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Before 2011-1-28

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Antiwar Songs Staff invites you all to support Emergency by subscribing the membership card or by making a donation to support the humanitarian activities.
Emergency is an indipendent NGO, founded in Italy to provide high quality and free of charge health care to the war and poverty victims.
Lorenzo Masetti 2011/1/26 - 21:54
Hamada Ben Amor, known to the fans as El Général, is a 22-year-old Tunisian rapper who recently became famous in his homeland. In his song "President, your people are dying" he challenges dictator Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali over corruption and unemployment. El General is the voice of the recent riots and protests against the regime.
Lorenzo Masetti 2011/1/12 - 18:23



Dalla raccolta intitolata “Chicago Poems”.
Musica di Michael Hennagin (1936 –1993) compositore e docente universitario statunitense, dal ciclo intitolato “The Unknown”, musica per soprano, contralto, tenore e basso, pianoforte, flauto, trombe, percussione, proiettori slide e registratore elettronico (1968).

Una poesia ispirata a Sandburg dalla sua partecipazione alla guerra ispano-americana, esperienza giovanile che lo segnò profondamente. Una poesia, inoltre, in qualche modo profetica perché, pur essendo scritta intorno al 1916, bel prima del termine del primo conflitto mondiale e prima del coinvolgimento degli USA in esso, vi si parla di “sedici milioni di morti”, una cifra abbastanza vicina al bilancio finale di soldati morti e dispersi nel corso di quella terribile guerra (cui però devono essere aggiunti quasi 7 milioni di civili)…
I am singing to you
Contributed by Bartleby 2010/12/28 - 11:43
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Obama Nation

Obama Nation
Lyrics & Music by LOWKEY
Album: Soundtrack to the Struggle (2011)
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/28 - 08:23
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We've Got Nothing But Love to Prove

We've Got Nothing But Love to Prove
(Darrell Scott)

Album: Fireflies (2005)
What if no one would kill for their religion
Contributed by Anonymous 2010/12/28 - 05:57

Histoires d'Allemagne

Histoires d'Allemagne
Histoires d'Allemagne

Canzone française – Histoires d'Allemagne – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Vialatteries I.

On fait parfois des choses sans trop savoir pourquoi. C'est un peu le rythme du pas du poète, de celui qui fait, de celui qu'un bouillonnement intérieur pousse à conter des histoires, à inventer des chansons. Par exemple, je ne sais trop si ce que j'ai fait a sa place ici...

Je me demande bien pourquoi donc tu me dis cela, Marco Valdo M.I. mon ami. Qu'as-tu bien pu inventer qui te tracasse à ce point ?... car je le vois bien cela te tracasse.

En effet, cela me tracasse. Tu l'as bien senti, mon ami Lucien l'âne. Mais il est vrai que tu es mon ami et que tu es un âne sensible. Ce que j'ai inventé, ce qui m'est passé par la tête, puis que j'ai fait, c'est une sorte de chanson de geste, une sorte d'opera secco, une étrange fresque qui, à sa manière, recrée un voyage dans l'Allemagne... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/12/27 - 23:31
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Contributed by Franco Sibilotti 2010/12/27 - 23:11
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Ballad of the Black Gold

Ballad of the Black Gold
Album: Revolutions Per Minute
This is the ballad of the black gold
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/27 - 20:30
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FILEMAZIO 2010/12/27 - 18:07
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Someday at Christmas

Someday at Christmas
1967 Motown Records

(Ron Miller, Bryan Wells)

Riprosta da Wonder in duetto con Andra Day

Registrata anche dai Pearl Jam per il Christmas Single del 2004
Someday at Christmas men won't be boys
2010/12/27 - 16:44

What For?

