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Before 2010-7-15

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Access Denied

Access Denied
Lyrics and Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: A World to Win: Songs from the Struggle for Global Justice

In memory of Kimberly Rogers , killed because of Mike Harris' criminalization of people receiving social assistance and of the poor in general..
Teacher, teacher
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/13 - 13:27
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Up the Provos (Song for Francis Hughes)

Up the Provos (Song for Francis Hughes)
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Album: Ten New Songs

"After playing a gig at Roddy McCorley's on the Falls Road in West Belfast, spending the entire night after the gig singing rebel songs with members and relatives of a band called “the Irish Brigade”, and then after reading Ten Men Dead (great book!) I had to write a song about the 1981 hunger strikers and this is what happened".
He grew up on a farm in a troubled Irish land
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/13 - 13:17
Song Itineraries: Conflicts in Ireland
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Not as They Seem

Not as They Seem
Lyrics and Music by Sara Marlowe
Album: Times Like These...

About the backwards media portrayal of resistance struggles around the world - Palestinian Intifada and the Iraqi resistance to the ongoing occupation (ordinary people being portrayed as terrorists, when they are only resisting illegal occupation).

Bush and Blair's nomination for the Nobel Peace prize was farcical (?!?!!) as well as Kissinger actually winning it!. Also, a Time magazine cover shamefully displayed a Palestinian, mourning at a funeral, with the headline "The New Face of Terrorism." The Palestinian man was holding a gun as is custom with such funerals.
They're -counting on everyone to turn a blind eye
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/13 - 13:13
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The Last Lincoln Vet

The Last Lincoln Vet
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Album: Ten New Songs

It's strange getting older.. When I was young the old people around me were the 1930's generation, veterans of the massive Depression-era struggles of the day. Bob Steck lived a few miles down the road from my mother in Connecticut and was, among other things, a veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and spent 16 months in one of Franco's concentration camps. He died a couple years ago at the venerable old age of 95, and this song is for him and others like him. Many of them of course were killed in battle in Spain long ago. Most of those who survived the war spent the rest of their lives serving humanity in one way or another. The few survivors are now in their nineties.
They were old when I was young
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/13 - 13:09

Grève de femmes au Bangladesh

Grève de femmes au Bangladesh
Grève de femmes au Bangladesh

Chanson française – Grève de femmes au Bangladesh – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010

Lucien l'âne mon ami, je viens de recevoir un message et j'ai promis d'en faire une chanson. Et je l'ai faite, tu la verras ci-dessous. Elle raconte l'histoire d'une grève de femmes (disons principalement de femmes) au Bangladesh et elle est terrible. Car vois-tu, mon ami et camarade, ces femmes-là emplissent le monde entier des fruits de leur travail... Tel que tu me vois, j'ai un pantalon, une chemise... et il y a de fortes chances que ce soit ces femmes-là ou leurs semblables qui les aient confectionnés. Ce qui est très bien, sinon j'irais tout nu...

Ah, ah, dit Lucien l'âne en se contorsionnant, j'aimerais bien voir çà....

Lucien l'âne mon ami, tu peux bien rire tant que tu veux et çà me fait bien plaisir, mais l'affaire n'est pas drôle. Tu connais assez le monde des hommes... (Continues)
Ma chemise est belle et pas chère
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/7/12 - 22:21
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Song for the Mavi Marmara

Song for the Mavi Marmara
Lyrics and Music by David Rovics
Album: Ten New Songs

I had friends on several of those boats, including the Mavi Marmara. Just when the most cynical of leftists thinks Israel can't possibly do something even more outrageous than the last outrage, they go and do it. They massacred unarmed activists trying to bring basic necessities in to help alleviate the suffering of a besieged, hungry population. Read Kevin Neish's firsthand account of the raid on the ship.
In 1948 they were driven out at the point of a machine gun
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/11 - 19:01
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Oh God

Oh God
Lyrics & Music by Neil Conway
Album: The Somethin' Family Album

"If you're more concerned with avoiding a bad afterlife than a bad reality, you got your priorities backwards. Give God a break".
Oh God bless the inventors of God –
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/11 - 11:35
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Testo e musica: Đorđe Balašević
Tekst i muzika: Đorđe Balašević
Lyrics and music: Đorđe Balašević
Album: Rani mraz

