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Canzone léviane – Amériques – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 86

Amériques est la huitante-sixième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.

Salut, Lucien l'âne mon ami, je suis bien content de te voir. En fait même, il me tardait de te voir, car je suis impatient de te faire connaître ma nouvelle canzone. Quand je l'ai découverte, j'ai été fort surpris de tout ce qu'elle signifie.... Ne me regarde pas avec des yeux aussi ahuris... Je te l'ai déjà dit pourtant que j'étais le premier lecteur de mes canzones et leur premier découvreur. Je t'ai déjà dit que quand je commence une canzone, je ne sais ni comment elle sera, ni ce qu'elle pourra bien en finale raconter. En quelque sorte, elle se fait au travers de moi et je t'avouerai aussi qu'il m'arrive de batailler contre elle pour la mener où j'aimerais qu'elle... (Continues)
Un cheval court dans la prairie
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/2/6 - 18:05
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Versione spagnola da Generación Timbiriche
Spanish version from Generación Timbiriche
2010/2/6 - 18:04
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Woman Is The Nigger Of The World

Woman Is The Nigger Of The World
2010/2/6 - 17:58
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Natale '44

Natale '44
Version française – NOËL 1944 – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Chanson italienne – Natale '44 – Andrea Sigona

Il est difficile d'imaginer la Milan différente telle qu'elle était en 1944, l'année la plus dure, celle de la répression et du lynchage. Mais aussi l'année de la Résistance et des hommes qui ensemble conquirent leur liberté à pleines mains. Certains revinrent, d'autres non. Comme cet amour né fortuitement en hiver ne vit jamais le printemps, mais qui valait la peine d'être vécu jusqu'à la fin.

Voilà pour toi, Lucien l'âne mon ami qui aime les fleurs bleues, dit Marco Valdo M.I., une histoire d'amour, çà te changera... En plus, elle bien jolie... Même, si funeste télégramme, triste béret... elle finit bien mal.

Je l'aime beaucoup et elle fend mon cœur d'âne pourtant solide comme le diamant... J'espère quand même, dit Lucien l'âne en souriant comme un bienheureux, que cette fois aussi, ta traduction plaira à l'auteur...

Moi aussi, dit Marco Valdo M.I.

Ainsi Parlaient Marco Valdo M.I. et Lucien Lane
NOËL 1944
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/2/6 - 14:59
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A Song for Santiago Cruz

A Song for Santiago Cruz
Lyrics & Music by Anne Feeney
Album: Dump The Bosses Off Your Back

We learned of FLOC organizer Santiago Cruz’s murder while studying migrant workers’ strategies at the Regina Polk Leadership Institute for Labor Union Women, held annually in Chicago with the inspiration of Helena Harlow Worthen. I wrote this song at the Institute.
On April 9th they found him - He'd been beaten, bound and gagged
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/6 - 09:12
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You Can't Blame the Youth

You Can't Blame the Youth
Album live "Talkin' Blues" (1991)
Scritta da Peter Tosh
You can't blame the youth
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/6 - 01:05

My Name Is Sylvio

My Name Is Sylvio
Alcuni mesi fa mi è capitato di scortare un'amica in un'agenzia della Mediolanum a Mediolano. Voleva sapere se convenisse metterci i suoi soldini. Il promotore spiega la rava e la fava. A un certo punto gli domando: ma come li impiegate i quattrini dei clienti per dare il rendimento promesso? Risposta: nessun problema, gli utili dei conti correnti bancari sono tassati col 27%; gli altri investimenti col 12,5%. Da questa differenza dell'imposta, noi ricaviamo l'utile, il nostro e quello del cliente. Basta mostrare che il cliente tiene una certa cifra stabile in conto corrente (senza utile); mentre il resto lo prendiamo noi, lo facciamo girare, e, dell'utile che realizziamo, riconosciamo al cliente una parte del risparmio d'imposta. Anche se non ci capisco quasi niente, ridomando: sarebbe a dire che il cliente mette i soldi in un conto corrente, ma che poi la maggior parte non figura come... (Continues)
Gian Piero Testa 2010/2/5 - 22:12
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60 anni

60 anni
Version française – 60 ANS – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Chanson italienne – 60 Anni – Talco

Ah, Lucien l'âne mon ami, voici une chanson à clefs ou à tout le moins, une chanson pour laquelle il faut deux ou trois compléments d'explication... Je te dis tout de suite qu'à mon sens, le personnage qui parle n'est autre que le peuple italien lui-même...