Lyrics & Music by Daniel J. Bell
Album: Whispers

The horror of being manipulated by false shams of honor and dying for nothing.
He's got a lot of dreams in his heart
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/27 - 15:55
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Gulf of Araby

Gulf of Araby
Lyrics and Music by Katell Keineg
Album: Ô Seasons Ô Castles [1994]

This great song, originally written and performed by Katell Keineg, became far more popular in 1999 sung by Natalie Merchant for her "Live in Concert NYC" album..
If you could fill a veil with shells from Killiney's shore
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/27 - 13:14

Warning Call

Warning Call
Lyrics & Music by Eric Severson
Album: Gravity Waves

In his modern protest song entitled 'Warning Call', Eric uses a collage of sounds to capture the anguish of modern events and the conflicted feelings of helplessness, hope and indignation that characterize modern times.
In the spoils of war,
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/27 - 08:36
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Album: Ten Thousand Fists
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/27 - 08:07


Contributed by Kiocciolina 2010/12/27 - 03:36
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Chanson italienne – Montezuma – Punkreas – 1997
Contributed by m 2010/12/26 - 17:36

August 6, 1945 (Black Rain)

August 6, 1945 (Black Rain)
Lyrics & Music by Eric Severson
Album: Gravity Waves

'August 6, 1945 (Black Rain)' is a requiem for the people who were killed and maimed in the bombing of Hiroshima at the end of World War II, and a tribute to the spirit of those who lived just long enough to drink the radioactive 'black rain'.
..What is this, where am I?
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/26 - 16:12

Dying Down in Africa

Lyrics & Music by Eric Severson
Album: Gravity Waves

'Dying Down in Africa' is about innocent young children who are kidnapped in the night and forced to become child prostitutes and child soldiers. It is a heartfelt plea for help for the brave but besieged people of Africa.
Little girl, – you were born a flower
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/26 - 15:39

If Peace Time Came

If Peace Time Came
Lyrics & Music by Malvina Reynolds
Album: Sings the Truth

Renewed 1996, a.k.a. "If Peacetime Came". Malvina was poor for a time as a kid when her father lost his business, so she isn't making light of being poor here. Instead, she is riffing on the idea that war is good for business..
If peace time came, and we all got poor,
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/26 - 15:22

Bush (De wereld is geen schietschijf)

Bush (De wereld is geen schietschijf)
Tekst en muziek van Doc Jazz
Album: Creative Resistance

Protest song against Bush, for his visit to the Netherlands in May 2005.
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/26 - 15:06
Song Itineraries: George Walker Bush II
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Più di voi

Più di voi
Chanson italienne – Più di voï – Punkreas – 2002
« Mourir du travail non. »

Nous avions déjà rencontré les Punkreas et même, traduit une de leurs chansons « Ma che bel mondo è », car elle avait fait l'objet d'une censure commerciale, de la part de ceux qui s'arrogent le droit d'enfermer les mots dans des contrats pour en tirer des profits des plus illicites... A-t-on déjà vu l'oiseau réclamer des droits d'auteur sur ses authentiques créations ?

L'oiseau, non. Mais des gens comme eux, oui. Ils ont réussi à enfermer le chant de l'oiseau dans leur caisse à musique, caisse enregistreuse , s'il en est. Ils ont coupé les ailes aux oiseaux, ils sont coupé la langue aux rossignols. On ne peut être plus crétin. Ce pourquoi tu avais toi aussi fait une parodie de la même de leurs chansons – What a thunderfull World.... Cela dit, la chanson d'aujourd'hui que dit-elle ?

Elle parle de la mort au... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/12/26 - 11:26

You'll Be a Man

You'll Be a Man
Lyrics & Music by Malvina Reynolds
Album: Malvina
They'll make a man of you, my son.
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/26 - 09:01
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Worker Bees

Worker Bees
Album: Billy Talent II

"Cannon fodder? Unthinking heads? Oh, no.. They're simply Worker-bees"
March on, worker bees!
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/26 - 08:47
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Twenty Years Ago

Twenty Years Ago
Album: They Don't Make Them Like They Used To - 1986

In the song, the narrator talks about visiting the old town where he grew up in and mentions how much more simple and possibly better life was back then. He mentions the old movie house and the drug store where he worked and his childhood friend who died in Vietnam in 1964.
It's been a long time since I walked
Contributed by Gallant 2010/12/26 - 05:06
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Born in East L.A.

Born in East L.A.
"Born in East L.A." is a single by Cheech & Chong. It is a parody of Bruce Springsteen's "Born In The U.S.A.", with references to the song "I Love L.A." by Randy Newman.

