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Before 2010-2-5

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Il Passo del Caciurdo

Il Passo del Caciurdo
Combat Circus

"Brano che abbiamo molto a cuore, in quanto riflette la vergognosa ambiguità della società e delle istituzioni nei confronti del riaffiorare di una pericolosissima ondata xenofoba. Con lo sdoganamento del fascismo da parte del governo Berlusconi, non solo le strade sono infestate da questa nuova ondata xenofoba, ma anche le istituzioni, specie in partiti come la Lega Nord. Abbiamo preso d’esempio le dichiarazioni razziste del ministro leghista Calderoli e le reazioni a quelle “battute”vergognose per scrivere il brano “Il Passo del Caciurdo”. Il caciurdo è una parola non usata più che signifca “sordo”. Noi l’abbiamo utilizzata per il signifcato onomatopeico che rimanda ad un immaginario infantile. Andare a toccare l’immaginario di un qualcosa di infantile, ridicolo, era per noi necessario per dare l’idea della voluta ambieguità della figura di questo partito. Dalle dichiarazioni... (Continues)
Là nelle latrine di giorni senza gloria
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/2/5 - 20:54

Σωματική ανάγκη (Μια στιγμή ειρήνης)

Σωματική ανάγκη (Μια στιγμή ειρήνης)
Στίχοι: Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος
Μουσική: Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος
Απó: "Ο κ. Σαββόπουλος ευχαριστεί τον κ. Χατζιδάκι και θα'ρθη οπωσδήποτε"
Testo di Dionysis Savvopoulos
Musica di Dionysis Savvopoulos
Primo interprete: Dionysis Savvopoulos
Da: "Ο κ. Σαββόπουλος ευχαριστεί τον κ. Χατζιδάκι και θα'ρθη οπωσδήποτε"
("Il sig. Savvopoulos ringrazia il sig. Hatzidakis e verrà senz'altro")

"Per caso mi sono imbattuto in questa canzone di Savvopoulos. E' un musicista che non conosco bene; né sapevo molto di un suo conflitto con Manos Hatzidakis (del quale però canta una canzone, il "Cavallo di Omer Vrionis" in "Ta Paraloga"). Vagamente so che era sempre incavolato con gli altri musicisti, che lo sovrastavano in fortuna popolare.
Ma mi diverte vedere qui come descrive lo scoppio della pace: le cui vie evidentemente sono infinite. Sembrerà una cosa un... (Continues)
Πολεμούσαμε απ' το βράδυ ως το πρωί - τατζούμ παπατζούμ
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff - Ελληνικό Τμήμα 2010/2/5 - 20:25
Song Itineraries: Shit, our sister

Am I Black Enough For You?

Am I Black Enough For You?
Album "360 Degrees of Billy Paul"
Am I black enough for you?
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/5 - 13:23

The Boiler

The Boiler
Con Rhoda Dakar del gruppo The Bodysnatchers.
I went out shopping last saturday
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/5 - 13:12

Democracy (Or Lack Thereof)

Democracy (Or Lack Thereof)
(a.k.a. "A Day In The Life Of My Mind For Five Minutes, Five Minutes Ago")

Lyrics and Music Written and Performed by Lisa Rein.

"I wrote this song after having a conversation with a friend of mind about the crazy dichotomy that has become our existence living as Americans.
We talk about bringing democracy to the middle east, and are killing people over it, yet we work with non-democratic governments to keep democracy from the people of another country, if the price is right.
In the song, I start out with China, but I end up here at home. What kind of a democracy is so greedy its government cuts emergency relief efforts out of the budget, while spending billions of dollars overseas to kill the people of Iraq in the very name of democracy? Our current "democracy," that's what kind.
I'm not trying to pick on Google either. This is about all of us, and what we've all been tolerating,... (Continues)
China, China
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/5 - 12:33

Fuel Funeral

Lyrics by Lisa Rein and Gregory Howe
Music by Gregory Howe

This song is about war profiteers who knowingly exchange the blood of Iraqis and US Troops for profit, in that they fund the destruction of the country so they can profit on its reconstruction.
It's also about how we all line up behind these scumbags and keep driving our SUV's – and are effectively trading in the future of our children for convenience in the short term.
This song was inspired by the Bill Moyer's NOW program from November 14, 2003, Cash and Carry, which detailed the direct connections between the Shrub Administration and the main two or three companies that are profiting directly from the Iraqi reconstruction.
We go anywhere we wanna go
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/5 - 12:29


Lyrics and Music by Lisa Rein

This song is about the crazy idea that any kind of "democracy" the U.S. brought to Iraq could be worth the death of a single Iraqi person.
It's like someone saying: « Ok here's the plan:
– First, we bomb all your public water and power systems, then we don't actually rebuild them, so a lot of you are going to die off from that.
– Next, your brother and aunt die when us or the insurgents bomb them by mistake.
– Next, you get democracy! »
See!? It's a bargain!."
Cut off the power lines, my friend
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/5 - 12:26
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All Gone Away

All Gone Away
Album "Our Favourite Shop"

"Vieni a farti un giro tra queste colline, e guarda come il neoliberismo uccide, intere comunità, intere famiglie... Non è rimasto nulla, tutto è stato spazzato via"
The wind blows whispers down the street,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/5 - 11:58
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Living For The City

Living For The City
Album "Innervisions"
A boy is born in hard time Mississippi
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/5 - 09:03

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