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Before 2012-3-30

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Exit Strategy

Exit Strategy
Exit Strategy ou La retraite victorieuse

Chanson française – Exit Strategy ou La retraite victorieuse – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2012

D'habitude, je le sais bien, Lucien l'âne mon ami, j'ai toujours l'air de me traîner dans le temps et d'avoir un regard sur le passé. D'abord, c'est vrai... Je scrute le passé, mais pour comprendre et le passé et le présent. Ce dernier découlant du précédent... Il y a dans tout ça, ce qu'on appelle le paradoxe temporel. Je te l'explique ou je te le rappelle. Le passé n'est plus, le futur n'est pas encore et le présent est déjà passé au moment où j'en parle ; bref, il n'est nulle part et pourtant, c'est lui qui fait les deux autres et toutes nos existences. En fait, on est dans un présent continu qui s'appelle la vie... Elle a toujours un début et toujours une fin. Je vois à ton œil noir fluorescent que tu te demandes où donc je vais pouvoir encore t'emmener...

En... (Continues)
Que vaut la vie d'un Afghan
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2012/3/30 - 23:35


Io ricordo con rabbia

Per Giancarlo Siani, giornalista napoletano ucciso dalla camorra.
Giancarlo Siani
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2012/3/30 - 20:23
Song Itineraries: Mafia and Mafias
Downloadable! Video!

Just a Few Questions

Just a Few Questions
Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff
Album: Disillusioning [2010]

A song about the legitimate questions rarely heard in mainstream media about all 9/11s. There was one in 1973 in Chile, one in 1988 in Haiti and more, and the song reflects on the war crimes and terror that always seem to follow these 9/11 tragedies..

"I wrote this song originally in 2002 and then revised it in 2009. The song was inspired by journalists like Greg Palast, Amy Goodman, John Pilger and Robert Fisk, as well as the documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, all of whom asked tough questions and did exhaustive investigations into not only 9/11 but the state terrorism that followed.

It is all too often we hear only about our own 9/11, however there were many 9/11s. There was 9/11/88 in Haiti, 9/11/90 in Guatemala, and 9/11/73 in Chile. In all of these the US spy agencies' allies in those countries committed atrocities,... (Continues)
Who's really running the country?
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/30 - 16:07


Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff

MSNBC promotes imperialist wars for GE !

MSNBC, owned by GE, is promoting insanity for imperial greed, as usual.
I literally wrote this song and recorded, mixed, and uploaded it within the last 15 minutes..
Rah Rah Rah for the home team [x3]
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/30 - 14:27

To Afghan War Escalation We Say NO

To Afghan War Escalation We Say NO
"Pictures and footage, in this video, are all from my camera and they are from various anti-war demonstrations in recent months, held in Denver, Colorado in 2009. Some pictures are from an anti-war demonstration in 2005 (black & white).

The music is a little homemade improvised piece I call "Jamming with myself". To record the rhythm and lead guitar I actually placed my camera, switched to the audio feature, about a foot in front of my little practice amp. For the lead guitar wah sound I ran the signal through a Cry Baby wah pedal. Then I smoothed out the sound using the processing software on my laptop, added a little compression and reverb, then I composed the drums and bass using MIDI software instruments".
Contributed by giorgio 2012/3/30 - 13:30

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