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Before 2010-4-21

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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
A MOGLIANO VENETO IL SINDACO LEGHISTA VUOLE "LA CANZONE DEL PIAVE" AL POSTO DI "BELLA CIAO" - (Adnkronos-21-04-10) - "Il 25 aprile si festeggia la Liberazione: cosa centra la pur bella e importante 'Canzone del Piave'? Il sindaco di Mogliano Veneto, evidentemente, fa volutamente, confusione storica e politica, dal momento che i fatti che ispirarono la 'Canzone del Piave' risalgono al 1918, allorche' l'Austria-Ungheria decise di muovere un grosso attacco all'esercito italiano, nell'intento di piegarlo definitivamente, dopo la sconfitta di Caporett; mentre 'Bella Ciao' e' il canto popolare italiano che piu' ricorda la Resistenza, la lotta al nazi-fascismo e, quindi, il 25 aprile del 1945, giorno in cui i partigiani liberarono il Nord-Italia dall'occupazione". E' quanto afferma Alessandro Pignatiello, coordinatore della segreteria nazionale della Federazione della Sinistra. "Ricordare il 25... (Continues) 2010/4/21 - 22:32
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Arthur McBride

Arthur McBride
2010/4/21 - 22:02

Rouge pour l'éternité

Rouge pour l'éternité
Chanson française – Rouge pour l'éternité – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010

In memoriam UGO DESSY

Ah, Lucien mon ami l'âne, tu me vois bien peiné.

Et pourquoi donc, Marco Valdo M.I. mon ami, qu'est-ce qui t'attriste ainsi ?

Je viens d'apprendre que notre ami Ugo Dessy était parti vers d'autres îles, dont il ne reviendra sans doute jamais. C'était il y a un an déjà. C'est sa compagne qui m'a prévenu et dans son courriel, elle me disait : « Caro Marco Valdo,
è da diverso tempo che avrei dovuto scriverti per farti sapere che Ugo Dessy ci ha lasciati. E' passato quasi un anno perchè è accaduto il 23 aprile 2009. Ma come diceva sempre lui " Amo tanto la vita che continuerò a vivere anche quando non ci sarò più" - e infatti così è. » Ce qui se traduit à peu près comme ceci : « Cher Marco Valdo, il y a déjà quelque temps que j'aurais dû t'écrire pour te faire savoir que Ugo Dessy nous a laissé.... (Continues)
Depuis trois mois,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/4/21 - 19:49
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Στην Αμφιάλη

Στην Αμφιάλη
Stin Amfiáli
Στίχοι: Νίκος Γκάτσος
Μουσική: Σταύρος Ξαρχάκος
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Τάκης Μπίνης
Από τη ταινία Ρεμπέτικο του Κώστα Φέρρη- 1983

Testo di Nikos Gatsos
Musica di Stavros Xarchakos
Prima esecuzione di Takis Binis
Dal film "Rebetico" di Kostas Ferris, 1983

Si tratta di una delle canzoni del film "Rebetico" del 1983. Xarchakos è magico nella imitazione dei colori e dei suoni della musica che girava allora nei bassifondi e che veniva dalla Micrasìa (Asia Minore); e Gatsos con le parole gli va dietro da dio. Parla di Mihalis, uno spacciatore un po' maldestro di "mavraki" (la "negretta" cioè di erba da fumare) e forse di qualcos'altro, che viene fregato (come qui si dice: gli tagliano il filo dell'aquilone) da altri balordi, fino a che non se lo pigliano "le belve" e lo sbattono dentro, e addio. I quartieri di Atene citati, Amfiali e Trumba non erano dei più distinti.
Μια βραδιά στην Αμφιάλη του τη φέραν του Μιχάλη
Contributed by Gian Piero Testa 2010/4/21 - 19:12
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Nessuna razza

Nessuna razza
Verità supposte
Io sono spazzatura
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/4/21 - 17:11
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Vengo dalla luna

Vengo dalla luna
Dall'album Verità Supposte del 2003
Io vengo dalla Luna
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/4/21 - 17:07
Song Itineraries: Stories from Deep Space
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Simu li pacci

