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Canción del esposo soldado

Canción del esposo soldado
Contributed by Maria Cristina 2010/6/4 - 18:16
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El alma llena de banderas

El alma llena de banderas
Contributed by Maria Cristina 2010/6/4 - 18:08
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Contributed by Maria Cristina 2010/6/4 - 18:06
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Compañero Presidente

Compañero Presidente
Contributed by Maria Cristina 2010/6/4 - 18:04
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Contributed by Maria Cristina 2010/6/4 - 18:02
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Canto esclavo

Canto esclavo
Contributed by Maria Cristina 2010/6/4 - 18:01

We Are The World

We Are The World
Già...Bellissime queste canzoni, quando è morto Michael Jackson a dir la verità non mi sono troppo interessata, i miei amici erano tristi per lui, ma era un uomo imbottito di medicinali, semplicemente un pazzo.
In realtà a danza (che faccio come sport) mi hanno fatto ballare delle sue canzoni come fosse un uomo che si è sacrificato per noi. È morto bene, a dir la verità non mi dispiace più di tanto: è colpa sua. Che senso ha schiarirsi la pelle?
E i Partigiani, e gli extracomunitari? E i martiri, e i soldati morti nelle guerre? Dimenticati... Questa è l'unica e vera verità....

Direi che questo commento di Chiara è quanto mai pertinente ed esatto, al di là del giudizio più o meno negativo su questa canzone e su altre operazioni commercial-filantropiche del genere. Far assumere a figure come quella di Michael Jackson lo status di "eroi" è semplicemente aberrante. [RV]
2010/6/4 - 15:49
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Protest Song

Protest Song
Contributed by Anna 2010/6/4 - 15:42
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Israeli Wall

Israeli Wall
Lyrics & Music by H. Elbahja and D. Garner
Album: Mr Pity

Palestinian Peoples: History of Pain and Occupation. This song is about the Apartheid Wall in Israel keeping the Palestinian people locked in, no freedom.
50% of sales will go helping the Palestinian children.
Stone curses
Contributed by giorgio 2010/6/3 - 19:34
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

Broken Arms

Lyrics and Music by Harry Elbahja

This song is dedicated to the innocent lives lost in the Gaza war.
Vampires hanging from the Saints and Satan's halo
Contributed by giorgio 2010/6/3 - 19:13
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust
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Les Anarchistes

Les Anarchistes
¡Saludos! En mi traducción hay un error (mío, claro): donde dice "son uno en cien" debería haber dicho "son el 1%".
Gustavo Sierra 2010/6/3 - 15:05
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Free Palestine!

Album: Free Palestine!

Worse than the worst ghetto in Brooklyn. Worse than bloods and crips in the mid 80's. The conditions are rough and the situation is bleak. NEVER LOSE HOPE!
(Short version)
Contributed by giorgio 2010/6/3 - 08:28
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust
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Condenar las atrocidades del Estado de Israel no es de antisemitas o nazis, tampoco es ser anti-alemán condenar los crímenes de Hitler. Es ser coherente. La incoherencia pura es sostener que, como sufrieron a manos de los nazis y ahora Hamas les tira pepinazos, tienen todo el derecho del mundo a hacer lo que les plazca, como pasarse por el forro las leyes internacionales del mar.

Gustavo Sierra
2010/6/3 - 00:18
Joe Fallisi is fine and free, and that's what's most important. Here's a definitely correct article on him, from "Cronaca Qui Milano". We don't mention another article, published in a "newspaper" ("Giornale") of serfs of serfs of serfs, where Joe has been vulgarly insulted (and where, too, our site is quoted: a quotation we decidedly refuse). To that "Giornale" may perfectly be applied the definition Catullus gave of Volusius' Annales in his Carmen XXXVI: Cacata carta.
Riccardo Venturi 2010/6/2 - 17:31
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Run For Your Life

Run For Your Life
Lyrics, music/vocals and production by Doc Jazz

This song is dedicated to Jannah and Masa Foqha, 8 and 10 years old, murdered April 29th 2010 by an Israeli army jeep. Anger at the Zionist murderers over their deaths was further increased by the absence of public fury and media attention, hence the Gil Scott-Heron inspired intro.
Contributed by giorgio 2010/6/2 - 12:25
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

