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Before 2010-2-21

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Audience Of One

Audience Of One

Lyrics & Music by Tim McIlrath
Album: Appeal to Reason

"Audience of One" is the second single from their 2008 album Appeal to Reason. Hitting number four on the Billboard Alternative Songs chart, it is Rise Against's third-highest charting single, behind the previous single from Appeal to Reason, "Re-Education (Through Labor)", which peaked at number three and the third single "Savior". In mid-October 2008, the L.A. radio station KROQ began playing "Audience of One." Its video was announced to be shot with director Brett Simon on December 9. On January 15, the video for "Audience of One" premiered on MySpace. The single was released on CD and 7" vinyl on March 3, 2009 in the UK. The song is also a downloadable song in Guitar Hero World Tour.
"Audience Of One" is featured with a customized Rise Against Theme in Tap Tap Revenge 2 for the iPhone and iPod Touch. It is featured... (Continues)
I can still remember - the words and what they meant
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/21 - 21:33
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È lei

È lei

Album: "Le vie del rock sono infinite"
È lei che proprio in questo istante sta nascendo
2010/2/21 - 12:06
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Pick Up The Bones

Pick Up The Bones
Album: Brutal Planet
Collecting pieces of my family in an old pillow case
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/21 - 11:15
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Voci sospese

Voci sospese
Dall'album "Iguana Cafè" del 2005
Voci sospese
Contributed by Renato Stecca 2010/2/21 - 10:27
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Put Out The Fire

Put Out The Fire
Album: Hot Space

"Put Out the Fire" is an anti-firearm song written by Brian May, with lead vocals by Freddie Mercury. May recorded its guitar solo under the influence of alcohol (after many unsuccessful attempts). Though never released as a single, "Put Out the Fire", the album's most 'traditional' Queen song, later appeared on the Queen Rocks compilation in 1997. A new video was also produced for the accompanying video compilation, featuring a live performance of the song intercut with footage of fire and explosions.
They called him a hero
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/21 - 09:31
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(P.Pillonca- Piero Marras)

La storia che vi raccontiamo risale a vent’anni fa, ed è una storia tragica di banditismo sardo vero, nel quale i cattivi diventano leali e i probi, col sangue de sa justhitzia, perfidi. Era la sera del 19 gennaio del 1984. Quattro fuorilegge sequestrarono l’imprenditore di Oliena Tonino Caggiari, ma furono subito intercettati ad Osposidda, nel monte Corrasi, (tra Orgosolo e Oliena) da una “pattuglia” di civili olianesi immediatamente postisi alla ricerca del compaesano. Tale manifestazione fu l’espressione de Sa kirka o de Su Kertu, così chiamata a secondo della variante linguistica, la quale rispondeva all’istituto antichissimo della radicata cultura sarda comunitaria, che impegnava gli abitanti dei rispettivi paesi colpiti dai furti di bestiame in genere (o in questo caso da sequestro), ad andare alla ricerca della cosa rubata per restituirla al proprietario.... (Continues)
Allumadas de fogu
Contributed by Egon 2010/2/21 - 03:18
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Notte lituana

C’era una volta la luna
Contributed by Egon 2010/2/21 - 03:09
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Don't Say

Don't Say
Album "Dubfellas"
Don’t say me bye friend
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/21 - 00:21
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Muro 'e mare

Muro 'e mare
Album "Dubfellas"

"Simme tutte quante clandestine..."
Simme 'nu punte nire dinte a 'stu cielo d'acque
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/21 - 00:19
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Bum Bum

Bum Bum
Album "Vulgus"

Una "spoken-song in dub" affidata al grande drammaturgo, attore e scrittore napoletano Peppe Lanzetta.
… Ma addo’ sta’ ‘a felicità
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/21 - 00:01

Vox Media

Vox Media
Vox Media

Vox Media – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 90

Vox Media est la nonantième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.

Vox Media, dit Lucien l'âne, que veux-tu dire par là ? Entends-tu signifier une voix , car vox si je me souviens bien veut dire voix en latin, donc, une voix moyenne, une voix du milieu ou une voix dont le nom serait Media...

Ce serait plutôt dans ce sens qu'il faut aller, mon ami Lucien l'âne. Media est une sorte de nom international qui désigne les moyens de diffusion – et non de communication comme certains essayent de le faire croire. On diffuse, un point, c'est tout. Juste un mot à ce sujet : pour qu'il y ait communication, il faut qu'il y ait une voie à double sens, un aller-retour, une expression et une réponse et de surcroît entre deux parties égales. On est loin du fonctionnement... (Continues)
Il y a bien longtemps
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/2/20 - 22:55
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Cuando los ángeles lloran

Cuando los ángeles lloran
Contributed by Maria Pia 2010/2/20 - 19:37
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Smisurata preghiera

Smisurata preghiera
Makroll su Gabbieri a Kabul in s'Afganistan.