Simu li pacci
Album: Un Numero
Occhi sbarrati e persi nell'ombra di una cura che mura ogni paura la cura
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/4/21 - 16:54
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Li scarsi

Li scarsi
Version française - LES PAUVRES – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
d'après la traduction en italien d'une chanson sicilienne « Li Scarsi » de Pino Veneziano (1975)

J'ai ici avec moi dans ma maison de campagne Pino Veneziano, chanteur. Il vient de terminer de chanter un groupe de chansons gravées sur un disque qui sortira bientôt. Son succès sera certain car Pino à la puissance de la voix ajoute la force dramatique. Les textes sont de lui, les musiques aussi. Un chantauteur, qui fait de la politique et la sublime par la poésie. Son discours est simple, populaire et convainquant. Il réussit à se faire comprendre des paysans pauvres en majorité analphabètes ou semi-analphabètes. Ses arguments sont la vérité, cantate d'un du peuple pour un du peuple, sans mécompréhensions. Les patrons ne sont pas nécessaires, les guerres non plus; les maisons sont nécessaires, car un lapin sans terrier, un oiseau sans... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/4/21 - 15:02

The child who asks you why

The child who asks you why
Album “Talking to the wall”, with Sharon Aviv.
I am the child with troubled eyes
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/21 - 14:49


Album “All my winding journeys”
Ceasefire in the city, ceasefire in the town
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/21 - 14:41

The King of the Castle

The King of the Castle
Album “Unapproved Road”
Well there was a little king and he was a little rascal-o
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/21 - 14:32

Dear Uncle Sam

Dear Uncle Sam
Album “Unapproved Road”
Dear Uncle Sam, it's me again, I thought I'd drop a line,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/21 - 14:28
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Ballad of '84

Ballad of '84
Album “True and Bold”

“Written at the end of the 1984/85 Miners' Strike in the UK for the Lothian Victimised Miners, most of whom were friends of mine, who lost their jobs as a result of their part in the strike. Davie Hamilton (now an MP) was the Chair of the Lothian Miner's Central Strike Committee - he spent 3 months in Saughton Prison after being arrested while trying to get medical assistance for an injured picket. He also lost his job.
Malcolm Pitt was the Area president of the Kent National Union of Mineworkers and was also arrested and imprisoned on a trivial charge.
At the time of the strike Arthur Scargill was the National President of the NUM, Peter Heathfield was General Secretary, and Mick McGahey was National Vice-President and Scottish Area President.
Ian MacGregor was an American hitman brought in by the Thatcher Government as head of the National Coal Board to... (Continues)
Come gather round me people and I'll sing to you a song
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/21 - 13:53

Where Were You In The War ?

Where Were You In The War ?
Album “Outside The City”

“For Hein Kröher. I got the idea for this song after a long conversation with him about the second world war.” (da Colin Wilkie’s Songbook)
There's a question I must ask you, there's an answer I must hear,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/21 - 12:57

Dark As A Dungeon

Dark As A Dungeon
Album: Folk Songs of the Hills [1947]

"The saddest songs are written when a person is happy. I was driving home after a date with a beautiful girl in Redondo Beach, California. I had a recording session to do the next morning and needed some material. I parked my car under a street light and wrote the verses to "Dark As A Dungeon." I got the idea from growing up around the coal mines in Kentucky. My father and brothers were coal miners…

I have known the fruits of strikes. The bitter and the sweet. Hunger and music... Who deserves more credit than the wife of a coal miner? Mother was one. She never complained about the hardships that were hers in abundance. Lighting the coal-oil lamp long before daylight, and cooking breakfast for her children and husband.
Taylor, my oldest brother, would come home and get 'washed up.' How well I remember the galvanized tub set in the middle of... (Continues)
It's as dark as a dungeon way down in the mine...
Contributed by giorgio 2010/4/21 - 12:31

The Soldier's Song

The Soldier's Song
Album “Morning”
Testo trovato sul Colin Wilkie’s Songbook
If you want to be a soldier, they will teach you how to drill,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/21 - 11:46