Hōyla hōyla [Em gedărk to hadōnāi nă to plen]

Hōyla hōyla  [Em gedărk to hadōnāi nă to plen]
Manovra: niente tagli alla difesa

26 maggio 2010 - Tonio Dell'Olio

Manovra finanziaria anticrisi. I titoli si sprecano e i commenti anche. Manovra sulle pensioni e sul numero delle province, sugli stipendi degli statali e sulle regioni, persino sull’invalidità e sui politici che guadagnano più di 80.000 euro, sulla sanità, sulle case fantasma e sull’evasione fiscale. Mi sforzo di cercare i tagli alla difesa ma niente. Non posso crederci. Non hanno tagliato nemmeno le parate militari! Non hanno fatto nemmeno un passo indietro sull’acquisto dei 131 cacciabombardieri Joint Strike Fighter (JSF-F35) che impegnerà il nostro paese fino al 2026 con una spesa di 13,5 miliardi di euro, più della metà della manovra varata ieri dal governo. La spesa militare non si tocca! Eppure sono convinto che se chiedessimo alla gente se preferisce i tagli sugli stipendi e sulla spesa della propria regione, sulle... (Continues)
adriana 2010/6/2 - 11:30
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I Don't Want Your Millions, Mister

I Don't Want Your Millions, Mister
Lyrics by Jim Garland
Music: sung to the tune of "East Virginia" or "Greenback Dollar"

This song is about the frustration of a man out of work. His master has made a fortune but he is out of a job. The political parties continue their empty rhetoric but he's children are still cold and hungry. (Jim Garland, Sarah Garland Gunning's half-brother, was a contemporary of Woody Guthrie and Heddy "Leadbelly" Leadbetter. He was also one to the troubadour union organizers of the Industrial Workers of the World. He suffered from tuberculosis and took refuge at Leadbelly's home.

"Jim Garland said that he wrote this song about life in the coalfields of Appalachia...
Jim Garland was here in Leadbelly's house, and Jim's wife and their three children. Jim's children were sick lots of the time, and his wife took down with the fogs of TB. Then Jim got down with it, and for a long time he... (Continues)
I don't want your millions, mister.
Contributed by giorgio 2010/6/1 - 22:16
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Armenian Persecution

Armenian Persecution
ciao sono beatrice a me piace molto questa canzone xk trasmette tanto e soprattutto ti fa riflettere. beh io vi invito anche solo a leggere le parole xk sono molto forti, ma è quello che realmente è successo in Armenia, che non ha mai ottenuto l'indipendenza xk i turchi ritenevano l'Armenia una città sviluppata sotto il profilo economico. E vi invito a vedere la "MASSERIA DELLE ALLODOLE" xk è un film molto forte, ma ti fa riflettere molto a cosa è successo in Armenia, xk io non ho mai sentito parlare del genocidio armeno, ma da una parte grazie al film ho capito realmente cos'è. bea
bea 2010/6/1 - 17:44
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Le bateau espagnol

Le bateau espagnol
Contributed by Marco 2010/6/1 - 16:17
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La Bastille

La Bastille
Un Brel dei primi anni, ancora permeato dall'idealismo cristiano e un po' Naif. Una canzone del 1953 ancora attuale oggi.

La "Grand Soir" è naturalmente la Rivoluzione.
Contributed by marco 2010/6/1 - 15:21

Diciembre, diciembre

Diciembre, diciembre
Contributed by Maria Cristina 2010/6/1 - 13:25
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Hard Travelin'

Hard Travelin'
Incisa nel 1944 o 1945 a New York City grazie a Moses "Moe" Asch.
La registrazione originale si trova nel disco “Hard Travelin', The Asch Recordings, Vol.3” pubblicato dalla Smithsonian Folkways Records nel 1998.
I've been havin' some hard travelin', I thought you knowed.
Contributed by giorgio 2010/6/1 - 08:04
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In un anno e più d'amore

