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Before 2010-3-14

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La ballata delle donne

La ballata delle donne
Versi di Edoardo Sanguineti (1930-2010), nella raccolta “Il gatto lupesco. Poesie 1982-2001”, 2002.
Musica di Massimiliano D'Ambrosio da "Novembre" (2012)
Messa in musica anche da Margot Galante Garrone, nel suo album “Il vespero vermiglio” del 2013.

Una poesia-canzone composta da Sanguineti nel 1985, in occasione di un evento al quale erano presenti donne che avevano partecipato alla Resistenza.

(Bernart Bartleby)
Quando ci penso, che il tempo è passato,
2010/3/8 - 14:07
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Free the Land

Free the Land
Album “A Grain of Sand: Music for the Struggle by Asians in America”, Paredon Records.
Con Chris Kando Iijima, Joanne Nobuko Miyamoto e "Charlie" Chin.
Prodotto da Barbara Dane

“This song was written for a friend, sister Ibidun, and for a nation, the Republic of New Africa.
They say "free the land," as it captures a key concept in their struggle: land and sovereignty for blacks within the U.S. But we see this phrase as significant for all people who have worked and struggled in, and been oppressed by, this country. The land must be freed so that those who live and work on it will live in freedom. We will win! In the name of Malcolm, free the land…”
[nota introduttiva al brano dal libretto che accompagna l’album]

Diversamente da quanto può apparire dall’introduzione, questa canzone non è dedicata alla lotta dei neri sudafricani contro l’apartheid ma alla Republic of New Afrika... (Continues)
Free the land
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/3/8 - 13:57
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Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer
Album “A Grain of Sand: Music for the Struggle by Asians in America”, Paredon Records.
Con Chris Kando Iijima, Joanne Nobuko Miyamoto e "Charlie" Chin.
Prodotto da Barbara Dane

“The tactic of dividing the people in order to conquer them is a tactic which capitalism has used in this country very effectively. It has not only kept different races apart, it has kept sexes, religions, ages, occupations, just about everything divided. People have been taught we must compete against one another, and that we threaten each others interests. It has even affected us personally in feelings of alienation from each other and ourselves, so that we are isolated and alone. We are not alone - our interests are the same as all people fighting against the common oppressor. Our struggle for unity is a critical struggle, and it is vital for victory.”
[nota introduttiva al brano dal libretto che accompagna l’album]
Have you ever woken,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/3/8 - 13:35
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War of the Flea

War of the Flea
Album “A Grain of Sand: Music for the Struggle by Asians in America”, Paredon Records.
Con Chris Kando Iijima, Joanne Nobuko Miyamoto e "Charlie" Chin.
Prodotto da Barbara Dane

Una canzone dedicata alla lotta di liberazione vietnamita.
“People's war has shown that small, oppressed nations can defeat the most highly technological military machine in the world - the U.S. This song is a celebration of that truth and to those who have shown us, in the belly of the monster, that truth.”
[nota introduttiva al brano dal libretto che accompagna l’album]
Song of the night,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/3/8 - 13:27
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Warriors Of The Rainbow

Warriors Of The Rainbow
Album “A Grain of Sand: Music for the Struggle by Asians in America”, Paredon Records.
Con Chris Kando Iijima, Joanne Nobuko Miyamoto e "Charlie" Chin.
Prodotto da Barbara Dane

“In Chicago in the summer of 1970, we met with some Indian brothers and sisters who were squatting for decent housing for their people. They told us of an old Indian legend (we don‘t know which nation it came from). The legend said that for 5.000 years the world would be ruled by evil followed by 5.000 years of good, that change would be brought about with the coming together of warriors of all colors of the rainbow, and that the time for that change is now…”
[nota introduttiva al brano dal libretto che accompagna l’album]

Quella dei “guerrieri dell’arcobaleno” è una profezia dei nativi americani appartenenti alla nazione Hopi, Arizona, ma leggende simili sono riscontrabili anche tra Cree e Cherokee. Il... (Continues)
Rain storm, winds blow
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/3/8 - 13:17
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We Are The Children

We Are The Children
Album “A Grain of Sand: Music for the Struggle by Asians in America”, Paredon Records.
Con Chris Kando Iijima, Joanne Nobuko Miyamoto e "Charlie" Chin.
Prodotto da Barbara Dane

“This is another another first songs we wrote. It only touched on our people's plight and experiences in this country. We've heard that sisters and brothers in Hawaii and other places have added verses to it. We say right on -- it is your song.”
[nota introduttiva al brano dal libretto che accompagna l’album]
We are the children of the migrant worker
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/3/8 - 12:51
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Il mio onore