You Won't Get Me Down In Your Mine

Album "We Travel The Road"

“I was reading about the dreadful mining disaster in Lengede, north Germany and said to Shirley [Colin Wilkie’s wife]: "You wouldn't get me down in a mine." Although I've changed the setting to a coalmine, it conveys my feelings to any kind of underground work”.
(from Colin Wilkie’s Songbook)

A Lengede, in Bassa Sassonia, nel 1963 una miniera fu allagata dall’acqua proveniente da lacuni laghi artificiali che la sovrastavano (!!!). 130 minatori rimasero intrappolati. 29 di loro morirono. Quando, dopo alcune settimane, le gallerie furono rimesse in sicurezza e si poterono raggiungere i corpi, i soccorritori scoprirono che quegli uomini, nel tentativo di aprirsi una via di salvezza, avevano scavato per 14 giorni prima di soccombere… Un corpo non fu mai neppure trovato.
You won't get me down underground in your mine
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/21 - 11:36
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No Use For Him

No Use For Him
Album “Live in Person” (Germany tour)

“After working for British Railways for nearly thirty years, my father was made redundant during a big economy drive to make the railways profitable [the Beeching Cuts, when more than 2,000 local railway stations were closed down]. To show their appreciation for all his years of service they allowed him to keep his railway uniform, which consisted of a jacket, cap, trousers, waistcoat and overcoat. They also gave him a choice of redundancy payment of seven hundred pounds in his hand or a pension of about nine shillings a week until death. He chose the lump sum, which was just as well because he was out of work for two years, which to a proud man like him was almost unbearable. He even refused unemployment pay, said he'd rather starve, which he nearly did.”
(Eric Bogle, february 1975)
My father was a big strong man, he worked hard all his life
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/21 - 11:08
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No Gods And Precious Few Heroes

No Gods And Precious Few Heroes
Album “No Gods”
Il titolo fa riferimento alla poesia di Hamish Handerson “End of a Campaign” – dalla raccolta “Elegies for the Dead of Cyrenaika” – in cui già ci siamo imbattuti a proposito di Farewell To Sicily.

“L’orgoglio e la gloria sono soltanto un’altra sanguinosa menzogna che loro [the fat politicians] usano per tenerci tutti sull’attenti”… “Perché è chiaro che loro preferiscono le pecore agli uomini che pensano, ma uomini che pensano come pecore sono ancora meglio”
'Cause there's no gods and there's precious few heroes
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/21 - 09:41
Song Itineraries: Heroes
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Any Mick'll Do

Any Mick'll Do
Album “No Gods”

Il titolo fa riferimento all’appellativo “Mick” (ma anche “Paddy”) con cui un inglese è solito chiamare un irlandese.

“This is the most controversial of Brian's songs, but he makes no apology for that, and the response of audiences around the world to its powerful and uncompromising lyrics show a huge and growing swell of support for the stance he's taken. Brian wrote the song after seeing, on a trip between Spain and his home in the North of England, the way that Irish musicians were treated at London's Heathrow Airport. He was part of a mixed party of Scots, English, Irish, Breton and Galician musician bands on their way between the usual hectic run of summer folk festivals.
As a Scot with a British passport, Brian had no problems with either the customs or the immigration officers, nor had the English or the Bretons, or the Galicians, but the minute one of the... (Continues)
'Cause any Mick'll do, any black, any Jew
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/21 - 08:53
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Louie Louie

Louie Louie
La versione dell'Iguana della canzone di Richard Berry portata al successo dai Kingsmen. Il testo è riscritto in chiave di satira politica e pacifista. Iggy l'aveva già incisa con gli Stooges (ma con un testo diverso) nell'album Metallik K.O. del 1974. Questa versione proviene invece dall'album "American Caesar" del 1993.
And now...the news:
Contributed by Marcos 2010/4/21 - 04:09

Human Jungle

Human Jungle
I've been there alone ,I've been there with you
Contributed by Marcos 2010/4/21 - 03:46
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The Quiet Joys of Brotherhood