Questa canzone è, come dichiarato da Balašević durante il suo tour del 2005 (si veda qui), lo spunto per la sceneggiatura di un film, poi effettivamente prodotto ed uscito nel 2010 in Serbia, "Kao rani mraz", "Come un precoce inverno" (

Ambientata nella Galizia, tra Polonia e Ucraina, attraverso magnifici quasi solo schizzi dipinge il classico quadro da Grande guerra. Buon ascolto (e lettura).
Pred zoru je sa njine strane obično muk...
Contributed by Filip Stefanović 2010/7/11 - 11:01
Song Itineraries: World War I (1914-1918)

Hunting Season for George W. Bush

Album: Beloveli

"Featuring George W. Bush.. this song goes out to anyone in the armed forces, or anyone that's lost someone in a conflict... Beat by ICBeats.. This is some real shit.."
Now look into my eyes and tell me the truth
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/11 - 08:59
Song Itineraries: George Walker Bush II
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Senzeni na?

Senzeni na?
[Around 1950/Ca. 1950]

Senzeni Na? (also spelled Senzenina, English: What Have We Done?) is a South African anti‐apartheid folk song. The Xhosa/Zulu language song is commonly sung at funerals, demonstrations and in churches. Activist Duma Ndlovu compared the influence of Senzeni Na? to that of the American protest song, We Shall Overcome.

The song has been around at least since the 1950s, and it reached the height of its popularity during the 1980s. The origins of the song are unclear. Zimbabwean poet Albert Nyathi claims to have written Senzeni Na? on the day that activist Chris Hani died. However, Nyathi’s “Senzeni Na?” uses a different melody and altered lyrics. Either way, Hani was assassinated on April 10, 1993, by which time the song had already been sung for decades.

While best known in South Africa, Senzeni Na? has gained some popularity overseas. The song was featured in the... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2010/7/11 - 02:00
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Francesco Guccini: Canzone di notte

Francesco Guccini: Canzone di notte
Testo e musica: Francesco Guccini
Lyrics and music by Francesco Guccini
Paroles et musique: Francesco Guccini
Album: L'Isola non Trovata

Le conosco bene, le ore confuse della notte. O, forse, non posso permettermi di essere confuso anche se mi è capitato spesso, comunque, di esserlo. Ma forse c'è qualcuno che ora muore e forse c'è qualcuno che ora nasce, e devo stare pronto. Di notte ho visto tante volte morire, e tante volte nascere; l'ultima volta pochi giorni fa, una vecchietta di quasi cent'anni che se n'è andata in una notte torrida di luglio. E i pensieri ci sono sempre, sempre. Ha sempre avuto ragione Guccini, con questa canzone che ha, al tempo stesso, l'esattezza di una cronaca descrittiva e l'inquietudine di quell'accumulo di confusioni che il girar di notte acuisce. Notti d'estate e d'inverno, notti col loro deserto popolato di stranezze, sventure e allegrie impensate,... (Continues)
Ore confuse nella notte, la malinconia non è uno stato d' animo,
Contributed by Daniela -k.d.- & Riccardo Venturi 2010/7/10 - 23:14

FatHead Fascist

FatHead Fascist
Lyrics and Music by Neil Conway
Album: The Somethin' Family Album
Fathead Fascist
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/10 - 16:45

Bush Lies in Bed

Lyrics and Music by Neil Conway
Album: The Somethin' Family Album

!I was doing a philosophy course on violence when I came up with this one. The "war on terror" does exactly the opposite of what it claims to do. Violence only causes more violence. Drop Bush not bombs".
Bush lies in bed with Bin Laden
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/10 - 12:31
Song Itineraries: George Walker Bush II
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Splenda il sole

Splenda il sole
Brano inedito dall'album dal vivo "Rolling live"

In memoria di Alexander Langer (1946-1995). Mite resistente.
Costruttore di ponti di esistenza condivisa, visionario sognatore, leader politico spesosi con la parte debole del mondo. Massimo Priviero

“Vorrei raccontarvi di un uomo speciale, che ha ispirato questa canzone. Alexander Lager, altoatesino di origine ma vero cittadino del mondo, fu un leader dei Verdi italiani, fu un vero uomo di pace sempre schierato con la parte debole del mondo, fu ostinato ricercatore del bene che può esserci in ogni uomo. La sua visione, il suo modo di essere, le sue idee di convivenza, mi portarono da ragazzo ad immaginare quello che potreste chiamare tra molte virgolette un senso nell'impegno politico nel suo modo più nobile. La sua forza e la sua contemporanea fragilità, fino ad una tragica fine, mi diedero la bellissima illusione che in questo nostro... (Continues)
Splenda il sole per chi vive al buio ai lati di una città
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/7/9 - 12:41
Song Itineraries: War on Earth
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Cinque parole