Arrogu liau de s'arrumanzu de Àlvaro Mutis
"Unu bellu Mòrriri" de su 1989 e
torrau a prentai po is: Editzionis Einaudi,
Cannaca po is busciacas, 1992 e 1997, Turinu.

Po ndi sciri de prus apitzus de Àlvaro Mutis cracai innoi e brintai in sa poisia de cust’òmini mannu.
Makroll, su Gabbieri, arremonat a sa pàgini 131 de su lìbburu.
2010/2/20 - 18:33
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La Cantagranda

La Cantagranda
Chanson italienne – La Cantagranda – Ivan Della Mea – 2000

L'insertion de « Grandchant » dans les CCG est due essentiellement à deux strophes au caractère clairement antimilitariste (et, dans une moindre mesure, aussi à la présence dans cette très longue chanson – dix neuf minutes et trois secondes – d'une allusion à la mort de Giuseppe Pinelli (Ces strophes sont en gras). Pour le reste, à propos de ces très vaste chanson (dont le texte est ins&éré pour la première fois sur le net) je reprends un article publié le 22 juillet 2005.

Ivan Della Mea est des mêmes années que Guccini et que De André. Lui aussi de 1940, année de guerre; il est né un seize octobre, curieusement le même jour que ma mère (qui il y a quelques jours, l'a écouté pour la première fois de sa vie...) On me dit qu'il n'est pas très bien et qu'il n'a pas seulement mal à sa tocante; il serait cependant trop facile d'accrocher... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/2/20 - 16:40
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My Country

My Country
Album "No Rest for the Wicked"
Tell all the people who believe what they read in the press
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/20 - 11:56
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51st State

51st State
Album "The Ghost of Cain"
Look out of your windows, watch the skies
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/20 - 11:43
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Better Than Them

Better Than Them
Album "No Rest for the Wicked"
This is our town, this is Friday night
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/20 - 11:37
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The Power Is Yours

The Power Is Yours
Album "Neither Washington Nor Moscow"
Let's get this situation sorted out!
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/20 - 11:20
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Take No Heroes

Take No Heroes
Album "Neither Washington Nor Moscow"
Somebody told me today
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/20 - 11:14
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Kick Over The Statues

Kick Over The Statues
Album "Neither Washington Nor Moscow"
At the end of an era
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/20 - 11:05
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It Can Be Done

It Can Be Done
Album "Neither Washington Nor Moscow"
Russia sparked the fires in 1917
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/20 - 11:00
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Album "Restless Soul"
Warmongers, kill yourselves
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/20 - 10:20
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Green Grow The Rushes

Green Grow The Rushes
Album "Fables of the Reconstruction"

Una canzone che con Flowers of Guatemala e Welcome To The Occupation costituisce una sorta di trilogia sulla politica statunitense verso i paesi del centro e sud America negli anni 80, in particolare rispetto alla questione dell'immigrazione, solo apparentemente contrastata con la forza (e con grande spargimento di sangue) ma tollerata, quando non incentivata, a seconda delle esigenze del mercato, che sempre predilige la manodopera a basso costo ("some surplus, cheaper hands") - in maggioranza clandestini ("Pay for your freedom, find another gate") sfruttati, ricattati, minacciati - per massimizzare i propri profitti ("The amber waves of gain")...

Il titolo si riferisce probabilmente alla canzone popolare religiosa di origine ebraica "Green Grow The Rushes, Ho", un brano molto noto nel mondo anglofono. Alcune fonti ritengono che gli immigrati... (Continues)
The wheelbarrow's fallen
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/19 - 13:07
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I Want to Be President

I Want to Be President
We got arms
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/19 - 11:58
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Free World

Free World
Album "Kite"

Una canzone dedicata alla vita della gente comune in Inghilterra negli anni del thatcherismo...
I thought of you when they closed down the school
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/19 - 11:26
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Old England

Old England
Album "This Is the Sea"

"Old England" is a criticism of Thatcherism, blaming Margaret Thatcher's economic policies for what The Waterboys perceived to be an increase in desperation amongst the young and poor in the England of that time, and a rise in drug addiction, specifically to heroin. The refrain, Old England is dying is a quote from James Joyce, and the lines You're asking what makes me sigh now / What it is makes me shudder so are from W.B. Yeats' poem, Mad as the Mist and Snow.
Man looks up on a yellow sky
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 14:22
Song Itineraries: Miss Maggie Thatcher

Pax Americana

Pax Americana
Album "The Revolution of Species"

Testo trovato su
Bloody confrontations from
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:44

Freedom is Humanity

Album "The Revolution of Species"