The Quiet Joys of Brotherhood
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/20 - 23:19
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More Than A Name On A Wall

More Than A Name On A Wall

"More Than a Name on a Wall" is a song written by Jimmy Fortune and John Rimel, and recorded by American country music group The Statler Brothers. It was released in April 1989 as the third single from their Greatest Hits album. The song, about a mother visiting the Vietnam Wall to see her son's name, peaked at number 6 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart.
I saw her from a distance
Contributed by Kevin Joyce 2010/4/20 - 22:55
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A Pair of Brown Eyes

A Pair of Brown Eyes
Contributed by Valentina 2010/4/20 - 16:59
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'Storia' per la morte di Lorenzo Panepinto

'Storia' per la morte di Lorenzo Panepinto
à partir de la version italienne d'une chanson sicilienne « Storia » per la morte di Lorenzo Panepinto – Rosa Balistreri – 1978

Lorenzo Panepinto (1865 – 1911) : un instituteur de l'école primaire de S. Stefano di Quisquinia (Agrigento), enseignant, socialiste et syndicaliste, il fut – pour tout cela – assassiné par la mafia le 16 mai 1911, devant chez lui, de deux coups de fusil. Il avait organisé les ouvriers agricoles en une Lega (Ligue) et obtenu la première gestion collective d'un ex « feudo » (grand domaine), éliminant ainsi l'exploitation parasite des « intermédiaires » (gérants...), c'est-à-dire des mafieux. Il est d'un grand intérêt sociologique de signaler que seule la prostituée du village alla jusqu'à affronter l'assassin pour le dévoiler et faire voir qui il était. Elle disparut également. Personne ne sait plus rien d'elle et son témoignage manqua au procès. La Lega et ses... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/4/20 - 15:56

Pitzinnos in sa gherra

Pitzinnos in sa gherra
1 canone molto bella :) è fantastica
2010/4/20 - 15:11
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Children Of Darkness

Children Of Darkness
Credo che questa canzone debba essere attribuita a Richard Fariña che la scrisse e la interpretò nel 1965, insieme alla moglie Mimi Baez nell'album “Reflections in a Crystal Wind”... Quella della sorella Joan Baez è una cover...
Alessandro 2010/4/20 - 11:55
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The Quiet Joys of Brotherhood

The Quiet Joys of Brotherhood
Cavoli, una canzone da brividi!
Chissà se ci sarà dato un giorno di provare la gioia e la pace della fraternità universale di cui si è persa memoria... Chissà se c'è mai stato, anche solo per un momento, quel tempo in cui l'amore era signore di tutto...
Alessandro 2010/4/20 - 11:39
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Ο Ύμνος του ΕΛΑΣ

Ο Ύμνος του ΕΛΑΣ
Una raccomandazione. Se leggendo un giornale greco di oggi si legge - e lo si legge sovente - ΕΛΑΣ, non bisogna cascarci: non si sta parlando dell 'Ε.Λ.Α.Σ. ( Ελληνικός Λαϊκός Απελευθερωτικός Στρατός, l' Esercito Popolare Greco di Liberazione) ma di ΕΛ.ΑΣ.(Ελληνική Αστυνομία, la Polizia Greca). Insomma, uno cerca nel web i liberatori, e si trova dei tali pronti a mettergli le manette...Bel risultato della fretta e della pigrizia dei giornalisti e, in genere, di chi tiene la penna in mano.
Gian Piero Testa 2010/4/20 - 00:14
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Nikad više

Nikad više
Contributed by Marko 2010/4/19 - 09:47

A li matri di li carusi

A li matri di li carusi
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/18 - 22:53
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Cincu ciuri russi

Cincu ciuri russi
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/18 - 20:01
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La Barunissa di Carini

La Barunissa di Carini

Canto originale di Anonimo del secolo XVII
Contributed by giorgio 2010/4/18 - 19:50
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Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/18 - 19:35
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Li scarsi

Li scarsi
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/18 - 19:32
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Lu patruni è suvecchiu

Lu patruni è suvecchiu
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/4/18 - 19:21

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