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Els bàrbars

Els bàrbars
Com hem acceptat tants treballs de merda?
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/19 - 10:57
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Contra el fusell, un somriure

Contra el fusell, un somriure
Contra la rutina, la poesia
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/19 - 10:42
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Cants impotents!

Cants impotents!
No volem ser - 1986
Pare Reagan, que esteu en el cel,
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/19 - 10:37
Song Itineraries: Miss Maggie Thatcher
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Faran De Tu Un Heroi

Faran De Tu Un Heroi
Va arribar un dia de bon matí,
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/19 - 10:28
Song Itineraries: Heroes
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Sale sobrando

Sale sobrando
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/19 - 10:02
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Vuelvo a unirme, hoy especialmente, a Tawakkul Karman, Nobel de la Paz, y vuelvo a evocar aquella hermosísima cancion titulada "MUJER" escrita por Gloria Martín –letra y música– e interpretada por Mercedes Sosa, Amparo Ochoa, Claudina y Alberto Gambino y los Troveros de Asieta.

Fernando Lucini
Mujer si te han crecido las ideas
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/19 - 09:34

Lungatg sans frontière

Lungatg sans frontière
Ti vegnas dil mund sper il lag
2011/10/18 - 23:02
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Una vaca amb un vedellet en braços

Una vaca amb un vedellet en braços
di Emanuele Felice
Contributed by Emanuele Felice 2011/10/18 - 21:28
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Sacré Dollar

Sacré Dollar
Sacré Dollar

Chanson française – Sacré Dollar – Les Missiles – 1963

En 1963, un groupe pas dans le vent (ou peut être le sirocco) se propulse avec un titre contestataire. Les Missiles ce sont des jeunes pieds-noirs d'Oran (l'accent est facilement reconnaissable) qui lancent un morceau revendicatif contre l'économie internationale et le dollar en particulier. L'esprit de camaraderie est aussi vanté dans ce titre librement inspiré de "Green back dollar" du Kingston trio.
Sacré Dollar est une chanson qui a aussi comme thème le Dollar.
Pour ce petit bout de papier
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2011/10/18 - 21:20


Chanson française – Dollar – Gilles et Julien – 1932

Paroles et musique de Jean Villard (Gilles)
Interprètes : Gilles et Julien - 1932
et une autre interprétation de Simon Berjeaut

Tiens, Lucien l'âne mon ami, voici une chanson française qui parle du Dollar et pas nécessairement en bien.

Voyons ça, dit Lucien l'âne en souriant de son piano à mandibules. Mais as-tu bien ta tête à toi, Marco Valdo M.I., mon ami, pour avoir un instant imaginé qu'il puisse exister quelqu'un qui trouve de quoi parler en bien de cette sanie appelée Dollar. Le Dollar, c'est le pus de notre monde. Il coule dans ses veines, il l'empoisonne de jour en jour plus encore. Mais au fait, qu'en est-il de cette chanson ? Que dit-elle ?

D'abord, replaçons la dans son contexte. Elle a été écrite en 1932, c'est-à-dire juste au temps de la grande crise financière, tout-à-fait comparable à celle qu'on vit aujourd'hui.... (Continues)
De l'autre côté de l'Atlantique
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2011/10/17 - 22:50
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Bianchi e neri

Bianchi e neri
domani donami nomadi 2011/10/17 - 22:00

Kölle Alaaf : Qui va payer ça ?

Kölle Alaaf : Qui va payer ça ?
Kölle Alaaf : Qui va payer ça ?

Canzone française – Kölle Alaaf : Qui va payer ça ? – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2011
Histoires d'Allemagne 49

Au travers du kaléidoscope de Günter Grass. : « Mon Siècle » (Mein Jahrhundert, publié à Göttingen en 1999 –
l'édition française au Seuil à Paris en 1999 également) et de ses traducteurs français : Claude Porcell et Bernard Lortholary.