Testo trovato su
Tolerance is key to dismantling oppression
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:43

Forgotten Genocide

Forgotten Genocide
Album "The Revolution of Species"

Testo trovato su
A trail of blood from sea to sea
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:41

Murder is Murder

Murder is Murder
Album "The Revolution of Species"

Testo trovato su
Murder is murder
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:39

Money, Power and Lies

Money, Power and Lies
They break into our houses
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:35

Rich man's War, Poor Man's Struggle

Album "The Revolution of Species"

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Sign off your life, pack up your bags
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:29
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The Unknown War Criminal

Testo trovato su
He likes the tales and legends,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:18
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Some Misgivings

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"About life after the bomb drops."
My name is Harry, Dick or Tom.
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:12

The Spun Us Another War, Ma

Scritta un mese dopo l'invasione americana dell'Iraq nel marzo 2003.
They spun us another war, ma
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 12:52
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Standing On the Moon

Standing On the Moon
Album "Built to Last"
Words by Robert Hunter
Music by Jerry Garcia
Standing on the moon
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 12:37
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U.S. Blues

U.S. Blues
Album "Grateful Dead from the Mars Hotel"
Words by Robert Hunter
Music by Jerry Garcia
Red and white
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 11:20
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Throwing Stones

Throwing Stones
Album "In the Dark" (1987)
Words by John Perry Barlow
Music by Bob Weir

Il brano è incluso pure nella compilation "Greenpeace: Rainbow Warriors" uscita nel 1989 per commemorare l'attentato subito da Greenpeace nel 1985, quando i servizi segreti francesi affondarono la nave ammiraglia del movimento, la "Rainbow Warrior", mentre si trovava alla fonda nel porto neozelandese di Auckland. Nell'attentato morì il fotografo Fernando Pereira, attivista di Greenpeace.
Picture a bright blue ball, just spinning, spinnin free,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 11:02
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Act III Scene 2 (Shakespeare)

Act III Scene 2 (Shakespeare)
Lyrics & Music by Saul Williams and Zack de la Rocha
Album: Saul Williams

Once the audience has been introduced to the central character, Saul Williams, the artist, and this central character has dealt with the current state of hip hop, he makes an open call to the youth of America, transcending hip hop and speaking to larger social issues:
"This is a call out to all the youth in the ghettos, suburbs, villages, townships: to all the kids who download this song for free. By any means. To all the kids short on loot but high on dreams. To all the kids watching TV like, yo, I wish that was me...I hear you. To all the people within the sound of my voice...".
Here, Williams again targets a large audience that transcends the hip hop community. He speaks to the youth of the world. He discusses the "state of affairs, likening the situation to Shakespeare's Julius Cæsar:
"Brutus... (Continues)
This is a call out to all the youth..
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/17 - 21:13
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Streets of Sorrow

Streets of Sorrow
Lyrics & Music by Terry Woods and Shane MacGowan
Album: If I Should Fall from Grace with God

Vedi anche un articolo di Silvia Morosi

Divided into two parts, the first ("Streets of Sorrow") written and sung by Woods, describing the pain and sadness on the streets of Northern Ireland at the height of the Troubles , the song is told from the point of view of someone who is leaving the place due to the increasing violence and conflict and who vows never to return "to see more sorrow, nor to see more young men slain".

The second part of the song ("Birmingham Six") written and sung by MacGowan, is a demonstration of support to the Birmingham Six and Guildford Four and the view that they were the victims of a miscarriage of justice and that their confessions had been extracted by torture at the hands of the West Midlands Serious Crime Squad, claiming "there were six men in Birmingham,... (Continues)
Oh farewell you streets of sorrow
Contributed by giorgio 2010/2/17 - 17:30
Song Itineraries: Conflicts in Ireland

L'homme en pain d'épice

L'homme en pain d'épice
L'homme en pain d'épice

L'homme en pain d'épice– Marco Valdo M.I. – 2010
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 89

L'homme en pain d'épice est la huitante-neuvième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.

Comme tu le verras ou l'entendras, Lucien mon ami l'âne, la rêverie du prisonnier solitaire est comme un voyage autour de sa chambre, ce qui somme toute pourrait être le titre du Cycle du Cahier ligné, s'il n'existait déjà sous ce titre de Voyage autour de ma chambre, une sorte de longue nouvelle ou de roman d'un prisonnier. C'était au temps où l'Italie allait seulement devenir elle-même... Il était sous-titré, dans certaines éditions, ce qui pour nous a de l'importance : Expédition nocturne autour de ma chambre. Et la canzone d'aujourd'hui a comme titre « L'homme en pain d'épice » et commence par la description d'une simple chambre, une pièce... (Continues)
Je contemple cette pièce dépouillée,
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2010/2/17 - 16:40
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World Peace

World Peace
Album "Ghetto Music: The Blueprint of Hip Hop"
World peace.. or world TALK?!
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/17 - 14:07
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Who Protects Us From You?

