere letta quasi come un bilancio dell’era Thatcher, che nell’88 si avvicinava ‎alla fine dopo oltre un decennio di strage sociale…‎
Here we are on, civilisation street
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 13:24
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The Serenade Is Dead

The Serenade Is Dead
Dall’Ep omonimo

She wakes up in the morning ‎
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 12:06

Travailler, c'est trop dur

Travailler, c'est trop dur
Chanson acadienne de langue française – Travailler, c'est trop dur – Zachary Richard -1976
Parole e musica di Zachary Richard
Nel disco intitolato “Mardi Gras” (1977)
Ripresa in seguito da Julien Clerc e da Alpha Blondy

Ah, Lucien l'âne mon ami, connais-tu la Louisiane, le pays des Acadiens...

Mais bien évidemment, dit Lucien l'âne en s'ébrouant par tous ses poils, souviens-toi, de la chanson Réveille...

Tu as bonne mémoire... Mais faut bien dire qu'il y a longtemps que tu l'exerces cette immense mémoire, toi qui te souviens de la bataille de Kunaxa... et qui m'as si bien indiqué qu'elle situait déjà dans la banlieue de l'actuelle Bagdad. Décidément un lieu poursuivi par la guerre. Toi qui accompagnas les Grecs de Xénophon dans leur retraite vers le Pont Euxin.... Mais tel n'est pas le sujet de la chanson du jour. Elle se situe à l'autre bout du monde ou presque...

Tu sais, Marco... (Continues)
Travailler c’est trop dur,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/3/8 - 11:49
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Death Dealers

Death Dealers
Dall’Ep “Never Again”‎

Una canzone, nella sua sintetica semplicità, davvero “disarmante”…‎
Britain among others deal in death when selling arms to developing countries
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 11:35

Distant Early Warning

Distant Early Warning
Album “Grace Under Pressure”‎

‎“The main theme of the song is a series of things, but that's certainly one of the idea[s], and living ‎in the, living in the modern world basically in all of its manifestations in terms of the distance from ‎us of uh, the threat of superpowers and the, uh, the nuclear annihilation and all of that stuff, and ‎these giant missiles pointed at each other across the ocean. There's all of that, but that tends to have ‎a little bit of distance from people's lives, but at the same time I think it is omnipresent, you know, I ‎think that threat does loom somewhere in everyone's subconscious, perhaps. And then it deals with ‎the closer things in terms of relationships and how to keep a relationship in such a swift-moving ‎world, and it has something to do with our particular lives, dealing with revolving doors, going in ‎and out, but also I think that's... (Continues)
An I'll wind comes arising
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 11:11
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I'll Swim, I'll Swim‎

I'll Swim, I'll Swim‎
Album “Growin' Up”‎

All the animals in the world
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 10:51
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I'm a Stranger Here/Back Home

I'm a Stranger Here/Back Home
Album “Sweet Paradise”‎
Scritta da Les Emmerson

Già nel 1972 Les Emmerson e i suoi Five Man Electrical Band avevano capito quali sono le ragioni ‎per cui da sempre si avvistano nei cieli oggetti volanti non identificati ma nessun essere proveniente ‎da altri mondi ha mai messo piede sulla Terra… ‎
Well I’m a stranger here in this place called Earth
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 10:35
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Is This the World We Created?‎

Is This the World We Created?‎
Album “The Works”‎
Scritta da Freddy Mercury e Brian May
Just look at all those hungry mouths
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 10:04
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Caravan of Love

Caravan of Love
Scritta da Ernie Isley, Chris Jasper e Marvin Isley
Dall’omonimo album realizzato da una costola degli Isley Brothers‎
L’anno seguente il brano ebbe uno straordinario successo mondiale nella versione “a cappella” de ‎‎The Housemartins

Un appello alla lotta per la pace e l’amore universali che non poteva mancare sulle CCG/AWS!‎
Are you ready?
Contributed by Bartleby 2012/3/8 - 09:42

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