Cinque parole
da "Historias" - il manifesto cd - 2008

Recitativo di Marco Paolini
Gli angeli che cadevano
2010/7/8 - 19:30

Per i morti di Reggio Emilia, e non solo

Per i morti di Reggio Emilia, e non solo
Sull'aria e sulle corde di Per i morti di Reggio Emilia
di Fausto Amodei

La foto che vedete qui a fianco è stata riportata da tutti i giornali di ieri, 7 luglio 2010. Il cinquantesimo anniversario di quella che è ricordata come la rivolta di Genova e Reggio Emilia, ma che in realtà coinvolse l'Italia intera. Un'Italia che ancora era capace di dire no coi fatti, scendendo in piazza a difendere l'antifascismo dall'assalto del governo Tambroni, un fascista travestito da democristiano che era stato eletto coi voti decisivi dei fascisti non travestiti del MSI. 30 giugno 1960, Genova in mano alle forze antifasciste; 7 luglio 1960, Roma, Reggio Emilia. C'è la canzone, famosissima, di Fausto Amodei che ne parla; ancora pochi giorni fa, al De Martino di Sesto Fiorentino, un Amodei di cinquant'anni dopo non smetteva di cantarla assieme alle sue traduzioni da Georges Brassens.

Non è cambiato... (Continues)
Compagno cittadino,
2010/7/8 - 11:17

Forgotten Terrorists

Lyrics & Music by Radley Mason
Album: Riot Soundtrack

Another song dedicated to the ongoing conspiracy that surrounds the events of September the 11th.
United we stand..
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/8 - 08:12
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War Criminal George (Part One)

Lyrics & Music by Jonathan Sumpton

Another anti Bush war song.
"It was obvious the war was about oil a long time before it started.."
You send the flower of your youth to die
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/7 - 08:22
Song Itineraries: George Walker Bush II

War Record

Lyrics & Music by MC Postal and Sknoblogger
Album: Don't Misunderestimate That Crazy Frog, Cowboy

MC Postal was having a beer with Sknoblogger at his favorite bar. He was reminiscing about his old friend Pat Tillman. MC Postal was in the NFL with him, before he started his lucrative career as a cowboy rapper. Postal dug the tip of his hand crafted, rhinestone encrusted cowboy boot into the sawdust on the floor, and said it was a right sorry affair, and he'd like to go over there and put a couple of boots where it don't get cold at night, but he was just too busy singin' and blingin'. In a fit of inspiration, he dashed out these lyrics on a cocktail napkin with his rhinestone encrusted pen. Smiling his most ingratiating smile with his rhinestone encrusted teeth just a sparklin', and handed them over to Sknoblogger, who wrote the music, and rushed this song out, because it's important to put those America-haters in their place right away. So there.
Two towers tumbled over
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/6 - 08:20
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Il Paese di Pulcinella

Il Paese di Pulcinella
Il Paese Di Pulcinella
O Italia, O Italia mia
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/7/5 - 22:41

Primavera di Paga

Primavera di Paga
A dire il vero non siamo in primavera, ma già in estate; ma per questo signore e questa signora qua sotto, è sempre primavera. Germogliano come piante velenose sulle vite dei lavoratori.

Se n'è accorto bene il nostro Riccardo Scocciante, dopo un lungo e corroborante preoccupante silenzio. Fra accordi, Pomigliani, padronati sempre più arroganti e ottusi, bugie, governi delinquenziali, morti quotidiani sul lavoro, è arrivata anche questa estate. Che non ha proprio nulla della primavera. Lo Scocciante, allora, ha pensato di sottolineare il tutto con una vecchia e celebre canzone di Francesco Guccini, Primavera di Praga. È bastato togliere una "r". Aggiunge Riccardo Scocciante: e se si ricominciasse un pochino con un bello scontro sociale duro, serio, senza sconti?
Di antichi pasti il frigo svuotato
2010/7/5 - 22:17