Il mio onore
dall'album "La Ruota", 2010

Finalista Voci per la libertà 2011
Lungo strade di confine
Contributed by Silvia 2010/3/8 - 12:24
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Jonathan Jackson

Jonathan Jackson
Album “A Grain of Sand: Music for the Struggle by Asians in America”, Paredon Records.
Con Chris Kando Iijima, Joanne Nobuko Miyamoto e "Charlie" Chin.
Prodotto da Barbara Dane

“When we hear about revolutionary heroes like Jonathan Jackson (who was shot at San Marin Courthouse trying to free his brother George), we tend to put them into some superhuman category. What we want to say is that Jonathan Jackson, like Nguyen Van Trol, like Che Guevara, was first a human being like us; a human being with feelings, joys, and fears, and that we all have that revolutionary potential. Jonathan Jackson is not separate from us, but part of us and what he stood for, is us.”
[nota introduttiva al brano dal libretto che accompagna l’album]

Sui fratelli Jackson si vedano anche George Jackson e Uncle George.
Never met a man who said
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/3/8 - 12:09
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Imperialism Is Another Word For Hunger

Imperialism Is Another Word For Hunger
Album “A Grain of Sand: Music for the Struggle by Asians in America”, Paredon Records.
Con Chris Kando Iijima, Joanne Nobuko Miyamoto e "Charlie" Chin.
Prodotto da Barbara Dane

“As the struggle against U.S. imperialism around the world intensifies, our task here is to give the people in America a better understanding and fuller awareness of what U.S. Imperialism is, what it does, and what we must do to combat it. Our purpose in writing “imperialism" was two-fold; One, to help break down the "mystique" of words like imperialism which the governments propaganda has injected into the minds of the people -- to equate imperialism with everyday concepts so people feel more at ease with hearing it and talking about it; two, to help us break down our own dependence on rhetoric so that we may better be able to communicate with those we are trying to serve.
Obviously, that is a tall order... (Continues)
It's just another word for hunger,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/3/8 - 11:49
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Sí, veremos a Dolores caminar
Contributed by Marco e adriana 2010/3/7 - 20:04

April 29, 1992 (Miami)

April 29, 1992 (Miami)
La canzone trae spunto da un fatto di cronaca: la rivolta di Los Angeles, allargatasi poi a macchia d'olio in tutti gli Stati Uniti, a seguito del barbaro pestaggio di alcuni poliziotti ai danni del tassista nero Rodney King. La canzone elenca inoltre tutte le città statunitensi in cui sono avvenute le rivolte.
I don't know if you can,
Contributed by Jack SSSR 2010/3/7 - 16:41

Operai invisibili

Operai invisibili
Una canzone dedicata agli operai invisibili della Thyssen
Nella fabbrica dei ragazzi, linea cinque doppio turno
Contributed by adriana 2010/3/7 - 15:53

Bagna caoda argentina

Bagna caoda argentina
Album:Il falò
Testo e musica di Enrico Claudio Avataneo
Il figlio di conquistadores narrò di un vecchio in quella terra lontana:
Contributed by adriana 2010/3/7 - 14:10

Luoghi comuni (Una cantata irrisolta)

Luoghi comuni (Una cantata irrisolta)
Poemetto di Juan Rodolfo Wilcock (1961)
Musica di Stefano Gaffaelli Mannelli
Interpretazione di Riccardo Venturi, perduta e rifatta

Juan, Riccardo e un bluff d'amore
di Riccardo Venturi

Quella che segue è la storia di un bluff, e non possono esserci mezze parole per definirlo. Una storia particolare che vado, appunto, a raccontare (o a confessare). Bisogna tornare un po' indietro, ai tempi della mia adolescenza.

L'adolescenza è, per natura, l'età della poesia. Non soltanto dei goffi tentativi di scrittura che caratterizzano tutti gli adolescenti, ma della "scoperta dei poeti". In questo giocano un ruolo decisivo quelli poco noti, trascurati, sconosciuti, dimenticati; per il sottoscritto, l'argentino (poi naturalizzato italiano) Juan Rodolfo Wilcock fu a dir poco decisivo. Ancora adesso, quella bizzarra e geniale figura di sotterraneo giocoliere della parola e di fabbricatore... (Continues)
1. Il Poeta Solitario

2010/3/7 - 13:24


Dall'album La parata dei secondi
Il Matto è un re che non capisce
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/3/7 - 12:36
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Copperhead Road

