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Before 2011-1-9

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War Is Over (Children of the Grapes)

War Is Over (Children of the Grapes)
The war is over
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2011/1/9 - 16:54
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Regiment po cesti gre

Regiment po cesti gre
Tekst i muzika: RamboAmadeus
Album: Oprem Dobro
Ća je bilo toga više ni
Contributed by giorgio 2011/1/9 - 13:13
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Who Would Jesus Bomb?

Who Would Jesus Bomb?
Lyrics & Music by Richard Aberdeen

Country/folk-rock/comedy inspired by New Orleans blues artist Chris Thomas King's “What Would Jesus Do?”, as well as signs and bumper stickers everywhere; “signs, signs, everywhere there's signs”
Who would Jesus bomb? Who would Jesus bomb?
Contributed by giorgio 2011/1/9 - 10:10
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Tekst i muzika: RamboAmadeus
Album: Oprem Dobro
Contributed by giorgio 2011/1/8 - 18:00


Album: Modern Child of Abraham

On October 2, 2000, Asel Asleh (pronounced As SEAL /asiːl/), a 17-year-old Arab youth and Seeds for Peace
activist, was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers during a rock-throwing protest in northern Israel. This song was written from the voice of one of his many Jewish friends.
Now a strange wind blew out from the east and it's heat filled the air
Contributed by giorgio 2011/1/8 - 16:33

¡Sì, se puede!

¡Sì, se puede!
Musica di Renato Ventura
Testo: strumentale

Music by Renato Ventura
Lyrics: no lyrics, instrumental

Aprile 1993, muore Cesar Chavez, leader sindacalista impegnato per i diritti dei lavoratori immigrati dal Centro e Sud America negli Stati Uniti. Uno dei suoi motti maggiormente conosciuti e significativi è stato "¡Sì, se puede!", una frase usata in opposizione a quegli ostacoli disseminati sul cammino delle riforme e della giustizia e giustificati da ottuse impossibilità o dai timori di toccare qualcosa ritenuta intoccabile fino a quel momento, magari proprio da chi stava lottando per i propri diritti.
1 Maggio 2006, "A Day Without Immigrants", centinaia di migliaia di lavoratori fantasma scendono in piazza per protestare contro l'inasprimento delle leggi sull'immigrazione clandestina (HR4337) decise dall'amministrazione Bush. Uno degli slogan più usati nei cortei delle tante... (Continues)
Contributed by giorgio 2011/1/8 - 14:44

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