She's Coming Home

Lyrics and Music by David James
Album: Live At Woodland Park

"Here's a story that's true too: Mother of twins shipped off to war, coming home!"
Walkin' on a spring day singin' out a sunshine song
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/5 - 08:20

Stay The Course

Lyrics and Music by David James
Album: Live At Woodland Park

"This song inspired by.. George A. Custer, George W. Bush, John Lennon and my Frustration.... and the Pain, suffering that goes with it".
The waves of change
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/5 - 08:15

Borders Are

Borders Are

"Fear is the cause of separation...". Paura, origine di ogni divisione. Un verso da Borders Are, brano scaricabile in rete, accompagnato da un videoclip molto esplicativo, che anticipa la pubblicazione a settembre di Imperfect Harmonies, secondo album in studio di Serj Tankian, cantante della metal band californiana System Of A Down.
Never let you go
2010/7/4 - 16:40

The Useless Eaters

Lyrics & Music by Keith Whalley
Album: Keith's Righteous Indignation

"State Of The World
A world we create.... "
The Useless Eaters (and The New World "Order" of "Our" Society)
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/4 - 13:08

I've Come for Your Children

Lyrics & Music by Keith Whalley
Album: Dead Nation
I've come for your children
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/4 - 11:38

Qana II

Lyrics & Music by Keith Whalley
Album: Keith's Righteous Indignation

Another event to be brushed under the carpet: The death of innocent children in Qana - Murdered in the name of 'Democracy'
Another dismembered, fractured child's body dragged from your screens, and out of view.
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/4 - 08:45
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Police Crimes

Police Crimes
Album: Jonestown Aloha!
The stairs in cop offices
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/4 - 08:36

Dead Nation

Lyrics & Music by Keith Whalley
Album: Dead Nation
War's a-coming, cold killing machine
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/4 - 08:33
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Anti-Klan (Part One)

Anti-Klan (Part One)
Album: Kill From The Heart
I see that you're a policeman
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/4 - 08:26

Why Can't There Be Peace

Album: American Bulldog
Hey, Mr. News Man, what's the news today
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/4 - 08:16
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Recordarse dei nostri bisnoni

Recordarse dei nostri bisnoni
Faze più de cento ani,
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/3 - 18:12


Testo di anonimo
Musica: sull'aria di "Sul ponte di Perati"

Canzoni correlate:
8 Agosto '56 - Marcinelle dei Kalàscima
Marcinelle dei Terra e anima
Marcinelle dei Servi disobbedienti
La ragazza e la miniera di Francesco De Gregori
Mangia el carbon e tira l'ultim fiaa di Ivan Della Mea
Lu trenu di lu suli di Otello Profazio

L'opinione pubblica belga ignorava, o forse preferiva ignorare, la portata del fenomeno migratorio italiano, e lo sfruttamento a cui questi uomini venivano sottoposti, ma la morte di 262 persone a Marcinelle (sobborgo operaio di Charleroi, miniera di carbone Bois de Cazier, pozzo Saint Charles) non permise più di fingere ignorare il problema. La tragedia fu provocata nella corsa di risalita alla superficie da una gabbia, cui è stato malamente agganciato un carrello pieno di materiale di scavo. La gabbia, sbattendo contro le pareti del pozzo,... (Continues)
Laggiù nel borinage la terra è nera
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/2 - 08:12
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Minatori non partite

Minatori non partite
[anni '50]
Testo e musica di anonimo

"…Vista quindi la refrattarietà dei belgi a scendere in miniera, il governo belga ricorse, come in passato, ma questa volta in maniera più massiccia, al reclutamento di lavoratori stranieri... Vista anche l'impossibilità a stringere patti col governo polacco, si rivolse all'Italia, ansiosa di trovare una valvola di sfogo per i milioni di giovani disoccupati e attirata dalla possibilità di avere un accesso privilegiato all'acquisto del carbone belga...
Il 20 giugno 1946 vennero siglati a Roma degli accordi, sottoforma di un protocollo, con cui il
governo italiano si impegnava a fornire ogni settimana 2.000 giovani sotto i 35 anni alle miniere belghe. Il reclutamento, ufficialmente, avvenne attraverso manifesti affissi presso le Camere del lavoro e gli uffici di collocamento, ma ufficiosamente le industrie minerarie inviavano dei loro agenti per selezionare... (Continues)
Minatori non partite
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/2 - 08:05

Tango de Plaza de Mayo

Tango  de Plaza de Mayo
Album :Festa d'aprile

Ispirato a un tango di Carlos Cano
Tutti i giovedì dell'anno alle undici del mattino
Contributed by adriana 2010/7/2 - 07:48

Beans in My Ears

Beans in My Ears
Beans in My Ears is a song created and sung by protest singer, Len Chandler. It became a hit single when covered by The Serendipity Singers, reaching #30 in June, 1964. Doctors protested that many children were actually putting beans in their ears and so it was banned in some places such as Boston. It was also covered by Lonnie Donegan in 1964.