Written by Cheech Marin, the song's lyrics deal with a Mexican-American man from East Los Angeles who is mistaken for an undocumented immigrant and deported. The song served as the basis for the film of the same name, directed by Marin.
Took a walk to the corner store
Contributed by Alan Smithee 2010/12/26 - 03:44
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99 Ways to Die

99 Ways to Die
If I see the morning hours
Contributed by Goofus 2010/12/25 - 23:15
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Il mercenario di Lucera

Il mercenario di Lucera
Ma ora che sono steso
guardate nel mio sacco
ci troverete un MITRA
e un'oncia di tabacco.

Noi abbiamo sempre cantato questa meravigliosa ballata con la parola MITRA.
Il mercenario è un combattente non un briacone.
Scheggia 2010/12/25 - 23:09
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A te che dormi

A te che dormi
"La storia sbagliata" (2010)

La vicenda si intreccia nel periodo della rifondazione dell’Italia moderna , attraverso l’abisso della dittatura fascista, dell’occupazione nazista e delle distruzione della guerra con protagonisti lombardi. Luigi Canali, nome di battaglia Renzo Invernizzi poi Capitano Neri o semplicemente Neri, personaggio chiave della resistenza comasca tra i primi organizzatori delle bande di resistenti sui monti lariani da cui prenderà vita la 52^ Brigata Garibaldi, uno dei più importanti raggruppamenti della resistenza Armata Comasca. Incrocerà la sua esistenza con una giovane staffetta milanese “ Giuseppina Tuissi” nome di battaglia “Gianna” .

Da questo incontro prende vita una complessa e ricca vicenda di misteri, eroismi e probabili tradimenti definita , nella prefazione di Marino Severini, la storia di tutte le storie, l’amore della Gianna e del Neri, un amore al... (Continues)
Ora m'importa soltanto
2010/12/25 - 23:05

Twenty-Nine More Miners Buried and Gone

Twenty-Nine More Miners Buried and Gone
Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout
Album: Americana Dreams: Keeping The Promise

The story of the 29 miners killed on April 5, 2010 about 1,000 feet (300 m) underground at Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal mine at Montcoal in Raleigh County, West Virginia should be kept alive so that mine safety laws are strengthen and enforced.
Twenty-nine more miners buried and gone
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/25 - 12:34

The Walk

The Walk
The song is a ballad in which the song's narrator tells about his life through walking. In the first verse, he is a boy who is reluctant to walk down the driveway to the school bus and go to school, until he is comforted by his father. In the second verse, the narrator is again comforted by his father after being drafted and sent to fight in Vietnam. By the third verse, the father is now very old and about to die, when is comforted by the narrator with the same words as before.

Down our long dusty driveway
Contributed by Gallant 2010/12/25 - 04:10
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"Raymond" is the title of a song recorded by American country music artist Brett Eldredge. It was released in September 2010 as the first single from his forthcoming debut album, One Way Ticket.
Eldredge wrote the song with Brad Crisler.

"Raymond" tells the story of a maintenance worker at a nursing home and his relationship with a patient with Alzheimer's disease who believes that the maintenance worker is her son Raymond who was killed in action in Vietnam in 1971.
I work down at Ashbury Hills.
Contributed by Gallant 2010/12/24 - 20:54
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Rockin' In The Free World

Rockin' In The Free World
Contributed by Bartleby 2010/12/24 - 11:56
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Where the Fraser River Flows

Where the Fraser River Flows
Lyrics by Joe Hill
Music: Sung to the tune of "Where The River Shannon Flows"
Testo di Joe Hill
Musica: Sull'aria di "Where the River Shannon Flows"

The song was written by Joe Hill on the banks of the Frazer River during a particularly nasty strike in British Columbia, Canada. "Where The Fraser River Flows" was written to aid construction workers laying track for the Canadian Northern Railroad Company in British Columbia who were striking because of low wages, unsanitary living conditions, bad food, and hazardous working conditions. The song was first included in the IWW's Little Red Song Book in 1912.
"Several months before the strike began the I.W.W. had established Local 327 in British Columbia and had sent men to organize the construction workers. By February 1912 the membership of the local had grown to 8,000. On March 27 the strike began; within a few days construction... (Continues)
Fellow workers, pay attention
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/24 - 09:44
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Uomo del mio tempo

Uomo del mio tempo
Dalla raccolta “Giorno dopo giorno”
Musica di Enrico Mainardi (1897-1976), violoncellista, direttore d’orchestra e compositore italiano.