In un anno e più d'amore
Chanson italienne – In un anno e più d'amore – Gianni Nebbiosi – 1972

Tu vois, Lucien l'âne mon ami, il est des jours où l'on n'est pas trop satisfait de ce qu'on a fait. Par exemple, cette traduction de la chanson de Gianni Nebbiosi me tracasse. J'ai hésité à te la faire connaître, mais que dire... Faut-il la laisser de côté ou, – c'est finalement la solution que j'ai choisie, la montrer quand même. Au moins, elle passera en langue française et si quelqu'un trouve à y redire, qu'il y redise.

Oh, dit Lucien l'âne, ne te tracasse pas tant. Je vais te raconter une anecdote qui, j'espère, te donnera tes apaisements. Pris dans des tracasseries de l'existence, un homme (ce pourrait être toi, par exemple) se plaint et se demande comment tout cela va finir ? Son ami (moi, par exemple) le rassure et lui dit : « Ne t'inquiète donc pas tant, tout finit toujours par s'arranger, c'est sûr... Même mal. »

C'est... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/5/31 - 22:23
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Come All You Coal Miners

Come All You Coal Miners
Lyrics and Music by Sarah Ogan Gunning
Album: Harlan County USA Songs Of Th[2006]

Sarah Garland Gunning (later Sarah Ogan Gunning) was the tenth of 11 children in a Kentucky mining family, at a time when miners were paid less than a dollar and a half for a ten-hour day and worked in appalling conditions. Her father, Jim Garland, was blacklisted as he represented the miners in their fight for better wages, forcing him to use aliases in order go work in the mines. In 1931, a group of Northerners called the Dreiser Committee came to Kentucky to investigate atrocities committed against the miners, and brought their plight to national attention.

Sarah Garland and her sister, Molly (later known as Aunt Molly Jackson) wrote and sang songs in support of the struggle at labor rallies. They were taken to New York by members of the Dreiser Committee to help raise money for the miners' cause.... (Continues)
Come all you coal miners wherever you may be
Contributed by giorgio 2010/5/31 - 19:58
Gaza: Israel attacks the Freedom Flotilla
While the number of victims is steadily growing, I learn from CNRMedia that also three Italian pacifists, and among them “our” Joe Fallisi are on board on one of the Freedom Flotilla vessels...I wonder if someone has news of him... (The Lone Ranger)

We had, and I say “we had”, in this site also “Hatikva”, the Zionist hymn and current national anthem of Israel. I myself had included it here for certain, particular historical reasons; but these reasons do not subsist anymore after an act like that occurring in these hours. Although this website is renowned for its uttermost plurality of views, it would be just the same if we included the Horst Wessel Lied. For this reason, I have removed the Hatikva page, with the hope that we can include in this site, one day, the anthem of a free and united Palestine where all can really live in peace. (Riccardo Venturi)

For the same reasons, the CCG/AWS Staff does not think it right that the song "Shir laShalom" should be included anymore in the "Basic Songs", although it is kept in the website. This for the absolute lack of sincerity of a State whose policy of warfare and aggression is not likely to come to an end. We wish it replaced with a true peace song, that is Angelita di Anzio; let it be dedicated to all Angelitas of Gaza. (AWS/CCG Staff)
Riccardo Venturi 2010/5/31 - 14:32
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Addio mia bella addio

Addio mia bella addio
Questa canzone fu scritta da alcuni volontari del battaglione toscano studentesco (Università di Pisa e Siena) che partirono per respingere l'invasione austriaca lasciando i libri e imbracciando i fucili, a Curtatone e Montanara il 28 e 29 maggio. Per quanto poco romantico possa sembrare è il primo esempio di coscienza popolare italiana, dove una classe medioborghese parte per il fronte (prima linea) professori e studenti accanto.
Di questi (erano poco più di trecento) ne tornarono una manciata, per poi vedere la Toscana cadere nel 1849 con la presa di Livorno (16 maggio), operata dal Granduca che vendette tutto il Granducato per un milione di Svanziche.
Mi sembrava giusto inserire il contesto storico.
Gianpaolo Pecchia 2010/5/31 - 12:45
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Sixty Thousand More