Mil neuf cent cinquante, l'histoire d'Allemagne de cette fois-ci se passe dans cette même ville de Cologne où Anneliese et son homme étaient rentrés sous la pluie, sous la pluie, deux années auparavant. Souviens-toi, Lucien l'âne mon ami, ce que disait le narrateur :
« Anneliese, ma femme et moi, on est allé chez le coiffeur
Teinture et permanente pour elle, coupe rasibus pour moi,
Demain, on prend le train de bonne heure
Direction Cologne. On est mieux chez soi.
On est rentré sous la pluie, sous la pluie, sous... (Continues)
Kölle Alaaf
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2011/10/17 - 11:44
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Genova, 20 luglio 2001 - Ballata per Carlo Giuliani, ragazzo

Genova, 20 luglio 2001 - Ballata per Carlo Giuliani, ragazzo
Chi mitizza Carlo Giuliani è daccordo coi criminali violenti !
2011/10/17 - 06:44

The Ghost Of Tom Joad

The Ghost Of Tom Joad
Contributed by Andrea Buriani 2011/10/16 - 21:17
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Gracias a la vida

Gracias a la vida
ITALIANO / ITALIAN / ITALIANO [5] - Andrea Buriani

Versione cantabile in italiano di Andrea Buriani
Italian singable version by Andrea Buriani
Versión italiana cantable de Andrea Buriani
Contributed by Andrea Buriani 2011/10/16 - 21:09


Album :Vitamia

Dal sito ufficiale
CORDIALI SALUTI e SOTTOSOPRA sono due canzoni presenti nello spettacolo teatrale che Gianmaria ha realizzato insieme all’attore Giuseppe Battiston, “18 mila giorni – Il pitone”, ma qui si mostrano in tutt’altra veste musicale. Cordiali saluti, una lettera di licenziamento sordida e melliflua, si colora di funky aggressivo, mentre Sottosopra, il canto di un lavoratore solitario che protesta sui tetti, diventa un rock industriale
Molto di più della terra sotto i piedi
Contributed by adriana 2011/10/16 - 16:47
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Occupy Wall Street (We're Gonna Stay Right Here)

Occupy Wall Street (We're Gonna Stay Right Here)

"I wrote the song for the Occupy movement. I landed in Philadelphia after 5-1/2 weeks on tour in Europe on September 16th and headed up to Brooklyn, where I had a gig that night. The next day was the first day of these ongoing protests on Wall Street and around the country and the world. In the course of a 7-week tour of the US and Canada I visited 18 Occupations.

This song has been well-received by Occupiers and their supporters, so I thought I'd spend a day at Big Red Studio when I got home to Portland, and I did -- with a stellar cast of musicians: Jarrod Kaplan on percussion, Arcellus Sykes on bass guitar, with Billy Oskay producing and engineering and Jim Cuda assisting.

As with any of my songs, you're welcome to play it, use it in videos, sing it, etc. If you want to sing it, it's easy - 3 chords: D, A and G!
(David Rovics)
Because this is where they buy the politicians
2011/10/15 - 22:34
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Ah ça ira!

Ah ça ira!
Per Bartleby (così battezzato in questi commenti da GPT):
conoscevi ?
Lorenzo 2011/10/15 - 21:33

A Pier Paolo (quello che abbiamo scavato)

tratta da "Mare tu nasci per proseguire in stella". Testo contro razzismo, violenza, prevaricazione, indifferenza, stupidità, guerra.
Nelle frasi di chi al mattino grida “Troppi stranieri”,
Contributed by Michele Metta 2011/10/15 - 21:22
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Armenian Persecution

Armenian Persecution
Here is a list of musical works dedicated to the Armenian Genocide and related events:

Alexander Spendiaryan, "Take, O Armenia", opus 27, concert aria (1915, words by H. Hovhannisian)
Komitas, "Children's Prayer" (1915),
Romanos Melikian, "Zmrukhti", song cycle, (1916-1918),
Alexander Arutiunian, "Poem about the Armenian People", (1961, words by Gevork Emin),
H. Stepanian, "The Great Crime", oratoria (1964, words by Paruyr Sevak),
G. Hakhinyan, "II symphony" (1975, words by Paruyr Sevak),
Harutiun Dellalian, "The Death", symphonic poem (1978),
"A Memorial to the Martyrs", requiem cantata, by Harutiun Dellalian, Georges Garvarentz and Gostan Zarian (1984),
Yervand Yerkanyan, "The Voice of Victims", symphony (1984),
Loris Tjeknavorian, "Requiem on Memoriam of Perished People", symphonic work (1974),
E. Hayrapetyan, "Oratoria - 1915" (1977),
Aram Khachaturian, "Vorskan akhper", arrangement... (Continues)
DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 18:05
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Poesia di Gérard de Nerval
da Les chimères, 1854
Musica di Diamanda Galás

A poem by Gérard de Nerval
from Les chimères, 1854
Music by Diamanda Galás
Album: Defixiones Will and Testament

SONGS OF EXILE is concerned with the poet/musician/composer living in exile, away from his homeland and speaks of those who have had to live as outlaws, as they were treated as outlaws; and for those who have had to create houses out of rock.
The performance, with songs performed over five languages, is a concert for piano and voice which includes Ms. Galás' own transcendent compositions set on the words of exiled poets from around the world.

SONGS OF EXILE (“Canzoni di Esilio”) tratta del poeta, del musicista e del compositore che vive in esilio, lontano dalla sua terra, e parla di coloro che hanno dovuto vivere fuori dalla legge, come se fossero banditi, e creare case dai sassi.

La composizione,... (Continues)
La Treizième revient... C'est encor la première;
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 17:31
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Birds Of Death

Birds Of Death
Testo e musica di Diamanda Galás
Lyrics and music by Diamanda Galás
Album: Defixiones Will and Testament
Album originale / Original Album: You Must Be Certain Of The Devil

SONGS OF EXILE is concerned with the poet/musician/composer living in exile, away from his homeland and speaks of those who have had to live as outlaws, as they were treated as outlaws; and for those who have had to create houses out of rock.
The performance, with songs performed over five languages, is a concert for piano and voice which includes Ms. Galás' own transcendent compositions set on the words of exiled poets from around the world.

SONGS OF EXILE (“Canzoni di Esilio”) tratta del poeta, del musicista e del compositore che vive in esilio, lontano dalla sua terra, e parla di coloro che hanno dovuto vivere fuori dalla legge, come se fossero banditi, e creare case dai sassi.

La composizione, con canzoni... (Continues)
Comes the night
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 17:11
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Epístola a los transeúntes

Epístola a los transeúntes
Poesia di César Vallejo
Da Poemas póstumos: Sermón sobre la barbarie (1923-1926)
Con un estratto da Las ventanas se han estremecido,
da Nómina de huesos
Musica di Diamanda Galás

A poem by by César Vallejo
From Poemas póstumos: Sermón sobre la barbarie ("Sermon on Barbarism", 1923-1926)
With an excerpt from Las ventanas se han estremecido ("The Windows shuddered"),
from Nómina de huesos ("Payroll of Bones")
Music by Diamanda Galás

SONGS OF EXILE (“Canzoni di Esilio”) tratta del poeta, del musicista e del compositore che vive in esilio, lontano dalla sua terra, e parla di coloro che hanno dovuto vivere fuori dalla legge, come se fossero banditi, e creare case dai sassi.

La composizione, con canzoni interpretate in cinque lingue, è un concerto per piano e voce comprendente le composizioni trascendenti di Diamanda Galás adattate alle parole di poeti esiliati di tutto il mondo.

SONGS... (Continues)
Reanudo mi día de conejo
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 17:03
Song Itineraries: Exiles and exilees
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Σαν πεθάνω στο καράβι

Σαν πεθάνω στο καράβι
San petháno sto karávi
Tradizionale / Traditional

album: Defixiones Will and Testament

SONGS OF EXILE is concerned with the poet/musician/composer living in exile, away from his homeland and speaks of those who have had to live as outlaws, as they were treated as outlaws; and for those who have had to create houses out of rock.
The performance, with songs performed over five languages, is a concert for piano and voice which includes Ms. Galás' own transcendent compositions set on the words of exiled poets from around the world.

