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Before 2010-3-9

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Which Side Are You On?

Which Side Are You On?
Apprendo dalle note che accompagnano il disco "Talking Union and Other Union Songs", con Pete Seeger, The Almanac Singers e The Song Swappers (Folkways Records, 1955) che la seguente strofa di questa canzone:

"My daddy was a miner,
And I'm a miner's son,
And I'll stick with the union
'Til every battle's won."

è da attribuirsi ad una modifica ad opera degli Almanac Singers.
La strofa originaria della Reece era la seguente:

"My daddy was a miner;
he's now in the air and sun
He'll be with you, fellow workers,
until this battle's won."

dove "in the air and sun" significa che il minatore non era in galleria ma disoccupato perchè "blacklisted" dai padroni a causa del suo attivismo sindacale...
Alessandro 2010/3/9 - 14:04

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