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Comme une cigarette

Comme une cigarette
Comme une Cigarette

Comme une Cigarette – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 91

Comme une Cigarette est la nonante et unième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.

Depuis la fin des hostilités, lorsqu'en 1918, après Caporetto, Verdun, la Somme, l'Yzer et autres Piaves, les belligérants s'étaient dit avant de rentrer chez eux – lucides – « À la prochaine ! », est né le divin enfant : le célèbrissime « Soldat Inconnu ». Il n'y a pas plus connu que le soldat inconnu. Un soldat créé tout exprès pour la cause patriotique, un soldat choisi au hasard dans un gigantesque tas de cadavres...

Et , commente Lucien l'âne qui avait vu la guerre de Troie, vu le nombre de soldats inconnus accumulés en ce temps-là, il a dû y en avoir des veuves du soldat inconnu.

Passons, dit Marco Valdo M.I. en le coupant sèchement, l'heure... (Continues)
Sans tambour, ni trompette
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/2/22 - 21:45

Rubber Bullets

Rubber Bullets
Album “This Is Free Belfast! – Irish Rebel Songs from the Six Counties”, Folkways Records
Sull’aria della popolare scozzese “Football Crazy”
Testo trovato su The Balladeers

One of the riot control weapons devised by the British Army to maintain the military occupation of Ulster is the rubber bullet. Presumably, this more "humane" tool of warfare will demonstrate the "kindliness" of the authorities in the Six Counties, although its success in achieving that objective has been nil.

Una delle armi di controllo per le proteste escogitate dall'Esercito inglese per mantenere l'occupazione militare dell'Ulster sono i proiettili di plastica. Presumibilmente, questo strumento di guerra più "umano" dimostrerà la "gentilezza"" delle autorità nei Sei Paesi, sebbene il suo successo nel raggiungere quell'obbiettivo sia stato nullo.
(Nota dal libretto che accompagna il disco)
Rubber bullets for the ladies,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/22 - 15:40
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It's A Man's Life In The Army

It's A Man's Life In The Army
Album “This Is Free Belfast! – Irish Rebel Songs from the Six Counties”, Folkways Records
Sull’aria di “The Rocks O' Bawn”
When I was five my mother died,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/22 - 15:16

Cry Murder!

Cry Murder!
Album “This Is Free Belfast! – Irish Rebel Songs from the Six Counties”, Folkways Records
Scritta da Barney McIlvogue

To the memory of Patrick Rooney, aged nine, killed by a stray bullet, Divis Street, Belfast, during the fighting on the night of 14th August, 1969.
On that night, Northern Ireland's 90% Protestant police force, the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), rioted throughout the Catholic ghettoes of Belfast. They savagely attacked innocent people and drove through the streets indiscriminately firing their weapons. One result of this demonstration of the RUC's fascist and racist interpretation of law and order was the murder of little Patrick Rooney while he lay in his bed.
One wonders if Patrick's father could view his little boy's body with part of his head blown off, the room awash with Patrick's blood, and then dismiss this horror from his mind with a "manly" shrug of... (Continues)
The street lamp light is fading now,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/22 - 14:55
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The Leaving Of Belfast

The Leaving Of Belfast
Album “England's Vietnam - Irish Songs of Resistance”, Folkways Records
Scritta da Barney McIlvogue

An immigration ballad composed in 1970 in the early days of the struggle when CS gas [il terribile gas lacrimogeno testato in Vietnam e Irlanda ed usato ancora ai giorni nostri… chi era a Genova nel 2001 ne sa qualcosa] and RUC [Royal Ulster Constabulary, la polizia nord-irlandese, altro nemico dei repubblicani] brutality made many a man despair of trying to raise a family in such conditions. Was the price worth it and could things ever really be changed? Fortunately many did stay to fight for a better life for their kids.
I lived my life in Belfast town, and oft times I've asked why
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/22 - 14:28
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The Freedom Fighter (Joe McCann)

The Freedom Fighter (Joe McCann)
Album “England's Vietnam - Irish Songs of Resistance”, Folkways Records
Scritta da Barney McIlvogue

The small back street ghettoes of Belfast have been the setting for so many of the battles in the present struggle. They have suffered most of the direct oppression of British imperialism and in return have produced many of the leaders and sadly but inevitably the martyrs who have paid with their lives to see this country free. People who will be remembered when the names of the generals and the politicians have long been forgotten, this is a song about them.
(Nota dal libretto che accompagna il disco)

Canzone – che richiama in qualche modo I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night di Alfred Hayes - dedicata al militante repubblicano nord-irlandese e membro dell’IRA Joe McCann, ucciso dagli inglesi nel 1972. Quando fu colpito – alla schiena – era disarmato.