Sixty Thousand More
Lyrics & Music by David Rovics
Album: Beyond The Mall
I was driving down the highway
Contributed by giorgio 2010/5/31 - 12:42
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Minimum Wage Strike

Minimum Wage Strike
Lyrics and music by David Rovics
Testo e musica di David Rovics
Da/From "We Just Want The World"
When I awoke one morning -there was a feeling in the air
Contributed by giorgio 2010/5/31 - 12:26
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Τα 18 λιανοτράγουδα της πικρής πατρίδας

Τα 18 λιανοτράγουδα της πικρής πατρίδας
Ben prima di Ritsos, scopro ora, il ciclamino di roccia aveva già ispirato il vate Kostis Palamas (Patrasso, 1859 - Atene, 1943) in questo addio alla primavera-estate col benvenuto all'autunno.
Per sentirlo nella versione musicale di Mihalis Tergìs e per la voce di Anna Vissi:


Στίχοι: Κωστής Παλαμάς
Μουσική: Μιχάλης Τερζής
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Άννα Βίσση

Γεια σας, τριαντάφυλλα
και γιασεμιά
στου βράχου φέρτε με
την κυκλαμιά

Πάει της καλύβας μου
το χελιδόνι
Του κάμπου δώστε μου την
την ανεμώνη

Πάει κι’ η λιογέννητη
Καλό στα σύννεφα
με το βοριά

Αϊ Γιώργης έφυγε
τ’ Απρίλη η χάρη
δόξα στ’ αδέρφι του
στον καβαλάρη

με τα’ άλογό του
περνά και είν’ έρωτας
το πρόσωπό του


Versi di Kostìs Palamàs
Musica di Mihalis Tergìs
Prima interpretazione di Anna Vissi, 1977

Addio rose
e gelsomini
portatemi... (Continues)
Gian Piero Testa 2010/5/31 - 11:00
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Canzone fra le guerre

Canzone fra le guerre
ad un anno di distanza ho letto il vs battibecco......domanda:
secondo voi si può essere atei senza essere anticlericali?
non è che l'anticlericalismo diventa poi una specie di fede e così va a farsi fottere l'ateismo?
ted 2010/5/31 - 10:01
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Explosion in the Fairmount Mines

Explosion in the Fairmount Mines
Lyrics by Blind Alfred Reed
Album: Complete Recorded Works (1927-1929)

On Dec 6, 1907, several mines owned by the Fairmount Coal Company in Monagah, West Virginia exploded, killing hundreds of miners.... Twenty years later the memory of this tragedy was so strong in Alfred Reed's mind that he naturally associated his song with that event. The new accident, that resulted in more than 300 deaths, set up perhaps the most popular of many songs about mining disasters released during this era. The song itself stems from a recording made in 1924 by Vernon Dalhart, composed by Andrew Jenkins and based on an earlier piece of English origin ("Don't Go Down In The Mine, Dad").
It is interesting to note how Reed has modified the rhymes and meter.... The beautiful melody he employs also parallels its original in an interesting fashion: where the chorus of the Jenkins piece employs the subdominant,... (Continues)
One bright morning, the miner just about to leave,
Contributed by giorgio 2010/5/31 - 08:04
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Ci Sei Solo Tu

Ci Sei Solo Tu
Chanson italienne – Ci Sei solo Tu – Litfiba – 1988

De manière très décidée, Litfiba dénonce les terribles conditions auxquelles sont soumises les personnes dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques.
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/5/30 - 21:27
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Ci avete incatenato

Ci avete incatenato
Ci avete incatenati e non fa niente
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/5/30 - 20:28
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Nebbia bassa

Nebbia bassa
Nebbia bassa
feat. Gang, Cristiano Santini (ex Disciplinatha)
Questa nebbia così bassa parla una lingua forestiera
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/5/30 - 20:10
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Ballata dell'alcoolizzato

