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Before 2010-1-1

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Ffrihed er thet bedste Gwld

Ffrihed er thet bedste Gwld
double ff in the title and text.
(Holger Terp)

It's no mistake, Holger: ffrihed written with double "f" is a rather common spelling in old Danish, even at the beginning of a word. Please remember that this song was written in 1439. E.g., the old spelling offuer corresponds to modern over (old Swedish ofwer or ofver). The old Danish spelling is definitely different from the modern spelling, even if the language is easily recognizable. BTW, Holger: do you already know this song? If not, I think it's really the oldest peace (and freedom) song in the Danish language. I found it on a website called Gamle Danske sange. I think it should be included in your Dansk Fredsakademi website with a proper introduction.[RV]
2010/1/1 - 18:56
A happy New Year to everybody! And this deepest wish is perfectly incarnated in the wonderful Bye-Byes Hymn composed 1973 by the Italian band Banco del Mutuo Soccorso: Non mi rompete ("Don't Piss Me Off"). Just that. Don't piss us off with your wars, your "peace missions", your fucking "terrorisms" and your slavery work, but let us sleep and dream!.
Riccardo Venturi 2010/1/1 - 16:09

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