Lezione di Luigi Gaudio sulla poesia (formato wma)

interpretata anche dagli Altera
Sei ancora quello della pietra e della fionda,
Contributed by Bartleby 2010/12/24 - 08:43
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QUINDI a NATALE, come ogni anno, io canterò "SANTACLARA" sull'aria di "STALINGRADO" (testo degli Stormy Six; variato da me: RICORDANDO la celeberrima BATTAGLIA del CHE a SANTA CLARA (che avvenne la settimana di NATALE del dicembre 1958) …
--- LEGGI QUI SOTTO ... e passaparola --- AUGURI --- (GIN) ---
<< La radio al buio e sette operai…
sette bicchieri che brindano a FIDEL…
E SANTACLARA arriva nella cascina e nel fienile…
vola un berretto e un uomo ride e prepara il suo fucile…
lo sa d'ora in poi troverà SANTACLARA in ogni città >>
gianfranco ginestri --- ex del "canzoniere delle lame" di bologna --- 2010/12/23 - 22:00
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The Aftermath (the Guillotine III)

The Aftermath (the Guillotine III)
Album: Escape The Fate
All of their bodies around me
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/23 - 21:34
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Luisa Ferida

Luisa Ferida
Per la precisione, si tratta dell'esecuzione di Pietro Caruso, capo della polizia, fucilato il 22 settembre 1944.
2010/12/23 - 21:23
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A bas l'Etat policier (Abalétapolicié)

A bas l'Etat policier (Abalétapolicié)
Ho trovato, per caso, alcuni elementi interessanti riguardo all'origine di questa canzone.
Il celebre ritornello sarebbe in realtà preso da una canzone tedesca del 1830 di tal Albert von Schlippenbach intitolata "Ein Heller und ein Batzen". La cosa curiosa è che in Germania questa canzone è più che altro conosciuta per essere stata una marcia di guerra dell'epoca nazista...

Ho trovato queste informazioni nella pagina di Wikipedia della canzone "Fast as a Shark" del gruppo metal tedesco Accept, all'inizio della quale si sente proprio una registrazione del ritornello. Questa cosa, sempre stando alla pagina di Wikipedia, causò qualche problemino al gruppo, che naturalmente era ignaro del significato del brano quando lo usò.
Altre informazioni, immagino, si possono trovare nella pagina di Wikipedia tedesca dell'autore del brano originario , che però per me è praticamente inaccessibile visto... (Continues)
Alberto 2010/12/23 - 16:40
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Album: Bricks Are Heavy
Wargasm, wargasm one, two, three
Contributed by giorgio 2010/12/23 - 14:43
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The Dove

The Dove

Nella raccolta “The Panther and the Lash: Poems of Our Times” pubblicata nel 1967, anno della morte del grande poeta afroamericano.
Musica per basso e piano/orchestra composta nel 1966 da Elie Siegmeister (1909-1991), noto compositore newyorkese.
Siegmeister e Hughes tra il 1964 e il 1966 scrissero insieme alcune poesie in musica.
“The Dove” è la quarta di cinque poesie di protesta contro la guerra in Vietnam che compongono il ciclo intitolato “The Face of War”.
...and here is
Contributed by Bartleby 2010/12/23 - 14:22
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Nella raccolta “The Panther and the Lash: Poems of Our Times” pubblicata nel 1967, anno della morte del grande poeta afroamericano.

Musica per basso e piano/orchestra composta nel 1966 da Elie Siegmeister (1909-1991), noto compositore newyorkese.
Siegmeister e Hughes tra il 1964 e il 1966 scrissero insieme alcune poesie in musica.

Altra musica (jazz) di Stu Minderman

“Peace” è la terza di cinque poesie di protesta contro la guerra in Vietnam che compongono il ciclo intitolato “The Face of War”.
We passed their graves:
Contributed by Bartleby 2010/12/23 - 14:12

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