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Before 2009-8-13

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Concrete Angel

Concrete Angel
Album: Greatest Hits [2000]
Songwriters: Stephanie Bentley and Rob Crosby
She walks to school with the lunch she packed.
Contributed by giorgio 2009/8/13 - 22:12
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What's The Matter Here?

What's The Matter Here?

Album "In My Tribe"

Parole e musica di Natalie Merchant

Una canzone sulla violenza sulle donne e sui bambini.
That young boy without a name
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/13 - 15:26
Song Itineraries: Child Abuse
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Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?

Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?
Album "Rise And Fall, Rage And Grace"

"Kristy is about sexual coercion/molestation and is based on a true story. When I was younger, I knew a girl that was abused. I don't know whether I am the first musician to write about this subject, because it is obviously very delicate and anything but easy to make a song about such a complex theme. I also think or hope that this song speaks to other victims and can help them to talk or come out about their problem"
(Da un'intervista al frontman degli Offpring, Dexter Holland, pubblicata da una rivista musicale tedesca)
There’s a moment in time
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/13 - 15:10
Song Itineraries: Child Abuse
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Hell Is For Children

Hell Is For Children
Album "Crimes of Passion"

"Hell Is for Children" came from an article that…I was living in New York when we wrote it and the New York Times did a series of articles about child abuse in America. I came from a really small town on Long Island and I had no idea that this existed, not in the little gingerbread place I came from. I was stunned. It affected me so much. I was moved by the articles. When ever that would happen I would write. I said to Neil [Giraldo, guitarist], ‘I want you to do something to the music that it sounds like pain. I want the intense pain that’s happening to these children in the notes,’ and so he did and it turned out just great. It became an anthem. I always wonder if other people have lofty intentions. I didn’t."
(Da un'intervista a Jeff Maisey)
They cry in the dark, so you can't see their tears
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/13 - 15:03
Song Itineraries: Child Abuse
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Album "Sex Mad"

Quando ero ggiovane e ancora vivevo la notte torinese, ero un fan di questo misconosciuto ma notevole gruppo canadese e, dopo un loro concerto (a El Paso occupato, credo), mi comprai questa maglietta che ancora oggi conservo religiosamente...
Mi pare che descriva bene il terribile contenuto di questa canzone: "forse è proprio il caso che me ne vada di casa..."

I want home, I was feeling so alone
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/13 - 14:39


Album "Tinderbox"

Una canzone che descrive in modo agghiacciante l'abuso sui bambini.

SIOUXSIE: " 'Candyman’ was trying to put across the unspeakability of child abuse, and again, trying not to sensationalise it, just coming up with a very strong picture of a character that was sickly sweet and oozing repulsiveness. The amount of people who’ve been abused is incredible, and it’s only lately that the subject’s been brought out into the open. The whole thing’s such a power trip, and you realise the victims must have been so in fear of saying anything - cos they’ve been told by the perpetrator that they’ll go to hell or something. " (Melody Maker 17/10/92)

CARRUTHERS: "Well, this is about child abusers. Certain people have suggested that it's also about drugs and drug-pushers, but it isn't really. Or at least it could be - Sioux's lyrics are always ambiguous. Even in Berlin where... (Continues)
Sickly sweet, his poison seeks
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/13 - 14:17
Song Itineraries: Child Abuse
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Storia di un pettirosso

Storia di un pettirosso
ho condiviso con folco sbaglio dei momenti bellissimi e conservo la sua amicizia e la sua musica in maniera maniacalmemnte amorevole.......

rebbo anzio 2009/8/12 - 22:09
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Caro amore

Caro amore
Ho sacrificato volentieri
Contributed by Donquijote82 2009/8/12 - 19:35
Song Itineraries: Anti War Love Songs
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El me gatt

El me gatt
Gli Apuamater interpretano il brano "el me gatt" di Ivan Della Mea. In compagnia di Paolo Ciarchi, Alessio Lega e Claudio Cormio.