SONGS OF EXILE (“Canzoni di Esilio”) tratta del poeta, del musicista e del compositore che vive in esilio, lontano dalla sua terra, e parla di coloro che hanno dovuto vivere fuori dalla legge, come se fossero banditi, e creare case dai sassi.

La composizione, con canzoni interpretate in cinque lingue, è un concerto per piano e voce comprendente... (Continues)
Άντε, σαν πεθάνω τι θα πούνε; Πέθανε κάποιο παιδί
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 16:58
Song Itineraries: Exiles and exilees
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The Orders From the Dead

The Orders From the Dead
Testo e musica di Diamanda Galás
Lyrics and music by Diamanda Galás
Album: Defixiones Will and Testament

Defixiones refers to the warnings engraved in lead which were placed on the graves of the dead in Greece and Asia Minor. They cautioned against moving or desecrating the corpses under threat of extreme harm.

Will and Testament refers to the last wishes of the dead who have been taken to their graves under unnatural circumstances.

The concert material that Galás has included in this song cycle includes music set to the texts of the Armenian poet/soldier Siamanto; the Belgian/French poet Henri Michaux; the Syrian/Lebanese poet Adonis; the rembetika songs of Sotiria Bellou; the Anatolian Greek Amanedhes; the blues music of the American musicians Boise Sturdevant and Blind Lemon Jefferson, and the sacred songs of the Deep South. A new addition to the song cycle is a striking piece... (Continues)
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 16:56
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The Eagle Of Tkhuma [ݎܸܫܒ݅ܐ ܒܼܬܚܗܼܡܹܐ]

The Eagle Of Tkhuma [ݎܸܫܒ݅ܐ ܒܼܬܚܗܼܡܹܐ]
Poesia di Freydun Bet-Abram Atturaya [ܦ̮ܪܝܕܢ ܒܝܬ ܐܒܪܡ ܐܬܘܪܝܐ]
Letto da Nicholas Bet-Gulawi
Musica di Diamanda Galás
A poem by Freydun Bet-Abram Atturaya [ܦ̮ܪܝܕܢ ܒܝܬ ܐܒܪܡ ܐܬܘܪܝܐ]
As read by Nicholas Bet-Gulawi
Music by Diamanda Galás
Album: Defixiones Will and Testament

Defixiones refers to the warnings engraved in lead which were placed on the graves of the dead in Greece and Asia Minor. They cautioned against moving or desecrating the corpses under threat of extreme harm.

Will and Testament refers to the last wishes of the dead who have been taken to their graves under unnatural circumstances.

The concert material that Galás has included in this song cycle includes music set to the texts of the Armenian poet/soldier Siamanto; the Belgian/French poet Henri Michaux; the Syrian/Lebanese poet Adonis; the rembetika songs of Sotiria Bellou; the Anatolian Greek Amanedhes; the blues... (Continues)
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 16:51
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The Desert [الصحراء]

The Desert [الصحراء]
Poesia di Adonis [أدونيس] (Alī Ahmad Sa'īd Isbir / علي أحمد سعيد إسبر)
Da Diario di Beirut sotto assedio, strofe 1-20
Musica di Diamanda Galás

The Diary Of Beirut Under Siege [1982, Verses 1-20]
by Adonis [أدونيس] (Alī Ahmad Sa'īd Isbir / علي أحمد سعيد إسبر)
Music by Diamanda Galás
Album: Defixiones Will and Testament

Defixiones refers to the warnings engraved in lead which were placed on the graves of the dead in Greece and Asia Minor. They cautioned against moving or desecrating the corpses under threat of extreme harm.

Will and Testament refers to the last wishes of the dead who have been taken to their graves under unnatural circumstances.