J'imagine bien, dit Lucien l'âne, et j'aimerais au moins que tu me dises le sens de certains mots que je ne trouve pas au dictionnaire courant... Je ne parle pas des allusions à des personnages politiques précis... Mais de ces mots qui ont l'air tout à fait communs... comme piduiste, lupara, ou qualunquiste... qu'à mes yeux, tu n'as pas véritablement traduits comme tu l'aurais dû.

Tu as raison, Lucien mon ami l'âne, d'abord dans ta distinction entre les allusions à tel ou tel personnage et les noms communs. Pour ces derniers, je ne les ai pas... (Continues)
60 ANS
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/2/5 - 16:05
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Les châteaux de sable

Les châteaux de sable
carissimo,il castello di sabbia è stato scolpito da me a Tortoreto Te nel 2006.sarei felice se un link riconducesse al mio sito dove potrai trovare altre immagini.Grazie Egisto Morelli

Senz'altro. E complimenti per la tua opera! [CCG/AWS Staff]
2010/2/5 - 15:52

Am I Black Enough For You?

Am I Black Enough For You?
Album "360 Degrees of Billy Paul"
Am I black enough for you?
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/5 - 13:23

The Boiler

The Boiler
Con Rhoda Dakar del gruppo The Bodysnatchers.
I went out shopping last saturday
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/5 - 13:12

Democracy (Or Lack Thereof)

Democracy (Or Lack Thereof)
(a.k.a. "A Day In The Life Of My Mind For Five Minutes, Five Minutes Ago")

Lyrics and Music Written and Performed by Lisa Rein.

"I wrote this song after having a conversation with a friend of mind about the crazy dichotomy that has become our existence living as Americans.
We talk about bringing democracy to the middle east, and are killing people over it, yet we work with non-democratic governments to keep democracy from the people of another country, if the price is right.
In the song, I start out with China, but I end up here at home. What kind of a democracy is so greedy its government cuts emergency relief efforts out of the budget, while spending billions of dollars overseas to kill the people of Iraq in the very name of democracy? Our current "democracy," that's what kind.
I'm not trying to pick on Google either. This is about all of us, and what we've all been tolerating,... (Continues)
China, China
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/5 - 12:33

Fuel Funeral

Lyrics by Lisa Rein and Gregory Howe
Music by Gregory Howe

This song is about war profiteers who knowingly exchange the blood of Iraqis and US Troops for profit, in that they fund the destruction of the country so they can profit on its reconstruction.
It's also about how we all line up behind these scumbags and keep driving our SUV's – and are effectively trading in the future of our children for convenience in the short term.
This song was inspired by the Bill Moyer's NOW program from November 14, 2003, Cash and Carry, which detailed the direct connections between the Shrub Administration and the main two or three companies that are profiting directly from the Iraqi reconstruction.
We go anywhere we wanna go
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/5 - 12:29


Lyrics and Music by Lisa Rein

This song is about the crazy idea that any kind of "democracy" the U.S. brought to Iraq could be worth the death of a single Iraqi person.
It's like someone saying: « Ok here's the plan:
– First, we bomb all your public water and power systems, then we don't actually rebuild them, so a lot of you are going to die off from that.
– Next, your brother and aunt die when us or the insurgents bomb them by mistake.
– Next, you get democracy! »
See!? It's a bargain!."
Cut off the power lines, my friend
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/5 - 12:26
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All Gone Away

All Gone Away
Album "Our Favourite Shop"

"Vieni a farti un giro tra queste colline, e guarda come il neoliberismo uccide, intere comunità, intere famiglie... Non è rimasto nulla, tutto è stato spazzato via"
The wind blows whispers down the street,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/5 - 11:58
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Living For The City

Living For The City
Album "Innervisions"
A boy is born in hard time Mississippi
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/5 - 09:03
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Living In America

Living In America
Album "Don't Tell A Soul"

Una canzone contro la violenza e la discriminazione di cui le persone omosessuali sono ancora oggi vittime in America, così come le transessuali.
E transgender sono tutte le componenti di questa rock band di San Francisco,
All along this great big land
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/5 - 08:49


Hassan Mousa and Jody McIntyre writing from Nilin, occupied West Bank, Live from Palestine, 18 December 2009.

