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Before 2009-8-15

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White Riot

White Riot
Album "The Clash"
Il primo singolo de The Clash!
White riot - I wanna riot
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/15 - 23:44
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Intentando crecer

Intentando crecer
Album "Historias & Corridas"
Juega un niño en sudamérica
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/15 - 23:36
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Historias & Corridas

Historias & Corridas
Album "Historias & Corridas"
Corridas en las calles
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/15 - 23:34
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Police On My Back

Police On My Back
Album "Baby Come Back"

Una canzone scritta da Eddy Grant de The Equals, ma resa celebre nella versione de The Clash dall'album "Sandinista!" del 1980.
Well I'm running, police on my back
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/15 - 23:21

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