The concert material that Galás has included in this song cycle includes music set to the texts of the Armenian poet/soldier Siamanto; the Belgian/French poet Henri Michaux; the Syrian/Lebanese poet Adonis; the rembetika songs... (Continues)
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 16:43
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Su patriottu Sardu a sos feudatarios [Procurad' e moderare]

Su patriottu Sardu a sos feudatarios [Procurad' e moderare]
bisognerebbe mettere un po' d'ordine a questa pagina, eliminando le prima versione in inglese, integrando gli interpreti che ho aggiunto, magari spostando anche la nota su Ai Cuddos all'inizio
DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 15:46


(Pfiffner / Vogel)
Restano a guardare quei poveri bambini
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 15:31
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Per voce di Aldo

Per voce di Aldo
Scritti con Pablo

Impossibile restare indifferenti di fronte a una canzone, sulle troppe morti accidentali dentro i commissariati, che parafrasando una frase di Savage Landor, comincia subito con questo formidabile paradosso. Narrando di Aldo Bianzino, entrato in ottima salute nel carcere di Capanne (PG) ed uscito morto tre giorni piu’ tardi, la canzone riguarda i vari Cucchi, e Aldrovandi, e quant’altri, anarchici o immigrati, siano morti in circostanze oscure, quando la passione di alcune guardie per la fisicità degenera in metastasi.
Brano importante, marcato, con la tromba lirica che ricama sul cantato e segna il refrain.

versione trascritta dal video
Le guardie sputerebbero in faccia
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 15:24

Flowers of freedom (a song for Kurdistan)

Pino Libonati
Flowers of Freedom is a project born with the contribution of various artists, like Claudia Cooper, Cyril McCammon and Pino Libonati. The aim was to realize a song honouring and supporting the Kurdish cause in the world, telling about all the vicissitudes this ancient and wonderful people had and have to suffer.
Toi c'est dans ta vie qui change
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 14:32
Song Itineraries: From Kurdistan
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Una ragione per vivere

Una ragione per vivere
DonQuijote82 2011/10/15 - 12:45
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Storia di Rodolfo Foscati [Storia del 107]

Storia di Rodolfo Foscati [Storia del 107]
Chanson italienne (Toscan Florentin) - Storia di Rodolfo Foscati [Storia del 107] – Caterina Bueno

La « Storia di Rodolfo Foscati » ( traduite en français sous le titre de « CENT-SEPT ») est ancienne et terrible chanson de prison de la tradition toscane.
Cette chanson a une origine obscure. Il y a un Rodolfo Foscati, patriote milanais, emprisonné durant les mouvements carbonari de 1821. Il y en a un autre de San Frediano, à Florence, protagoniste d'un événement sanglant et condamné à perpétuité. Peut-être ces deux figures se superposent, peut-être non ; la chanson est sûrement toscane et présente de manière crue les premiers et terribles jours de l'internement à vie...
Cette chanson est née à Florence dans le quartier de S. Frediano, est connue dans toute la Toscane comme « L'histoire du Cent-sept ». On dit qu'elle a été composée par le protagoniste lui-même : Rodolfo Foscati.

« Cent-sept »,... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2011/10/15 - 12:31
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Capitalism Stole My Virginity

Capitalism Stole My Virginity
Album: A New Morning, Changing Weather (2001)

Dedicata a tutti quelli che domani, 15 ottobre 2011, scenderanno in piazza, non tanto a indignarsi contro una casta o contro i privilegi dei politici, quanto per far sentire la loro voce contro un sistema fallimentare e assassino.
Nowhere is untouched by the shame
Contributed by CCG Staff 2011/10/14 - 23:13
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Garibaldi Blues

Garibaldi Blues
ciao questo garibaldi lo sto studiando a scuola e mi sembra un tipo interessante :)
amanda bruno 2011/10/14 - 15:29
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Fuck Religion

Fuck Religion
Album: The Massacre
People die over religion..
Contributed by giorgio 2011/10/14 - 08:35
Song Itineraries: Antiwar Anticlerical

It's A Miracle

It's A Miracle
E’ un miracolo
Contributed by Nicola 2011/10/13 - 22:52
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Такого, как Путин!

Такого, как Путин!
Guardate che questa non è una canzone satirica. E' seria.
Andrea 2011/10/13 - 18:03

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