Situated just west of Ramallah, the Palestinian village of Nilin has lost huge swathes of land to Israel's settlements and its wall in the occupied West Bank. In a year and a half of resisting construction of the wall, five villagers have been murdered by the Israeli military while demonstrating. Hassan Mousa is a coordinator of the Nilin Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements and the uncle of Ahmed Mousa, an 11-year-old boy who was the first villager from Nilin to be killed by the Israeli army.

Hassan Mousa being arrested during a demonstration at the wall.
Human Rights Life under Occupation
2010/2/4 - 20:27
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Convien partir

Convien partir
I wish I could find a translation of this song aaa
2010/2/4 - 12:26
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Childhood's End

Childhood's End
Contributed by Sara Maple 2010/2/4 - 11:19
After long preparation work, the page on Mikis Theodorakis' masterpiece, the Ἄξιον Ἐστί based on a poem by the Greek Nobel prize winner Odysseas Elytis has finally come to its definitive stage, including the complete lyrics and an extensive essay by Gian Piero Testa (in Italian), written explicitly for this website.
Riccardo Venturi 2010/2/4 - 00:07
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Τò Ἄξιόν Ἐστι

Τò Ἄξιόν Ἐστι

di Gian Piero Testa

[1] Una versione italiana completa dell' 'Αξιον Εστί, quella di Mario Vitti, è agevolmente reperibile tra i Nobel delle edizioni UTET.

[2] Elytis si prestò tre volte ad assumere la direzione dei programmi radiofonici nazionali, ma li lasciò sempre dopo pochi mesi, infastidito dal ruolo di dirigente e dalle conseguenti beghe. Si impegnò invece nella Associazione degli scrittori.

[3] Le sette scuri rappresentavano i sette reparti militari che avevano strappato Candia ai Veneziani.

[4] Αλεπούς, plurale αλεπούδες, è in greco moderno la volpe (per il classsico ἄλωπηξ

[5]V. nota bibliografica. Ampi frammenti del componimento di Gatsos furono musicati da Manos Hatzikakis, ed. Syrios.

[6] Si calcola che i morti per fame e stenti durante l’occupazione siano stati 300.000; piu di 100.000 i giustiziati o periti nelle rappresaglie; circa... (Continues)
CCG/AWS Staff - Ελληνικό Τμήμα 2010/2/3 - 23:14
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G.I. Blues

G.I. Blues
Album "The Drum Machine Years" (live recordings)
Both my arms and legs
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 15:17
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Bloodsport For All

Bloodsport For All
Album "Straw Donkey... The Singles 1988 - 1995"

"A.W.O.L." è l'acronimo che sta per l'espressione militare "Absent WithOut Leave", cioè "diserzione".
Bloodsport for all said Corporal Flash
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 15:11
Song Itineraries: Deserters
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The Undertaker And The Hippy Protest Singer

The Undertaker And The Hippy Protest Singer
Album "I Blame the Government"
Peace keeping forces
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 15:04
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Friendly Fascism

Friendly Fascism
Album "Friendly Fa$cism"

Una canzone ispirata al libro dello statunitense Bertram Gross, intitolato "Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America" ed edito nel 1980.
Traggo da quel libro la citazione che segue:

"Don't think that modern fascists are like Hitler or Mussolini. Today's Big Government-Big Business tyrants are just as willing to use violence. But they do it more efficiently than the old-time fascists-- with higher tech and lower costs to them. They have the best looks, politicians, celebrities, and control mechanisms that money can buy. Yes, their own conscience tells them that true democracy would be nice. But suppressing their conscience, they undermine the rights of the working and middle classes. Their operating principle is "Might, Money, Male, Murder-- and also White--Make Right." They wreck the environment. They fool you, rule you, use you, abuse you--and... (Continues)
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the end of the twentieth century and the arrival of friendly fascism. Regrettably, millions will die as before. But just think of the tremendous selection and savings you’ll gain. Of course the loss of freedom and democracy are tragedies, I know, but consider the entertainment value contained within. And to remind you, it is you, the people, who have mandated this course of our fate so please come with me….
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 13:54
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Free Satpal Ram

