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Before 2010-2-19

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Green Grow The Rushes

Green Grow The Rushes
Album "Fables of the Reconstruction"

Una canzone che con Flowers of Guatemala e Welcome To The Occupation costituisce una sorta di trilogia sulla politica statunitense verso i paesi del centro e sud America negli anni 80, in particolare rispetto alla questione dell'immigrazione, solo apparentemente contrastata con la forza (e con grande spargimento di sangue) ma tollerata, quando non incentivata, a seconda delle esigenze del mercato, che sempre predilige la manodopera a basso costo ("some surplus, cheaper hands") - in maggioranza clandestini ("Pay for your freedom, find another gate") sfruttati, ricattati, minacciati - per massimizzare i propri profitti ("The amber waves of gain")...

Il titolo si riferisce probabilmente alla canzone popolare religiosa di origine ebraica "Green Grow The Rushes, Ho", un brano molto noto nel mondo anglofono. Alcune fonti ritengono che gli immigrati... (Continues)
The wheelbarrow's fallen
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/19 - 13:07
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I Want to Be President

I Want to Be President
We got arms
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/19 - 11:58
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Free World

Free World
Album "Kite"

Una canzone dedicata alla vita della gente comune in Inghilterra negli anni del thatcherismo...
I thought of you when they closed down the school
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/19 - 11:26
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Old England

Old England
Album "This Is the Sea"

"Old England" is a criticism of Thatcherism, blaming Margaret Thatcher's economic policies for what The Waterboys perceived to be an increase in desperation amongst the young and poor in the England of that time, and a rise in drug addiction, specifically to heroin. The refrain, Old England is dying is a quote from James Joyce, and the lines You're asking what makes me sigh now / What it is makes me shudder so are from W.B. Yeats' poem, Mad as the Mist and Snow.
Man looks up on a yellow sky
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 14:22
Song Itineraries: Miss Maggie Thatcher

Pax Americana

Pax Americana
Album "The Revolution of Species"

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Bloody confrontations from
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:44

Freedom is Humanity

Album "The Revolution of Species"

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Tolerance is key to dismantling oppression
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:43

Forgotten Genocide

Forgotten Genocide
Album "The Revolution of Species"

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A trail of blood from sea to sea
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:41

Murder is Murder

Murder is Murder
Album "The Revolution of Species"

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Murder is murder
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:39

Money, Power and Lies

Money, Power and Lies
They break into our houses
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:35

Rich man's War, Poor Man's Struggle

Album "The Revolution of Species"

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Sign off your life, pack up your bags
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:29
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The Unknown War Criminal

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He likes the tales and legends,
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:18
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Some Misgivings

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"About life after the bomb drops."
My name is Harry, Dick or Tom.
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 13:12

The Spun Us Another War, Ma

Scritta un mese dopo l'invasione americana dell'Iraq nel marzo 2003.
They spun us another war, ma
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 12:52
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Standing On the Moon

Standing On the Moon
Album "Built to Last"
Words by Robert Hunter
Music by Jerry Garcia
Standing on the moon
Contributed by Alessandro 2010/2/18 - 12:37

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