2009/8/12 - 16:22

Lu tistamentu di Carnalivari

Lu tistamentu di Carnalivari
Testo di anonimo.
Musica di Carlo Muratori, dall'album "Dda'bbana a muntagna" del 1981.

"Lascio la testa al nobile, che gli serva da lampione
Il cervello lo lascio agli sbirri, che sono degli stupidi
... e la cavezza e il basto li lascio al padrone"
Lassu a testa a lu baruni
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/12 - 10:32
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Cold February

Cold February
Album: "Hard Rope & Silken Twine" (1974)
As I beside some winter's fire,
2009/8/12 - 10:10
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Li pirati a Palermu

Li pirati a Palermu
Una celebre poesia di Ignazio Buttitta alla quale Rosa Balistreri diede la melodia, credo, nel 1969. La canzone è inclusa nel primo cd dedicato a Rosa Balistreri realizzato nel 1996 dall'Associazione Cielozero attraverso l'etichetta discografica "Teatro del Sole". Si tratta sostanzialmente della ristampa dell'album originario dal titolo "La cantatrice del sud".
Arrivaru li navi
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/12 - 09:49
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Album “Canti e Incanti”

La canzone si riferisce probabilmente alle rivolte antiborboniche che infiammarono la Sicilia nel 1848. “Munti Pillirinu” è infatti il Monte Pellegrino, promontorio situato tra Palermo e Mondello. E proprio a Palermo, il 12 gennaio del 1848, Giuseppe La Masa e Ruggero Settimo guidarono con successo un’insurrezione popolare a seguito della quale fu insediato il primo parlamento siciliano. Il successivo 3 febbraio, anche Resuttano, in provincia di Caltanisetta, insorse. A Messina i soldati borbonici si asserragliarono nella cittadella e da lì bombardarono a lungo la città… Ma, in capo a un anno, i Borboni ripresero il potere spianando le città insorte a colpi di cannone, tant’è che il re Ferdinando fu soprannominato “Re Bomba”.
Poi venne Garibaldi, vennero nuove speranze e… l’ennesima “normalizzazione” in punta di fucile.
Guerra, c'è guerra
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/12 - 09:24
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Davide e Golia

Davide e Golia
grazie gen rosso per l'aiuto a non dimenticare "quelle miglia di persone uccise" per lo più studenti che chiedevano semplici cose
peter 2009/8/12 - 01:41
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Something's Got To Give

Something's Got To Give
Album "Check Your Head"

"Something's Got To Give is the 10th track on the album Check Your Head by American hip hop group the Beastie Boys, released on April 21, 1992.
Both the song and the video have a strong anti-war message, the video containing footage of bombs being dropped on a jungle, and the song containing lyrics alluding to the pacifist messages of both Buddhism and Christianity."

(fonte: en.wikipedia)
I wish for peace between the races
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 23:40
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Sound Of A Gun

Sound Of A Gun
Album "Revelations"
In the here and the now I'll wait down among the young and the old
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 23:30
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Tell Me Why

Tell Me Why
Album "When Angels & Serpents Dance"
A day with no glory
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 23:23

Don't Kill the Whale

Don't Kill the Whale
Singolo che poi è stato incluso nell'album "Tormato" e nel live "Yesshows" del 1980.
You're first I'm last
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 14:54
Song Itineraries: War against Animals
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Nein, meine Söhne geb' ich nicht!

Nein, meine Söhne geb' ich nicht!
Contributed by RAUL LASCANO 2009/8/11 - 13:30

Yours Is No Disgrace

Yours Is No Disgrace
Album “The Yes Album”

Sono i governi colpevoli delle guerre (e nello specifico si tratta di quella in Vietnam), non i popoli.
Yesterday a morning came, a smile upon your face.
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 11:24

Two Weeks From Twenty

Two Weeks From Twenty
Album “Lights And Sounds”

“During discussion of the track listing in Lights and Sounds, Yellowcard revealed that "Two Weeks from Twenty" stretched the "limits" for them and explained that it was a "jazz-lounge anti-war song”. The band also explained that the song is a narrative of a young soldier named Jimmy, from New Jersey, who is killed in the Iraq war”
(fonte: en.wikipedia)
Jimmy wasn't really popular
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 11:20

White as Snow

White as Snow
Album “No Line on the Horizon”

Testi: U2, Eno e Lanois
Musica: Tradizionale (O Come O Come Emmanuel), arrangiata da U2, Eno e Lanois

Gli ultimi pensieri di un soldato britannico, ferito mortalmente dall’esplosione di una mina durante un’operazione militare in Afghanistan. Il brano farà parte della colonna sonora del film di Jim Sheridan “Brothers”, in uscita nel prossimo dicembre.