Free Satpal Ram

Satpal Ram è un cittadino britannico di origine bengalese che nel 1987 fu condannato per l'omicidio di tal Clarke Pearce, britannico di origine britannica, avvenuto l'anno precedente a Birmingham, quando una discussione fra due gruppi, asiatici da una parte e bianchi dall'altra, era degenerata in una rissa.
Dettaglio non irrilevante; il ristorante dove avvenne lo scontro si chiamava Sky Blue Indian e furono gli avventori bianchi a provocare Satpal e i suoi amici perchè, a detta loro, la musica proposta, giustamente indiana, faceva schifo (e allora andate a sentire Samantha Fox al pub, stronzi! ndr)

L'arresto ed il processo a Satpal Ram furono da più parti considerati brutali, razzisti ed iniqui. Satpal Ram fu picchiato, affamato, privato del sonno, subì continue perquisizioni corporali e le testimonianze a suo carico furono contraddittorie, condotte in modo non esauriente e gli... (Continues)
And we say back way to all the trouble makers
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 13:20

Evviva Garibaldi!

Evviva Garibaldi!
Certo che poi, in effetti, la libertà si è vista!!!
2010/2/3 - 12:24
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Song Against Robots

Song Against Robots
Album "Cold Water Songs"
There is no food I can't eat
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 11:56
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Let Robeson Sing

Let Robeson Sing
Album "Know Your Enemy"
Scritta da James Dean Bradfield, Sean Moore e Nicky Wire.

Brano dedicato a Paul Robeson, il grande baritono-basso, attore ed attivista per i diritti civili afromaericano.
Where are you now
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 11:36
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No Clause 28

No Clause 28

Protest song against the governing UK Conservative Party's legal restrictions on anyone working for a local authority "promoting" homosexuality,

Section 28 (commonly "Clause 28") of the Local Government Act 1988 was a controversial amendment to the United Kingdom's Local Government Act 1986, enacted on 24 May 1988 and repealed on 21 June 2000 in Scotland, and on 18 November 2003 in the rest of the UK by section 122 of the Local Government Act 2003. The amendment stated that a local authority "shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality" or "promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship".

Some people believed that Section 28 prohibited local councils from distributing any material, whether plays, leaflets, books, etc, that portrayed gay relationships... (Continues)
"The aim of this government is to make every one as miserable as possible!"
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 11:21
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Phil Ochs

Phil Ochs
Album "Long Pig"
Scritta da Steve Skaith e Mike Jones

A look at the death of a protest singer of the 1960's and of that which died with him.

Phil Ochs was a talented singer-songwriter of the 1960s who addressed all manner of anti-war, civil rights, labour, and social justice issues in America. To Ochs, music was a means to carry a message and with unending optimism claimed young men and women could change the world for the better if only they were willing. By the late 60s, increasing weariness and disenchantment with idealism began to seep into both his compositions and his singing. Phil Ochs took his own life in 1976.
Here comes Phil Ochs shovel on his shoulder
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 10:31

King For A Day

King For A Day
Album "Long Pig"
Scritta da Steve Skaith e Mike Jones

"The gulf war from the perspective of an ordinary soldier, who was first used and then discarded."
The cross of St. George
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 10:24
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A Slow Waltz For Chile

A Slow Waltz For Chile
Album "Swimming Against The Stream"
Scritta da Steve Skaith e Mike Jones
Last night I heard of the death of a stranger to me
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 10:10
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Swimming Against The Stream

Swimming Against The Stream
Album "Swimming Against The Stream"
Scritta da Steve Skaith e Mike Jones

The civil rights movement that started in the 1950's in the USA, fought for the economic and political equality of African Americans, especially in the Southern States. There the discrimination was legal and institutionalised. This changed in the 1960's. The Congress, the legislative body of the USA, passed legislation that outlawed formal discrimination. But in truth it still continued. The reforms that the civil rights movement had achieved were undermined in the 1970's and, especially under the presidency of Ronald Reagans, to a large extent clawed back. Today African Americans are economically and socially even more disadvantaged than they were 25 years ago. Before they harvested (in the Southern States) cotton, today they have to work to get their food stamps (a form of social welfare).