The insistent chorus goes

My mommy said not to put beans in my ears, beans in my ears, beans in my ears.

The song was covered by Pete Seeger in his 1966 album Dangerous Songs!?. Seeger's version satirically attacked Lyndon B. Johnson's involvement in the Vietnam War. In addition to Chandler's original lyrics, Seeger sang that "Mrs. Jay's little son Alby" had "beans in his ears", which, as the lyrics imply, ensures that a person does not hear what is said to them. To those opposed to continuing the Vietnam War, the phrase suggested that "Alby Jay", a loose pronunciation of Johnson's nickname "LBJ", did not listen to anti-war protests as he too had "beans in his ears".

My mommy said not to put beans in my ears
2010/7/2 - 00:14

King of the World

King of the World
Steely Dan's "King of the World" on their 1973 album Countdown to Ecstasy joined the protest against nuclear war.
Hello one and all
2010/7/2 - 00:08
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Album "Nina", 1977.

"[...] Alla fine, [il procuratore] Raffaele Guariniello, lo tenta: «Ritiene che vi sia stata una violazione alla norme di sicurezza da parte degli operai?». E Betta [Vittorio Betta, professore di chimica industriale a Napoli e perito di parte per la ThyssenKrupp]: «Lei è troppo intelligente per non aver inteso ciò che ho detto». Fuori dall’aula, il magistrato ne deduce: «Dicono che è colpa degli operai morti senza ammetterlo»." (da La Stampa)

La difesa dei dirigenti della ThyssenKrupp, imputati per l'omicidio nel 2007 di sette operai delle acciaierie di Torino, cerca subdolamente di scaricare ogni responsabilità sui morti.
Una bella strategia, non c'è che dire: cercare di salvarsi il culo dalla galera dando la colpa a chi non può più difendersi!
Assassini e anche vigliacchi!
State a sentire, o voi tutti quanti,
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/7/1 - 15:21
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Mi voria saver

Mi voria saver
Album "Mi voria saver"

"L'esodo di molti veneziani a causa delle alluvioni in città si è diretto negli anni del 'boom' verso Marghera, nei nuovi insediamenti sorti vicino al polo industriale. Ma l'inquinamento di quei luoghi e la lontananza dalla città natìa ne hanno fatto una generazione di malinconici." (da Il Deposito)
Mi voria saver
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/7/1 - 15:04
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Mario della Piaggio

Mario della Piaggio
Album “Canzoni per il potere operaio”, I Dischi del Sole, 1967.
Trovata su Il Deposito.
Povero Mario, l'hanno licenziato
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/7/1 - 14:39
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Freedom Flotilla

Freedom Flotilla
Lyrics, music, performance and production by Doc Jazz

THIS SONG is dedicated to all the brave people who set sail to break the siege of Gaza, and to the nine martyrs of the Mavi Marmara, who were brutally murdered by the Israeli navy. Hopefully this song helps to inspire more and more flotillas! Free Palestine, Free Gaza !
In the memory of those who fell
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/1 - 08:46

Nixon viene a Roma

Nixon viene a Roma
Dal disco collettivo "Compagno Vietnam", edizioni I Dischi del Sole.
Trovato su Il Deposito
Nixon viene a Roma,
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/7/1 - 08:45
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Vi sbagliate

Vi sbagliate
Album "Nina"
Testo trovato su Il Deposito
Diritti degli altri e loro doveri
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/7/1 - 08:29
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Dark Side of the Sun

Dark Side of the Sun
Album: American Doll Posse
Is there a way out of this?
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/1 - 08:27
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Eagle Fly Free

Eagle Fly Free
Lyrics & Music by Michael Weikath
Album: Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part 2
People are in a big confusion
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/1 - 08:19