Who Protects Us From You?
Album "Ghetto Music: The Blueprint of Hip Hop"
(Fy-ah! Come down fas'...)
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/17 - 14:03
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Stop the Violence

Stop the Violence
Album "By All Means Necessary"
Worldwide BDP are the freshest!
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/17 - 13:56

Mentioned In Dispatches

Mentioned In Dispatches
Album "The Painted Word"
He got no ribbons, no decorations
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/17 - 13:34

King and Country

King and Country
Do you always clean your medals on a wet weekend?
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/17 - 13:28

Back To Vietnam

Back To Vietnam
Album "The Painted Word"
He wakes up screaming
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/17 - 13:24
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How I Learned To Love The Bomb

How I Learned To Love The Bomb
Album "How I Learned To Love The Bomb"
Well there's no more sleepless nights for me
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/17 - 12:57
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An eala bhàn

An eala bhàn
Written by Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna (Donald McDonald)
Music: Traditional
Recorded by: Capercaillie ["Secret People" (1993)], Calum Kennedy, Donnie Munro, Julie Fowlis

Scritta da Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna (Donald McDonald)
Musica: Tradizionale
Incisa da: Capercaillie ["Secret People" (1993)], Calum Kennedy, Donnie Munro, Julie Fowlis

Scritta nel 1916 da Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna (Donald MacDonald), poeta gàidhlig del secolo scorso, mentre combatteva nelle trincee della Somme. E' indirizzata alla sua amata di allora, tal Mhagaidh Nic Leoid...

This song was written by the famous bard while he was fighting in France during the Great War. Faced with the horrors of war, his mind is fixed with thoughts of home and the woman he loves. Sitting in a cold trench he wonders if he will ever see his homeland or his love again, 'with the clamour of death in my ears, with no hope of returning victorious,... (Continues)
Gur duilich leam mar tha mi
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/17 - 12:36
Song Itineraries: Anti War Love Songs
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Young Ned Of The Hill

Young Ned Of The Hill
Album "Peace and Love"
Scritta da Terry Woods e Ron Kavana.
Presenteanche nell'album di Ron Kavana "Home Fire" del 1991.

Una canzone sulla campagna militare inglese in Irlanda condotta da Lord Oliver Cromwell nel 1649-50. Colui che per molti inglesi è un eroe della patria, oggi al decimo posto della lista "100 Greatest Britons of all time", fu un genocida delle genti irlandesi e scozzesi.

“Young Ned Of The Hill” dei Pogues/Kavana è soltanto la più recente delle svariate versioni di un’antica canzone popolare irlandese in lingua gaelica, ossia “Éamonn an Chnoic”, “Éamonn of the Hill”.
According to en.wikipedia, la ballata racconta della dura vita alla macchia di tal Éamonn Ó Riain (Edmund Ryan, personaggio sulla cui storicità vi sono dubbi), che sarebbe stato un possidente irlandese originario di una località chiamata Cnoc Maothaill (“The Bald Hill”) presso Templemore, nella Contea... (Continues)
Have you ever walked the lonesome hills
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/16 - 15:47
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You Ain't Done Nothing If You Ain't Been Called a Red

You Ain't Done Nothing If You Ain't Been Called a Red
Nell'LP "Swords into Plowshares", Folk Tradition.
Interpretata anche da Faith Petric e Mark Ross nel disco collettivo "Rebel Voices: Songs of the Industrial Workers of the World"
When I was just a little thing I used to love parades
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/16 - 14:59

Clinton Got A Blowjob

Clinton Got A Blowjob
Vabbè, una canzone divertente in cui si vorrebbe far passare Clinton, confrontandolo col perfido George W. Bush, come un presidente tanto "pacifista" da essersi interessato solo ai bocchini della Lewinsky... Trascura Schwartz di ricordare le nefandezze compiute da Clinton in Somalia, l'assordante silenzio sul genocidio in Rwanda, gli ingiustificati bombardamenti su insediamenti civili in Sudan, la guerra contro la Yugoslavia (con i bombardamenti su convogli di profughi, la distruzione del palazzo delle TV serba e dell'ambasciata cinese), i continui raid aerei e l'embargo feroce che causarono decine di migliaia di morti in Iraq tra la prima e la seconda guerra del Golfo, l'intensificazione del blocco contro il regime cubano...

Tuttavia, vi è di certo che Clinton subì un procedimento di impeachment a causa di un pompino, mentre quei gran figli di puttana di Bush e Blair, con tutte le loro... (Continues)
George Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/16 - 14:25

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