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Before 2011-1-11

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Peace for John Lennon

Peace for John Lennon
Music by James L. Murrell
Album: The Source

"I always light a candle on the anniversary of his death on December 8th.
I wrote "Peace (For John Lennon)" in memory of the great John Lennon".

"I never got to met him but I always felt that he was like a friend to me through his music.
John changed the way that world was by being himself and standing up for what he believed in.
His music was melodic and the words were always thought provoking".

"Peace (For John Lennon)" is an instrumental rock/fusion song. This is on my new album "The Source". I use some mandolin on the song also".
Contributed by giorgio 2011/1/11 - 21:37
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Cradle of Civilization

Cradle of Civilization
Lowkey (Featuring Mai Khalil)
Album: Soundtrack To The Struggle [2011]
I remember when I was growing up..
Contributed by giorgio 2011/1/11 - 13:39

We Want War

We Want War
Songwriters: Jack Barnett, Richard Rodney Bennett, John Rutter, Cambridge Singers
Album: Hidden
Some of these trees have been growing for years
Contributed by giorgio 2011/1/11 - 08:17

La belle canonnière

La belle canonnière
La belle canonnière

Canzone française – La belle canonnière – 1905 – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Histoires d'Allemagne 6
Au travers du kaléidoscope de Günter Grass. : « Mon Siècle » (Mein Jahrhundert, publié à Göttingen en 1999 – l'édition française au Seuil à Paris en 1999 également) et de ses traducteurs français : Claude Porcell et Bernard Lortholary.

Bon voilà, Lucien l'âne mon ami, j'espère que tu te souviens des chansons de ton enfance ou alors, que tu as entendu des enfants chanter lors de tes séjours au long des côtes de France, cette chanson, cette comptine des plus célèbres où il est question d'un petit navire qui entreprit un long voyage... et qui relate toutes les aventures qui lui arrivèrent... Le premier couplet de notre canzone reprend d'ailleurs le premier couplet de la chanson traditionnelle... La canzone de ce jour reprend l'idée, le thème de cette chanson du folklore en... (Continues)
Il était un petit navire,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2011/1/10 - 21:33
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Lyrics & Music by James L. Murrell
Album: The Source

"Tonight" is a folk/rock/samba/bluegrass/fusion protest song! It is on my new album "The Source". It features the mandolin a lot as the main chordal instrument & has a cool fusion guitar solo in it.

"I started playing the mandolin about 2 years ago. After learning some basics on the instrument, I wrote the chords to "Tonight" on the mandolin. The lyrics came from thinking about what is going on with the world around me recently. We could make changes to this world to make it a better place if we only try".
There's a lot I don't know
Contributed by giorgio 2011/1/10 - 21:10
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Εἶμαι Εὐροπαῖος

Εἶμαι Εὐροπαῖος
Eímai Evropaíos
Στίχοι του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη
Μουσική του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη
Πρώτη εκτέλεση του Πέτρου Πανδή

Testo e musica di Mikis Theodorakis
Prima esecuzione di Petros Pandìs - 1973

Si veda anche Αρκαδία Ι, pagina dedicata specificamente a Ἀρκαδία Ι [CCG/AWS Staff]]

Non ne potevo più da ormai molti, troppi giorni, di sentire solo per timidi sussurri che "qualcosa" sta accadendo nei paesi magrebini. Che delicatezza, i nostri mezzi di comunicazione, nel dirci con tutta nonchalance che i Bava Beccaris sono di nuovo all'opera, come sempre e come ovunque quando la plebe domanda pane! Forse non vogliono turbare la nostra digestione del panettone.

Volevo sfogarmi, almeno con tre righe da mettere sotto questa canzone di Mikis Theodorakis, convintissimo di averla già mandata da parecchio tempo. Ma non l'ho trovata, o forse non so cercarla bene. O forse l'ho mandata a commento di qualche altra... (Continues)
Εἶμαι Εὐροπαῖος, ἔχω δυό αὐτιά
Contributed by Gian Piero Testa 2011/1/10 - 20:16

Urban Warfare

Urban Warfare
Lyrics & Music by Alan Gardiner and Roger Peatman
Album: Can We Get Off

Rock song about corrupt Politicians and Gang culture. Just a tale of the decay in general in our society today not helped by bullshit politicians !
Tell me, one politician who don't tell lies
Contributed by giorgio 2011/1/10 - 18:28
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Brother Martin

Brother Martin
Lyrics & Music by Richard Aberdeen

Dedicated to Coretta Scott King
and Yolanda Denise King; for Martin Luther King III , Dexter Scott King and Bernice Albertine King. Intro and final two lines from the slave anthem Oh Freedom; traditional. "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down their life for their friends." - Jesus of Nazareth, founder of Human and Civil Rights.
Freedom, freedom, freedom, over me. . .
Contributed by giorgio 2011/1/10 - 18:18
Song Itineraries: Martin Luther King
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Album :Control Obrero

FaSinPat, sigla di Fábrica Sin Patrón (Fabbrica senza padrone) è il nome di una fabbrica di ceramica ubicata nella città di Neuquén, in Argentina. La sua notorietà deriva dal fatto che fin dal 2002 gli operai hanno acquisito il controllo legale dell'azienda. È forse la più famosa empresa recuperada in Argentina.]
L'opificio, precedentemente conosciuto come Zanon, venne aperto all'inizio degli anni ottanta da Luigi Zanon, mentre la dittatura governava il Paese. Nel corso degli anni novanta la Zanon crebbe grazie ai buoni rapporti tra la proprietà e il governo nazionale, guidato da Carlos Menem, e locale. Nel 2000 gli operai della Zanon cominciarono a chiedere con forza un miglioramento delle condizioni lavorative e a incrementare l'attività sindacale, iniziando un aspro conflitto con la proprietà che rispose prima con la politica dei licenziamenti e infine,... (Continues)
Se me viene abajo el obelisco
Contributed by adriana 2011/1/10 - 17:53

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