Non aspettar San Giorgio

Non aspettar San Giorgio
Testo di Dario Fo
Musica di Paolo Ciarchi
Dallo spettacolo "Ci ragiono e canto n.3"


Non aspettar San Giorgio
Contributed by The Lone Ranger 2010/7/1 - 08:14
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20 Tons of TNT

20 Tons of TNT
Lyrics & Music by Michael Flanders
Album: The Bestiary of Flanders & Swann [1964]

Maybe the catchiest song ever written about thermonuclear weapons: A powerful 1960s antiwar song from an unlikely source:.. Michael Flanders and Donald Swann were best known for their witty, urbane and sometimes sharply ironic songs commenting on modern life. 'At the Drop of a Hat' was their first hugely successful review on the London stage. This song was considered, by theatrical producers, to be too much out of character for live performance and survives only as a studio recording. For clarification, the rather considerable explosive power of one ton of the conventional chemical explosive trinitrotoluene (TNT) is used as a unit of this power. I thought the lyrics were worth displaying.
I have seen it estimated:
Contributed by giorgio 2010/7/1 - 08:14
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The Southland's Bleeding

The Southland's Bleeding
The Southland's bleeding
Contributed by Julie Rebuck 2010/7/1 - 03:52


Version française – JEUNESSE – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Chanson des Arditi del Popolo
Chanson italienne – Giovinezza – Anonyme – Musique de Giuseppe Blanc (1921)
(Canzone degli Arditi del Popolo)

Avertissement au lecteur de langue française

JEUNESSE est certainement un titre de chanson assez enthousiasmant, mais il ne dit rien, il n'a en tous cas pas la résonance du titre italien qu'il traduit. JEUNESSE en italien se dit : Giovinezza et il se trouve que ce beau titre fut volé aux temps de Mussolini par les fascistes pour en faire l'hymne le plus détestable qui soit, celui du Parti National Fasciste. Mais on en connaît les versions antérieures, celles des Arditi del Popolo – mouvement d'autodéfense ouvrière, sans aucun doute de « gauche » et pour tout dire nettement antifasciste et principalement, anarchiste. En voici une de 1921. On trouvera ci-après le commentaire éclairant de The Lone... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/6/30 - 22:38
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Cansón do 30 zugno

Cansón do 30 zugno
Mariuccia L'èmmo vinta a battaggia
Contributed by adriana 2010/6/30 - 09:11
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Honor & Justice

Honor & Justice
Album: Jonestown Aloha!
Charcoal corpses all around
Contributed by giorgio 2010/6/30 - 08:07
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Album: "Those Deep Buds"

William Calley was the leader of C Company, the platoon responsible for the mass slaughter at MY Lai on the 16th March 1968.
He was the only one of a number of killers that day ever to be sentenced.
He got Life in 1971 but was released pending appeal by Nixon after 3 days and finally released in 1974 after spending 3 years as the most privileged prisoner in America.

The 1994 Dog Faced Hermans song "Calley" is written from the perspective of a journalist who travels to Calley's store in Columbus, GA to interview him. She is chased out of the store by an enraged Calley after asking about My Lai.
In my dream I went into Columbus - Columbus, Georgia, through the rain. Seemed only like I knew where I was going - to a store - Bill Calley - something - supplies - the name is hazy.
2010/6/29 - 21:50

War Song (Ain't No Soldiers)

War Song (Ain't No Soldiers)
A song dealing with the on-going Iraq and now Iran situation. A song about statistics "You can't kill a dead person", and about cowardice within the rich political class.

About the relationship between corporate capitalism and bloodshed and loss of soldiers in the middle east.
War Song (Ain't No Soldiers) © 2009 Frederick Roussel
Contributed by Frank 2010/6/29 - 21:02
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La Savoiarda

La Savoiarda
e se non sai nemmeno chi sono? :)
Antichristian_Resistence 2010/6/29 - 20:16

Fly the Flag

Fly the Flag
Album: Nobody's heroes

The song "Fly the Flag" on Fingers' second album, "Nobody's Heroes" is a classic but the lyrics are clearly open to misinterpretation. It is actually an attack on right-wing Conservative politics in general and on Margaret Thatcher (then British prime minister) in particular. The selfish "me" politics of the eighties is conveyed in the "gimme gimme gimme" refrain…
Gimme a country that's red white and blue
Contributed by giorgio 2010/6/29 - 19:31

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