Da un'intervista con Daniel Lanois: "Dopo una mia conversazione con Bono sui futuri inni o sprituals mi sono documentato. Ho trovato questo antico canto di chiesa 'O Come, O Come Emmanuel'. Non è identico ma è ispirato a questo."

"O come O come Emmanel" (cantato anche da Enya) è un canto natalizio risalente al 12° secolo (titolo orginale in latino: "Veni Veni Emmanuel")
Where I came from there were no hills at all
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 11:15
Song Itineraries: Poppie: an Antiwar flower?

Vicious Traditions

Vicious Traditions
Album “The Runaway Found”

“Absolutely great song. But it's clearly an anti-war song, and perhaps the best anti-war song, at that - due to the fact that it veers from being an insipid protest song and, instead, keeps it personal - personal regarding those affected by the war and the person who started the war. Just in case it didn't dawn on you yet, it's clearly about G..W. Bush and the Iraq war. Fight your way out of this one, W.”
Da Songmeanings
I'd pull my weight if it made any difference
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 11:12
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The Soldier

The Soldier
Words by PJ Harvey
Music by John Parish

Album “A Woman A Man Walked By” (PJ Harvey & John Parish)
I imagine a dream
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 11:10
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The Mountain

The Mountain
Album “White Chalk”
Above the mountain
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 11:03
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I'll Fight

I'll Fight
Album “Wilco (The Album)”

Canzone alla vita e all’amore, ma amara e disillusa, di un soldato che sa che annegherà nelle “war's waters”.
I’ll go, I’ll go, I’ll go
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 11:02
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Il riservista

Il riservista
Album “La musica dei popoli”

Brano finalista alla XIX Edizione (2008) del Musicultura Festival, già Premio Recanati.
Perso nella notte fredda di rugiada
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 11:00
Song Itineraries: Deserters
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Big Exit

Big Exit
Album “Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea”

Testo ripreso dal sito ufficiale della “ragazza con le mani più fredde e le labbra più calde che io conosca” (Nick Cave)
Look out ahead
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/11 - 10:51
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Addio mia bella addio

Addio mia bella addio
Da Il Deposito

Insieme a Brassens sono dell'opinione che, finché è possibile (sebbene ci siano state e ci sono, sì, situazioni esasperate) è meglio morire "pour des idées, d'accord, mais de mort lente". O quantomeno esser certi che l'estremo sacrificio non vada sprecato, e giovi in qualche modo veramente all'umanità…
Addio mia bella addio
Contributed by giorgio 2009/8/11 - 08:19
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Harry Patch (In Memory of)

Harry Patch (In Memory of)
2009/8/11 - 00:26

Une Autre Guerre

Une Autre Guerre
Une Autre Guerre
Canzone léviane – Une Autre Guerre – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2009
Cycle du Cahier ligné – 41
Une Autre Guerre est la quarante et unième chanson du Cycle du Cahier ligné, constitué d'éléments tirés du Quaderno a Cancelli de Carlo Levi.
La chanson parle de l'émigration comme d'une autre guerre ou d'un moment d'une guerre ou d'une forme de guerre. On ne saurait ignorer cet aspect de la vie du monde. L'Antiquité, les temps modernes et presque contemporains avaient leurs émigrés; on les nommait, pour certains d'entre eux - une masse considérable de gens - des esclaves; quand l'esclavage fut considéré comme infamant et banni des bonnes manières civilisées, d'autres gens ainsi exilés, et c'était la transition, furent nommés des migrants. En somme, pour une grande part d'entre eux, c'étaient des esclaves modernes et en apparence au moins pour certains d'entre eux,... (Continues)
Le frère de Lucia est en Argentine
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/8/10 - 23:04
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It's A Hard Life Wherever You Go