Joe McCann era già passato... (Continues)
From the back streets of the city, from the darkness came a man
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/22 - 13:50
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Jet Fighter

Jet Fighter
Album: Weird Revolution
Jet fighters never die…
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/22 - 13:36
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The Falls Road Taximan

The Falls Road Taximan
Album “England's Vietnam - Irish Songs of Resistance”, Folkways Records

Scritta da Barney McIlvogue

The Peoples' Taxis first appeared on the Falls Road, Belfast, when the Corporation withdrew public transport from routes through Republican areas where a riot or a gun battle was a daily occurrence. The gap was quickly filled by a group of local taxi men. At lOp per person it must be the cheapest adventure trip in Western Europe. This song is dedicated to Tony, one of our political prisoners in Long Kesh.
(Nota dal libretto che accompagna il disco)

Falls Road è il nome di una delle strade principali di Belfast, quella che divide i quartieri cattolici da quelli protestanti di Shankill Road. Durante il conflitto contro gli occupanti inglesi e la guerra civile tra le due comunità contrapposte il servizio di trasporto pubblico fu interrotto per motivi di sicurezza in tutte le aree dove... (Continues)
As I roved out through Belfast town, around by Castle Street,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/22 - 13:17
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The Internee

The Internee
Album “England's Vietnam - Irish Songs of Resistance”, Folkways Records

Scritta da Barney McIlvogue

The song tells of the anguish of the internee's wife, as she watches her husband being dragged from their bed and brought to Long Kesh, there to be held in a barbed wire cage without charge or trial for an indefinite period. As she watches the politicians selling out she comes to the conclusion that it will take more than words to end the repression of a State guilty of such inhuman behaviour. Now, in May 1975 despite Merlyn Rees' pathetic lies [Lord Merlyn-Rees, labourista, segretario di Stato per il Nord Irlanda tra il 1974 e il 1976, ndr] over 300 Republicans are in Long Kesh.
(Nota dal libretto che accompagna il disco)
It was four o'clock in the morning when they dragged him from his bed,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/22 - 12:44
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England’s Vietnam

England’s Vietnam
Album “England's Vietnam - Irish Songs of Resistance”, Folkways Records
Scritta da Brian Whoriskey

“The people of Vietnam fought for 30 years before achieving their independence. The path to freedom may be long and hard but for England the simple message is that the days of the colonists are over, and, for all her military might, she cannot forever deny the Irish people their freedom”
(Nota dal libretto che accompagna il disco)
Well, good morning, friends, it's good to be back in the good old U.S.A.
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/22 - 11:47
Song Itineraries: Conflicts in Ireland
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The Gun

The Gun
Album "The Blue Mask"
The man has a gun
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/21 - 21:35
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Audience Of One

Audience Of One

Lyrics & Music by Tim McIlrath
Album: Appeal to Reason

"Audience of One" is the second single from their 2008 album Appeal to Reason. Hitting number four on the Billboard Alternative Songs chart, it is Rise Against's third-highest charting single, behind the previous single from Appeal to Reason, "Re-Education (Through Labor)", which peaked at number three and the third single "Savior". In mid-October 2008, the L.A. radio station KROQ began playing "Audience of One." Its video was announced to be shot with director Brett Simon on December 9. On January 15, the video for "Audience of One" premiered on MySpace. The single was released on CD and 7" vinyl on March 3, 2009 in the UK. The song is also a downloadable song in Guitar Hero World Tour.
"Audience Of One" is featured with a customized Rise Against Theme in Tap Tap Revenge 2 for the iPhone and iPod Touch. It is featured... (Continues)
I can still remember - the words and what they meant
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/21 - 21:33
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Album "Sally Can't Dance"
Billy was a good friend of mine
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/21 - 21:06
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Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Con canzoni come Chain Gang, Chimes Of Freedom, Folsom Prison Blues, I Shall Be Released, San Quentin e Walls Of Red Wing già presenti tra le CCG/AWS, beh, non poteva certo mancare questo classico che fu reso immortale da Leadbelly, ma la cui memoria si perde nelle roots americane più profonde.
Infatti le prime testimonianze scritte relative a questa “prison song” risalgono già ai primissimi anni del 900, e la prima incisione è del 1926 ad opera di Dave "Pistol Pete" Cutrell, il leader della formazione "McGinty's Oklahoma Cowboy Band". E bisogna anche dire che il primo nero ad incidere “Midnight Special Blues” non fu Leadbelly ma “Crying” Sam Collins nel 1929.
Ma nel 1934 John e Alan Lomax, i celebri cacciatori di folk songs, raccolsero la canzone dalla chitarra e dalla viva voce di un detenuto dell'Angola Louisiana State Prison, tale Huddie William Ledbetter, soprannominato "Lead... (Continues)
Well you wake up in the morning, hear the ding dong ring,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/21 - 19:53
Song Itineraries: From World Jails
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La Barunissa di Carini

La Barunissa di Carini
Musica di Romolo Grano
Riduzione da anonimo poemetto cinquecentesco di tradizione orale del quale, nel corso del tempo, i cantastorie hanno offerto svariate versioni, poi riunite prima da Federico De Maria, nel 1942, e più recentemente da Nino Russo.
Sigla d'apertura dello sceneggiato televisivo “L'amaro caso della baronessa di Carini”, regia di Daniele D'Anza, con Ugo Pagliai, Adolfo Celi, Janet Agren, Vittorio Mezzogiorno, Paolo Stoppa.

Beh, all'epoca ero piccolo e mi ricordo che questo “romanzo popolare” in quattro puntate mi incollò al televisore e mi fece anche parecchia paura, per quell'aura di mistero ancestrale ed il continuo passaggio da un'epoca ad un'altra, dalla Sicilia violenta e brutale del 500 a quella del 1812, una terra piena di fermento e di speranza, dove si abolivano i feudi e si promulgava la prima costituzione liberale, eppure non meno violenta e brutale... (Continues)
Chianci Palermu, chianci Siracusa,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/21 - 15:31
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È lei

È lei

Album: "Le vie del rock sono infinite"
È lei che proprio in questo istante sta nascendo
2010/2/21 - 12:06

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