Ballata dell'alcoolizzato
Chanson italienne – Ballata dell'alcoolizzato – Gianni Nebbiosi – 1972
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/5/30 - 19:35
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Il serpente piumato

Il serpente piumato
dall'album "Gente come noi" (1991)
Il serpente piumato vola alto nel celo,
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/5/30 - 18:53
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Il numero d'appello

Il numero d'appello
Version française – L'INTERNÉ STÉRILISÉ – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Chanson italienne – Il numero d'appello – Gianni Nebbiosi – 1972

Laisse-moi expliquer un peu comment la folie elle-même s'est introduite dans ma traduction. J'allais, vois-tu Lucien l'âne mon ami, traduisant au plus près, je m'en tenais aux temps pour ce qu'ils étaient... Tout allait droit et j'avais fini et même, j'en étais à insérer ma version dans le site... C'est dire, si j'avais fini. Quand soudain, tout a basculé. Les mots se sont mis à valser, le titre s'est décoloré et comme l'image dans un kaléidoscope enfantin, il a changé de formes et de couleurs.

Que me chantes-tu là, Marco Valdo M.I., mon ami, je n'y comprends strictement rien. Quel était donc ce titre qui s'est ainsi déstructuré jusqu'à disparaître et renaître sous une autre forme ?

Mais, Lucien l'âne mon ami, regarde le titre en italien... Il eût fallu le... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/5/30 - 14:50
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Stelutis Alpinis

Stelutis Alpinis
La traduzione è una libera interpretazione del poeta friulano Chino Ermacora così come la scrisse nella rivista “PICCOLA PATRIA” nel 1928
dal sito del Coro Marmolada
2010/5/30 - 13:55
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Making History

Making History
Lyrics and Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: A World to Win: Songs from the Struggle for Global Justice

"This is a song about the anti-FTAA protests in Quebec City, 2001 and the ever-growing international movement against corporate globalization and capitalism that was born on the streets of Seattle and has continued in every corner of the globe. From the fights against hydro privatization in South Africa, the G8 in Kananaskis, incredible uprisings in Argentina and demonstrations in Seville, to name but a few, it is clear that the movement is growing stronger. We are still winning! We will make a different history - our history!"
Fires are burning,
Contributed by giorgio 2010/5/30 - 12:19
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Time To Sing A New Song

Time To Sing A New Song
Lyrics & Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: A World to Win: Songs from the Struggle for Global Justice

"A Song for Peace when the US announced its plans to attack Afghanistan".
Time to sing a new song
Contributed by giorgio 2010/5/30 - 12:11
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Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told
Lyrics and Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: Times Like These...

Dedicated to the women who hang out at the park on Spencer Avenue, this song is about ongoing poverty and homelessness, endemic to capitalism.
They've never told me life could be so cruel...
Contributed by giorgio 2010/5/30 - 12:05
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True Stories

True Stories
The "War Resisters"

Kimberly Rivera was the first woman US soldier to have sought asylum in our country to avoid being deployed to Iraq. Since moving to Toronto with her family a year and a half ago, the 26-year-old Iraq War veteran and mother of two has confronted struggles both personal and political: estrangement from her family back in Texas, long periods of unemployment and, above all, the imminent threat of deportation. Kimberly would not have it any other way. To Canada's first female defector from the United States military, her adopted home is a "peaceful environment, somewhere I can raise my family, somewhere I can be me".
The American military calls people like Kimberly "deserters". To their supporters in Canada and the US, they are "war resisters."
In January 2004, Jeremy Hinzman, a soldier in the 82nd Airborne Division of the US Army, made his way to Canada seeking political... (Continues)
giorgio 2010/5/30 - 09:43
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El adiós del soldado

El adiós del soldado
Soy mexicana. Aclarando, El Adiós del Soldado no es canción de Agustín Lara es anónima y muy antigüa, su género es el de Habanera y se la disputa por supuesto Cuba, aunque es sabido que es mexicana.
Nota.- lo correcto en la tercera estrofa es: "a la luz del vivac (campo) pálido y triste"...
Saludos a tan bello país.

Beatriz Cecilia
Beatriz Cecilia 2010/5/29 - 22:50

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