The high point... (Continues)
They're growing pines now in cotton soil
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 09:32
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Burn Again

Burn Again
Album "Mick and Caroline"
Scritta da Steve Skaith e Mike Jones

Anastasio Somoza reigned over Nicaragua as if it was a family possession. The National Guard might just as well have worn the family crest of the Somozas. The country was a family business, economically dependant on the West, but those who overthrew Somoza wanted to end the serfdom and share the land with everyone. We should be ashamed that the West wants to undermine the newly won freedom. Must Nicaragua burn again, because the USA has the need to be born again? The USA itself started in a war of independence, when the word 'freedom' was written large in the constitution. But now the torch (of freedom) casts a giant shadow - when the Congress sends the Contras out to hunt the Nicaraguans in the hospitals and classrooms, in order to make a free election impossible. The USA plays with Central America as if it was a fruit machine. She takes the coffee beans and pays the bill with bullets and marines.
When Anastasio fell he was by then the first Somoza
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 09:18
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Freight Elevator

Freight Elevator
Album "Mick and Caroline"
Scritta da Steve Skaith e Mike Jones.

Up until after World War Two, black and white musicians in the USA could perform on stage together, but often weren't allowed to stay in the same hotel. This song tells a true story about the Jazz singer Billie Holiday, who appeared night after night in the Artie Shaw orchestra on 52nd Street, the centre of New York's nightlife. There she enchanted the public with her voice - like velvet stretched over barbed wire. The crowd is so big, that they've had to hire extra waiting staff. But Billie Holiday wasn't allowed to use the main elevator which the other guests and performers used. Instead the hotel management forced her to use the freight elevator at the back of the building - just because she was black! The freight elevator, crammed in between fresh sheets, a case of grapefruit juice in tins, and the shoes that a... (Continues)
It's a mighty long day, in the freight elevator,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 09:09
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Album "Mick and Caroline"
Scritta da Steve Skaith

All shall come to the house of the Almighty, big and small, rich and poor - a memorial service for a soldier, who was killed far from home, maybe in the Falklands war. The priest says a sorrowful prayer and blesses the cause for which the soldier died. But would the veteran from the battle of Verdun (in World War One) speak of glory when he lays a wreath on Armistice Day? Would he offer himself up to defend the British Empire once again? And who thinks of the members of the International Brigade, who defended Madrid against the fascists during the Spanish civil war, while President Roosevelt preached about preserving the status quo and England stood idly by? Or of the Greek partisans, who held the Athens bridge, and who were betrayed by the English at the end of World War Two, who let the Monarchy back into power instead? Did Jesus... (Continues)
In the house of the almighty lord
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 08:57
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America For Beginners

America For Beginners
Album "Modern Times"
Scritta da Steve Skaith e Mike Jones.

The election of Ronald Reagan to President of the USA and subsequent swing to the political right horrified many people. "Bed-Time for Bonzo": One of Reagan's last movies in which his co-star, a chimpanzee named Bonzo, was the better actor. Great Britain under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher became little more than just another State of America.

The paranoia of the McCarthy era surfaced again with the administration's determination to rid the world of the red menace aboard. The origins of crack cocaine in California was traced back to the Contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s. Payment were made to drug traffickers by the U.S. State Department from funds authorised by the Congress for "humanitarian assistance" to the Contras. In... (Continues)
What's keeping the White House white
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 08:47
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Radio Africa

Radio Africa
Album "Modern Times"
Scritta da Steve Skaith, Mike Jones e Ron Keefe.