Copperhead Road
Lyrics & Music by Steve Earle
Album: Copperhead Road

"John Lee Pettimore is, of course, a fictitious character: he is the son and grandson of moonshiners who goes off to Vietnam and, upon his return, becomes a marijuana cultivator and salesman..."
Well, my name's John Lee Pettimore
Contributed by giorgio 2010/3/7 - 11:38

Tutti dentro

Tutti dentro
Album: Il falò

Testo e musica di Enrico Claudio Avataneo
Qualcuno lo misero dentro perché non sapeva dove andare.
Contributed by adriana 2010/3/7 - 10:52
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A Message To The World

A Message To The World

Album: The Black Swan
Songwriters: Daniel Marsala, Ryan Phillips, Adam Russell, Phillip Sneed, Joshua Wills.
Another world collides - will we open the door
Contributed by giorgio 2010/3/7 - 08:34
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For The Greater Good Of God

For The Greater Good Of God
Lyrics & Music by Steven Harris
Album: A Matter of Life and Death
Are you a man of peace or a man of holy war?
Contributed by giorgio 2010/3/7 - 08:29
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Deer Dance

Deer Dance
Lyrics by Serj Tankian and Daron Malakian
Music by Daron Malakian
Album: Toxicity
Circumventing circuses lamenting in protest - to visible police
Contributed by giorgio 2010/3/6 - 12:13
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Compulsory Hero

Compulsory Hero
Lyrics & Music by William and Garry Frost and Eric Weideman
Album: ...ish
Remember the times when we were kids
Contributed by giorgio 2010/3/6 - 09:32
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Sangue su sangue

Sangue su sangue
Contributed by martina 2010/3/6 - 01:07


Contributed by martina 2010/3/6 - 00:57
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Rifacciamo il muro di Berlino

Rifacciamo il muro di Berlino
Chanson italienne – Rifacciamo il muro di Berlino – Francesco Baccini - 1993
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/3/5 - 13:58
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21 Guns

21 Guns
Contributed by Federica 2010/3/4 - 23:10
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non funzionano i link agli mp3...
2010/3/4 - 21:24

Le hibou et les chouettes de la rue Ghibellina

Le hibou et les chouettes de la rue Ghibellina
Le hibou et les chouettes de la rue Ghibellina

Le hibou et les chouettes de la via Ghibellina – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 95

Le hibou et les chouettes de la via Ghibellina est la nonante-cinquième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.

Salut, Marco Valdo M.I. mon ami, le titre de ta canzone de ce jour est un des plus mystérieux que j'ai connus. Et pourtant, il y en a eus et des curieux. Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette histoire d'oiseaux et que viennent-ils faire dans l'histoire que raconte notre ami le prisonnier-enfermé-blessé... J'aimerais bien que tu m'expliques un peu les choses.

Vois-tu, Lucien l'âne mon ami, dans cette canzone, tout tourne autour des Murate, l'ancienne prison de Florence, qui était située via Ghibellina; le hibou Graziadio personnifie, Carlo Levi – de son vrai nom : Graziadio Carlo... (Continues)
Regard d'archange aux iris bleus
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/3/4 - 18:03
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Masters Of War

Masters Of War
ITALIANO / ITALIAN [7] - Andrea Buriani

Versione in italiano di Andrea Buriani.

Questo brano si può ascoltare in MP3 su Maggie's Farm
Contributed by Andrea BURIANI 2010/3/4 - 14:54
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Fiaba grande

Fiaba grande
Chanson italienne – Grande Fiaba – Ivan Della Mea – 1975

Tu sais Lucien, il y a traducteur et traducteur, traduction et traduction... La traduction peut être, selon comment on la regarde ou on la fait, un compte-rendu, une adaptation, une version, un devoir, une obligation, un travail stipendié, un loisir, un artisanat, un art, une œuvre, une nécessité poétique, une manie... Et va-t-en savoir quoi d'autre encore et ce qu'est celle que je fais ici... Je dirais volontiers qu'elle relève du plaisir de faire et de la nécessité vitale – vue du côté de l'opérateur que je suis. C'est une manière d'explorer le monde de la chanson, c'est une manière de rencontrer les auteurs, les poètes d'autres cultures : ici, Ivan Della Mea – à propos de champs et de fleurs. C'est aussi une manière de manier sa propre langue, la mienne, celle qui me fait vivre et penser et là, Descartes, contre tout, a raison... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/3/4 - 14:51
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Farewell To Sicily

Farewell To Sicily
Il testo originale della poesia di Henderson trascritto da The Edinburgh Book of Twentieth-Century Scottish poetry, a cura di Maurice Lindsay e Lesley Duncan.
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/3/4 - 11:04
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Farewell To Sicily

Farewell To Sicily
Carissimi, solo una precisazione ma doverosa. L'aria "Farewell to the CReeks" fu composta dal Pipe Major James Robertson in ricordo della fattoria di suo zio nelle vicinanze di Creeks of Portknockie nella regione del Banffshire , nella quela da bambino era solito passare le vacanze. L'aria fu scritta durante la prima guerra mondiale. Hamish la sentì suonare per la prima volta ben 25 anni dopo, perchè nel tempo "Farewell to the Creeks" era entrata nel reperorio delle pipe band scozzesi.