It's A Hard Life Wherever You Go
I am a backseat driver from America
2009/8/10 - 17:24
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O poveri soldati

O poveri soldati
Il testo riportato e inciso nel 1978 da S. Landini e M. Landini in Canti popolari della provincia di Pistoia [edizione discografica e testi]. Proveniente da Rivoreta [Cutigliano, PT].
Contributed by giorgio 2009/8/10 - 08:05
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Oro nero

Oro nero
Chanson italienne – Oro Nero - Talco
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/8/9 - 21:58
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La sto ascoltando
Alberto 2009/8/9 - 12:25
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Version française – OCCIDENT – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2009
Chanson italienne – Occidente – Rein – mars 2006
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/8/8 - 22:04
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Il deserto di Piero

Il deserto di Piero
Chanson italienne – Il deserto di Piero - Rein

Communiqué de presse du 17 juin 2009
La tournée de présentation du double disque de Rein « Occidente » se poursuit à un rythme serré dans toute la péninsule. Les nombreuses étapes prévues traversent la péninsule en long et large, de Trente à Syracuse, de Lecce à Venise.

Après avoir vendu presque deux mille exemplaires en quelques mois, tout en ayant donné immédiatement le téléchargement gratuit de tous les morceaux, l'utilisation des licences Creative Commons et la rupture avec la SIAE (Société Italienne Auteurs et Éditeurs), « Occicente » continue son chemin de la manière la plus directe : celle du Spectacle Vivant (Live Show). La tournée, qui concerne une bonne part des régions italiennes, avance forte d'un fort changement de formation – qui atteint le nombre de huit éléments – en fonction de l'orientation plus énergique et plus participative... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/8/8 - 12:06
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Version française – GÊNES – Marco Valdo M.I. – 2009
Chanson italienne – Genova – Rein – Septembre 2001 – Mars 2008
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/8/7 - 16:32
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E adesso ammazzateci tutti

E adesso ammazzateci tutti
Chanson italienne - E adesso ammazzateci tutti – Pino Barillà

Chanson contre la Mafia. Son titre se réfère à la banderole (et à l'association qui est née ensuite) écrite par les gars de Locri aux manifestations pour la mort de Francesco Fortugno.
Francesco Fortugno était médecin de son état; il fut assassiné le 16 octobre 2005 à Locri (Calabre); son élection au poste de vice-président de la région mettait en danger de gros intérêts mafieux dans le domaine de la Santé publique. Il fut éliminé pour faire place à un politicien aux accointances mafieuses. « Un omicidio politico eseguito dalla ‘Ndrangheta – Un homicide politique exécuté par la ‘Ndrangheta. »
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/8/5 - 23:34

La stirpe degli eroi

La stirpe degli eroi
Chanson italienne – La Sirpe degli Eroi – Nanni Svampa – 1970

À Tournai, on était évêques de père en fils. À Rome, on fut papes en famille. Mais c'était en des temps assez éloignés, dit Marco Valdo M.I.

En effet, dit Lucien l'âne venu de l'Antiquité, je m'en souviens fort bien. D'ailleurs, je le tiens d'une mule qui, sorte de haquenée blanche, servait de Papamobile du temps de Jules. Elle avait connu successivement le grand oncle, l'oncle, le père, le fils et le neveu... Toute une famille de cardinaux et de papes. Considère cependant ceci, que les mules et par conséquent, les ânes aussi, vivaient plus longtemps que les papes. Sinon, elle ne les aurait pas tous connus. Faut dire que si on empoisonnait les Augustes, on laissait tranquilles les mules. Cela dit, où veux-tu en venir ?

À la chanson du jour et à ce qu'elle raconte... Une histoire de père et fils fascistes l'un et l'autre. En... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2009/8/5 - 22:27

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