There's only bad news from Radio Africa. In 1985 South Africa was still governed by the monster apartheid. The West complains about the foreign aid, but in the trade with the industrial nations, it's the African countries who are at a disadvantage: They exchange cheap raw materials for expensive finished products. With the war in the Ogaden 1977/78 Moscow first supported the socialist government of Somalia, but then supplied weapons to the Ethiopian dictatorship. There is still hope for Mozambique and Zimbabwe, but for Tanzania progress has had to stop -- the oil imports devoured too much foreign exchange. " Exchange ", "Credit", " Interest ": technical terms that all add up to only one thing: Everything gets even harder. Independence is an expensive commodity when the finances lie in white hands.
I'm hearing only bad news from Radio Africa.
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 08:38
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No Rope As Long As Time

No Rope As Long As Time
Album "Modern Times"
Scritta da Steve Skaith

"An old Afrikaner, a descendant of the Dutchmen who colonialised the country, sits on his farm and swears that nothing will change. The compatriots of his black servant live in the Townships, ghettos of dense populations , such as Cape City or Johannesburg, or in the Homelands, pseudo-independent vassal states, which serve as reservoirs of cheap labour. In order to be able to live in the Townships, they need a residence permit, so say the "pass laws". In 1960 a peaceful protest against the pass laws in Sharpeville ended in a massacre, 67 black people were killed. Nelson Mandela, leader of the liberation movement ANC (African National Congress), sat in prison for over 20 years. When in 1976 Afrikaans was introduced as compulsory in the schools, the pupils of Soweto started an uprising, that turned into a mass strike. In 1983 the President,... (Continues)
Old Afrikaner farmer on the terrace of his home
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/3 - 08:32
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Lili Marleen [Lied eines jungen Wachtpostens]

Lili Marleen [Lied eines jungen Wachtpostens]
ITALIANO / ITALIAN [5] - Antonio Pelizzari

Navigando in INTERNET ho inciampato nella vecchia canzone “Lilì Marleen”, cantata da Marlene Dietrich: un tuffo nella mia lontanissima infanzia, tanti ricordi suscitati, la guerra ormai lontana. Ho cercato il testo tedesco, che non conoscevo, e ho scoperto che la versione italiana (probabilmente per il solo rispetto della metrica) racconta una storia un po' diversa, anche se è coerente con il tema del soldato che ha nostalgia della sua ragazza. Le due traduzioni che ho trovato, vogliono essere soltanto letterali e per tale motivo hanno un passaggio ingarbugliato e allora, con due piccolissime varianti [in tedesco “sie” può riferirsi tanto al lampione (die Laterne), quanto a lei (Lilì Marleen)] ho buttato giù la mia versione, che racconta due vicende tristi e parallele.
Le parole tra parentesi non si trovano nel testo, le ho messe per rendere più scorrevole la frase.

A. Pelizzari (28.01.2010)
Contributed by atonio pelizzari 2010/2/3 - 08:23


vorrei ringraziare pubblicamente Marco Valdo per la sua traduzione in francese di "Indistruttibili".
Davvero la traduzione molto bella, quindi grazie. Chiaramente sono rimasto stupito della cosa
Andrea Sigona
2010/2/3 - 00:11

'sti Messieurs

'sti Messieurs
'sti Messieurs

Canzone léviane – 'sti Messieurs – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 85

'sti Messieurs est la huitante-cinquième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.

Tu vois, Lucien l'âne mon ami, si j'osais – c'est juste une façon de parler, car tu l'entends bien, j'ose – je dirais que cette canzone en italien devrait être intitulée « 'sti Signori » ou quelque chose comme çà, avec l'apostrophe, avec l'élision de dérision. Je m'explique, car je vois ton œil gauche interloqué et ton œil droit qui clignote comme un phare breton. En fait, la canzone s'intitule en français Ces Messieurs et on entend bien toute la dérision que cela comporte. Qu'est-ce à dire...Ce sont ces gens de la caste, ceux qui si l'on replace cette canzone dans la Guerre de Cent Mille Ans que les riches font impitoyablement aux pauvres, ceux... (Continues)
Qui sont donc ces messieurs,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/2/2 - 22:50
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Onda libera

Onda libera
Chanson italienne – Onda Libera – Modena City Ramblers – 2009
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/2/2 - 21:08

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