Infine vorrei segnalare altre bellissime versioni di "Banks of Sicily". Dick Gaughan, nel tempo, l'ha riproposta in maniera differente; il grande Dominic Behan sul finire degli anni 50, e più recentemente Geordie McIntyre e Owen Hand assieme ai Whistlebinkies-

Per quanto concerne la sèlendida traduzione di Amleto Micozzi, End of a campaign, l'originale, è nel libro di Hamish Henderson , Elegies for the dead in Cyrenaica.
cordiali saluti, Pino Mereu,
pino mereu 2010/3/4 - 10:04
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Anno Domini 2000

Giuseppe Barillà/Alessandro Luvarà
Un silenzio arrivato improvviso,
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/3/3 - 17:41

Non siamo tutti uguali

Siam venuti al mondo tutti uguali,
Contributed by DonQuijote82 2010/3/3 - 17:39

Tu lo sai compagno a Marzabotto

Tu lo sai compagno a Marzabotto
Chanson italienne – Tu lo sai compagno a Marzabotto – Ivan Della Mea – 1966

Marzabotto, Lucien l'âne mon ami, fut un massacre épouvantable que les fascistes et les nazis , qui sont ce qu'il y a de pire parmi les humains – car la vérité me commande de les situer à l'intérieur de l'espèce humaine, perpétrèrent en 1944 dans les Appennins. Pour faire court, je te lis ce que dit une note d'information à ce sujet :
« Le massacre de Marzabotto est un massacre perpétré entre le 29 septembre et le 5 octobre 1944, par les Waffen-SS de la 16e Panzergrenadierdivision SS Reichsführer-SS menée par le commandant Walter Reder en Émilie-Romagne près de Bologne. C'est au-dessus de la plaine sur les contreforts des Apennins, dans les bourgs de Marzabotto, Monzuno et de Grizzana Morandi que se déroula le massacre. On compta 955 morts ; c'est le massacre de civils le plus meurtrier perpétré par les Nazis... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/3/3 - 16:54
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The Great Compromise

The Great Compromise
Lyrics & Music by John Prine
Album: Diamonds in the Rough [1972]

The theme of this song is the disillusionment of the country during the Vietnam War era. As in the liner notes to his 1993 anthology "Great Days" Prine wrote: "The idea I had in mind was that America was this girl -you used to take to drive-in movies. And then when you went to get some popcorn, she turned around and screwed some guy in foreign sports car. I really love America. I just don't know how to get there anymore…"
I knew a girl who was almost a lady
Contributed by giorgio 2010/3/3 - 09:28
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2010/3/3 - 00:25
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Su in collina

Su in collina
Ho assistito venerdi 26 febbraio 2010,ad un magnifico concerto di Francesco a Perugia,canzone bellissima.Non dobbiamo dimenticare quello che hanno fatto i partigiani per noi,anche questo è un modo per trasmettere ai nostri giovani(che affollano peraltro i concerti di Francesco)i valori della resistenza.
Dania 2010/3/2 - 22:06
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Questa democrazia

Questa democrazia
Chanson italienne - Questa democrazia – Mario Pogliotti

Pour mieux comprendre la fin... Faut se souvenir que l'auteur vivait dans le Val d'Aoste, région on ne peut plus montagneuse et paradis des skieurs.

Marco Valdo M.I., d'ascendance lyonnaise, et donc de parenté rabelaisienne, dans un moment de distraction avait traduit le dernier couplet d'une façon assez libre – ce qui somme toute, étant donné le sujet, s'imposait :

« La libertà più bella potete qui sfogare:
è quella di sciare sciare sciare sciare sciaaareee...

Vous pouvez ici laisser s'éclater la plus belle liberté :
C'est de skier, skier, scier, scier, chier, chiiiiiieeeer.... »

Eh bien, dit Lucien l'âne, j'en parlerai à Alessandro... Il y a là un glissement sémantique assez pervers...

Ainsi Parlaient Marco Valdo M.I. et Lucien Lane
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/3/2 - 21:36

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